In this workshop, we discussed the European legal framework for data privacy and processing personal data (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR). The workshop helped participants understand how their research is affected by the GDPR and what issues to pay attention to. The workshop began with a general introduction to the topics of data protection and the processing of personal data in the context of research, education and cultural heritage to summarize the pertinent articles of the GDPR. We then moved on to speak about the most common scenarios in which humanities' and social sciences' researchers encounter data protection issues. Examples of this included surveys, interviews and other research activities involving human participants, but also common academic scenarios like communication (mailing- lists, newsletters) and events (e.g. regarding picture and video recordings). Because researchers have to obtain legal consent from their participants in order to comply with the GDPR for many of their activities, the DARIAH working group ELDAH (Ethics and Legality in Digital Arts and Humanities) has developed a tool that provides standardized consent form templates for obtaining legal consent from human participants: The DARIAH ELDAH Consent Form Wizard (CFW). The CFW enables digital scholars and the wider research infrastructure community to quickly and easily obtain a standardized consent form that is legally valid in all of the European Union. The workshop participants were introduced to this tool and got a chance to test it by applying it to their own research practices. They used the tool to download templates to obtain research participants’ consent ; these templates can be adjusted to their specific needs in a few simple steps. Workshop participants had also a chance to give feedback on the CFW: to point out elements that are missing and suggest additional consent scenarios.
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Analysen der Computational Literary Studies (CLS) vorverarbeiten ihre Untersuchungsgegenstände typischerweise mit Tools des Natural Language Processing (NLP). Dabei weichen literarische Texte aufgrund ihrer historischen und/oder ästhetischen Eigenart teils eklatant von den Daten ab, auf deren Grundlage die Models der NLP-Tools erstellt wurden, entsprechend sinkt die Accuracy der Tools. Für die CLS könnte die 'Fehlerhaftigkeit' der Tools im Sinne devianzpoetischer Positionen die Möglichkeit bieten, ein computationelles Verständnis vom spezifischen Abweichungscharakter literarischer Texte zu auszubilden. Für den Beitrag haben wir eine Pipeline zur Verarbeitung von Lyrik entwickelt, die potenzielle 'Fehler' von NLP-Tools sammelt und diese 'Fehler' regelbasiert typologisiert. Die Ergebnisse eines ersten Experiments mit dieser Pipeline werden im Beitrag vorgestellt. Damit möchten wir für die CLS auch exemplarisch den Ansatz des "Tool Misuse" profilieren, bei dem die Erzeugung von 'fehlerhaftem' Output computationeller Tools Grundlage für Erkenntnisse über Literatur wird. Ein Beitrag zur 8. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" - DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses.
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Predstavljanje DARIAH-ERIC konzorcija.
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These documents contain a number of auxiliary materials for the CHIIR 2020 paper A Workflow Analysis Perspective to Scholarly Research Tasks Marijn Koolen, Sanna Kumpulainen, Liliana Melgar-Estrada Published in: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR '20), March 14--18, 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada. The paper analyses the workflows of two research projects in the domain of Digital Humanities. The analysis is based on coded interviews for two project collaborators for each project. There are three types of auxiliary materials: Interview guide for interviewing research project collaborators of the two projects analysed in the paper (see pages 2-3 of this PDF). Codebook for coding research activities of the analysed research projects. This is based on the NeDiMAH Methods Ontology (NeMO), extended with a few activities that have no equivalent in NeMO (pages 4-6). Full workflow diagrams of both research projects, RP1 (page 7) and RP2 (page8). Please see the paper for descriptions of the projects. This work is partially funded by CLARIAH, a project on the National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Facilities of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and by Academy of Finland grant number 326616.
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The subject “Science and Technology in the First World War” has so far been treated from the perspective on inventions and the development of new weapons, and often the focus has been on the topic of chemical warfare at the expense of other important dimensions. The approach of this Archival Research Guide, by contrast, comes from the social sciences and focuses on the establishment of relevant scientific, military and governmental bodies and on the personal networks established during the war. By examining these institutions and networks country by country, comparisons between them can be drawn, enabling further research with regard to the sociology of institutions. By pointing to the connections and channels of exchange between the nations and institutions under consideration, this approach opens up a transnational perspective and supports the paradoxal insight that transnational ties can dissolve national obstacles while simultaneously strengthening the nation-states themselves. On the individual level, the ARG takes the role of intellectuals into account, for whom scientific objectivity / neutrality and patriotic commitment seemed to have been no contradiction. It is remarkable that the First World War led to the establishment of several institutions aiming at funding science through the state, most notably in the case of France (CNRS), the U.S. (NACA/NASA) and Russia (KEPS). CENDARI Archival Research Guide
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The paper describes objectives, concept and methodology for ELEXIS, a European infrastructure fostering cooperation and information exchange among lexicographical research communities. The infrastructure is a newly granted project under the Horizon 2020 INFRAIA call, with the topic Integrating Activities for Starting Communities. The project is planned to start in January 2018
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The CLARIN Language Resource Switchboard (LRS or Switchboard) serves as an established and valuable asset to provide the user with tools and services for their research data. Apart from looking at an already existing set of research data, moreover, many users would like to search for tools and services from the angle of the research method, a certain technology, interoperability or even just a research question, which calls for the SSH Open Marketplace (MP). The MP not only strives to provide individual items (tools, research data, tutorials, software) to the searching and browsing user, but first and foremost context. Contextualized items in the MP allow for a search serendipity which contributes substantially to the service experience. The LRS promises to be a suitable means to convey such serendipity. For this purpose, the following document outlines possible user stories in favor of its integration into the MP. Beyond the LRS-MP relation the document also considers scenarios for the relation of both components to the CLARIN Virtual Collection Registry (VCR). The VCR allows the user to create individual and persistent collections including records from a broad range of sources. Such sources may be repositories exposing research data (the common VCR use case= ’bibliography of research datasets’), but possibly also from other sources such as the MP. The overarching goal of the activity in T3.6 is to achieve - wherever useful and technically possible - an integration between CLARIN and DARIAH components, being developed and extended under the SSHOC umbrella. This includes especially the MP, the VCR and LRS. The DARIAH research infrastructure plays an important role in this regard, although this document focuses on the CLARIN LRS and CLARIN VCR as well as the MP. NOTE: Addendum to this document is available on Zenodo.
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In this workshop, we discussed the European legal framework for data privacy and processing personal data (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR). The workshop helped participants understand how their research is affected by the GDPR and what issues to pay attention to. The workshop began with a general introduction to the topics of data protection and the processing of personal data in the context of research, education and cultural heritage to summarize the pertinent articles of the GDPR. We then moved on to speak about the most common scenarios in which humanities' and social sciences' researchers encounter data protection issues. Examples of this included surveys, interviews and other research activities involving human participants, but also common academic scenarios like communication (mailing- lists, newsletters) and events (e.g. regarding picture and video recordings). Because researchers have to obtain legal consent from their participants in order to comply with the GDPR for many of their activities, the DARIAH working group ELDAH (Ethics and Legality in Digital Arts and Humanities) has developed a tool that provides standardized consent form templates for obtaining legal consent from human participants: The DARIAH ELDAH Consent Form Wizard (CFW). The CFW enables digital scholars and the wider research infrastructure community to quickly and easily obtain a standardized consent form that is legally valid in all of the European Union. The workshop participants were introduced to this tool and got a chance to test it by applying it to their own research practices. They used the tool to download templates to obtain research participants’ consent ; these templates can be adjusted to their specific needs in a few simple steps. Workshop participants had also a chance to give feedback on the CFW: to point out elements that are missing and suggest additional consent scenarios.
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Analysen der Computational Literary Studies (CLS) vorverarbeiten ihre Untersuchungsgegenstände typischerweise mit Tools des Natural Language Processing (NLP). Dabei weichen literarische Texte aufgrund ihrer historischen und/oder ästhetischen Eigenart teils eklatant von den Daten ab, auf deren Grundlage die Models der NLP-Tools erstellt wurden, entsprechend sinkt die Accuracy der Tools. Für die CLS könnte die 'Fehlerhaftigkeit' der Tools im Sinne devianzpoetischer Positionen die Möglichkeit bieten, ein computationelles Verständnis vom spezifischen Abweichungscharakter literarischer Texte zu auszubilden. Für den Beitrag haben wir eine Pipeline zur Verarbeitung von Lyrik entwickelt, die potenzielle 'Fehler' von NLP-Tools sammelt und diese 'Fehler' regelbasiert typologisiert. Die Ergebnisse eines ersten Experiments mit dieser Pipeline werden im Beitrag vorgestellt. Damit möchten wir für die CLS auch exemplarisch den Ansatz des "Tool Misuse" profilieren, bei dem die Erzeugung von 'fehlerhaftem' Output computationeller Tools Grundlage für Erkenntnisse über Literatur wird. Ein Beitrag zur 8. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" - DHd 2022 Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses.
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Predstavljanje DARIAH-ERIC konzorcija.
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These documents contain a number of auxiliary materials for the CHIIR 2020 paper A Workflow Analysis Perspective to Scholarly Research Tasks Marijn Koolen, Sanna Kumpulainen, Liliana Melgar-Estrada Published in: Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR '20), March 14--18, 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canada. The paper analyses the workflows of two research projects in the domain of Digital Humanities. The analysis is based on coded interviews for two project collaborators for each project. There are three types of auxiliary materials: Interview guide for interviewing research project collaborators of the two projects analysed in the paper (see pages 2-3 of this PDF). Codebook for coding research activities of the analysed research projects. This is based on the NeDiMAH Methods Ontology (NeMO), extended with a few activities that have no equivalent in NeMO (pages 4-6). Full workflow diagrams of both research projects, RP1 (page 7) and RP2 (page8). Please see the paper for descriptions of the projects. This work is partially funded by CLARIAH, a project on the National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Facilities of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and by Academy of Finland grant number 326616.
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citations | 1 | |
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The subject “Science and Technology in the First World War” has so far been treated from the perspective on inventions and the development of new weapons, and often the focus has been on the topic of chemical warfare at the expense of other important dimensions. The approach of this Archival Research Guide, by contrast, comes from the social sciences and focuses on the establishment of relevant scientific, military and governmental bodies and on the personal networks established during the war. By examining these institutions and networks country by country, comparisons between them can be drawn, enabling further research with regard to the sociology of institutions. By pointing to the connections and channels of exchange between the nations and institutions under consideration, this approach opens up a transnational perspective and supports the paradoxal insight that transnational ties can dissolve national obstacles while simultaneously strengthening the nation-states themselves. On the individual level, the ARG takes the role of intellectuals into account, for whom scientific objectivity / neutrality and patriotic commitment seemed to have been no contradiction. It is remarkable that the First World War led to the establishment of several institutions aiming at funding science through the state, most notably in the case of France (CNRS), the U.S. (NACA/NASA) and Russia (KEPS). CENDARI Archival Research Guide
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