L’objectif de cet article est d’inciter les lecteur(e)s à réfléchir sur l’art d’enseigner et à la manière de soutenir la pratique inventive. Les lecteur(e)s sont invités dans une salle de classe et immergés dans une journée d’apprentissage avec des enfants de 11 et 12 ans. The purpose of this paper is to engage readers in thinking about the art of teaching and how to support inventive practice. Readers are invited into a classroom and immersed in a day of learning with 11 and 12-year-olds.
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doi: 10.25316/ir-3494
handle: 10613/9012
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CERN-LHC. This paper presents for the first time a precise measurement of the production properties of the $Z$ boson in the full phase space of the decay leptons. This is in contrast to the many previous precise unfolded measurements performed in the fiducial phase space of the decay leptons. The measurement is obtained from proton--proton collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment in 2012 at $\sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV at the LHC and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb$^{-1}$. The results, based on a total of 15.3 million $Z$-boson decays to electron and muon pairs, extend and improve a previous measurement of the full set of angular coefficients describing $Z$-boson decay. The double-differential cross-section distributions in $Z$-boson transverse momentum $p_T$ and rapidity $y$ are measured in the pole region, defined as $80 < m_{\ell\ell} < 100$ GeV, over the range $|y| < 3.6$. The total uncertainty of the normalised cross-section measurements in the peak region of the $p_T$ distribution is dominated by statistical uncertainties over the full range and increases as a function of rapidity from $0.5-1.0$% for $|y| < 2.0$ to $2-7$% at higher rapidities. The results for the rapidity-dependent transverse momentum distributions are compared to state-of-the-art QCD predictions, which combine in the best cases approximate N$^4$LL resummation with N$^3$LO fixed-order perturbative calculations. The differential rapidity distributions integrated over $p_T$ are even more precise, with accuracies from $0.2-0.3$% for $|y| < 2.0$ to $0.4-0.9$% at higher rapidities, and are compared to fixed-order QCD predictions using the most recent parton distribution functions. The agreement between data and predictions is quite good in most cases. Correlation for $p_T$ cross section between 2.8 < |y| < 3.6 and 1.6 < |y| < 2.0
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Background Sex work criminalization and occupational stigma pose barriers to sex workers' access to support services, including community participation — engagement with sex work specific community organizing at both formalized and grassroots capacities. In light of gaps in evidence regarding impacts of community participation on sex workers' occupational health in higher-income settings, we evaluated engagement in community participation and associations with occupational sexual health outcomes among sex workers in Vancouver, Canada.Methods Prospective data from a community-based cohort of 943 women sex workers in Vancouver, British Columbia (2010–2019). We used logistic regression with generalised estimating equations (GEE) to model correlates of community participation, and a confounder modeling approach to examine the association of community participation on sexually transmitted infection (STI) seropositivity.Results Among participants, 38.1% were Indigenous, 31.4% identified as women of colour (e.g., East Asian, Southeast Asian, Black) and 29.3% were im/migrants to Canada. Over a quarter (28.3%, n = 267) serviced in informal indoor spaces, while 38.0% (n = 358) serviced clients in outdoor/public and 31.4% (n = 296) in formal in-call spaces. 8.9% of participants reported sex work community participation at least once over the 9-year study. In multivariable GEE analysis, Indigenous (adjusted odds ratio(aOR) 1.71, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.88–3.32) and trans women (aOR 4.69, 95%CI 2.43–9.06) had higher odds of community participation; women of colour had lower odds (aOR 0.18, 95%CI 0.06–0.57). In a multivariable GEE confounder model, community participation was independently associated with lower odds of STI seropositivity (aOR 0.66, 95% CI0.45–0.96).Conclusion Sex workers who engaged in sex work community participation faced reduced odds of STI seropositivity. Building off reserach evaluating community interventions in low and middle income contexts, our study provides some of the first quantitative evidence on community participation among sex workers in Canada, and is the first to examine this in relation to sexual health outcomes. This research demonstrates the need to scale up community participation access for sex workers, via linguistically diverse community spaces, anti-stigma initiatives, and decriminalization to reduce barriers faced by racialized sex workers and support occupational health and rights for all sex workers.
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doi: 10.25316/ir-3395
handle: 10613/8909
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Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (MFN-CAHR) and the Manitoba Network Environment of Aboriginal Health Research (NEAHR)
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doi: 10.25316/ir-12871
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doi: 10.25316/ir-14478
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L’objectif de cet article est d’inciter les lecteur(e)s à réfléchir sur l’art d’enseigner et à la manière de soutenir la pratique inventive. Les lecteur(e)s sont invités dans une salle de classe et immergés dans une journée d’apprentissage avec des enfants de 11 et 12 ans. The purpose of this paper is to engage readers in thinking about the art of teaching and how to support inventive practice. Readers are invited into a classroom and immersed in a day of learning with 11 and 12-year-olds.
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doi: 10.25316/ir-3494
handle: 10613/9012
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CERN-LHC. This paper presents for the first time a precise measurement of the production properties of the $Z$ boson in the full phase space of the decay leptons. This is in contrast to the many previous precise unfolded measurements performed in the fiducial phase space of the decay leptons. The measurement is obtained from proton--proton collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment in 2012 at $\sqrt{s} = 8$ TeV at the LHC and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.2 fb$^{-1}$. The results, based on a total of 15.3 million $Z$-boson decays to electron and muon pairs, extend and improve a previous measurement of the full set of angular coefficients describing $Z$-boson decay. The double-differential cross-section distributions in $Z$-boson transverse momentum $p_T$ and rapidity $y$ are measured in the pole region, defined as $80 < m_{\ell\ell} < 100$ GeV, over the range $|y| < 3.6$. The total uncertainty of the normalised cross-section measurements in the peak region of the $p_T$ distribution is dominated by statistical uncertainties over the full range and increases as a function of rapidity from $0.5-1.0$% for $|y| < 2.0$ to $2-7$% at higher rapidities. The results for the rapidity-dependent transverse momentum distributions are compared to state-of-the-art QCD predictions, which combine in the best cases approximate N$^4$LL resummation with N$^3$LO fixed-order perturbative calculations. The differential rapidity distributions integrated over $p_T$ are even more precise, with accuracies from $0.2-0.3$% for $|y| < 2.0$ to $0.4-0.9$% at higher rapidities, and are compared to fixed-order QCD predictions using the most recent parton distribution functions. The agreement between data and predictions is quite good in most cases. Correlation for $p_T$ cross section between 2.8 < |y| < 3.6 and 1.6 < |y| < 2.0
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Background Sex work criminalization and occupational stigma pose barriers to sex workers' access to support services, including community participation — engagement with sex work specific community organizing at both formalized and grassroots capacities. In light of gaps in evidence regarding impacts of community participation on sex workers' occupational health in higher-income settings, we evaluated engagement in community participation and associations with occupational sexual health outcomes among sex workers in Vancouver, Canada.Methods Prospective data from a community-based cohort of 943 women sex workers in Vancouver, British Columbia (2010–2019). We used logistic regression with generalised estimating equations (GEE) to model correlates of community participation, and a confounder modeling approach to examine the association of community participation on sexually transmitted infection (STI) seropositivity.Results Among participants, 38.1% were Indigenous, 31.4% identified as women of colour (e.g., East Asian, Southeast Asian, Black) and 29.3% were im/migrants to Canada. Over a quarter (28.3%, n = 267) serviced in informal indoor spaces, while 38.0% (n = 358) serviced clients in outdoor/public and 31.4% (n = 296) in formal in-call spaces. 8.9% of participants reported sex work community participation at least once over the 9-year study. In multivariable GEE analysis, Indigenous (adjusted odds ratio(aOR) 1.71, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.88–3.32) and trans women (aOR 4.69, 95%CI 2.43–9.06) had higher odds of community participation; women of colour had lower odds (aOR 0.18, 95%CI 0.06–0.57). In a multivariable GEE confounder model, community participation was independently associated with lower odds of STI seropositivity (aOR 0.66, 95% CI0.45–0.96).Conclusion Sex workers who engaged in sex work community participation faced reduced odds of STI seropositivity. Building off reserach evaluating community interventions in low and middle income contexts, our study provides some of the first quantitative evidence on community participation among sex workers in Canada, and is the first to examine this in relation to sexual health outcomes. This research demonstrates the need to scale up community participation access for sex workers, via linguistically diverse community spaces, anti-stigma initiatives, and decriminalization to reduce barriers faced by racialized sex workers and support occupational health and rights for all sex workers.
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doi: 10.25316/ir-3395
handle: 10613/8909
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Manitoba First Nations Centre for Aboriginal Health Research (MFN-CAHR) and the Manitoba Network Environment of Aboriginal Health Research (NEAHR)
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