handle: 10261/351739
El proyecto XSCAPE, financiado con fondos europeos, reúne a un equipo de arqueólogos, científicos de la visión y filósofos cognitivos para explorar si los mundos que construimos alteran nuestra propia mente y la forma en que procesamos la información. El equipo financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación estudia si nuestros edificios, carreteras y artefactos cambian los patrones de pensamiento y atención. El equipo del proyecto, que tiene previsto realizar una serie de más de cuarenta estudios de casos globales, utiliza un conjunto de materiales —de diferentes culturas y entornos antiguos y nuevos— para explorar los cambios cognitivos impulsados por la materialidad. XSCAPE utiliza una nueva metodología sinérgica que combina múltiples estudios de casos del mundo real con la neurociencia visual más reciente y simulaciones simples basadas en agentes. Narradora: Regina Zaghi-Lara; Miembros del equipo XSCAPE: Arturo José Valiño, Alba Fernández-Pestonit; Fotografías: María Silva-Gago, Regina Zaghi-Lara; Realización y edición de vídeo: Rubén Vuelta-Santín; Dirección y guión: Regina Zaghi-Lara; Corrección de guion y supervisión: Alba Fernández-Pestonit, Márcia L Hattori. Peer reviewed
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Soutenu par la chaire Arvernes 2.0 de la Fondation de l'Université Clermont Auvergne, le programme de recherche « Les vestiges antiques du Mont-Dore » vise à documenter le complexe monumental gallo-romain (thermes et temple) du Mont-Dore (Puy-de-Dôme) et à le contextualiser. Mené par une équipe pluridisciplinaire, il se déroule sur la plusieurs années. Au terme de la première année de recherche, 2020, les archéologues Elise Nectoux, Dominique Tardy et Bertrand Dousteyssier, le géologue Pierre Boivin, le géomatien Jonathan Boiné et le sculpteur-tailleur de pierre Yves Connier présentent ce projet et les actions déjà entreprises.
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Interview of Sir Keith Thomas - on his life and work
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As a test for the possible film series, Alan Macfarlane and Mark Turin discuss the role and effects of glass in history.
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doi: 10.24384/14py-z271
The beautiful focus of this film is a quilt made in c.1890 in Swaledale and its journey through the generations of a family and on to the Quilters’ Guild collection in the early twenty-first century. It conveys how textiles hold powerful emotions for their makers and the relatives who have inherited them, and communicates the pleasures of hand quilting in the past and today. It also shows how inherited objects offer insights into our history, reflecting on the way inherited quilts provide insights into changing regional patterns of women’s work and lives. With Deborah McGuire and Joanne Begiato.
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doi: 10.17863/cam.110385
This video is about the embroidery of the Torghuts in Khar Us. Making traditional dress and embroidery were essential skills for Torghut females, transforming their everyday attire into gorgeous ritual costumes in the past. As a bridge between tradition and the present, she claims to have provided all the material necessities that a mother should do for her children. She explained that she invested most of her time in embroidering traditional objects as elegantly as possible for her children, even though they do not appreciate it as much as she did. In addition to this, she has also made various objects for other purposes. In 2014, she made 20 saddlebags with Torghut embroideries and presented them as a gift to the Mongolians of the Bulgan province in Mongolia. In her understanding, although her children are not keen to inherit this tradition from her, she is attempting to make as many things as possible and pass them down to her children and grandchildren. Given that they are increasingly distancing themselves from their traditional roots, she hopes that one day in the future, they will understand their rich cultural heritage through seeing her handmade objects.
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A panel in Cambridge on 'Personal Histories in Archaeological Theory and Method' chaired by Dr. Kate Pretty
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handle: 10261/150929
[EN] Speaker: Gail Higginbottom (The Australian National University). There are hundreds of free-standing stone monuments in western Scotland and no-one really understands how they were used or why they were built. My project uncovers something about the interactions between the builders and their monuments by investigating the reasons behind the locational choices for the monuments. This talk will explain some of the background, methods and outcomes of the evidence-based, interdisciplinary investigations done in Scotland and show how all the monuments together form an expression of communal belief systems across geographical areas & explain something of what these systems might be. The immediacy and striking nature of the land and sky–scapes, helps point to the possible essential nature of both the individual’s experience and the community’s understanding of their world in Scotland. I shall then suggest how these approaches, combined with others so far missing from the Scottish project, would assist in the research of megalithic monuments of Galacia. In particular, how creating a comparative project, might enable us to assess whether or not understandings and values associated with the creation of megalithic monuments were shared between previous and current cultures in different regions across Europe. [ES] Ponente: Gail Higginbottom (The Australian National University). Hay cientos de monumentos de piedra aislados en Escocia occidental y nadie realmente entiende cómo fueron usados o por qué fueron construidos. En esta charla se explican algunos de los antecedentes, métodos y resultados de las investigaciones realizados en Escocia y se muestra cómo todos los monumentos juntos forman una expresión de creencias comunes a través de áreas geográficas y se explica lo que podrían ser estos sistemas. La inmediatez y la impresionante naturaleza de la tierra y el cielo ayudan a indicar la posible naturaleza esencial tanto de la experiencia del individuo como de la comprensión de la comunidad en Escocia. Se sugiere cómo estos enfoques, junto con otros que hasta ahora faltan en el proyecto escocés, ayudarían en la investigación de monumentos megalíticos de Galicia. En particular, se plantea cómo se podría crear un proyecto comparativo que permitiría evaluar si los conceptos y valores asociados con la creación de monumentos megalíticos fueron compartidos entre las culturas anteriores y actuales en las distintas regiones en toda Europa. No
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doi: 10.17863/cam.44684
Bembya says that some temples in Kalmykia had Tibetan architectural influence. In Kalmykia, in one of the villages there stood a temple that resembled the mandala of Vajrabhairava. Many Kalmyk temples had symmetrical walls which is also known among other Mongolian groups. Kalmyks also had temples that had Russian influence. An example is the Khosheutovsky Temple, built in the likeness of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. There were also temples that had mixed architecture, i.e. Tibetan-Mongolian or Tibetan-Oirat, although Kalmyks did not have temples with Chinese architectural influence. Sponsored by Arcadia Fund, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin
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handle: 10261/351739
El proyecto XSCAPE, financiado con fondos europeos, reúne a un equipo de arqueólogos, científicos de la visión y filósofos cognitivos para explorar si los mundos que construimos alteran nuestra propia mente y la forma en que procesamos la información. El equipo financiado por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación estudia si nuestros edificios, carreteras y artefactos cambian los patrones de pensamiento y atención. El equipo del proyecto, que tiene previsto realizar una serie de más de cuarenta estudios de casos globales, utiliza un conjunto de materiales —de diferentes culturas y entornos antiguos y nuevos— para explorar los cambios cognitivos impulsados por la materialidad. XSCAPE utiliza una nueva metodología sinérgica que combina múltiples estudios de casos del mundo real con la neurociencia visual más reciente y simulaciones simples basadas en agentes. Narradora: Regina Zaghi-Lara; Miembros del equipo XSCAPE: Arturo José Valiño, Alba Fernández-Pestonit; Fotografías: María Silva-Gago, Regina Zaghi-Lara; Realización y edición de vídeo: Rubén Vuelta-Santín; Dirección y guión: Regina Zaghi-Lara; Corrección de guion y supervisión: Alba Fernández-Pestonit, Márcia L Hattori. Peer reviewed
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Soutenu par la chaire Arvernes 2.0 de la Fondation de l'Université Clermont Auvergne, le programme de recherche « Les vestiges antiques du Mont-Dore » vise à documenter le complexe monumental gallo-romain (thermes et temple) du Mont-Dore (Puy-de-Dôme) et à le contextualiser. Mené par une équipe pluridisciplinaire, il se déroule sur la plusieurs années. Au terme de la première année de recherche, 2020, les archéologues Elise Nectoux, Dominique Tardy et Bertrand Dousteyssier, le géologue Pierre Boivin, le géomatien Jonathan Boiné et le sculpteur-tailleur de pierre Yves Connier présentent ce projet et les actions déjà entreprises.
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Interview of Sir Keith Thomas - on his life and work
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As a test for the possible film series, Alan Macfarlane and Mark Turin discuss the role and effects of glass in history.
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doi: 10.24384/14py-z271
The beautiful focus of this film is a quilt made in c.1890 in Swaledale and its journey through the generations of a family and on to the Quilters’ Guild collection in the early twenty-first century. It conveys how textiles hold powerful emotions for their makers and the relatives who have inherited them, and communicates the pleasures of hand quilting in the past and today. It also shows how inherited objects offer insights into our history, reflecting on the way inherited quilts provide insights into changing regional patterns of women’s work and lives. With Deborah McGuire and Joanne Begiato.
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doi: 10.17863/cam.110385
This video is about the embroidery of the Torghuts in Khar Us. Making traditional dress and embroidery were essential skills for Torghut females, transforming their everyday attire into gorgeous ritual costumes in the past. As a bridge between tradition and the present, she claims to have provided all the material necessities that a mother should do for her children. She explained that she invested most of her time in embroidering traditional objects as elegantly as possible for her children, even though they do not appreciate it as much as she did. In addition to this, she has also made various objects for other purposes. In 2014, she made 20 saddlebags with Torghut embroideries and presented them as a gift to the Mongolians of the Bulgan province in Mongolia. In her understanding, although her children are not keen to inherit this tradition from her, she is attempting to make as many things as possible and pass them down to her children and grandchildren. Given that they are increasingly distancing themselves from their traditional roots, she hopes that one day in the future, they will understand their rich cultural heritage through seeing her handmade objects.
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A panel in Cambridge on 'Personal Histories in Archaeological Theory and Method' chaired by Dr. Kate Pretty