Disclaimer: These datasets were generated during the course of academic research conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, which received ethics approval by The Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong ��� New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee and/or the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster of the Hospital Authority. They are published for further advancement of medical research in full compliance with University Regulations and Policy on Dataset Deposit and Sharing. For additional information: https://libguides.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/RDM/dataset_deposit The use of these datasets should provide acknowledgements of such efforts by citing this DOI. Data set on heart failure due to different causes
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Data set from Moons P, Luyckx K, Kovacs AH, Holbein CE, Thomet C, Budts W, Enomoto J, Sluman MA, Yang HL, Jackson JL, Khairy P, Cook SC, Chidambarathanu S, Alday L, Eriksen K, Dellborg M, Berghammer M, Johansson B, Mackie AS, Menahem S, Caruana M, Veldtman G, Soufi A, Fernandes SM, White K, Callus E, Kutty S, Apers S; APPROACH-IS Consortium and the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD). Prevalence and Effects of Cigarette Smoking, Cannabis Consumption, and Co-use in Adults From 15 Countries With Congenital Heart Disease. Can J Cardiol. 2019 Dec;35(12):1842-1850. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2019.07.635. Epub 2019 Aug 14. PMID: 31813510. This is the abstract: Background: The prevalence and effects of cigarette smoking and cannabis use in persons with congenital heart disease (CHD) are poorly understood. We (1) described the prevalence of cigarette smoking, cannabis consumption, and co-use in adults with CHD; (2) investigated intercountry differences; (3) tested the relative effects on physical functioning, mental health, and quality of life (QOL); and (4) quantified the differential effect of cigarette smoking, cannabis use, or co-use on those outcomes. Methods: APPROACH-IS was a cross-sectional study, including 4028 adults with CHD from 15 countries. Patients completed questionnaires to measure physical functioning, mental health, and QOL. Smoking status and cannabis use were assessed by means of the Health Behaviour Scale-Congenital Heart Disease. Linear models with doubly robust estimations were computed after groups were balanced with the use of propensity weighting. Results: Overall, 14% of men and 11% of women smoked cigarettes only; 8% of men and 4% of women consumed cannabis only; and 4% of men and 1% of women used both substances. Large intercountry variations were observed, with Switzerland having the highest prevalence for smoking cigarettes (24% of men, 19% of women) and Canada the highest for cannabis use (19% of men, 4% of women). Cigarette smoking had a small negative effect on patient-reported outcomes, and the effect of cannabis was negligible. The effect of co-use was more prominent, with a moderate negative effect on mental health. Conclusions: We found significant intercountry variability in cigarette and cannabis use in adults with CHD. Co-use has the most detrimental effects on patient-reported outcomes.
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This dataset contains 7 audio recordings (6 items) on the subject of Christian conversions to Islam in Egypt during the 1990s. Interviews in this dataset are conducted in English and Arabic. All summaries are rendered in English.
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Development of a tool to measure teaching efficacy in teaching patient-centered general practice Date Submitted: 2022-02-19 Dr.
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This dataset was used to generate a simulated Total Electron Content (TEC) distribution due to the Fountain Effect in equatorial and low-latitude regions. It is in Figure 6 from the article "Ground-Based Augmentation System Operation in Low Latitudes - Part 2: Space Weather, Ionospheric Behavior and Challenges" currently in press by the Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management (JATM). The same dataset also contains a TEC map over Brazil and station-pair ionospheric gradients measured from two stations in S��o Jos�� dos Campos/SP Brazil. Both data are from the night between November 21 and 22, 2014, and are part of Figure 10 of the same article cited above.
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Main articles on policosannol yield, by material sources and extraction methods (saponification, transesterification, solvent extraction, supercritical CO2 extraction and ultrasonic extraction). Work conducted during a scholarship supported by the Institutional Sandwich Doctorate Program Abroad (PDSE) at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Brazil, and University of Valladolid (UVA), Palencia, Spanish. Acknowledgment: To the University of Valladolid for receiving us, support and training. To MsC D. Kouloukoui, MsC F. Santos, MsC D. Silva and Me. S. Talabante for technical advice. Funding: This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior - Brasil (Capes) - Finance Code 001.
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EmERGE - WP3 Lisbon data
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Covid-19-pandemin har påverkat samhället på olika sätt, direkt genom sjukdom och dödlighet, och indirekt genom smittskyddsåtgärdernas inverkan på skola, arbete, fritid osv. Förståelsen för hur pandemin och åtgärderna för att begränsa den har påverkat livskvaliteten kan vara betydelsefullt för beslutsfattare. Men för att kunna beakta olika komponenter av livskvalitet på ett jämförbart sätt behövs det ett robust ramverk, vilket den så kallade "capability approach" erbjuder. Denna ansats mäter livskvalitet i termer av handlingsfriheter till skillnad från traditionell "welfaristisk" nationalekonomi som mäter välbefinnande i termer av "utility". I denna studie utgår vi från en lista över tio handlingsfriheter som föreslogs av en statlig offentlig utredning (SOU 2015:56) att vara särskilt relevanta för den svenska kontexten: Ekonomisk situation, Sociala relationer, Hälsa, Boende, Närområde, Yrke, Kunskap, Säkerhet, Tids-balans, och Politiska fri- och rättigheter. Studien genomfördes i juni 2020 genom en webbaserad enkät som distribuerades till ett urval av 500 individer i Sverige från en kommersiell webbpanel (Cint), efter kvot-stratifiering utifrån befolkningens ålder, region, utbildning och kön. Enkäten inleddes med en fråga om informerat samtycke, följt av frågor om respondenternas nuvarande situation utifrån de tio handlingsfriheterna (låg, medium, hög). Därefter följde frågor om upplevda förändringar i handlingsfriheterna under 2020 (dvs. den största delen av perioden med covid-19-pandemin), på en Likertskala med fem svarsalternativ (mycket mindre, mindre, oförändrat, mer, mycket mer). Enkäten avslutades med ett antal bakgrundsfrågor om socioekonomiska och demografiska förhållanden. Att ta stora stickprov från kommersiella webbpaneler är administrativt sett enklare och snabbare än andra metoder som till exempel att direkt ta ett allmänt befolkningsstickprov. Även svarsfrekvens kan vara högre och datahantering enklare. Å andra sidan är det mindre transparent hur studierekryteringen gick till och gruppen av webbpaneldeltagarna kanske inte är representativ för befolkningen. Dessa begränsningar borde behållas i minnet när man ska analysera data och tyda resultat. Uppgifterna samlades med en PHP-baserad webapplikation för enkäter (limesurvey version 4.2.2, https://www.limesurvey.org) som drivs från en server vid Umeå universitet. Uppgifterna samlades in anonymt. Covid-19 has affected people in various ways, directly through disease and death, and indirectly through disease containment measures. Understanding how the pandemic and countermeasures agaist it impacted quality of life is valuable for policy makers. To address and compare the various components of quality of life, a suitable framework is needed, which the capability approach provides. This approach measures quality of life as opportunities, compared to traditional welfarist economics that defines wellbeing as utility. For this study, we used a capability list from a Swedish governmental investigation (SOU 2015:56) that suggested relevant capabilities for the Swedish situation: Financial situation, Social relations, Health, Housing, Living environment, Occupation, Knowledge, Security, Time balance, and Political and civil rights. The study was performed in June 2020. In an internet-based survey, we quota-sampled 500 Swedish residents from a commercial web-panel, after population proportions of age, region of residence, education, gender. The survey started with the informed consent statement, followed by questions on participants’ current baseline capability levels in the ten capability dimensions (Low, Medium, Complete). Next followed questions about perceived changes in capability during 2020 in the ten dimensions on a five-item Likert scale (Much less, Less, Equal, Higher, Much higher). The survey ended with a number of background questions on socio-economic and demographic conditions. Sampling large numbers of participants using a commercial web panel is administratively more feasible and quicker than other sampling methods, such as for example direct sampling from the general population. Also, the response rate may be higher and data handling easier. On the other hand, it is less transparent how recruitment into the study was performed and web panel participants may not be representative of the population. Those limitations should be kept in mind when analysing the data and interpreting results. Data were collected with a PHP-based web application for surveys (limesurvey version 4.2.2, https://www.limesurvey.org) hosted on a Umeå university server. The data was collected anonymously.
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Disclaimer: These datasets were generated during the course of academic research conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, which received ethics approval by The Joint Chinese University of Hong Kong ��� New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee and/or the Institutional Review Board of the University of Hong Kong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster of the Hospital Authority. They are published for further advancement of medical research in full compliance with University Regulations and Policy on Dataset Deposit and Sharing. For additional information: https://libguides.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/RDM/dataset_deposit The use of these datasets should provide acknowledgements of such efforts by citing this DOI. Data set on heart failure due to different causes
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Data set from Moons P, Luyckx K, Kovacs AH, Holbein CE, Thomet C, Budts W, Enomoto J, Sluman MA, Yang HL, Jackson JL, Khairy P, Cook SC, Chidambarathanu S, Alday L, Eriksen K, Dellborg M, Berghammer M, Johansson B, Mackie AS, Menahem S, Caruana M, Veldtman G, Soufi A, Fernandes SM, White K, Callus E, Kutty S, Apers S; APPROACH-IS Consortium and the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD). Prevalence and Effects of Cigarette Smoking, Cannabis Consumption, and Co-use in Adults From 15 Countries With Congenital Heart Disease. Can J Cardiol. 2019 Dec;35(12):1842-1850. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2019.07.635. Epub 2019 Aug 14. PMID: 31813510. This is the abstract: Background: The prevalence and effects of cigarette smoking and cannabis use in persons with congenital heart disease (CHD) are poorly understood. We (1) described the prevalence of cigarette smoking, cannabis consumption, and co-use in adults with CHD; (2) investigated intercountry differences; (3) tested the relative effects on physical functioning, mental health, and quality of life (QOL); and (4) quantified the differential effect of cigarette smoking, cannabis use, or co-use on those outcomes. Methods: APPROACH-IS was a cross-sectional study, including 4028 adults with CHD from 15 countries. Patients completed questionnaires to measure physical functioning, mental health, and QOL. Smoking status and cannabis use were assessed by means of the Health Behaviour Scale-Congenital Heart Disease. Linear models with doubly robust estimations were computed after groups were balanced with the use of propensity weighting. Results: Overall, 14% of men and 11% of women smoked cigarettes only; 8% of men and 4% of women consumed cannabis only; and 4% of men and 1% of women used both substances. Large intercountry variations were observed, with Switzerland having the highest prevalence for smoking cigarettes (24% of men, 19% of women) and Canada the highest for cannabis use (19% of men, 4% of women). Cigarette smoking had a small negative effect on patient-reported outcomes, and the effect of cannabis was negligible. The effect of co-use was more prominent, with a moderate negative effect on mental health. Conclusions: We found significant intercountry variability in cigarette and cannabis use in adults with CHD. Co-use has the most detrimental effects on patient-reported outcomes.
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This dataset contains 7 audio recordings (6 items) on the subject of Christian conversions to Islam in Egypt during the 1990s. Interviews in this dataset are conducted in English and Arabic. All summaries are rendered in English.
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