handle: 11025/6135
In my work I present possibilities of oral history usage in history lessons in the Czech Republic. I focus on primary schools and present tasks and realization of concrete projects. Main task is communication among the children and narrators, and cooperation among the families and the school. In my paper is introduced Czech elementary education, connection of oral history and history lessons, thematic areas and proposals of three concrete projects. First project is about daily life in normalization. The second one named “Become an explorer” describes record of historical changes through the street name changes. The third one deals November’s events in the 1989 and its output is “living museum”. Students present here their knowledge and skills, which they gained at the school. With their creations they decorated walls of the classes and corridors of school. Ve svém příspěvku popisuji využití orální historie v hodinách dějepisu v České republice. Zaměřuji se v něm na základní školství a konkrétní realizaci projektů. Hlavním přispěním orální historie do školství je možnost propojení rodiny a školy. V článku je představeno české základní školství, propojení orální historie s dějepisem, tématické oblasti a návrhy tří konkrétních projektů. První se zabývá každodenností a tedy životem v době tzv. normalizace. Druhý s názvem Staň se průzkumníkem popisuje zaznamenání historických změn prostřednictvím proměny názvů ulic. Třetí se zabývá listopadovými událostmi roku 1989 a jeho výstupem je tzv. živé muzeum. Žáci zde prezentují své znalosti a dovednosti, které získali prostřednictvím výuky. Svými výtvory pak zdobí stěny ve třídě i chodbu školy.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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handle: 11025/15527
The aim of our research partnership was to outline the history of the area called Kosovo today, and to analyse its characteristics from the age of the Roman Empire up to now. This study is to introduce the results of the second phase of the research. In June 1458 the troops of the Ottoman Empire occupied the castle of Smederevo, the last Serbian-ruled area, and thus the Medieval state of the Serbs ceased to exist. Serbia – includig Kosovo – was under Turkish rule for almost 500 years, until as late as 1913. The 454 years of the history of Ottoman Kosovo can be divided into three shorter periods. 1. The period of relatively peaceful coexistence (1458–1683). 2. The period of srtict Turkish control (1686–1804). 3. The period of permanent conflicts (1804–1913). Our paper is to give and in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the above three periods, including political, economic and religios issues, ethnic processes, administrative changes and spatial processes.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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pmid: 32989161
pmc: PMC7568277
Significance We report the remarkable discovery of an early Aurignacian occupation, ∼5,000 years older than any Upper Paleolithic site in westernmost Eurasia. The archaeological and radiocarbon data provide definitive evidence that modern humans were in western Iberia at a time when, if present at all, Neanderthal populations would have been extremely sparse. This discovery has important ramifications for our understanding of the process of modern human dispersal and replacement of Neanderthal populations. The results support a very rapid, unimpeded dispersal of modern humans across western Eurasia and support the notion that climate and environmental change played a significant role in this process.
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Green | |
hybrid |
citations | 44 | |
popularity | Top 1% | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Top 1% |
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handle: 11025/36722
In the recent decades, there is a constantly growing amount of multimodal data being collected and stored in order to be preserved for a future use. These data include – among other things – videotaped oral history interviews, archived footage of various TV broadcasts and a plethora of scanned hand-written and typed documents and photographs. The resulting archives present invaluable resources for many branches of the humanities (history, linguistics) and social sciences (political science, communication studies). The paper presents a software framework used to provide access to those resources. V posledních desetiletích neustále roste množství multimodálních dat shromážděných a uložených pro budoucí použití. Tyto údaje zahrnují - mimo jiné - rozhovory orální historie, archivy televizního vysílání a mnoho naskenovaných ručně a strojově psaných dokumentů a fotografií. Výsledné archivy představují neocenitelné zdroje pro mnoho humanitních (historie, lingvistika) a společenských věd (politologie, komunikační studie). Příspěvek představuje softwarové nástroje používané k zajištění přístupu k těmto zdrojům.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/42672
AbstractThe aim of this study is to demonstrate the applicability of selected methods of the so-called distant reading from the area of digital humanities for the interpretation of early Christian texts, specifically for approaching similarities and differences between the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of John. We use the term “distant reading” for the methods that allow us to explore, analyze, and visualize digitized textual data while using the tools from the area of data mining, natural language processing, or corpus linguistics. We want to explore whether methods from the field of digital humanities can allow for a sophisticated, quantifiable, and replicable comparison of the corpora of early Christian movements and thereby help to uncover the basic features of their theology and thus be a suitable complement to traditional exegesis and interpretation achieved by close reading.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 1 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/6687
Caves represent portions of past landscapes that were, for a long time, used by humans and their ancestors for various purposes and therefore, they have been a focus of researchers for more than two hundred years. Accumulated artifacts, ecofacts, and sediments can be used to reconstruct the environments and lives of the past. Here, we describe current methods applied to excavations of cave sites with emphasis put on their interdisciplinary nature. The case of systematic interdisciplinary research is documented with regard to the Lapa do Picareiro limestone cave, located in central Portugal, approximately 100 km north of Lisbon. The cave sediments have been dated to between 45 and 8 kya BP. A wide range of evidence from the cave (artifacts, faunal and floral remains, sediments, etc.) is used to reconstruct past natural environments (e.g., Bicho et al. 2011; Haws 2012), including fauna (Haws and Valente 2006; Hockett and Haws 2009; Valente 2004), human diet (Hockett and Haws 2009) and socio-natural interactions (Haws 2012). The interdisciplinarity is a key to understanding a whole series of phenomena which would not otherwise be understood. The current scientific demand for high quality, complex research and publication is mirrored in an increasing trend of incorporating specialists from other fields in research design and management.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/6920
The past twenty-five years have seen the development of a sub-discipline in archaeology labelled “20th Century Conflict Archaeology” around the world. The sub-discipline is focused on the remains of the military, civil, political and religious conflicts of the last century. Traces of these events are examined using an interdisciplinary approach because many different sources have been left behind to serve the researchers of this field, each of which carries unique information hardly detectable from another point of view. While the First and Second World Wars have attracted the lion’s share of attention, in recent years the efforts of researchers have turned to the Cold War and to the most famous symbol of the era—the so-called Iron Curtain, a fence of barbed wire separating the Eastern and the Western blocs. The most famous part of the curtain is the Berlin Wall. Nevertheless, research of this topic in Czech academia remains marginalized. The aim of this paper is to present how these issues are studied abroad and outline opportunities to study this in the Czech Republic. Our examples are the Iron Curtain itself and the village of Maříž, in whose history the events of the last century left an indelible mark.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/16874
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/34499
In 1918–1919 the purest region of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy joined to the Czechoslovak Republic from the Hungarian Kingdom. At the first sight this was a simple proceeding. But according to our opinion in fact, the 1918–1919 developments in the history of the North-Eastern Felvidék were influenced four factors: 1. The conflicting efforts of countries intending to keep (Hungary) and to acquire (Czechoslovakia, Romania, Poland and various Ukrainian state formations) the region. 2. The people’s assemblies of the Ruthenian and Hungarian populations, with their diverging (ukranophile, hungarophile, czechophile) orientations and their searching for allies. 3. The activity of the Ruthenian emigration in the US, strongly favouring one possible scenario (i. e. the Czechoslovakian one). 4. The great powers’ decision about the fate of the region at the Versailles peace talks. Our paper surveys a seemingly most important element of this complex process, the activity of the Czechoslovak state founders Masaryk and Beneš; we also intend to present how their work resulted in the North-East Felvidék becoming Kárpátalja.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/39894
During World War Two, three unique weapons were proposed to meet Adolf Hitler’s wish for vengeance and retribution against the British which he believed would finally yield victory to the Nazi side. They all required substantial technical development of new concepts. This paper gives a broad description of the last and potentially-devastating V3, which was intended for installation in the Pas de Calais to completely destroy London.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/6135
In my work I present possibilities of oral history usage in history lessons in the Czech Republic. I focus on primary schools and present tasks and realization of concrete projects. Main task is communication among the children and narrators, and cooperation among the families and the school. In my paper is introduced Czech elementary education, connection of oral history and history lessons, thematic areas and proposals of three concrete projects. First project is about daily life in normalization. The second one named “Become an explorer” describes record of historical changes through the street name changes. The third one deals November’s events in the 1989 and its output is “living museum”. Students present here their knowledge and skills, which they gained at the school. With their creations they decorated walls of the classes and corridors of school. Ve svém příspěvku popisuji využití orální historie v hodinách dějepisu v České republice. Zaměřuji se v něm na základní školství a konkrétní realizaci projektů. Hlavním přispěním orální historie do školství je možnost propojení rodiny a školy. V článku je představeno české základní školství, propojení orální historie s dějepisem, tématické oblasti a návrhy tří konkrétních projektů. První se zabývá každodenností a tedy životem v době tzv. normalizace. Druhý s názvem Staň se průzkumníkem popisuje zaznamenání historických změn prostřednictvím proměny názvů ulic. Třetí se zabývá listopadovými událostmi roku 1989 a jeho výstupem je tzv. živé muzeum. Žáci zde prezentují své znalosti a dovednosti, které získali prostřednictvím výuky. Svými výtvory pak zdobí stěny ve třídě i chodbu školy.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/15527
The aim of our research partnership was to outline the history of the area called Kosovo today, and to analyse its characteristics from the age of the Roman Empire up to now. This study is to introduce the results of the second phase of the research. In June 1458 the troops of the Ottoman Empire occupied the castle of Smederevo, the last Serbian-ruled area, and thus the Medieval state of the Serbs ceased to exist. Serbia – includig Kosovo – was under Turkish rule for almost 500 years, until as late as 1913. The 454 years of the history of Ottoman Kosovo can be divided into three shorter periods. 1. The period of relatively peaceful coexistence (1458–1683). 2. The period of srtict Turkish control (1686–1804). 3. The period of permanent conflicts (1804–1913). Our paper is to give and in-depth analysis of the characteristics of the above three periods, including political, economic and religios issues, ethnic processes, administrative changes and spatial processes.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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pmid: 32989161
pmc: PMC7568277
Significance We report the remarkable discovery of an early Aurignacian occupation, ∼5,000 years older than any Upper Paleolithic site in westernmost Eurasia. The archaeological and radiocarbon data provide definitive evidence that modern humans were in western Iberia at a time when, if present at all, Neanderthal populations would have been extremely sparse. This discovery has important ramifications for our understanding of the process of modern human dispersal and replacement of Neanderthal populations. The results support a very rapid, unimpeded dispersal of modern humans across western Eurasia and support the notion that climate and environmental change played a significant role in this process.
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Green | |
hybrid |
citations | 44 | |
popularity | Top 1% | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Top 1% |