Experiment Description: This experiment involved 12 healthy subjects with no prior experience on neurofeedback or BCI, and without any known neurological disorders. All participants are right-handed, except one ambidextrous (participant #5). All participants have provided their signed informed consent for participating in the study in accordance with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. The experiment had been conducted in a laboratory environment under controlled conditions. The subjects went through three sessions lasting maximum two hours, during three consecutive days and each day at approximately at the same hour. During each session, participants underwent three different conditions. The first condition was always the ���resting-state���: the user was asked to keep the eyes open for two minutes staring at a screen with a green cross and a red arrow pointing up, and then closed for the other two minutes. After this, two more conditions followed related to a Motor Imagery (MI) task performed in a randomized order between left|right-hand movement. The two MI conditions consisted of two phases each: a training phase and a test phase. The general experimental routine for both of them was the same: each trial lasted 6 seconds (2 seconds baseline and 4 seconds MI), forewarned by the appearance of a green cross on the screen and a concomitant beep-sound a second before the onset of the task. Then, an arrow was appearing pointing left or right, and the subject had to imagine the movement of the corresponding arm reaching an object in front of the Baxter Robot (Rethink Robotics, Bochum, Germany). For both phases, 20 trials from left and 20 trials for right MI were generated in a randomized order, for a total of 40 trials. Finally, there was an inter-trial interval that extended randomly between 1.5 and 3.5 seconds. Overall, this study resulted into 180 EEG datasets. Data Description: Data Format General Data Format (GDF) Sampling Rate 250 Hz Channels 32 EEG + 3 ACC. EEG system LiveAmp 32 with active electrodes actiCAP (Brain Products GmbH, Gilching, Germany) Events: Code Description 32775 Baseline Start 32776 Baseline Stop 768 Start of Trial, Trigger at t=0s 786 Cross on screen (BCI experiment) 33282 Beep 769 class1, Left hand - cue onset 770 class2, Right hand - cue onset 781 Feedback (continuous) - onset 800 End Of Trial 1010 End Of Session 33281 Train 32770 Experiment Stop Directory Tree: ROOT | chanlocs.locs | | +--- USER # | +---SESSION # | | +---CONDITION # | | | \---RESTING_STATE | | | +---1st_PERSON | | | | TRAINING | | | | ONLINE | | | +---3rd_PERSON | | | | TRAINING | | | | ONLINE Approved by the Ethics Committee of CHULN and CAML (Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon) with reference number: 245/19.
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The Ethics and Society Subproject has developed this Opinion in order to clarify lessons the Human Brain Project (HBP) can draw from the current discussion of artificial intelligence, in particular the social and ethical aspects of AI, and outline areas where it could usefully contribute. The EU and numerous other bodies are promoting and implementing a wide range of policies aimed to ensure that AI is beneficial - that it serves society. The HBP as a leading project bringing together neuroscience and ICT is in an excellent position to contribute to and to benefit from these discussions. This Opinion therefore highlights some key aspects of the discussion, shows its relevance to the HBP and develops a list of six recommendations. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme Under Grant Agreement no. 785907
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Dataset associated with the original research article published in "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience", by Weinman et al., doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.639773 The data is stored in a MATLAB file named EMG.mat. The workspace file contains the following variables: ECU FCR ECULLR FCRLLR time Variable description: ECU and FCR: A 5-dimensional cell array with normalized EMG tracks measured during perturbations. Each combination of condition was repeated 10 times, for each subject, so accessing a specific cell in this variable will provide a 10x2049 array of EMG data, with each row corresponding to one of the 10 repetitions. ECULLR and FCRLLR: A 5-dimensional cell array with LLR amplitude (average of the processed EMG signal during the time window corresponding to a long-latency response: 50 to 100 ms), also measured 10 times for each combination of conditions. Accessing a cell in this data will provide a 10x1 array of average EMG values, with each row corresponding to the average LLR for one of the 10 repetitions. Each of the variables listed above has 5 dimensions, each dimension corresponding to one factor. As an example, the dimensions of variable ECU are ECU{sub,v,d,t,inst}, defined as follows: sub = subject number (1 thru 11). Subject 10 has blank cells in the FCR dataset, due to data corruption from noise. v = velocity (1, 2, 3). 1=50 deg/s, 2=125 deg/s, 3=200 deg/s d = direction (1 or 2). 1=shorten, 2=stretch t = torque (1 or 2). 1=0 mNm, 2=200 mNm inst = instruction (1 or 2), 1=“yield”, 2=“do not intervene” As such, the variable EMG.ECU{1,1,1,1,1} is a 10x2049 variable including 10 repetitions of the timeseries of ECU EMG signal measured from subject 1, for perturbations at 50 deg/s, shortening the ECU (extension perturbations), with 0 mNm background torque, when the instruction was “yield”. time: A 1x2049 array of time values corresponding to the EMG readings in milliseconds. Values in this array are from 0 ms to 200 ms. The time series have 2049 datapoints (sampling frequency: 1024 Hz) representing up to the 200 ms from the perturbation onset. LLR averages were taken from the indexes representing 50 to 100 ms, or 513:1024.
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Experiment Description: This experiment involved 12 healthy subjects with no prior experience on neurofeedback or BCI, and without any known neurological disorders. All participants are right-handed, except one ambidextrous (participant #5). All participants have provided their signed informed consent for participating in the study in accordance with the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki. The experiment had been conducted in a laboratory environment under controlled conditions. The subjects went through three sessions lasting maximum two hours, during three consecutive days and each day at approximately at the same hour. During each session, participants underwent three different conditions. The first condition was always the ���resting-state���: the user was asked to keep the eyes open for two minutes staring at a screen with a green cross and a red arrow pointing up, and then closed for the other two minutes. After this, two more conditions followed related to a Motor Imagery (MI) task performed in a randomized order between left|right-hand movement. The two MI conditions consisted of two phases each: a training phase and a test phase. The general experimental routine for both of them was the same: each trial lasted 6 seconds (2 seconds baseline and 4 seconds MI), forewarned by the appearance of a green cross on the screen and a concomitant beep-sound a second before the onset of the task. Then, an arrow was appearing pointing left or right, and the subject had to imagine the movement of the corresponding arm reaching an object in front of the Baxter Robot (Rethink Robotics, Bochum, Germany). For both phases, 20 trials from left and 20 trials for right MI were generated in a randomized order, for a total of 40 trials. Finally, there was an inter-trial interval that extended randomly between 1.5 and 3.5 seconds. Overall, this study resulted into 180 EEG datasets. Data Description: Data Format General Data Format (GDF) Sampling Rate 250 Hz Channels 32 EEG + 3 ACC. EEG system LiveAmp 32 with active electrodes actiCAP (Brain Products GmbH, Gilching, Germany) Events: Code Description 32775 Baseline Start 32776 Baseline Stop 768 Start of Trial, Trigger at t=0s 786 Cross on screen (BCI experiment) 33282 Beep 769 class1, Left hand - cue onset 770 class2, Right hand - cue onset 781 Feedback (continuous) - onset 800 End Of Trial 1010 End Of Session 33281 Train 32770 Experiment Stop Directory Tree: ROOT | chanlocs.locs | | +--- USER # | +---SESSION # | | +---CONDITION # | | | \---RESTING_STATE | | | +---1st_PERSON | | | | TRAINING | | | | ONLINE | | | +---3rd_PERSON | | | | TRAINING | | | | ONLINE Approved by the Ethics Committee of CHULN and CAML (Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon) with reference number: 245/19.
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The Ethics and Society Subproject has developed this Opinion in order to clarify lessons the Human Brain Project (HBP) can draw from the current discussion of artificial intelligence, in particular the social and ethical aspects of AI, and outline areas where it could usefully contribute. The EU and numerous other bodies are promoting and implementing a wide range of policies aimed to ensure that AI is beneficial - that it serves society. The HBP as a leading project bringing together neuroscience and ICT is in an excellent position to contribute to and to benefit from these discussions. This Opinion therefore highlights some key aspects of the discussion, shows its relevance to the HBP and develops a list of six recommendations. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme Under Grant Agreement no. 785907
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Dataset associated with the original research article published in "Frontiers in Human Neuroscience", by Weinman et al., doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.639773 The data is stored in a MATLAB file named EMG.mat. The workspace file contains the following variables: ECU FCR ECULLR FCRLLR time Variable description: ECU and FCR: A 5-dimensional cell array with normalized EMG tracks measured during perturbations. Each combination of condition was repeated 10 times, for each subject, so accessing a specific cell in this variable will provide a 10x2049 array of EMG data, with each row corresponding to one of the 10 repetitions. ECULLR and FCRLLR: A 5-dimensional cell array with LLR amplitude (average of the processed EMG signal during the time window corresponding to a long-latency response: 50 to 100 ms), also measured 10 times for each combination of conditions. Accessing a cell in this data will provide a 10x1 array of average EMG values, with each row corresponding to the average LLR for one of the 10 repetitions. Each of the variables listed above has 5 dimensions, each dimension corresponding to one factor. As an example, the dimensions of variable ECU are ECU{sub,v,d,t,inst}, defined as follows: sub = subject number (1 thru 11). Subject 10 has blank cells in the FCR dataset, due to data corruption from noise. v = velocity (1, 2, 3). 1=50 deg/s, 2=125 deg/s, 3=200 deg/s d = direction (1 or 2). 1=shorten, 2=stretch t = torque (1 or 2). 1=0 mNm, 2=200 mNm inst = instruction (1 or 2), 1=“yield”, 2=“do not intervene” As such, the variable EMG.ECU{1,1,1,1,1} is a 10x2049 variable including 10 repetitions of the timeseries of ECU EMG signal measured from subject 1, for perturbations at 50 deg/s, shortening the ECU (extension perturbations), with 0 mNm background torque, when the instruction was “yield”. time: A 1x2049 array of time values corresponding to the EMG readings in milliseconds. Values in this array are from 0 ms to 200 ms. The time series have 2049 datapoints (sampling frequency: 1024 Hz) representing up to the 200 ms from the perturbation onset. LLR averages were taken from the indexes representing 50 to 100 ms, or 513:1024.
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