In this paper, I will elucidate the actuality of Hegel’s philosophy of action from the point of agency. Agency is one of the important problems in contemporary philosophy of action since Harry Frankfurt’s famous paper on agency. However, contemporary theories of agency as Frankfurt’s, Watson’s, and Taylor’s are not sufficient because they do not consider genealogical conditions of agency, as it is discussed by Wolf. In this paper, I will argue that Hegel’s philosophy of action is actual in that it includes the historical or genealogical conditions of agency. According to Hegel, man became a free agent in the modern society at first time. However, Hegel’s philosophy of history is often interpreted as a kind of closed historical teleology whose end is the modern society. In opposition to this reading, I will argue that Hegel’s theory of development which his philosophy of history is based on is open to the future and that Hegel’s theory of agency is based on the theory of rational society in a pragmatic sense.
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This paper attempts to clarify the relationship between "Taiwanese," "Chinese" and "Han people" as concepts of integration through history textbooks of senior secondary schools in Taiwan, and also in China. Textbooks are official knowledge and suggests parts of what kind of integration the governments consider. The following three points have clarified in this research. First, the commonly used Han nationality (Hanzu) refers to the Han people (Hanren) of Mainland China, while the Han people of Taiwan are referred to as Han people in Taiwanese textbooks. In this case, the Han people in Taiwan were emphasized as being much newer than the indigenous people, having migrated 400 years ago. Secondly, Chinese textbooks are trying to measure integration by diluting the Han majority. This is in contrast to the many Chinese documents and academic papers. Third, in Taiwan, rather than Han people as used in history textbooks, Hakka people, Minnan people, and Mainland people are used as subordinate concepts of Han people in general. The reason why these terms do not appear in the history textbooks is the history of the Han people is only 400 years old at most, and that of the Mainland people is only a several decades. 本研究は,公益財団法人JFE21 世紀財団による2019 年度アジア歴史研究助成によるものである。
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handle: 10232/14725
2009-2011年度科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)))研究成果報告書 課題番号:21590168 研究代表者:山田勝士 (鹿児島大学大学院医歯学総合研究科客員研究員) VaultはRNAタンパク質複合体で、その発現量と多剤耐性癌細胞における治療抵抗性との相関が指摘されているが、vault自体の機能については未だ不明な点が多い。これまでに、vaultの構成成分であるmajor vault protein (MVP) は、DNA傷害性抗癌剤により発現が亢進することが報告されている。本研究は、抗癌剤処理下でのMVPの発現亢進機序およびその機能について検討を行うことを目的とした。ヒト大腸癌細胞株SW-620におけるMVP mRNAとMVPタンパク質の発現はアドリアマイシン(ADM)により誘導された。また、ADMにより、MVPプロモーター活性が約2倍上昇した。さらに、ADMによって誘導されるMVPの発現はSp1をknockdownすることにより抑制された。MVPが抗癌剤耐性に関与することが考えられたので、knockdown株を作製し、抗癌剤感受性試験を行ったところ、MVP発現株はMVP knockdown株に比べ、ADMに耐性を示した。さらに、ADM処理下におけるCaspase 8およびCaspase 3の活性化ついて解析したところ、MVP発現株では、MVP knockdown 株に比べ、ADMで誘導されるCaspase 8およびCaspase 3の活性化が抑制されていた。癌細胞はMVPの発現を亢進することにより、抗癌剤によって誘導されるアポトーシスを回避し、vaultが癌の抗癌剤耐性化に重要な役割を担っている可能性が示唆された。 The major vault protein (MVP) is the main constituent of the vault ribonucleoprotein particle. Although the role in multidrug resistance has been suggested, the physiological function of vaults remains unclear. It has been reported that MVP levels were elevated after treatment with the DNA-damaging agents such as adriamycin (ADR). The aim of this study was to investigate molecular basis for the induction of MVP by ADM, and to investigate the potential role of MVP in drug resistance. Expression levels of both MVP protein and MVP mRNA were increased by ADM. ADM could also enhance MVP promoter activity. Introduction of siRNA against Sp-1 in SW620 cells attenuated the expression of MVP induced by ADM. Down-regulation of MVP expression by MVP RNAi in SW620 cells increased the sensitivity of the cells to ADM. Furthermore, ADM enhanced the activation of caspase 3 and caspase 8 in the MVP knock-down cells, but not in control cells. Our data demonstrate that exposure of cancer cells to DNA-damaging agents induces MVP that might have an important role in the resistance to chemotherapeutic agents.
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This paper focuses on the erotic and sexual relationship between elderly men and young women as a literary subject in novels by the Japanese author Kawabata Yasunari (1899–1972) and by the Columbian author Gabriel García Márquez (1927–2014) as well as on possible roots and parallels in premodern Japanese texts on medicine and sexuality. The earliest example for texts of this kind is Ishinpō 『医心方』 (Prescriptions from the Heart of Medicine, 984), dealing with “correct” sexual practices as a means of prolonging the rulers’ life in health. 文論 – 日本文学研究ジャーナル, Nr. 3 (2016): Bunron Nr. 3 (2016)
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gold |
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In this paper, I will elucidate the actuality of Hegel’s philosophy of action from the point of agency. Agency is one of the important problems in contemporary philosophy of action since Harry Frankfurt’s famous paper on agency. However, contemporary theories of agency as Frankfurt’s, Watson’s, and Taylor’s are not sufficient because they do not consider genealogical conditions of agency, as it is discussed by Wolf. In this paper, I will argue that Hegel’s philosophy of action is actual in that it includes the historical or genealogical conditions of agency. According to Hegel, man became a free agent in the modern society at first time. However, Hegel’s philosophy of history is often interpreted as a kind of closed historical teleology whose end is the modern society. In opposition to this reading, I will argue that Hegel’s theory of development which his philosophy of history is based on is open to the future and that Hegel’s theory of agency is based on the theory of rational society in a pragmatic sense.
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Green |
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This paper attempts to clarify the relationship between "Taiwanese," "Chinese" and "Han people" as concepts of integration through history textbooks of senior secondary schools in Taiwan, and also in China. Textbooks are official knowledge and suggests parts of what kind of integration the governments consider. The following three points have clarified in this research. First, the commonly used Han nationality (Hanzu) refers to the Han people (Hanren) of Mainland China, while the Han people of Taiwan are referred to as Han people in Taiwanese textbooks. In this case, the Han people in Taiwan were emphasized as being much newer than the indigenous people, having migrated 400 years ago. Secondly, Chinese textbooks are trying to measure integration by diluting the Han majority. This is in contrast to the many Chinese documents and academic papers. Third, in Taiwan, rather than Han people as used in history textbooks, Hakka people, Minnan people, and Mainland people are used as subordinate concepts of Han people in general. The reason why these terms do not appear in the history textbooks is the history of the Han people is only 400 years old at most, and that of the Mainland people is only a several decades. 本研究は,公益財団法人JFE21 世紀財団による2019 年度アジア歴史研究助成によるものである。
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handle: 10232/14725
2009-2011年度科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)))研究成果報告書 課題番号:21590168 研究代表者:山田勝士 (鹿児島大学大学院医歯学総合研究科客員研究員) VaultはRNAタンパク質複合体で、その発現量と多剤耐性癌細胞における治療抵抗性との相関が指摘されているが、vault自体の機能については未だ不明な点が多い。これまでに、vaultの構成成分であるmajor vault protein (MVP) は、DNA傷害性抗癌剤により発現が亢進することが報告されている。本研究は、抗癌剤処理下でのMVPの発現亢進機序およびその機能について検討を行うことを目的とした。ヒト大腸癌細胞株SW-620におけるMVP mRNAとMVPタンパク質の発現はアドリアマイシン(ADM)により誘導された。また、ADMにより、MVPプロモーター活性が約2倍上昇した。さらに、ADMによって誘導されるMVPの発現はSp1をknockdownすることにより抑制された。MVPが抗癌剤耐性に関与することが考えられたので、knockdown株を作製し、抗癌剤感受性試験を行ったところ、MVP発現株はMVP knockdown株に比べ、ADMに耐性を示した。さらに、ADM処理下におけるCaspase 8およびCaspase 3の活性化ついて解析したところ、MVP発現株では、MVP knockdown 株に比べ、ADMで誘導されるCaspase 8およびCaspase 3の活性化が抑制されていた。癌細胞はMVPの発現を亢進することにより、抗癌剤によって誘導されるアポトーシスを回避し、vaultが癌の抗癌剤耐性化に重要な役割を担っている可能性が示唆された。 The major vault protein (MVP) is the main constituent of the vault ribonucleoprotein particle. Although the role in multidrug resistance has been suggested, the physiological function of vaults remains unclear. It has been reported that MVP levels were elevated after treatment with the DNA-damaging agents such as adriamycin (ADR). The aim of this study was to investigate molecular basis for the induction of MVP by ADM, and to investigate the potential role of MVP in drug resistance. Expression levels of both MVP protein and MVP mRNA were increased by ADM. ADM could also enhance MVP promoter activity. Introduction of siRNA against Sp-1 in SW620 cells attenuated the expression of MVP induced by ADM. Down-regulation of MVP expression by MVP RNAi in SW620 cells increased the sensitivity of the cells to ADM. Furthermore, ADM enhanced the activation of caspase 3 and caspase 8 in the MVP knock-down cells, but not in control cells. Our data demonstrate that exposure of cancer cells to DNA-damaging agents induces MVP that might have an important role in the resistance to chemotherapeutic agents.
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This paper focuses on the erotic and sexual relationship between elderly men and young women as a literary subject in novels by the Japanese author Kawabata Yasunari (1899–1972) and by the Columbian author Gabriel García Márquez (1927–2014) as well as on possible roots and parallels in premodern Japanese texts on medicine and sexuality. The earliest example for texts of this kind is Ishinpō 『医心方』 (Prescriptions from the Heart of Medicine, 984), dealing with “correct” sexual practices as a means of prolonging the rulers’ life in health. 文論 – 日本文学研究ジャーナル, Nr. 3 (2016): Bunron Nr. 3 (2016)
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gold |
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popularity | Average | |
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