Potters from three communities were instructed to faithfully reproduce four different model shapes with the thinnest walls possible using two different quantities of clay (0.75 kg or 2.25 kg), giving a total of eight experimental conditions. The four shapes (referred to as Cylinder, Bowl, Sphere, and Vase, respectively) were presented as pictures without providing any indication of the absolute dimensions to be produced. The four shapes were not part of any of the potters’ daily repertoire. Potters produced five specimens for each of the eight vessel types. The experimental sessions were video-recorded under standardized conditions using a Panasonic NV-GS320 camcorder. The camera was fixed on a tripod with lens orientation centered on the vertical rotation axis of the wheel. The camera was positioned at a height of 30 cm above the level of the wheel at a horizontal distance of 4-6 m. The lower edge of the video scene was aligned with the center of the wheel. The zoom was adapted to fully cover a 36-cm high by 42-cm wide calibration object (inverted T-shape) placed on the wheel at the start of each recording. For each trial, the images of the clay body profile after each fashioning gesture were extracted from the video frames (image resolution: 720 x 576 pixels; video sampling frequency: 25 fps). The first image captured the profile immediately following the (centering and opening) pre-forming phase and the last image captured the final profile; the intervening images captured the intermediate profiles during form development. This succession of profiles captured the vessel’s morphogenesis. The overall duration of the forming process was also analyzed. From the images, we extracted the 2D coordinates of the right half of the cross-sectional profiles by tracing them out on a Cintiq 21UX Wacom (Kazo, Japan) tablet with an integrated screen. The profile coordinates were converted from pixels to centimeters using a calibration factor obtained from the digitized dimensions of the calibration object. The profiles were re-sampled to generate an equal number of points at regular height intervals along the vertical (Y) axis and the resulting coordinates were smoothed with a low-pass filter. Because wheel-thrown vessels are typically axisymmetric, profiles were subsequently converted to full pot outlines by multiplying the horizontal (X) coordinates by -1 to create the corresponding left edge. Of the total 840 vessels thrown (twenty-one potters, each throwing five specimens of eight different vessel types), 12 vessels were not included due to problems with the video recording. # Data from: cultural attraction in pottery practice: group-specific shape transformations by potters from three communities --- Experimental data used in "Cultural attraction in pottery practice: group-specific shape transformations by potters from three communities". Methodological Information: see the manuscript methods section or the methods section of the Dryad dataset (DOI:10.5061/dryad.9ghx3ffpv) for details. Briefly, the dataset contains the two-dimensional outlines of the clay form as a function of time extracted from the video recordings of a cross-cultural experiment with 21 potters from three different cultural backgrounds (French and two Indian communities--Prajapati and Multani Kumhar). ## Description of the Data and file structure ## Summary Metrics * File count: 1 * Total file size: 713 MB * File formats: .mat ## Table of Contents * Pottery_Morphogenesis_Data.mat ## Setup * Unpacking instructions: n/a * Recommended software/tools: Matlab version 2023b. --- ## File/Folder Details ## Details for: Pottery\_Morphogenesis\_Data.mat * Description: Data of the two-dimensional outlines of the clay form as a function of time extracted from the video recordings of a cross-cultural experiment with 21 potters from 3 different cultural backgrounds (French and two Indian communities--Prajapati and Multani Kumhar) replicating 5 specimens of 4 model vessel types (cylinder, bowl, sphere, and vase) with 2 different quantities of clay (0.75 kg and 2.25 kg). * Format(s): .mat * Size(s): 713 MB * The table array "Pottery_Data" stores the following variables for each trial: * Potter: Potter ID and community (e.g., 'French9', 'Prajapati6'). * Type: The name of the model vessel type replicated and mass of clay used (e.g., 'Cylinder0.75', 'Vase2.25'). * Trial: Trial number (1-5). * Outline: Cell arrays that store multiple outlines (first column: the onset of the forming phase (t0), last column: the end of the forming phase) from each trial. Each cell contains 2D outline data extracted from video images of the clay body profile following each fashioning gesture. * Time: Cell arrays that store time stamps corresponding to multiple outlines stored in the column "Outline" (first column: the onset of the forming phase (t0), last column: the end of the forming phase) from each trial. Pottery is a quintessential indicator of human cultural dynamics. Cultural alignment of behavioral repertoires and artifacts has been considered to rest upon two distinct dynamics: selective transmission of information and culture-specific biased transformation. In a cross-cultural field experiment, we tested whether community-specific morphological features of ceramic vessels would arise when the same unfamiliar shapes were reproduced by professional potters from three different communities who threw vessels using wheels. We analyzed the details of the underlying morphogenesis development of vessels in wheel throwing. When expert potters from three different communities of practice were instructed to faithfully reproduce common unfamiliar model shapes that were not parts of the daily repertoires, the morphometric variation in the final shape was not random; rather, different potters produced vessels with more morphometric variation among than within communities, indicating the presence of community-specific deviations of morphological features of vessels. Furthermore, this was found both in the final shape and in the underlying process of morphogenesis; there was more variation in the morphogenetic path among than within communities. These results suggest that the morphological features of ceramic vessels produced by potters reliably and nonrandomly diverge among different communities.
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The Observatory Knowledge Graph (OKG) is a knowledge graph with tweets on inequality in terms of the OBIO ontology (https://w3id.org/okg/obio-ontology/), which integrates social media metadata with various types of linguistic knowledge. The OKG can be used as the backbone of a social media observatory, to facilitate a deeper understanding of social media discourse on inequality. We retrieved tweets and retweets published from the end (30th) of May 2020 to the beginning (1st) of May 2023. In this version of the OKG, we use a sample of 85,247 tweets, published from May 30th to August 27th, 2020. To be compliant with Twitter's policies, we remove usernames and id's, as well as the tweet texts and sentences. We also replace user IRIs with skolem IRIs through skolemization. Access to the OKG as well as the SPARQL endpoint can be requested by sending a mail to the contact person (l.stork@uva.nl) with the following information: A description of the use case Affiliation of the researchers involved How their work is in line with Twitter's policies: https://developer.twitter.com/en/developer-terms/policy#4-d
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Description This is a dataset with captions for a single-source sound that can be used in various tasks that use environmental sounds. The dataset consists of 1,044 single-source sounds and 4,902 captions (3 or more captions per single-source sound). This dataset also consists of 1,044 multiple-source sounds and 3,132 captions (3 captions per multiple-source sound). The detail of the dataset is described in [1]. Conditions of use This dataset was made by Hitachi, Ltd. and is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Citation If you use this dataset, please cite as follow: [1] Yuki Okamoto, Kanta Shimonishi, Keisuke Imoto, Kota Dohi, Shota Horiguchi, and Yohei Kawaguchi, "CAPTDURE: Captioned sound Dataset of Single Sources," Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp. 1683-1687, 2023. Feedback If there is any problem, please contact us Yuki Okamoto, y-okamoto@ieee.org Yohei Kawaguchi, yohei.kawaguchi.xk@hitachi.com
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Guilherme Paulino-Passos would like to thank the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, for supporting his visit to Japan that made this work possible, as well as Capes (Brazil, Ph.D. Scholarship 88881.174481/2018-01). Francesca Toni also acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No.101020934, ADIX), as well as support from J.P. Morgan and the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, under the Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships scheme. Ken Satoh acknowledges support by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number, JP22H00543 and JST, AIP Trilateral AI Research, Grant Number JPMJCR20G4. A dataset for the task of information extraction, in particular event extraction, in court decisions, focusing on contracts. Our dataset captures contractual relations and events that affect them in some way, such as negotiations preceding a (possible) contract, the execution of a contract, or its termination. {"references": ["Paulino-Passos, Guilherme et al. (2023). A Dataset of Contractual Events in Court Decisions. Logic Programming and Legal Reasoning workshop at ICLP 2023."]}
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Abstract The increase in one-person households (OPHs) in the developed world is often seen as the result of a trend in which individualistic values and behaviors are replacing family solidarity. Nordic countries have been identified as frontrunners in this development. In Asia, equally developed countries like Japan retain elements of a strong-family system and an asymmetrical gender regime, simultaneously as they are experiencing rapid increases in OPHs. This article aims to uncover how the demographic and socioeconomic composition of OPHs have developed since the 1990s among working-age women in Sweden and Japan. Our results show that, in particular, civil status and income play different roles for OPH-living in Sweden and Japan. In contrast to Japan, the level of OPHs remained stable over time in Sweden, and even declined among women with high incomes. This suggests that the negative association between family formation and women’s economic activity is temporary and only prevails as long as society has not adapted to the convergence of men’s and women’s socioeconomic roles. The findings are discussed in light of the “second demographic transition” and “dual equilibrium theory”.
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Three-dimensional surface scans of tooth surfaces of Sika deer remains from Torihama shell midden site are saved in .sur format and surface analyses files in .mnt format, which are analyzed in: Sato, K., and Sato, T., and Kubo, M. O. "Reconstructing diets of hunted sika deer from Torihama shell midden site (ca. 6000 years ago) by dental microwear texture analysis" submitted to Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.957038 More details can be found in the information published in this paper.
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Abstract Background Variations in the skill profiles of learners have become an important research area in recent years. However, there is a lack of empirical research on this topic in Japan. We conducted three studies to address this gap. Methods Study 1 investigated the characteristics of the flat and uneven skill profiles of Japanese learners of English using 10 datasets from five standardized four-skill second-language English proficiency tests. Studies 2 and 3 examined the reasons behind learners having these uneven profiles using a convergent mixed-methods approach (Creswell & Plano Clark, Designing and conducting mixed methods research, 2018) that consisted of a questionnaire and an interview, respectively. Results The results of Study 1 suggested that a flat profile is uncommon, and that various types of uneven profiles exist across datasets. The most frequently observed uneven profiles were as follows: (a) listening, speaking, and writing are lower than reading (LSW
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Abstract Gelatin, sourced from collagen, is an acid-, alkali- or enzymatically hydrolysed product obtained from animal skins and bones. Gelatin has been widely used for the manufacture of various cultural objects, e.g. as a water-soluble binder for dissolving pigments, and as a glue for musical instruments and traditional crafts along with human history. The identification of animal species in gelatin, hence, could provide a critical clue for understanding human history including lifestyles, the culture and the technologies. However, there has been no valid method established to date for identifying the animal species from traditional gelatins. We herein report that the nucleic acids contents (dsDNA, ssDNA and miRNA) from commercially-available gelatins manufactured according to classical procedures (wanikawa) exhibited much higher (about 10 times) than those from modern gelatins made through an industrialised process (yonikawa), suggesting that DNA analysis using the gelatins from cultural assets could be substantially feasible. Moreover, targeting not only commercially available niwaka but also Ukiyo-e, Japanese classical art manufactured through woodblock printings, we here illustrate partial successes in the animal species identification coupled with DNA barcoding technique, hopefully paving the way for scientifically more reliable animal species identifications of archaeological specimens made with a gelatin component.
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Abstract Addressing the lack of English tests that measure critical thinking (CT) abilities of EFL learners, this study aims to develop an English Critical Thinking Test (ECTT) designed to measure the consistency, analysis, and inference CT skills. It is a follow-up to a pilot study to accumulate validity evidence for the use of the ECTT. A total of 262 Japanese EFL learners who were first-year college students took the ECTT, a Japanese Critical Thinking Test (JCTT), and an English proficiency test (EPT). The result of the internal structures of ECTT and JCTT revealed that both CT tests fit two-factor models better than three-factor models, with consistency as one factor and analysis and inference as the other factor. This implies that it is difficult to measure the CT skills’ hierarchical nature. However, the model that included the three tests fit the data well and indicated moderately high correlations between the ECTT and EPT (r = .64) and between the ECTT and JCTT (r = .55). In addition, we confirmed that the skills that test-takers needed most in solving questions in each of the three CT sections (i.e., consistency, analysis, and inference CT skills) of the ECTT were as intended. Based on these findings, the validation of the ECTT has been improved; ECTT can be used for EFL learners at upper secondary and university levels in Japan.
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Potters from three communities were instructed to faithfully reproduce four different model shapes with the thinnest walls possible using two different quantities of clay (0.75 kg or 2.25 kg), giving a total of eight experimental conditions. The four shapes (referred to as Cylinder, Bowl, Sphere, and Vase, respectively) were presented as pictures without providing any indication of the absolute dimensions to be produced. The four shapes were not part of any of the potters’ daily repertoire. Potters produced five specimens for each of the eight vessel types. The experimental sessions were video-recorded under standardized conditions using a Panasonic NV-GS320 camcorder. The camera was fixed on a tripod with lens orientation centered on the vertical rotation axis of the wheel. The camera was positioned at a height of 30 cm above the level of the wheel at a horizontal distance of 4-6 m. The lower edge of the video scene was aligned with the center of the wheel. The zoom was adapted to fully cover a 36-cm high by 42-cm wide calibration object (inverted T-shape) placed on the wheel at the start of each recording. For each trial, the images of the clay body profile after each fashioning gesture were extracted from the video frames (image resolution: 720 x 576 pixels; video sampling frequency: 25 fps). The first image captured the profile immediately following the (centering and opening) pre-forming phase and the last image captured the final profile; the intervening images captured the intermediate profiles during form development. This succession of profiles captured the vessel’s morphogenesis. The overall duration of the forming process was also analyzed. From the images, we extracted the 2D coordinates of the right half of the cross-sectional profiles by tracing them out on a Cintiq 21UX Wacom (Kazo, Japan) tablet with an integrated screen. The profile coordinates were converted from pixels to centimeters using a calibration factor obtained from the digitized dimensions of the calibration object. The profiles were re-sampled to generate an equal number of points at regular height intervals along the vertical (Y) axis and the resulting coordinates were smoothed with a low-pass filter. Because wheel-thrown vessels are typically axisymmetric, profiles were subsequently converted to full pot outlines by multiplying the horizontal (X) coordinates by -1 to create the corresponding left edge. Of the total 840 vessels thrown (twenty-one potters, each throwing five specimens of eight different vessel types), 12 vessels were not included due to problems with the video recording. # Data from: cultural attraction in pottery practice: group-specific shape transformations by potters from three communities --- Experimental data used in "Cultural attraction in pottery practice: group-specific shape transformations by potters from three communities". Methodological Information: see the manuscript methods section or the methods section of the Dryad dataset (DOI:10.5061/dryad.9ghx3ffpv) for details. Briefly, the dataset contains the two-dimensional outlines of the clay form as a function of time extracted from the video recordings of a cross-cultural experiment with 21 potters from three different cultural backgrounds (French and two Indian communities--Prajapati and Multani Kumhar). ## Description of the Data and file structure ## Summary Metrics * File count: 1 * Total file size: 713 MB * File formats: .mat ## Table of Contents * Pottery_Morphogenesis_Data.mat ## Setup * Unpacking instructions: n/a * Recommended software/tools: Matlab version 2023b. --- ## File/Folder Details ## Details for: Pottery\_Morphogenesis\_Data.mat * Description: Data of the two-dimensional outlines of the clay form as a function of time extracted from the video recordings of a cross-cultural experiment with 21 potters from 3 different cultural backgrounds (French and two Indian communities--Prajapati and Multani Kumhar) replicating 5 specimens of 4 model vessel types (cylinder, bowl, sphere, and vase) with 2 different quantities of clay (0.75 kg and 2.25 kg). * Format(s): .mat * Size(s): 713 MB * The table array "Pottery_Data" stores the following variables for each trial: * Potter: Potter ID and community (e.g., 'French9', 'Prajapati6'). * Type: The name of the model vessel type replicated and mass of clay used (e.g., 'Cylinder0.75', 'Vase2.25'). * Trial: Trial number (1-5). * Outline: Cell arrays that store multiple outlines (first column: the onset of the forming phase (t0), last column: the end of the forming phase) from each trial. Each cell contains 2D outline data extracted from video images of the clay body profile following each fashioning gesture. * Time: Cell arrays that store time stamps corresponding to multiple outlines stored in the column "Outline" (first column: the onset of the forming phase (t0), last column: the end of the forming phase) from each trial. Pottery is a quintessential indicator of human cultural dynamics. Cultural alignment of behavioral repertoires and artifacts has been considered to rest upon two distinct dynamics: selective transmission of information and culture-specific biased transformation. In a cross-cultural field experiment, we tested whether community-specific morphological features of ceramic vessels would arise when the same unfamiliar shapes were reproduced by professional potters from three different communities who threw vessels using wheels. We analyzed the details of the underlying morphogenesis development of vessels in wheel throwing. When expert potters from three different communities of practice were instructed to faithfully reproduce common unfamiliar model shapes that were not parts of the daily repertoires, the morphometric variation in the final shape was not random; rather, different potters produced vessels with more morphometric variation among than within communities, indicating the presence of community-specific deviations of morphological features of vessels. Furthermore, this was found both in the final shape and in the underlying process of morphogenesis; there was more variation in the morphogenetic path among than within communities. These results suggest that the morphological features of ceramic vessels produced by potters reliably and nonrandomly diverge among different communities.
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The Observatory Knowledge Graph (OKG) is a knowledge graph with tweets on inequality in terms of the OBIO ontology (https://w3id.org/okg/obio-ontology/), which integrates social media metadata with various types of linguistic knowledge. The OKG can be used as the backbone of a social media observatory, to facilitate a deeper understanding of social media discourse on inequality. We retrieved tweets and retweets published from the end (30th) of May 2020 to the beginning (1st) of May 2023. In this version of the OKG, we use a sample of 85,247 tweets, published from May 30th to August 27th, 2020. To be compliant with Twitter's policies, we remove usernames and id's, as well as the tweet texts and sentences. We also replace user IRIs with skolem IRIs through skolemization. Access to the OKG as well as the SPARQL endpoint can be requested by sending a mail to the contact person (l.stork@uva.nl) with the following information: A description of the use case Affiliation of the researchers involved How their work is in line with Twitter's policies: https://developer.twitter.com/en/developer-terms/policy#4-d
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Description This is a dataset with captions for a single-source sound that can be used in various tasks that use environmental sounds. The dataset consists of 1,044 single-source sounds and 4,902 captions (3 or more captions per single-source sound). This dataset also consists of 1,044 multiple-source sounds and 3,132 captions (3 captions per multiple-source sound). The detail of the dataset is described in [1]. Conditions of use This dataset was made by Hitachi, Ltd. and is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license. Citation If you use this dataset, please cite as follow: [1] Yuki Okamoto, Kanta Shimonishi, Keisuke Imoto, Kota Dohi, Shota Horiguchi, and Yohei Kawaguchi, "CAPTDURE: Captioned sound Dataset of Single Sources," Proc. INTERSPEECH, pp. 1683-1687, 2023. Feedback If there is any problem, please contact us Yuki Okamoto, y-okamoto@ieee.org Yohei Kawaguchi, yohei.kawaguchi.xk@hitachi.com
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Guilherme Paulino-Passos would like to thank the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, for supporting his visit to Japan that made this work possible, as well as Capes (Brazil, Ph.D. Scholarship 88881.174481/2018-01). Francesca Toni also acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No.101020934, ADIX), as well as support from J.P. Morgan and the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, under the Research Chairs and Senior Research Fellowships scheme. Ken Satoh acknowledges support by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number, JP22H00543 and JST, AIP Trilateral AI Research, Grant Number JPMJCR20G4. A dataset for the task of information extraction, in particular event extraction, in court decisions, focusing on contracts. Our dataset captures contractual relations and events that affect them in some way, such as negotiations preceding a (possible) contract, the execution of a contract, or its termination. {"references": ["Paulino-Passos, Guilherme et al. (2023). A Dataset of Contractual Events in Court Decisions. Logic Programming and Legal Reasoning workshop at ICLP 2023."]}
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Abstract The increase in one-person households (OPHs) in the developed world is often seen as the result of a trend in which individualistic values and behaviors are replacing family solidarity. Nordic countries have been identified as frontrunners in this development. In Asia, equally developed countries like Japan retain elements of a strong-family system and an asymmetrical gender regime, simultaneously as they are experiencing rapid increases in OPHs. This article aims to uncover how the demographic and socioeconomic composition of OPHs have developed since the 1990s among working-age women in Sweden and Japan. Our results show that, in particular, civil status and income play different roles for OPH-living in Sweden and Japan. In contrast to Japan, the level of OPHs remained stable over time in Sweden, and even declined among women with high incomes. This suggests that the negative association between family formation and women’s economic activity is temporary and only prevails as long as society has not adapted to the convergence of men’s and women’s socioeconomic roles. The findings are discussed in light of the “second demographic transition” and “dual equilibrium theory”.
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