This study presents preliminary results of the field, petrographic and geochemical analysis of gold- and silver-bearing quartz veins exposed at the Yuki Gold mine, Hita city, Oita prefecture, western Japan. A preliminary field survey conducted at the Yuki Gold mine showed the exposures of vertical to sub-vertical ore-bearing quartz veins that cut across the volcanic rocks in the area. From the vein, eight rock samples were collected and investigated for petrological and geochemical studies. Petrological observations showed that majority of the samples were leucocratic and mainly composed of quartz with rare melanocratic or dark-colored patches or layers, comprising the non-silica but metallic or ore minerals of very fine-grained size. Geochemical analysis, conducted on cut and polished slabs/chips from the collected samples showed > 99 weight % SiO2 from the leucocratic domains and around 80 weight % SiO2 from the darker domains. In addition, some samples, showed Au from 10 to 13 μg/g (10〜13 g/ton) and Ag contents ranging from 23〜58 μg/g (23 〜 58 g/ton). These results indicate higher prospects of gold and silver contents in the Yuki Gold mine, showing a potential source for economical ore deposit. Further and detailed studies in the area will help in estimating the potential reserves of precious metals in the study area. departmental bulletin paper
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This study investigates the mineralogical, textural, and compositional variations within the carbonatite bodies exposed in the Peshawar Plain Alkaline Igneous Province (PPAIP), northwest Himalayas, Pakistan. A comprehensive methodology combining elemental mapping using the X-ray guided tube, petrography, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was employed to characterise four distinct carbonatite varieties: Jambil, Sillai Pattai, Loe Shilman, and Warsak. The results reveal notable mineralogical variations among the studied carbonatite bodies, with calcite as the predominant phase. However, associated minerals vary significantly, reflecting distinct geological processes that formed the carbonatite bodies. The geochemical data obtained through XRF analysis elucidate the composition of major oxides and trace elements, providing insights into the petrogenesis of these carbonatites. Ternary diagrams, constructed from major oxides ca. CaO-MgO-FeO, confirm their classification dominantly as calcio carbonatites with some transition towards ferro carbonatites. These findings enhance our understanding of the formation and evolution of carbonatite complexes in the PPAIP and contribute valuable insights into the geological history of this region. departmental bulletin paper
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地域精神科医療に従事する多職種アウトリーチチームを対象として,チームの現状や臨床心理職に対するニーズを抽出し,多職種アウトリーチチームの現状の精査および臨床心理職のチーム加入への可能性を検討することを目的としてアンケート調査を実施した。16チーム134 名から回答を得た結果,看護師を中心として,精神保健福祉士,作業療法士,医師,臨床心理職,保健師,理学療法士,言語聴覚士,薬剤師,管理栄養士,助産師等の多職種専門家で構成されたチームによる包括的な支援が展開されている可能性が示唆された。臨床心理職の在籍率が上がらない理由として,〔診療報酬の算定の問題〕や,〔臨床心理職との連携の取り辛さ〕,〔臨床心理職の専門性の分かり辛さ〕,〔臨床心理職のアウトリーチ型支援の経験不足〕という課題が明らかとなった。しかし,〔利用者のアセスメント・心理検査〕,〔カウンセリング〕,〔認知行動療法〕,〔困難ケースへの対応〕,〔コンサルテーション〕,〔家族支援〕,〔心理教育〕,〔日常生活支援〕,〔スタッフのメンタルヘルスケア〕に,臨床心理職の専門性を発揮してほしいという意見も多く上がり,実際に臨床心理職が在籍しているチームからは,〔心理支援に対する利用者の支援ニーズの高さ〕や〔心理アセスメントの必要性〕,〔臨床心理職を含めた多職種による多角的な視点が有効〕,〔家族支援の充実〕など,支援効果を実感しているという意見も得られた。教育機会の乏しい現状を1つの背景とした臨床心理職側の課題と他職種が求める臨床心理職へのニーズを踏まえ,臨床心理職を含めた多職種アウトリーチチームが,個別性の高い支援ニーズを細やかに汲み取り,質の高い包括的な支援の提供につながるよう,さらに検討を重ねていく必要がある。 This study assessed the status and the need for clinical psychologists in multidisciplinary outreach teams providing community psychiatric care and the potential for clinical psychologists to join these teams. We conducted a survey to gather information regarding team composition, current practices, and specific requirements for clinical psychologists. Participants (N = 134) in 16 teams responded to the s urvey. The findings revealed that teams comprising various professionals, including nurses, mental health welfare workers, occupational therapists, physicians, clinical psychologists, public health nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, pharmacists, registered dieticians, and midwives, provide comprehensive support. We identified several challenges in recruiting clinical psychologists to these teams, including problems in reimbursement calculations, difficulties collaborating with clinical psychologis ts, ambiguity surrounding the specialization of clinical psychology, and clinical psychologists’ limited outreach support experience. However, many respondents in teams that included clinical psychologists expressed the need for their expertise in user ass essment and psychological testing, counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, managing complex cases, consultation, family support, psychological education, daily life support, and staff mental health care. The respondents highlighted the positive impact of a multidisciplinary perspective that included clinical psychology for meeting the high demand for psychological support, the need for psychological assessment, and the efficacy of comprehensive support. We considered the challenges facing clinical psychol ogists and the needs expressed by other professions. The study concluded the crucial need to investigate further how multidisciplinary outreach teams that include clinical psychologists can cater to individualized support needs and provide high quality, co mprehensive care with the limited educational opportunities available in the current context. journal article
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handle: 10232/0002000607
Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1864 was collected from two species of fishes in small mountain streams in Akita Prefecture, northern Honshu, Japan. The infected fishes are ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846) (Plecoglossidae) from the Nukazawa River and stream-resident masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou (Brevoort, 1856) (Salmonidae) in the Bussha Stream. These collections are the second records of A. coregoni from ayu and river-resident masu salmon, respectively, in Akita Prefecture. Both the Nukazawa River and the Bussha Stream belong to the Yoneshiro River system and represent new collection localities for A. coregoni. The collected specimens of the species are briefly described and particularly characterized by the presence of four or five plumose setae on the posterior margin of the coxa in the first legs. This feature is useful to distinguish A. coregoni from a morphologically similar species, Argulus japonicus Thiele, 1900, which also occurs in Akita Prefecture and has only one plumose seta on the coxa of the first legs. journal article
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handle: 10232/0002000606
本文, 正誤表 One adult male of Argulus japonicus Theile, 1900 was collected from the body surface near the pectoral fin of a koi carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) reared by a carp hobbyist in a garden pond in Akiota, Hiroshima Prefecture, western Honshu, Japan. The male collected is briefly described. This is the second specimen-based record of A. japonicus from Hiroshima Prefecture, where the species was previously found from silver crucian carp Carassius sp. in the Kurose River. Based on the literature published between 1900 and 2023, this paper also reviews the biology of A. japonicus infecting common carp and koi carp in Japan. This parasite has been recorded from common carp and koi carp reared in 12 prefectures (Hokkaido, Ibaraki, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Ishikawa, Shiga, Mie, Osaka, Hyogo, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, and Kagoshima) and from wild common carp in two prefectures (Miyagi and Shimane). This indicates that A. japonicus often utilizes captive common carp and koi carp as its hosts and is one of the important parasites of these fishes in Japan. In ponds rearing common carp in central Japan, free-swimming individuals of A. japonicus are highly abundant in warm water months but decrease in early winter. This species usually overwinters as eggs, but a few adults may survive in winter months. A secondary bacterial infection has been suggested to result from A. japonicus infection. journal article
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handle: 10232/0002000604
journal article
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handle: 10232/0002000605
journal article
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departmental bulletin paper
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citations | 0 | |
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departmental bulletin paper
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citations | 0 | |
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This study presents preliminary results of the field, petrographic and geochemical analysis of gold- and silver-bearing quartz veins exposed at the Yuki Gold mine, Hita city, Oita prefecture, western Japan. A preliminary field survey conducted at the Yuki Gold mine showed the exposures of vertical to sub-vertical ore-bearing quartz veins that cut across the volcanic rocks in the area. From the vein, eight rock samples were collected and investigated for petrological and geochemical studies. Petrological observations showed that majority of the samples were leucocratic and mainly composed of quartz with rare melanocratic or dark-colored patches or layers, comprising the non-silica but metallic or ore minerals of very fine-grained size. Geochemical analysis, conducted on cut and polished slabs/chips from the collected samples showed > 99 weight % SiO2 from the leucocratic domains and around 80 weight % SiO2 from the darker domains. In addition, some samples, showed Au from 10 to 13 μg/g (10〜13 g/ton) and Ag contents ranging from 23〜58 μg/g (23 〜 58 g/ton). These results indicate higher prospects of gold and silver contents in the Yuki Gold mine, showing a potential source for economical ore deposit. Further and detailed studies in the area will help in estimating the potential reserves of precious metals in the study area. departmental bulletin paper
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This study investigates the mineralogical, textural, and compositional variations within the carbonatite bodies exposed in the Peshawar Plain Alkaline Igneous Province (PPAIP), northwest Himalayas, Pakistan. A comprehensive methodology combining elemental mapping using the X-ray guided tube, petrography, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was employed to characterise four distinct carbonatite varieties: Jambil, Sillai Pattai, Loe Shilman, and Warsak. The results reveal notable mineralogical variations among the studied carbonatite bodies, with calcite as the predominant phase. However, associated minerals vary significantly, reflecting distinct geological processes that formed the carbonatite bodies. The geochemical data obtained through XRF analysis elucidate the composition of major oxides and trace elements, providing insights into the petrogenesis of these carbonatites. Ternary diagrams, constructed from major oxides ca. CaO-MgO-FeO, confirm their classification dominantly as calcio carbonatites with some transition towards ferro carbonatites. These findings enhance our understanding of the formation and evolution of carbonatite complexes in the PPAIP and contribute valuable insights into the geological history of this region. departmental bulletin paper
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地域精神科医療に従事する多職種アウトリーチチームを対象として,チームの現状や臨床心理職に対するニーズを抽出し,多職種アウトリーチチームの現状の精査および臨床心理職のチーム加入への可能性を検討することを目的としてアンケート調査を実施した。16チーム134 名から回答を得た結果,看護師を中心として,精神保健福祉士,作業療法士,医師,臨床心理職,保健師,理学療法士,言語聴覚士,薬剤師,管理栄養士,助産師等の多職種専門家で構成されたチームによる包括的な支援が展開されている可能性が示唆された。臨床心理職の在籍率が上がらない理由として,〔診療報酬の算定の問題〕や,〔臨床心理職との連携の取り辛さ〕,〔臨床心理職の専門性の分かり辛さ〕,〔臨床心理職のアウトリーチ型支援の経験不足〕という課題が明らかとなった。しかし,〔利用者のアセスメント・心理検査〕,〔カウンセリング〕,〔認知行動療法〕,〔困難ケースへの対応〕,〔コンサルテーション〕,〔家族支援〕,〔心理教育〕,〔日常生活支援〕,〔スタッフのメンタルヘルスケア〕に,臨床心理職の専門性を発揮してほしいという意見も多く上がり,実際に臨床心理職が在籍しているチームからは,〔心理支援に対する利用者の支援ニーズの高さ〕や〔心理アセスメントの必要性〕,〔臨床心理職を含めた多職種による多角的な視点が有効〕,〔家族支援の充実〕など,支援効果を実感しているという意見も得られた。教育機会の乏しい現状を1つの背景とした臨床心理職側の課題と他職種が求める臨床心理職へのニーズを踏まえ,臨床心理職を含めた多職種アウトリーチチームが,個別性の高い支援ニーズを細やかに汲み取り,質の高い包括的な支援の提供につながるよう,さらに検討を重ねていく必要がある。 This study assessed the status and the need for clinical psychologists in multidisciplinary outreach teams providing community psychiatric care and the potential for clinical psychologists to join these teams. We conducted a survey to gather information regarding team composition, current practices, and specific requirements for clinical psychologists. Participants (N = 134) in 16 teams responded to the s urvey. The findings revealed that teams comprising various professionals, including nurses, mental health welfare workers, occupational therapists, physicians, clinical psychologists, public health nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, pharmacists, registered dieticians, and midwives, provide comprehensive support. We identified several challenges in recruiting clinical psychologists to these teams, including problems in reimbursement calculations, difficulties collaborating with clinical psychologis ts, ambiguity surrounding the specialization of clinical psychology, and clinical psychologists’ limited outreach support experience. However, many respondents in teams that included clinical psychologists expressed the need for their expertise in user ass essment and psychological testing, counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, managing complex cases, consultation, family support, psychological education, daily life support, and staff mental health care. The respondents highlighted the positive impact of a multidisciplinary perspective that included clinical psychology for meeting the high demand for psychological support, the need for psychological assessment, and the efficacy of comprehensive support. We considered the challenges facing clinical psychol ogists and the needs expressed by other professions. The study concluded the crucial need to investigate further how multidisciplinary outreach teams that include clinical psychologists can cater to individualized support needs and provide high quality, co mprehensive care with the limited educational opportunities available in the current context. journal article
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handle: 10232/0002000607
Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1864 was collected from two species of fishes in small mountain streams in Akita Prefecture, northern Honshu, Japan. The infected fishes are ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis (Temminck and Schlegel, 1846) (Plecoglossidae) from the Nukazawa River and stream-resident masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou masou (Brevoort, 1856) (Salmonidae) in the Bussha Stream. These collections are the second records of A. coregoni from ayu and river-resident masu salmon, respectively, in Akita Prefecture. Both the Nukazawa River and the Bussha Stream belong to the Yoneshiro River system and represent new collection localities for A. coregoni. The collected specimens of the species are briefly described and particularly characterized by the presence of four or five plumose setae on the posterior margin of the coxa in the first legs. This feature is useful to distinguish A. coregoni from a morphologically similar species, Argulus japonicus Thiele, 1900, which also occurs in Akita Prefecture and has only one plumose seta on the coxa of the first legs. journal article
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handle: 10232/0002000606
本文, 正誤表 One adult male of Argulus japonicus Theile, 1900 was collected from the body surface near the pectoral fin of a koi carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) reared by a carp hobbyist in a garden pond in Akiota, Hiroshima Prefecture, western Honshu, Japan. The male collected is briefly described. This is the second specimen-based record of A. japonicus from Hiroshima Prefecture, where the species was previously found from silver crucian carp Carassius sp. in the Kurose River. Based on the literature published between 1900 and 2023, this paper also reviews the biology of A. japonicus infecting common carp and koi carp in Japan. This parasite has been recorded from common carp and koi carp reared in 12 prefectures (Hokkaido, Ibaraki, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Ishikawa, Shiga, Mie, Osaka, Hyogo, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, and Kagoshima) and from wild common carp in two prefectures (Miyagi and Shimane). This indicates that A. japonicus often utilizes captive common carp and koi carp as its hosts and is one of the important parasites of these fishes in Japan. In ponds rearing common carp in central Japan, free-swimming individuals of A. japonicus are highly abundant in warm water months but decrease in early winter. This species usually overwinters as eggs, but a few adults may survive in winter months. A secondary bacterial infection has been suggested to result from A. japonicus infection. journal article
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handle: 10232/0002000604
journal article
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 10232/0002000605
journal article
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