handle: 20.500.12556/DKUM-86592
The rapid development of digitization affects all areas of our lives. At EU level a broad ethical and legal debate has been taking place in the recent years, focusing particularly on artificial intelligence, internet of things, the role of tech giants and especially on appropriate regulatory framework that puts fundamental rights first. These questions were investigated closely as part of the Student Innovative Project for Social Benefit (ŠIPK) at the Faculty of Law University of Maribor with the cooperation of private non-profit institution, Zavod PIP, and eight students from the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics and the Faculty of Arts. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness among all social stakeholders about the impact of digitization on social relations and to prepare the basis for guidelines for the future regulation of digitization. Bliskovit razvoj digitalizacije vpliva na vsa področja našega življenja. Na ravni EU se v zadnjih letih že odvija široka etična in pravna razprava o umetni inteligenci, robotiki stvari, močnih komunikacijskih omrežjih in primernem regulativnem okvirju, ki mora spoštovati tudi temeljne pravice. O tem so leta 2020 v sklopu Študentskega inovativnega projekta za družbeno korist (ŠIPK) raziskovali na Pravni fakulteti UM skupaj s sodelovanjem partnerja iz negospodarstva, Zavoda PIP, in osmih študentov iz štirih fakultet Univerze v Mariboru, in sicer Pravne fakultete, Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete, Fakultete za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko in Filozofske fakultete. Namen projekta in pričujoče monografije je ozaveščati vse družbene deležnike o vplivu digitalizacije na družbena razmerja in pripraviti podlago za smernice za bodoče urejanje digitalizacije.
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The digital transformation and circular economy (CE) are two megatrends that have been discussed not only among practitioners and policy makers, but also as an interesting topic of research in the scientific world. While CE aims to transform the world economy model to a more sustainable and eco-friendlier version, digital technologies (DTs) are revolutionizing our everyday lives by offering innovative connected solutions. Implementing CE strategies offers considerable value by decoupling our production and consumption system from the linear model of ‘take-make-use-dispose’. However, applying CE principles requires a radical change in the way companies create and deliver value to their customers. Companies face challenges in aligning CE principles to their current system to offer service-oriented models instead of physical products. This raises the role of DTs as enablers of CE. In this sense, AI has been identified as one of the key DTs that can enhance circularity through advanced analytics capabilities. Utilising AI enables resource and energy efficiency that can help companies in making more resourceful decision-making. However, research on the effective utilisation of AI in circular value creation has been very limited and companies struggle to understand how AI can change their value creation model based on CE strategies. Addressing this gap, it is essential to develop the understanding of potential of AI in circular value creation. This thesis employs a mixed methods approach to answer the main research question: “How can AI enhance circular value creation for companies and related business models?”, starting with a conceptual approach to improve the concept of value creation in CE and reveal the role of AI in the ReSOLVE framework. This is followed by empirical investigations through qualitative studies on product design and business model (BM) aspects of circular value creation. Since qualitative studies of this dissertation emphasise the role of data in digitally enabled CE, a literature review was conducted to identify the aspects and value of data in AI-enabled BMs, following by an empirical examination of the conceptual model by the last study. The results contribute and add new knowledge to the field of AI and value creation in CE by providing detailed information on how AI can enhance resource and energy efficiency when applied in circular solutions. The findings demonstrate that AI can enhance circularity by enabling data-driven BMs such as product-service systems and the sharing economy. In addition, the results highlight the value of data for example in product design and prototyping, and the entire lifecycle of products to innovate AI-enabled BMs. The thesis identifies that an innovative business ecosystem which is connected by different DTs can enhance circularity for all the actors and partners of ecosystem through sharing transparent data that circulates within the supply chain.
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handle: 20.500.12556/RUL-151312
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Position Estimation of CubeSat was made using YOLOv8 neural network for detection and a perspective-geometry based Python algorithm for position calculation. The YOLOv8 detector was trained using a dataset made of real and synthetic CubeSat images. The Algorithm of position estimation used detected CubeSat position in camera frame and used intrinsic parameters of camero to estimate CubSat position in space. This files shows detected data during experiments E1 to E37. E8, E17, E18 and E19 were removed due to external interference to the experiments.
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handle: 20.500.12556/DKUM-84714
The scientific monograph "A Study of Business Information Solutions Providers for Digital Transformation of Companies" addresses sustainable digital transformation, which is influenced by both the choice of technological platforms and the information architecture of digitized organizations. The European Union (EU) has identified digital transformation as one of the key areas of development. The European Commission has formulated and published a vision and guidelines for digital transformation, including EU goals in the field of digital transformation. The EU is also aware of the challenges related to pollution and climate change caused by pollution and their connection to digital transformation. The EU has published the "European Green Deal," which is based on the concepts of sustainable development of the United Nations (European Commission, 2021b). A comprehensive sustainability-oriented approach to digital transformation thus involves integrating business processes and digital technologies into digitized business operations. Therefore, the first part of the scientific monograph focuses on digital transformation and addresses how information technologies and solutions can impact the sustainable development of companies and society. In the second part of the scientific monograph, the modern concept of information architecture of digitized organizations is defined. Business information solutions play an important role in the digital transformation of organizations, as organizations use them for information support of their business processes and workflows. The most important representative of business information solutions is the comprehensive information solution (ERP solution). In addition, solutions for customer relationship management (CRM solutions), document management system solutions (DMS solutions), digital marketing solutions, and many others are classified as business information solutions. The second part of the scientific monograph describes the definitions and characteristics of these business information solutions and the providers of these solutions. It provides a detailed description of individual business information solutions available in the Slovenian market. Thus, the reader can gain an initial impression of the usefulness of individual solutions for a particular company or organization for each group of researched information solutions. Znanstvena monografija Raziskava ponudnikov poslovnih informacijskih rešitev za digitalno transformacijo podjetij obravnava področje trajnostne digitalne preozbrazbe, na katero vpliva tako izbira tehnološke platforme kot tudi informacijska arhitektura digitaliziranih organizacij. Evropska unija (EU) je opredelila digitalno preobrazbo kot eno od ključnih področij razvoja. Evropska komisija je oblikovala in objavila vizijo in smernice za digitalno preobrazbo, ki vključujejo tudi cilje EU na področju digitalne preobrazbe. EU se tudi zaveda izzivov, povezanih z onesnaževanjem in podnebnimi spremembami, ki jih onesnaževanje povzroča, ter njihove povezanosti z digitalno preobrazbo. EU je objavila “European Green Deal”, ki temelji na konceptih trajnostnega razvoja Združenih narodov. Celovita trajnostno usmerjena obravnava digitalne preobrazbe tako vključuje združitev poslovnih procesov in digitalnih tehnologij v digitalizirano poslovanje. Zato je v prvem delu znanstvene monografije poudarek na digitalni preobrazbi in odgovorih na vprašanje, kako lahko informacijske tehnologije in informacijske rešitve vplivajo na trajnostni razvoj podjetij in družbe. V drugem delu znanstvene monografije je opredeljen sodoben koncept informacijske arhitekture digitaliziranih organizacij. Pomembno vlogo pri digitalni preobrazbi organizacij imajo poslovne informacijske rešitve, ki jih organizacije uporabljajo za informacijsko podporo svojih poslovnih procesov in delovnih tokov. Najpomembnejši predstavnik poslovnih informacijskih rešitev so celovite informacijske rešitve (rešitve ERP). Poleg teh pa v skupino poslovnih informacijskih rešitev uvrščamo tudi rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (rešitve CRM), rešitve za upravljanje dokumentnih sistemov (rešitve DMS), rešitve digitalnega marketinga ter mnoge druge. Za omenjene poslovne informacijske rešitve so v drugem delu znanstvene monografije opisane opredelitve in njihove značilnosti, ponudniki teh poslovnih informacijskih rešitev in podrobnejši opis posameznih poslovnih informacijskih rešitev, prisotnih na slovenskem trgu. Tako si lahko bralec za vsak sklop raziskanih informacijskih rešitev ustvari začetni vtis o uporabnosti posameznih rešitev za posamezno podjetje oz. organizacijo.
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handle: 20.500.12556/DKUM-84589
Blejska eKonferenca, ki jo organizira Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, že od leta 1988 sooblikuje razvoj elektronskega, danes digitalnega poslovanja in digitalne družbe. Tema 36. konference je »Digitalna ekonomija in družba: Vloga digitalnih inovacij v času nestabilnosti«. V času nestabilnosti, ki vključuje politične, gospodarske, zdravstvene in okoljske izzive ter izzive pomanjkanja virov na eni strani ter hitre in prebojne tehnološke inovacije na drugi strani, je ključnega pomena zagotoviti, da digitalne inovacije še naprej vodijo do pravih in trajnostnih rešitev, ki so prilagojene potrebam vseh ljudi, organizacij in celotne družbe. Zelo pomembno je, da ne pozabimo na zaščito našega planeta, vključno z živalstvom in rastlinstvom. Ta prizadevanja vključujejo sprejetje ustreznih regulativnih okvirov, spodbujanje digitalne pismenosti in razvoja digitalnih kompetenc, spodbujanje vključujočega dostopa do digitalnih tehnologij ter obravnavanje etičnih, družbenih in okoljskih vplivov digitalne preobrazbe. Prispevki v zborniku konference obravnavajo digitalno preobrazbo organizacij, umetno inteligenco in podatkovno znanost, sisteme za podporo odločanju o poslovnih in družbenih izzivih, nove, digitalne in podatkovno vodene poslovne modele, digitalnega potrošnika, digitalno izobraževanje, digitalno zdravstvo, digitalno etiko, prestrukturirano delo ter rešitve za pametna in trajnostna mesta. Še naprej zagotavljamo odprt forum za akademske kroge, vključno s študenti, industrijo in oblikovalci politik, kjer lahko vsak prispeva k ustvarjanju boljšega sveta. The Bled eConference, organised by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988. The theme of the 36th conference is "Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability". In times of instability, which include political, economic, resource, health, and environmental challenges on the one hand, and technological disruption on the other, it is critical to ensure that digital innovation continues to lead to the right and sustainable solutions that are tailored to the needs of all people, enterprises and society. It is very important to keep in mind the protection of our planet, including fauna and flora. These efforts include adopting appropriate regulatory frameworks, fostering digital literacy and skills development, promoting inclusive access to digital technologies, and addressing the ethical, social and environmental implications of digital transformation. The papers in this conference proceedings address digital transformation of enterprises, artificial intelligence and data science solutions, decision analytics for business and societal challenges, new, digital and data driven business models, digital consumer, digital education, digital health, digital ethics, restructured work and solutions for smart and sustainable cities. We continue to provide an open forum for academia, including students, industry, and policy makers where everyone can contribute to creating a better world.
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The world is confronted with the grand challenge of food insecurity amidst growing populations and the climate crisis. Artificial intelligence (AI) deployed in agricultural decision support systems (AgriDSS) raises both hopes and concerns for increasing agricultural productivity in sustainable ways. We conduct a scoping review to uncover the roadblocks to the use of AI-supported AgriDSS in sustainable agriculture. Based on the corpus of 121 articles, we find that the effective use of AI-supported AgriDSS is hindered at technical, social, ethical, and ecological levels. Then, drawing on the experiential learning perspective, we propose how conjoint experiential learning (CEL) can enhance sustainable agricultural practices by enhancing both AI and human learning and overcoming roadblocks in using AgriDSS. Based on this conceptual framework, we build a research agenda that suggests blind spots and possible directions for future research.
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The methodology is described in detail by Hilburn et al. (2021). The ABI, GLM, and MRMS data sets were resampled to a common 3 km grid. A cloud height of 10 km was used for removing parallax displacements. Satellite and radar samples were matched in time with a maximum time difference of 2.5 minutes. GLM lightning groups were accumulated over 15-minute time periods. The CONUS1 dataset is a "toy" dataset that is small enough to be able to train a convolutional neural network on a laptop computer to do image translation from geostationary satellite images to ground-based radar images. It provides three input channels from GOES-16 ABI, one input channel from GOES-16 GLM, and one output channel from MRMS. You may read the dataset using any software that can read NetCDF-4.Funding provided by: NOAA GOES-R*Crossref Funder Registry ID: Award Number: NA19OAR4320073
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The Position Paper was developed by the Multi-Actor Platform Southwest (MAP SW), in Portugal. This Position Paper covers the topic of “social dimension of rural areas”, concretely of the Southwest Alentejo territory.This territory has for many years attracted many foreign citizens of various nationalities, that is why the Portuguese MAP decided to particularly focus on the improvement of rural population well-being and favoring social inclusion.
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handle: 20.500.12556/DKUM-86592
The rapid development of digitization affects all areas of our lives. At EU level a broad ethical and legal debate has been taking place in the recent years, focusing particularly on artificial intelligence, internet of things, the role of tech giants and especially on appropriate regulatory framework that puts fundamental rights first. These questions were investigated closely as part of the Student Innovative Project for Social Benefit (ŠIPK) at the Faculty of Law University of Maribor with the cooperation of private non-profit institution, Zavod PIP, and eight students from the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics and the Faculty of Arts. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness among all social stakeholders about the impact of digitization on social relations and to prepare the basis for guidelines for the future regulation of digitization. Bliskovit razvoj digitalizacije vpliva na vsa področja našega življenja. Na ravni EU se v zadnjih letih že odvija široka etična in pravna razprava o umetni inteligenci, robotiki stvari, močnih komunikacijskih omrežjih in primernem regulativnem okvirju, ki mora spoštovati tudi temeljne pravice. O tem so leta 2020 v sklopu Študentskega inovativnega projekta za družbeno korist (ŠIPK) raziskovali na Pravni fakulteti UM skupaj s sodelovanjem partnerja iz negospodarstva, Zavoda PIP, in osmih študentov iz štirih fakultet Univerze v Mariboru, in sicer Pravne fakultete, Ekonomsko-poslovne fakultete, Fakultete za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko in Filozofske fakultete. Namen projekta in pričujoče monografije je ozaveščati vse družbene deležnike o vplivu digitalizacije na družbena razmerja in pripraviti podlago za smernice za bodoče urejanje digitalizacije.
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The digital transformation and circular economy (CE) are two megatrends that have been discussed not only among practitioners and policy makers, but also as an interesting topic of research in the scientific world. While CE aims to transform the world economy model to a more sustainable and eco-friendlier version, digital technologies (DTs) are revolutionizing our everyday lives by offering innovative connected solutions. Implementing CE strategies offers considerable value by decoupling our production and consumption system from the linear model of ‘take-make-use-dispose’. However, applying CE principles requires a radical change in the way companies create and deliver value to their customers. Companies face challenges in aligning CE principles to their current system to offer service-oriented models instead of physical products. This raises the role of DTs as enablers of CE. In this sense, AI has been identified as one of the key DTs that can enhance circularity through advanced analytics capabilities. Utilising AI enables resource and energy efficiency that can help companies in making more resourceful decision-making. However, research on the effective utilisation of AI in circular value creation has been very limited and companies struggle to understand how AI can change their value creation model based on CE strategies. Addressing this gap, it is essential to develop the understanding of potential of AI in circular value creation. This thesis employs a mixed methods approach to answer the main research question: “How can AI enhance circular value creation for companies and related business models?”, starting with a conceptual approach to improve the concept of value creation in CE and reveal the role of AI in the ReSOLVE framework. This is followed by empirical investigations through qualitative studies on product design and business model (BM) aspects of circular value creation. Since qualitative studies of this dissertation emphasise the role of data in digitally enabled CE, a literature review was conducted to identify the aspects and value of data in AI-enabled BMs, following by an empirical examination of the conceptual model by the last study. The results contribute and add new knowledge to the field of AI and value creation in CE by providing detailed information on how AI can enhance resource and energy efficiency when applied in circular solutions. The findings demonstrate that AI can enhance circularity by enabling data-driven BMs such as product-service systems and the sharing economy. In addition, the results highlight the value of data for example in product design and prototyping, and the entire lifecycle of products to innovate AI-enabled BMs. The thesis identifies that an innovative business ecosystem which is connected by different DTs can enhance circularity for all the actors and partners of ecosystem through sharing transparent data that circulates within the supply chain.
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handle: 20.500.12556/RUL-151312
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Position Estimation of CubeSat was made using YOLOv8 neural network for detection and a perspective-geometry based Python algorithm for position calculation. The YOLOv8 detector was trained using a dataset made of real and synthetic CubeSat images. The Algorithm of position estimation used detected CubeSat position in camera frame and used intrinsic parameters of camero to estimate CubSat position in space. This files shows detected data during experiments E1 to E37. E8, E17, E18 and E19 were removed due to external interference to the experiments.
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handle: 20.500.12556/DKUM-84714
The scientific monograph "A Study of Business Information Solutions Providers for Digital Transformation of Companies" addresses sustainable digital transformation, which is influenced by both the choice of technological platforms and the information architecture of digitized organizations. The European Union (EU) has identified digital transformation as one of the key areas of development. The European Commission has formulated and published a vision and guidelines for digital transformation, including EU goals in the field of digital transformation. The EU is also aware of the challenges related to pollution and climate change caused by pollution and their connection to digital transformation. The EU has published the "European Green Deal," which is based on the concepts of sustainable development of the United Nations (European Commission, 2021b). A comprehensive sustainability-oriented approach to digital transformation thus involves integrating business processes and digital technologies into digitized business operations. Therefore, the first part of the scientific monograph focuses on digital transformation and addresses how information technologies and solutions can impact the sustainable development of companies and society. In the second part of the scientific monograph, the modern concept of information architecture of digitized organizations is defined. Business information solutions play an important role in the digital transformation of organizations, as organizations use them for information support of their business processes and workflows. The most important representative of business information solutions is the comprehensive information solution (ERP solution). In addition, solutions for customer relationship management (CRM solutions), document management system solutions (DMS solutions), digital marketing solutions, and many others are classified as business information solutions. The second part of the scientific monograph describes the definitions and characteristics of these business information solutions and the providers of these solutions. It provides a detailed description of individual business information solutions available in the Slovenian market. Thus, the reader can gain an initial impression of the usefulness of individual solutions for a particular company or organization for each group of researched information solutions. Znanstvena monografija Raziskava ponudnikov poslovnih informacijskih rešitev za digitalno transformacijo podjetij obravnava področje trajnostne digitalne preozbrazbe, na katero vpliva tako izbira tehnološke platforme kot tudi informacijska arhitektura digitaliziranih organizacij. Evropska unija (EU) je opredelila digitalno preobrazbo kot eno od ključnih področij razvoja. Evropska komisija je oblikovala in objavila vizijo in smernice za digitalno preobrazbo, ki vključujejo tudi cilje EU na področju digitalne preobrazbe. EU se tudi zaveda izzivov, povezanih z onesnaževanjem in podnebnimi spremembami, ki jih onesnaževanje povzroča, ter njihove povezanosti z digitalno preobrazbo. EU je objavila “European Green Deal”, ki temelji na konceptih trajnostnega razvoja Združenih narodov. Celovita trajnostno usmerjena obravnava digitalne preobrazbe tako vključuje združitev poslovnih procesov in digitalnih tehnologij v digitalizirano poslovanje. Zato je v prvem delu znanstvene monografije poudarek na digitalni preobrazbi in odgovorih na vprašanje, kako lahko informacijske tehnologije in informacijske rešitve vplivajo na trajnostni razvoj podjetij in družbe. V drugem delu znanstvene monografije je opredeljen sodoben koncept informacijske arhitekture digitaliziranih organizacij. Pomembno vlogo pri digitalni preobrazbi organizacij imajo poslovne informacijske rešitve, ki jih organizacije uporabljajo za informacijsko podporo svojih poslovnih procesov in delovnih tokov. Najpomembnejši predstavnik poslovnih informacijskih rešitev so celovite informacijske rešitve (rešitve ERP). Poleg teh pa v skupino poslovnih informacijskih rešitev uvrščamo tudi rešitve za upravljanje odnosov s strankami (rešitve CRM), rešitve za upravljanje dokumentnih sistemov (rešitve DMS), rešitve digitalnega marketinga ter mnoge druge. Za omenjene poslovne informacijske rešitve so v drugem delu znanstvene monografije opisane opredelitve in njihove značilnosti, ponudniki teh poslovnih informacijskih rešitev in podrobnejši opis posameznih poslovnih informacijskih rešitev, prisotnih na slovenskem trgu. Tako si lahko bralec za vsak sklop raziskanih informacijskih rešitev ustvari začetni vtis o uporabnosti posameznih rešitev za posamezno podjetje oz. organizacijo.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 20.500.12556/DKUM-84589
Blejska eKonferenca, ki jo organizira Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, že od leta 1988 sooblikuje razvoj elektronskega, danes digitalnega poslovanja in digitalne družbe. Tema 36. konference je »Digitalna ekonomija in družba: Vloga digitalnih inovacij v času nestabilnosti«. V času nestabilnosti, ki vključuje politične, gospodarske, zdravstvene in okoljske izzive ter izzive pomanjkanja virov na eni strani ter hitre in prebojne tehnološke inovacije na drugi strani, je ključnega pomena zagotoviti, da digitalne inovacije še naprej vodijo do pravih in trajnostnih rešitev, ki so prilagojene potrebam vseh ljudi, organizacij in celotne družbe. Zelo pomembno je, da ne pozabimo na zaščito našega planeta, vključno z živalstvom in rastlinstvom. Ta prizadevanja vključujejo sprejetje ustreznih regulativnih okvirov, spodbujanje digitalne pismenosti in razvoja digitalnih kompetenc, spodbujanje vključujočega dostopa do digitalnih tehnologij ter obravnavanje etičnih, družbenih in okoljskih vplivov digitalne preobrazbe. Prispevki v zborniku konference obravnavajo digitalno preobrazbo organizacij, umetno inteligenco in podatkovno znanost, sisteme za podporo odločanju o poslovnih in družbenih izzivih, nove, digitalne in podatkovno vodene poslovne modele, digitalnega potrošnika, digitalno izobraževanje, digitalno zdravstvo, digitalno etiko, prestrukturirano delo ter rešitve za pametna in trajnostna mesta. Še naprej zagotavljamo odprt forum za akademske kroge, vključno s študenti, industrijo in oblikovalci politik, kjer lahko vsak prispeva k ustvarjanju boljšega sveta. The Bled eConference, organised by the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988. The theme of the 36th conference is "Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability". In times of instability, which include political, economic, resource, health, and environmental challenges on the one hand, and technological disruption on the other, it is critical to ensure that digital innovation continues to lead to the right and sustainable solutions that are tailored to the needs of all people, enterprises and society. It is very important to keep in mind the protection of our planet, including fauna and flora. These efforts include adopting appropriate regulatory frameworks, fostering digital literacy and skills development, promoting inclusive access to digital technologies, and addressing the ethical, social and environmental implications of digital transformation. The papers in this conference proceedings address digital transformation of enterprises, artificial intelligence and data science solutions, decision analytics for business and societal challenges, new, digital and data driven business models, digital consumer, digital education, digital health, digital ethics, restructured work and solutions for smart and sustainable cities. We continue to provide an open forum for academia, including students, industry, and policy makers where everyone can contribute to creating a better world.
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citations | 0 | |
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