The proliferation of small arms has been a major concern over the years in areas of both conflictand peace alike. Around the world, availability and access to small arms instigates violentconflicts while extending existing ones. It is also the leading cause of violent deaths in zones ofrelative peace. The Horn of Africa, which is one of the most conflict ridden areas of the world isflooded with small arms. Ethiopia, being the largest and the most populated country in the regionis at the core of proceedings and also suffers from massive proliferation of small arms. Many ofthe weapons in the country are a product of massive influx of military equipment that took placeduring the cold war and beyond - much of the trade of weapons has been driven by global powerrivalry. These arms come into play when socio-political tensions boil over between states andnon-state actors leading to loss of many lives in and around the country.This thesis attempts to answer the burgeoning question of why is there such a proliferation ofsmall arms in Ethiopia. It looks at the issue of proliferation of small arms in the country as asmall part of global arms trade driven by great power rivalry. In particular, it uses Alex DeWaal’s conceptual framework of the political marketplace to analyze both the supply and demandfor small arms in the country. The paper applies the four socio-economic-political conditions fora functional political marketplace as outlined by De Waal for two distinct periods in recentEthiopian history - the Derg Regime (1974-1991) and the subsequent EPRDF regime (1991onwards) - to see how these conditions manifest themselves during the two regions andcontribute to the proliferation of small arms in the country.
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influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Across the world rights-based climate change litigation have been hailed as the new instrument in which societal groups through law may bring about climate action from powerful actors, cure damages of climate change and provide justice against human rights violations. Despite the normative success of rights-based climate litigation, the space for legal mobilisation is not only confronted by political ideologies and bureaucratic barriers, but an inherent tension of structural oppression that affects the space for litigation in the Global South. This project seeks to explore the implications of climate justice litigation in the Global South and what dynamic interactions are involved in legal mobilisation. Through a two-level research design of international organisations and policies, as well as a comparative study of organisations, litigation cases and national law from Colombia, Kenya, and South Africa, this project finds that the space for litigation is conducive yet up against a neo-colonial extractive- development model that favours powerful actors over the livelihoods of communities although protected by law. This study draws on the theories of Third World Approaches to International Law and Socio-legal theory to move beyond a rights-based approach in seeking to deconstruct the type of justice which may be achieved, and what that means for the communities impacted.
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This study investigates the role of data sharing and digitalization in enabling the transition towards the circular economy. Climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution and environmental degradation threaten the well-being of people and the planet. Unsustainable consumption and production based on linear “take-make-waste” economic models are critical drivers of these crises. The European Union (EU) is at the forefront of efforts to improve the resource efficiency of the European economy and enable the transition towards the circular economy (CE). It has recently developed a new policy framework to regulate the production and consumption of goods placed on the EU market. A vital component of this framework is developing and implementing a Digital Product Passport (DPP). This regulatory tool aims to provide standardized information about a product throughout its lifecycle.We use a multilevel governance (MLG) approach to analyze how different levels of EU governance have been involved in developing the DPP to provide insights into factors that have shaped the policy output. We find that while the DPP has the potential to improve the transparency, traceability and circularity of the EU’s supply chain, there are definitional challenges, risks of regulatory capture, and uncertainty on how data is shared and governed which may impact its acceptance and adoption, and ultimately the EU’s accountability and democratic legitimacy.We conclude that while DPP offers significant opportunities to drive forward the EU’s CE ambitions, it can only be considered one tool in the pursuit of a more sustainable future. By addressing the challenges outlined above, and accelerating global in addition to regional efforts, can the EU facilitate the transformation required for transitioning to a more sustainable and circular economy.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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citations | 0 | |
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impulse | Average |
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The Netherlands has long struggled to come to terms with its colonial past. This thesis examines how Dutchhistory textbooks used in secondary education discuss Dutch colonial history and racism and what aspectsof this history are silenced. A narrative analysis was conducted to explore what narratives are used, whetherthe textbooks attribute agency, and whether connections are made between colonialism and present-dayphenomena, such as racism and xenophobia. The textbooks were interpreted through a theoreticalframework based on collective memory, the cultural archive, cultural hegemony, and Stuart Hall’s approachto national identity and race. The analysis found that the textbooks include representations of Dutch colonialviolence but that two of three textbooks separate colonial history from Dutch national history. Moreover,the research identified that Indonesia was given considerably more attention in the textbooks’ narrativesthan Suriname and the Dutch Antilles. While the analysis showed some efforts to include indigenousperspectives and highlight the agency of colonial subjects, a Eurocentric narrative that presents Europe asthe architect of knowledge and change in the world persists. The history textbooks framed criticalengagement with contemporary colonial legacy through a multi-perspective debate. Additionally, theanalysis concluded that the existence of racism in contemporary Dutch society and its historical roots incolonialism was omitted from all three textbooks. Thus, this research finds that silences in the historytextbooks about race echo the misunderstandings among the Dutch population regarding the denial ofracism in Dutch society.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Denne praktikopgave undersøger potentialet for at fremme cykling som en attraktiv transportform blandt medarbejdere i Greve Kommune. Resultaterne fra en survey viser, at en betydelig procentdel af medarbejderne har korte afstande til arbejdspladsen, hvilket udgør en væsentlig mulighed for at fremme cykling som en bæredygtig transportmulighed. Med 30% af medarbejderne, der bor inden for 5 km og 28% inden for 6-15 km, er der en markant målgruppe for cykelinitiativer, især for dem med korte pendlerafstande.Kommunen kan tage strategiske skridt for at opfordre til cykling blandt medarbejderne ved at tage højde for deres daglige mobilitetsmønstre. Dette indebærer en udfordring af eksisterende opfattelser, der prioriterer biler, og en fokusering på fordelene ved cykling som både transportmiddel og en sund, miljøvenlig aktivitet. Positive fortællinger om vellykkede cykeloplevelser, selv under ugunstige forhold, kan være effektive til at ændre etablerede holdninger. Det er afgørende at adressere specifikke bekymringer, som medarbejderne udtrykker. Dette inkluderer investeringer i cykelinfrastruktur og oprettelse af faciliteter som omklædningsrum og sikre cykelparkeringspladser for at imødegå bekymringer vedrørende sikkerhed og praktisk anvendelighed. Medarbejdernes ønsker om elcykler, forbedrede faciliteter og engagerende aktiviteter indikerer åbenhed for forandringer, og ved at lytte til disse behov kan arbejdsgiverne skabe et mere cykelvenligt miljø.Analysen lægger vægt på betydningen af at påvirke holdninger gennem kampagner, der fremhæver de positive aspekter af cykling. Intern kommunikation og kampagner, der fokuserer på sundhedsfordele, tidsbesparelser, omkostningsreduktion og miljøfordele, kan være effektive redskaber.For at fremme cykling som foretrukken transportform i Greve Kommune er en holistisk tilgang nødvendig. Dette indebærer at udfordre eksisterende opfattelser, implementere praktiske løsninger baseret på medarbejdernes behov og skabe en positiv kultur omkring cykling på arbejdspladsen. Ved at følge disse skridt kan arbejdsgivere bidrage til at ændre opfattelsen af cykling og gøre det til et attraktivt transportvalg for deres medarbejdere.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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SeaVis is a company that uses underwater drones to photograph the seafloor, collecting valuabledata on the location and density of mussels. Unfortunately, they lack an effective way of visualisingand communicating this data to their users, limiting the ability of mussel gatherers to optimise theirharvest. This project aims to provide SeaVis with a user-friendly mapping client that displays theirdata on the location and density of mussels on the seafloor, as well as a means to convert their rawdata into a form which can be readily displayed in the TimeZero software package. The mappingclient includes features such as data security and better data management and representation, helpingusers optimise their harvest and reduce the time and energy required to gather mussels.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Plastic contaminants and their presence in the environment is a growing concern in recent years, primarily attributed to their ubiquity and vast cumulative amounts. Approximately, 80-90% of land-based plastic pollutants are distributed through freshwater systems until they reach their final destination, the ocean. Once in the freshwater environment, the larger plastic particles, macroplastics, break down into smaller particles ending up into fragments less than 1 μm in size, referred to as nanoplastics (NPs). These NPs start accumulating in the freshwater ecosystems, posing a potential danger to the environment. This is due to its almost impossible gathering and disposal as well as the lack of understanding of its hazardous potential. This Master’s Thesis focus on Polystyrene NPs effects and accumulation by conducting two studies: (1) in vivo zebrafish (Danio rerio), focusing on embryo viability and larvae regeneration, and (2) in vitro embryonic fibroblast-like cell line, ZF4 (ATCC), focusing on cell viability. Both studies included experiments of short-term exposure (96 hours) to environmentally relevant NPs concentrations. The obtained results suggest that NPs acute exposure does not have a lethal effect on embryos nor affect the natural regeneration process of the larvae. However, NPs exposure affects the larvae inflammatory process due to NPs triggering neutrophil mobilization after complete regeneration of the amputated tissue. As for ZF4 cells, NPs have been observed to be internalized into the cytoplasm, as well as a leading to a decrease in cell viability after 96 hours of exposure.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This thesis delves into the exploration and analysis of eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter), an advanced technology designed to bolster low-level observability and control, through user space logic directly in the Linux kernel. The focus of this study is to unravel the capabilities of eBPF, understand its potential in the realms of cloud and container security, and provide a comprehensive analysis of its advantages and disadvantages. Through the development of an eBPF program that prevents “mount” syscalls from privileged containers, we demonstrate the practical applications of eBPF in a real-world scenario. This study does not only illuminate the potential of eBPF in addressing urgent security situations but also aims to make this technology more accessible and understandable. While the journey was not without its challenges, the insights gained, and the skills acquired underscore the transformative potential of eBPF in the landscape of cloud and container-based security. Denne afhandling udforsker og analyserer eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter), en avanceret teknologi, der er designet til at styrke observerbarhed og kontrol på lavt niveau gennem user space-logik direkte i Linux-kernen. Fokus for denne undersøgelse er at afdække eBPF's evner, forstå dets potentiale inden for cloud- og containersikkerhed og give en omfattende analyse af dets fordele og ulemper. Gennem udviklingen af et eBPF-program, der forhindrer "mount"-syscalls fra privilegerede containere, demonstrerer vi de praktiske anvendelser af eBPF i et virkeligt scenarie. Denne undersøgelse belyser ikke kun eBPF's potentiale til at håndtere presserende sikkerhedssituationer, men har også til formål at gøre denne teknologi mere tilgængelig og forståelig. Selvom rejsen ikke var uden udfordringer, understreger den opnåede indsigt og de erhvervede færdigheder det transformative potentiale i eBPF i landskabet af cloud- og containerbaseret sikkerhed.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The proliferation of small arms has been a major concern over the years in areas of both conflictand peace alike. Around the world, availability and access to small arms instigates violentconflicts while extending existing ones. It is also the leading cause of violent deaths in zones ofrelative peace. The Horn of Africa, which is one of the most conflict ridden areas of the world isflooded with small arms. Ethiopia, being the largest and the most populated country in the regionis at the core of proceedings and also suffers from massive proliferation of small arms. Many ofthe weapons in the country are a product of massive influx of military equipment that took placeduring the cold war and beyond - much of the trade of weapons has been driven by global powerrivalry. These arms come into play when socio-political tensions boil over between states andnon-state actors leading to loss of many lives in and around the country.This thesis attempts to answer the burgeoning question of why is there such a proliferation ofsmall arms in Ethiopia. It looks at the issue of proliferation of small arms in the country as asmall part of global arms trade driven by great power rivalry. In particular, it uses Alex DeWaal’s conceptual framework of the political marketplace to analyze both the supply and demandfor small arms in the country. The paper applies the four socio-economic-political conditions fora functional political marketplace as outlined by De Waal for two distinct periods in recentEthiopian history - the Derg Regime (1974-1991) and the subsequent EPRDF regime (1991onwards) - to see how these conditions manifest themselves during the two regions andcontribute to the proliferation of small arms in the country.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Across the world rights-based climate change litigation have been hailed as the new instrument in which societal groups through law may bring about climate action from powerful actors, cure damages of climate change and provide justice against human rights violations. Despite the normative success of rights-based climate litigation, the space for legal mobilisation is not only confronted by political ideologies and bureaucratic barriers, but an inherent tension of structural oppression that affects the space for litigation in the Global South. This project seeks to explore the implications of climate justice litigation in the Global South and what dynamic interactions are involved in legal mobilisation. Through a two-level research design of international organisations and policies, as well as a comparative study of organisations, litigation cases and national law from Colombia, Kenya, and South Africa, this project finds that the space for litigation is conducive yet up against a neo-colonial extractive- development model that favours powerful actors over the livelihoods of communities although protected by law. This study draws on the theories of Third World Approaches to International Law and Socio-legal theory to move beyond a rights-based approach in seeking to deconstruct the type of justice which may be achieved, and what that means for the communities impacted.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This study investigates the role of data sharing and digitalization in enabling the transition towards the circular economy. Climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution and environmental degradation threaten the well-being of people and the planet. Unsustainable consumption and production based on linear “take-make-waste” economic models are critical drivers of these crises. The European Union (EU) is at the forefront of efforts to improve the resource efficiency of the European economy and enable the transition towards the circular economy (CE). It has recently developed a new policy framework to regulate the production and consumption of goods placed on the EU market. A vital component of this framework is developing and implementing a Digital Product Passport (DPP). This regulatory tool aims to provide standardized information about a product throughout its lifecycle.We use a multilevel governance (MLG) approach to analyze how different levels of EU governance have been involved in developing the DPP to provide insights into factors that have shaped the policy output. We find that while the DPP has the potential to improve the transparency, traceability and circularity of the EU’s supply chain, there are definitional challenges, risks of regulatory capture, and uncertainty on how data is shared and governed which may impact its acceptance and adoption, and ultimately the EU’s accountability and democratic legitimacy.We conclude that while DPP offers significant opportunities to drive forward the EU’s CE ambitions, it can only be considered one tool in the pursuit of a more sustainable future. By addressing the challenges outlined above, and accelerating global in addition to regional efforts, can the EU facilitate the transformation required for transitioning to a more sustainable and circular economy.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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citations | 0 | |
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impulse | Average |
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The Netherlands has long struggled to come to terms with its colonial past. This thesis examines how Dutchhistory textbooks used in secondary education discuss Dutch colonial history and racism and what aspectsof this history are silenced. A narrative analysis was conducted to explore what narratives are used, whetherthe textbooks attribute agency, and whether connections are made between colonialism and present-dayphenomena, such as racism and xenophobia. The textbooks were interpreted through a theoreticalframework based on collective memory, the cultural archive, cultural hegemony, and Stuart Hall’s approachto national identity and race. The analysis found that the textbooks include representations of Dutch colonialviolence but that two of three textbooks separate colonial history from Dutch national history. Moreover,the research identified that Indonesia was given considerably more attention in the textbooks’ narrativesthan Suriname and the Dutch Antilles. While the analysis showed some efforts to include indigenousperspectives and highlight the agency of colonial subjects, a Eurocentric narrative that presents Europe asthe architect of knowledge and change in the world persists. The history textbooks framed criticalengagement with contemporary colonial legacy through a multi-perspective debate. Additionally, theanalysis concluded that the existence of racism in contemporary Dutch society and its historical roots incolonialism was omitted from all three textbooks. Thus, this research finds that silences in the historytextbooks about race echo the misunderstandings among the Dutch population regarding the denial ofracism in Dutch society.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Denne praktikopgave undersøger potentialet for at fremme cykling som en attraktiv transportform blandt medarbejdere i Greve Kommune. Resultaterne fra en survey viser, at en betydelig procentdel af medarbejderne har korte afstande til arbejdspladsen, hvilket udgør en væsentlig mulighed for at fremme cykling som en bæredygtig transportmulighed. Med 30% af medarbejderne, der bor inden for 5 km og 28% inden for 6-15 km, er der en markant målgruppe for cykelinitiativer, især for dem med korte pendlerafstande.Kommunen kan tage strategiske skridt for at opfordre til cykling blandt medarbejderne ved at tage højde for deres daglige mobilitetsmønstre. Dette indebærer en udfordring af eksisterende opfattelser, der prioriterer biler, og en fokusering på fordelene ved cykling som både transportmiddel og en sund, miljøvenlig aktivitet. Positive fortællinger om vellykkede cykeloplevelser, selv under ugunstige forhold, kan være effektive til at ændre etablerede holdninger. Det er afgørende at adressere specifikke bekymringer, som medarbejderne udtrykker. Dette inkluderer investeringer i cykelinfrastruktur og oprettelse af faciliteter som omklædningsrum og sikre cykelparkeringspladser for at imødegå bekymringer vedrørende sikkerhed og praktisk anvendelighed. Medarbejdernes ønsker om elcykler, forbedrede faciliteter og engagerende aktiviteter indikerer åbenhed for forandringer, og ved at lytte til disse behov kan arbejdsgiverne skabe et mere cykelvenligt miljø.Analysen lægger vægt på betydningen af at påvirke holdninger gennem kampagner, der fremhæver de positive aspekter af cykling. Intern kommunikation og kampagner, der fokuserer på sundhedsfordele, tidsbesparelser, omkostningsreduktion og miljøfordele, kan være effektive redskaber.For at fremme cykling som foretrukken transportform i Greve Kommune er en holistisk tilgang nødvendig. Dette indebærer at udfordre eksisterende opfattelser, implementere praktiske løsninger baseret på medarbejdernes behov og skabe en positiv kultur omkring cykling på arbejdspladsen. Ved at følge disse skridt kan arbejdsgivere bidrage til at ændre opfattelsen af cykling og gøre det til et attraktivt transportvalg for deres medarbejdere.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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SeaVis is a company that uses underwater drones to photograph the seafloor, collecting valuabledata on the location and density of mussels. Unfortunately, they lack an effective way of visualisingand communicating this data to their users, limiting the ability of mussel gatherers to optimise theirharvest. This project aims to provide SeaVis with a user-friendly mapping client that displays theirdata on the location and density of mussels on the seafloor, as well as a means to convert their rawdata into a form which can be readily displayed in the TimeZero software package. The mappingclient includes features such as data security and better data management and representation, helpingusers optimise their harvest and reduce the time and energy required to gather mussels.
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