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There is an increasing problem nationaly in Denmark related to the term stress. To a progressively increasing extent danes are experiencing stress. This project explores the understanding of stress in the use of the health intervention ‘Åben og Rolig’ from a leader perspective and which problems we identify in a municipal stress related health intervention. Data was gathered through the use of qualitative expert interviews with leaders in two municipalities reffered to as municipality A and B. Additionally we conducted a qualitative interview with a worker at Fonden Mental Sundhed which developed ‘Åben og Rolig’. Municipality A uses ‘Åben og Rolig’ independently as a method and course. Municipality B had a two year partnership with ‘Åben og Rolig’ but chose to explore other options. Through the use of Michel Foucaults theory of power and his concepts biopower and technologies of the self, a critical analysis of the methods and the understanding of stress in a municipal stress related health intervention was conducted. The analysis is constructed thorugh theorethical bound codes that divide it into three main sections – “knowledge, discourse and stress understanding”, “regulation and disciplination” and “conduct to conduct oneself” Furthermore a discussion of the problems that could be identified in a municipal stress related health intervention was constructed wherein the paradoxes and problems identified are displayed and discussed The conclussion of this project identifies several problems and paradoxes in a municipal stress related health intervention and on this basis formulates the question “Are the citizens own health the primary focus of the intervention or is the purpose of the municipal stress related health intervention to create productive municipal workers?”. The purpose of this study is not to attempt problemsolving but to be looked at as a research project that hopefully contributes to the understanding of stress related health interventions in Denmark and which problems the municipalities face.
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The purpose of this paper is to examine what narratives young users of Tinder create about online dating and if these narratives are recognisable in theories about modern society and dating. The theory used in this paper is the theory by Hartmut Rosa about acceleration and alienation, the theory by Zygmunt Bauman about liquid love and finally the book “Modern Romance” by Aziz Ansari and Eric Klinenberg. Empirically this paper is based on two focus groups with young users of Tinder and other dating apps between 21-27 years old. The paper concludes that there seems to be both positive and negative aspects of modern dating. In the analysis of the empirical data, it is found that there were four narratives that dominated throughout both interviews. These are: Tinder as a counterpart to reality, relationships as not desirable, sex and non-committal relationships as better than committed relationships and lastly online dating as a platform primarily used for finding sexual relationships. It is found that many of the same tendencies as the theories describe are recognisable in the informants narratives. It is concluded that the difference is that the theories describe these tendencies as negative, while the informants narratives express a more positive understanding of the same tendencies. Formålet med dette projekt er at undersøge, hvilke narrativer unge brugere af Tinder skaber omonline dating og om disse narrativer er genkendelige i modernitetsteorier forståelse af samfund og dating. Teorierne brugt i dette projekt er Hartmut Rosas teori om acceleration ogfremmedgørelse, teorien af Zygmunt Bauman om flydende kærlighed og endelig bogen ”ModernRomance” af Aziz Ansari og Eric Klinenberg. Empirisk er dette projekt baseret på to fokusgrupper med unge brugere af Tinder og andre datingapps mellem 21-27 år. Projektetkonkluderer, at der synes at være både positive og negative aspekter af moderne dating. Ianalyse af empirien, viser det sig, at der var fire narrativer, der domineredegennem begge interviews. Disse er: Tinder som modsætning til virkeligheden, forhold som ikke erønskværdige, sex og uforpligtende forhold som bedre end forpligtende forhold ogendelig online dating som en platform, der primært bruges til at finde seksuelle forhold.Mange af de tendenser, som teorierne beskriver, er genkendelige i informanternesnarrativer. Det konkluderes, at forskellen er, at teorierne beskriver disse tendenser somnegative, mens informanternes narrativer udtrykker en mere positiv forståelse af sammetendenser.
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With the aim of examining the discussion related to US Aid to Ukraine on Twitter, this paper attempted to discover the main issues by collecting 137 tweets from 5 actor groups, taking inspiration from previous research. The tweets were then examined and analyzed to discover 5 major issue categories: Misappropriation of funds, Budget allocation, Political partisanship, Proxy warfare, and Morality. Afterwards, the tweets were indexed based on their issues and a series of word clouds were generated to illustrate the findings. The paper allowed for an examination of the specific issues that different actor groups emphasize. The paper also suggests conducting further research to provide a more detailed examination of these phenomena.
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This study investigates the viability of using sound detection for road safety. Specifically lookinginto the possibilities of detecting emergency vehicle sirens. The advancements in soundproofingand noise canceling require new tools to improve road safety. A study made by Dr. Simon Moorein 2017, stated that drivers who listen to music louder than 96dB, will lose about 20% of theirconcentration. A driver in a soundproofed car only has a very short time to react to the ambulance.Our prototype to offer a solution has the capabilities to recognize ambulance sirens from low soundlevels, in traffic situations as well. It connects to an Android App, sending alerts within 2 secondsafter a siren sound becomes audible. The prototype provides a proof of concept, however, it amplifiesthe faults of the idea as well. Due to not being able to assess the full traffic situation, the prototypecannot decide if the user is in the ambulance’s way or not. This can lead to several false alarms,limiting the real-life usability of the system. The research starts by looking at advancements insound detection in the past decade. Several studies are reviewed about ambulance detection, whichpaths the way for the design choices. For the prototype the YAMNet pre-trained sound classifierneural network is implemented on a Raspberry Pi, communicating to an Android App. To determinethe true viability of the prototype more excessive testing is required. However, this study elucidatesa promising avenue for further exploration and development in sound-detecting driver assistancesystems.
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A menstruating individual menstruates for close to 40 years during their life on average, thus using nearly 10.000 products to manage their menstruation (Regional Health– Americas, 2022), each product contains plastic, a pad is produced of 90% plastic which is sown into the product in order to spread the blood on the pads (Ason, 2022). Further many menstruating individuals experience a stigma connected to their menstruation, which they suffer from (Research Diary, 2023) participate and unstructured observations. By explore the subjective ways of managing ones menstruation in a sustainable manner while also dealing with stigmas, focusing on each lived experience of the participants and finding patterns to analyze further by creating a framework to understand the embodied experience with an Ecofeminist approach to fully explore the mechanism within the Mexican society as a cause of patriarchy and capitalism (Warren, 2014). Additionally using the Communication Theory of Stigma (Goffman, 1963) to understand the stigma that is surrounding menstruation and what effect it has on the menstruating individual. Through conducting semi-structured interviews in both Spanish and English, we found that Mexican menstruating individuals experience a large amount of marginalization and oppression due to their gender, they are becoming jokes to males when expressing disappointment or anger, since it must be due to their menstruation. Thus has the research report acknowledged new ways to manage menstruation in a sustainable manner without decreasing the comfort of the products for the menstruating individuals by suggesting a new way of producing such products.
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There is an increasing problem nationaly in Denmark related to the term stress. To a progressively increasing extent danes are experiencing stress. This project explores the understanding of stress in the use of the health intervention ‘Åben og Rolig’ from a leader perspective and which problems we identify in a municipal stress related health intervention. Data was gathered through the use of qualitative expert interviews with leaders in two municipalities reffered to as municipality A and B. Additionally we conducted a qualitative interview with a worker at Fonden Mental Sundhed which developed ‘Åben og Rolig’. Municipality A uses ‘Åben og Rolig’ independently as a method and course. Municipality B had a two year partnership with ‘Åben og Rolig’ but chose to explore other options. Through the use of Michel Foucaults theory of power and his concepts biopower and technologies of the self, a critical analysis of the methods and the understanding of stress in a municipal stress related health intervention was conducted. The analysis is constructed thorugh theorethical bound codes that divide it into three main sections – “knowledge, discourse and stress understanding”, “regulation and disciplination” and “conduct to conduct oneself” Furthermore a discussion of the problems that could be identified in a municipal stress related health intervention was constructed wherein the paradoxes and problems identified are displayed and discussed The conclussion of this project identifies several problems and paradoxes in a municipal stress related health intervention and on this basis formulates the question “Are the citizens own health the primary focus of the intervention or is the purpose of the municipal stress related health intervention to create productive municipal workers?”. The purpose of this study is not to attempt problemsolving but to be looked at as a research project that hopefully contributes to the understanding of stress related health interventions in Denmark and which problems the municipalities face.
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The purpose of this paper is to examine what narratives young users of Tinder create about online dating and if these narratives are recognisable in theories about modern society and dating. The theory used in this paper is the theory by Hartmut Rosa about acceleration and alienation, the theory by Zygmunt Bauman about liquid love and finally the book “Modern Romance” by Aziz Ansari and Eric Klinenberg. Empirically this paper is based on two focus groups with young users of Tinder and other dating apps between 21-27 years old. The paper concludes that there seems to be both positive and negative aspects of modern dating. In the analysis of the empirical data, it is found that there were four narratives that dominated throughout both interviews. These are: Tinder as a counterpart to reality, relationships as not desirable, sex and non-committal relationships as better than committed relationships and lastly online dating as a platform primarily used for finding sexual relationships. It is found that many of the same tendencies as the theories describe are recognisable in the informants narratives. It is concluded that the difference is that the theories describe these tendencies as negative, while the informants narratives express a more positive understanding of the same tendencies. Formålet med dette projekt er at undersøge, hvilke narrativer unge brugere af Tinder skaber omonline dating og om disse narrativer er genkendelige i modernitetsteorier forståelse af samfund og dating. Teorierne brugt i dette projekt er Hartmut Rosas teori om acceleration ogfremmedgørelse, teorien af Zygmunt Bauman om flydende kærlighed og endelig bogen ”ModernRomance” af Aziz Ansari og Eric Klinenberg. Empirisk er dette projekt baseret på to fokusgrupper med unge brugere af Tinder og andre datingapps mellem 21-27 år. Projektetkonkluderer, at der synes at være både positive og negative aspekter af moderne dating. Ianalyse af empirien, viser det sig, at der var fire narrativer, der domineredegennem begge interviews. Disse er: Tinder som modsætning til virkeligheden, forhold som ikke erønskværdige, sex og uforpligtende forhold som bedre end forpligtende forhold ogendelig online dating som en platform, der primært bruges til at finde seksuelle forhold.Mange af de tendenser, som teorierne beskriver, er genkendelige i informanternesnarrativer. Det konkluderes, at forskellen er, at teorierne beskriver disse tendenser somnegative, mens informanternes narrativer udtrykker en mere positiv forståelse af sammetendenser.
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With the aim of examining the discussion related to US Aid to Ukraine on Twitter, this paper attempted to discover the main issues by collecting 137 tweets from 5 actor groups, taking inspiration from previous research. The tweets were then examined and analyzed to discover 5 major issue categories: Misappropriation of funds, Budget allocation, Political partisanship, Proxy warfare, and Morality. Afterwards, the tweets were indexed based on their issues and a series of word clouds were generated to illustrate the findings. The paper allowed for an examination of the specific issues that different actor groups emphasize. The paper also suggests conducting further research to provide a more detailed examination of these phenomena.
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