The dataset The dataset is produced within the SafeLog project and it is used for benchmarking of multi-agent path planning algorithms. Specifically, the dataset consists of a set of 21 maps with increasing density and a set of 500 random assignments, each for a group of 100 agents for planning on each of the maps. All of the maps, in the form of a graph G = {V, E}, are built on the same set of 400 vertices V. The sets of edges Ej, where j ∈ (0; 20), in the maps then form a set ranging from a spanning tree to a mostly 4-connected graph. These maps were created by generating a complete square graph with the size of 20*20 vertices. The graph was then simplified to a spanning tree, and, finally, approximately 50 random edges from the complete graph were added 20 times, to create the set of 21 maps of density ranging from 800 to 1500 edges in the graph. Content and format The following files are included in the dataset test_nodes.txt - 400 nodes of a 20*20 square map in the form "id x y" testAssignment.txt - 50499 random pairs of nodes ids from test_nodes.txt test_edgesX.txt - pairs of adjacent nodes ids from test_nodes.txt forming edges - X = 0 - tree - X = 20 - full graph - created starting at a full graph and repeatedly erasing edges until a tree remains To illustrate the maps in the dataset, we provide three images (1008.png, 1190.png, and 1350.png) showing maps with 1008 (1190, 1350) edges. Citation If you use the dataset, please cite: [1] Hvězda, J., Rybecký, T., Kulich, M., and Přeučil, L. (2018). Context-Aware Route Planning for Automated Warehouses. Proceedings of 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). @inproceedings{Hvezda18itsc, author = {Hvězda, Jakub and Rybecký, Tomáš and Kulich, Miroslav and Přeučil, Libor}, title = {Context-Aware Route Planning for Automated Warehouses}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)}, publisher = {IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society}, address = {Maui}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.1109/ITSC.2018.8569712}, } [2] Hvězda, J., Kulich, M., and Přeučil, L. (2019). On Randomized Searching for Multi-robot Coordination. In: Gusikhin O., Madani K. (eds) Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. ICINCO 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 613. Springer, Cham. @inbook{Hvezda19springer, author = {Hvězda, Jakub and Kulich, Miroslav and Přeučil, Libor}, title = {On Randomized Searching for Multi-robot Coordination}, booktitle = {Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham, CH}, year = {2019}, series = {Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering}, language = {English}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-31993-9}, } [3] Hvězda, J., Kulich, M., and Přeučil, L. (2018). Improved Discrete RRT for Coordinated Multi-robot Planning. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - (Volume 2). @inproceedings{Hvezda18icinco, author = {Hvězda, Jakub and Kulich, Miroslav and Přeučil, Libor}, title = {Improved Discrete RRT for Coordinated Multi-robot Planning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - (Volume 2)}, publisher = {SciTePress}, address = {Madeira, PT}, year = {2018}, language = {English}, url = {\&t=1}, doi = {10.5220/0006865901710179}, access = {full} } {"references": ["Hv\u011bzda, J., Rybeck\u00fd, T., Kulich, M., and P\u0159eu\u010dil, L. (2018). Context-Aware Route Planning for Automated Warehouses. Proceedings of 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC).", "Hv\u011bzda, J., Kulich, M., and P\u0159eu\u010dil, L. (2019). On Randomized Searching for Multi-robot Coordination.\u00a0\u00a0In: Gusikhin O., Madani K. (eds) Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. ICINCO 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 613. Springer, Cham.", "Hv\u011bzda, J., Kulich, M., and P\u0159eu\u010dil, L. (2018). Improved Discrete RRT for Coordinated Multi-robot Planning. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - (Volume 2)."]}
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.tg600
Human-driven environmental changes can induce marked shifts in the functional structure of biological communities with possible repercussion on important ecosystem functions and services. At the same time it remains unclear to which extent these changes may differently affect various types of organisms. We investigated species richness and community functional structure of species assemblages at the landscape scale (1km2 plots) for two contrasting model taxa, i.e., plants (producers and sessile organisms) and birds (consumers and mobile organisms), along topography, climate, landscape heterogeneity, and land-use (agriculture and urbanization) gradients in a densely populated region of Switzerland. Our study revealed that agricultural and urban land uses drove marked shifts in the functional structure of biological communities compared to changes along climate and topography gradients, especially for plants, while for birds these changes were comparable. Agricultural and urban land uses enhanced divergence in traits related to resource use for birds (diet and nesting), growth forms, dispersal, and reproductive traits for plants, while it induced convergence in vegetative plant traits (plant height and leaf dry matter content). These results suggest that contrasting assembly patterns may arise within and across taxonomic groups along the same environmental gradients as result of distinct underlying processes and 'organism-specific' environmental perceptions. Our results further suggest a potential homogenization of biological communities, as well as low functional diversity and redundancy levels of bird assemblages in our human-dominated study region. This might potentially compromise the maintenance of key ecological processes under future environmental changes. SES for plant and bird functional traits based on 1000
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citations | 1 | |
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The database compiled of investment costs of houses completed by suppliers. Only unified houses are considered (standardised for repetition). Houses based on individual design are not included in the database.The database was compiled in the period from February to April 2020 and in the end, bids from 38 suppliers were considered. Only complete bids, including information. Also, the price of the project was considered to keep comparable bids, due to more than 48.6% of bids containing cost for the projects as well. All bids were available on the websites of house suppliers and included completed houses. The bids were not affected by location, and contained transportation and groundwork costs. Easy available terrain and good soil extractability was assumed for all houses, thus conditions of all bids can be considered comparable.
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citations | 0 | |
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In this bachelor thesis, the public transport accessibility in the inner peripheries of Česko in the Ledeč and Zruč regions is analyzed. The regions are located on the boundary of the Vysočina Region and the Central Bohemian Region. The main aim is to thoroughly map the transport linkage in the given are and to explain the role of the regional administrative border and it is border effect. In the first part of the work, a traffic geographical regionalization of the area of interest has been performed based on the frequency accessibility of public transport. The reginalization is subsequently followed by a comparison of supply and demand in the field of public transport. An evaluation of the regional border influence and i tis permeability has also been included in the work. The final part evaluates the public transport accessibility of municipalities. Keywords: transport accessibility, Ledeč region, Zruč region, public transport, inner peripheries
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pmid: 23356017
Bench‐scale experiments were conducted with municipal wastewater effluent samples to examine the feasibility of combined application of ozone and ultraviolet (UV) radiation for disinfection. Effluent samples displayed rapid initial ozone demand, which promotes ozone transfer but diminishes disinfection efficacy. Ozone doses up to 10 mg/L yielded only trace quantities of residual ozone; despite the fact that initial ozone demand was never exceeded, quantifiable (though variable) inactivation of E. coli was observed, along with modest improvements of UV transmittance. Results from collimated beam experiments demonstrated that compliance with effluent discharge permit limitations could be achieved consistently with a UV254 dose of 12.4 mJ/cm2 at a pre‐ozonation dose of 2 to 3 mg/L. In the absence of pre‐ozonation, consistent compliance was observed at a UV dose of 16.5 mJ/cm2. No evidence of synergism between ozone and UV254 radiation was found in the measured inactivation responses of E. coli.
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bronze |
citations | 19 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
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The name of this bachelor thesis : Analysis of the mass concentration of airborne dust in the road transport depending on traffic environment deals with measurement of mass concentration of airborne dust i places, which differed both in the amount of traffic and resources in the size of dust particles. Measurement were obtained objective information about influence of different categories of moving vehicles in road transport on air pollution by emissions from non-combustion processes.
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citations | 0 | |
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This thesis deals with the possibility of the inscription of the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Vinohrady to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The church is a piece of work of the well-known Slovenian architect Josip Plečnik. The church's nomination is being prepared in cooperation with Slovenia where Plečnik's churches are also aimed to be nominated to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The work is focused on evaluation of outstanding universal value based on which the church meets some established criteria that are essential for the nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Moreover, it also warns about the possible impacts which are closely connected with the inscription to this prestigious list. Thus, it suggests some recommendations which could eliminate those negative consequences. The final part of the work concentrates on proposing some thematic projects that strive to connect this church to the religion tourism in the Czech Republic and in Europe. The goal of these projects is to increase the awareness of this church among the public.
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Diploma thesis deals with competencies of local municipalities in social inclusion policy. Social exclusion is a key phenomenon of contemporary policy, and municipalities play an important role in such policy. Though, municipalities often tend to fail in their role. The thesis describes and analyse the competencies of local governments and tries to set up and ideal local inclusion policy: a complete set of possible measures that a municipality can use in dealing with social inclusion. This ideal is further on used in two case studies: formative evaluation of local policies in two small towns in South Bohemia. The result is interpreted in perspective of social construction of target groups theory, explaining why do or do not municipalities use concrete inclusive measures. Powered by TCPDF (
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Ecological footprint (EF) is a concept to measure anthropogenic influence of individuals, regions, states and society on environment, which is expressed by units of global hectares (gha). Global hectares are calculated from the equivalent number of hectares of biologically productive area, which ensure the needs of person, cities, regions or states. The calculation includes all the anthropogenic activities using renewable natural resources. EF also examines and quantifies the area needed for carbon sequestration. EF is calculated from six land use types - cropland, grazing land, forest for timber and fuelwood, fishing grounds, built-up land and forest for carbon dioxide uptake. Plants, as participants in a number of important processes on the Earth and the base of the food pyramid, can significantly modify the final EF through the value of their net primary production (NPP). Yield factors and equivalence factors are used to transfer different areas productivity (forest, cropland, grazing land, etc.) to get land use types in global hectares. The aim of the present thesis is to make a review of the concept of ecological footprint and its calculation methodology especially the effect of variability in NPP of plants in ecosystems. The influence of ongoing global climate change can affect NPP of plants and this...
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This thesis aims to analyze the factors influencing the attendance of the historical monument, the castle Litice. I am focusing on the standard, reduced and family tickets. For measurement of the impact of the individual variables I use the daily data from 2004 to 2012. Into the determinants that have impact on the demand for attendance I include the ticket prices, temperature, precipitation, public holidays, weekends, summer holidays and cultural events. The model shows that an increase of ticket price by 1 % will result in increase of sales of family tickets by 2,4 % ceteris paribus. Regarding the standard and reduced ticket, the resulting coefficient is insignificant. Public holidays, weekends and summer holidays have a positive impact on attendance for all three types of admission. The most significant impact has an annual event "Pochod přes tři hrady" (March through three castles). During this event sales of standard tickets increase by 190 % and sales of reduced tickets are ten times higher ceteris paribus. The events have an insignificant impact on sales of family tickets.
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The dataset The dataset is produced within the SafeLog project and it is used for benchmarking of multi-agent path planning algorithms. Specifically, the dataset consists of a set of 21 maps with increasing density and a set of 500 random assignments, each for a group of 100 agents for planning on each of the maps. All of the maps, in the form of a graph G = {V, E}, are built on the same set of 400 vertices V. The sets of edges Ej, where j ∈ (0; 20), in the maps then form a set ranging from a spanning tree to a mostly 4-connected graph. These maps were created by generating a complete square graph with the size of 20*20 vertices. The graph was then simplified to a spanning tree, and, finally, approximately 50 random edges from the complete graph were added 20 times, to create the set of 21 maps of density ranging from 800 to 1500 edges in the graph. Content and format The following files are included in the dataset test_nodes.txt - 400 nodes of a 20*20 square map in the form "id x y" testAssignment.txt - 50499 random pairs of nodes ids from test_nodes.txt test_edgesX.txt - pairs of adjacent nodes ids from test_nodes.txt forming edges - X = 0 - tree - X = 20 - full graph - created starting at a full graph and repeatedly erasing edges until a tree remains To illustrate the maps in the dataset, we provide three images (1008.png, 1190.png, and 1350.png) showing maps with 1008 (1190, 1350) edges. Citation If you use the dataset, please cite: [1] Hvězda, J., Rybecký, T., Kulich, M., and Přeučil, L. (2018). Context-Aware Route Planning for Automated Warehouses. Proceedings of 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). @inproceedings{Hvezda18itsc, author = {Hvězda, Jakub and Rybecký, Tomáš and Kulich, Miroslav and Přeučil, Libor}, title = {Context-Aware Route Planning for Automated Warehouses}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)}, publisher = {IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society}, address = {Maui}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.1109/ITSC.2018.8569712}, } [2] Hvězda, J., Kulich, M., and Přeučil, L. (2019). On Randomized Searching for Multi-robot Coordination. In: Gusikhin O., Madani K. (eds) Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. ICINCO 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 613. Springer, Cham. @inbook{Hvezda19springer, author = {Hvězda, Jakub and Kulich, Miroslav and Přeučil, Libor}, title = {On Randomized Searching for Multi-robot Coordination}, booktitle = {Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham, CH}, year = {2019}, series = {Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering}, language = {English}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-31993-9}, } [3] Hvězda, J., Kulich, M., and Přeučil, L. (2018). Improved Discrete RRT for Coordinated Multi-robot Planning. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - (Volume 2). @inproceedings{Hvezda18icinco, author = {Hvězda, Jakub and Kulich, Miroslav and Přeučil, Libor}, title = {Improved Discrete RRT for Coordinated Multi-robot Planning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - (Volume 2)}, publisher = {SciTePress}, address = {Madeira, PT}, year = {2018}, language = {English}, url = {\&t=1}, doi = {10.5220/0006865901710179}, access = {full} } {"references": ["Hv\u011bzda, J., Rybeck\u00fd, T., Kulich, M., and P\u0159eu\u010dil, L. (2018). Context-Aware Route Planning for Automated Warehouses. Proceedings of 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC).", "Hv\u011bzda, J., Kulich, M., and P\u0159eu\u010dil, L. (2019). On Randomized Searching for Multi-robot Coordination.\u00a0\u00a0In: Gusikhin O., Madani K. (eds) Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. ICINCO 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 613. Springer, Cham.", "Hv\u011bzda, J., Kulich, M., and P\u0159eu\u010dil, L. (2018). Improved Discrete RRT for Coordinated Multi-robot Planning. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - (Volume 2)."]}
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.tg600
Human-driven environmental changes can induce marked shifts in the functional structure of biological communities with possible repercussion on important ecosystem functions and services. At the same time it remains unclear to which extent these changes may differently affect various types of organisms. We investigated species richness and community functional structure of species assemblages at the landscape scale (1km2 plots) for two contrasting model taxa, i.e., plants (producers and sessile organisms) and birds (consumers and mobile organisms), along topography, climate, landscape heterogeneity, and land-use (agriculture and urbanization) gradients in a densely populated region of Switzerland. Our study revealed that agricultural and urban land uses drove marked shifts in the functional structure of biological communities compared to changes along climate and topography gradients, especially for plants, while for birds these changes were comparable. Agricultural and urban land uses enhanced divergence in traits related to resource use for birds (diet and nesting), growth forms, dispersal, and reproductive traits for plants, while it induced convergence in vegetative plant traits (plant height and leaf dry matter content). These results suggest that contrasting assembly patterns may arise within and across taxonomic groups along the same environmental gradients as result of distinct underlying processes and 'organism-specific' environmental perceptions. Our results further suggest a potential homogenization of biological communities, as well as low functional diversity and redundancy levels of bird assemblages in our human-dominated study region. This might potentially compromise the maintenance of key ecological processes under future environmental changes. SES for plant and bird functional traits based on 1000
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citations | 1 | |
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The database compiled of investment costs of houses completed by suppliers. Only unified houses are considered (standardised for repetition). Houses based on individual design are not included in the database.The database was compiled in the period from February to April 2020 and in the end, bids from 38 suppliers were considered. Only complete bids, including information. Also, the price of the project was considered to keep comparable bids, due to more than 48.6% of bids containing cost for the projects as well. All bids were available on the websites of house suppliers and included completed houses. The bids were not affected by location, and contained transportation and groundwork costs. Easy available terrain and good soil extractability was assumed for all houses, thus conditions of all bids can be considered comparable.
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citations | 0 | |
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In this bachelor thesis, the public transport accessibility in the inner peripheries of Česko in the Ledeč and Zruč regions is analyzed. The regions are located on the boundary of the Vysočina Region and the Central Bohemian Region. The main aim is to thoroughly map the transport linkage in the given are and to explain the role of the regional administrative border and it is border effect. In the first part of the work, a traffic geographical regionalization of the area of interest has been performed based on the frequency accessibility of public transport. The reginalization is subsequently followed by a comparison of supply and demand in the field of public transport. An evaluation of the regional border influence and i tis permeability has also been included in the work. The final part evaluates the public transport accessibility of municipalities. Keywords: transport accessibility, Ledeč region, Zruč region, public transport, inner peripheries
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citations | 0 | |
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pmid: 23356017
Bench‐scale experiments were conducted with municipal wastewater effluent samples to examine the feasibility of combined application of ozone and ultraviolet (UV) radiation for disinfection. Effluent samples displayed rapid initial ozone demand, which promotes ozone transfer but diminishes disinfection efficacy. Ozone doses up to 10 mg/L yielded only trace quantities of residual ozone; despite the fact that initial ozone demand was never exceeded, quantifiable (though variable) inactivation of E. coli was observed, along with modest improvements of UV transmittance. Results from collimated beam experiments demonstrated that compliance with effluent discharge permit limitations could be achieved consistently with a UV254 dose of 12.4 mJ/cm2 at a pre‐ozonation dose of 2 to 3 mg/L. In the absence of pre‐ozonation, consistent compliance was observed at a UV dose of 16.5 mJ/cm2. No evidence of synergism between ozone and UV254 radiation was found in the measured inactivation responses of E. coli.
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bronze |
citations | 19 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |