Figures, tables and captions from Chapter 3: Drivers of biodiversity change affecting biological invasions. In: Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
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A new application for reflector antennas is proposed and developed. Using the aperture theory, a phase center on the reflector aperture is determined and shown that, its location is dependent on the field distribution. The proposed concept is, initially, verified by using a symmetric reflector. It is shown that the phase center is located at the aperture geometric center, when the reflector is illuminated symmetrically about its principal planes. Then, a dual mode feed, employing TE11 and TM01 modes, is used for generating different reflector illuminations, and causing displacement of its phase center. The concept is then extended to offset reflectors, and the influence of the reflector geometry on the phase center displacement and other reflector electrical parameters is investigated. Based on the established feed radiation pattern requirements, a feed horn is designed using circular waveguide that can propagate both modes. By modifying the amplitude and phase of the modes in the horn, a controlled asymmetric reflector aperture field is achieved. A prototype feed horn is fabricated and tested for its dual mode radiation patterns. The results are in good agreement with simulations. The reflector phase center properties are then investigated, by using the designed feed. A reflector-feed assembly, with its dual phase center capability, was developed for improving the performance of the ground moving target indicator radars. The concept allows the conversion of a single reflector to two or more reflectors, simply by modifying the mode excitation amplitudes and phases, in the feed alone.
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Mycosphaerella graminicola (anamorph: Septoria tritici), the causal agent of septoria leaf blotch of wheat, has increased in prevalence in the prairie region of Canada in recent years. It is important to know if variation in virulence occurs in the local population as was reported in other countries. Seventy-four pathogen isolates were collected from hexaploid wheat fields in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and tested for virulence on a set of differential genotypes, including four hexaploid and two tetraploid wheat genotypes. Seedlings were inoculated with a conidial suspension and assessed 14 and 21 days later for the presence of necrosis, chlorosis, and pycnidia to identify virulence patterns. Reactions of the differential host genotypes to different isolates ranged from susceptible to near-immune. Adult-plant reactions were similar to seedling reactions for all genotypes used in this study. A difference in virulence patterns on one genotype suggested that physiological specialization occurs and that two virulence groups are present in the pathogen population from western Canada, based on the set of wheat genotypes used in this study.
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These data describe 286 small streams in Canada, Sweden and Finland and the conditions of their riparian buffers. All the study streams were subject to forest harvest between 2010 and 2016 and riparian buffers were left by forest practitioners. We measured number of stream physical properties (size, substrate, channel forms) and the conditions of the associated riparian buffers (width, tree composition, age structure). We further assessed other impairments caused by forestry operations such as machine tracks in the riparian area, drainage ditches connected to the streams, and stream crossing. Those data are also available in the database. Table S3. The separately uploaded table contains data which were used for analyzing riparian buffer widths and the factors affecting it (catchment area, riparian slope and clearcut size), as well as Impairment Index for all sites in all three countries. Table S4-S6. These separately uploaded tables contain all data from the Canadian, Finnish and Swedish sites used in the study, including information on the buffer width and composition, stream properties, impairments, site names, site information and buffer functions. Dessa data beskriver 286 små vattendrag i Kanada, Sverige och Finland och deras kantzoner. Alla vattendrag har varit under avverkning mellan 2010 och 2016 och kantzoner lämnades. Vi mätte antalet fysiska vattendragsegenskaper (storlek, underlag, geomorfiska former) och villkoren för tillhörande kantzoner (bredd, trädsammansättning, åldersstruktur). Vi bedömde vidare andra skogsbruksstörningar som maskinspår i bäcknära zoner, diken anslutna till vattendrag och strömningskorsning. Alla dessa data finns också tillgängliga i databasen. Se engelska katalogsidan för mer information:
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doi: 10.34973/b5sq-jy51
We know how age affects the brain during lab-based tasks, but what about situations truer to everyday life, such as watching movies? We measured fMRI activity while participants (N=577) from the Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience ( watched a movie. Watching the same movie induces significant inter-subject synchronization of brain activity across participants. These cross-subject correlations suggest that viewers are processing incoming information in a similar (or shared) way. We show that with advancing age, synchrony is preserved in some areas, including the language network, but decreased in others, including the medial prefrontal cortex, medial temporal lobe and fronto-parietal network. Synchrony declines were driven by more idiosyncratic responding in older adults and were associated with regionally-distinct temporal profiles and functional connectivity patterns, as well as declines in white matter integrity. These findings suggest that areas involved in language processing remain intact with age, while regions involved in attentional control and memory may show age-related declines, even in situations similar to daily life.
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Data set from the article Moons P, Luyckx K, Thomet C, Budts W, Enomoto J, Sluman MA, Lu CW, Jackson JL, Khairy P, Cook SC, Chidambarathanu S, Alday L, Eriksen K, Dellborg M, Berghammer M, Johansson B, Mackie AS, Menahem S, Caruana M, Veldtman G, Soufi A, Fernandes SM, White K, Callus E, Kutty S, Ombelet F, Apers S, Kovacs AH; APPROACH-IS Consortium and the International Society for Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ISACHD). Physical Functioning, Mental Health, and Quality of Life in Different Congenital Heart Defects: Comparative Analysis in 3538 Patients From 15 Countries. Can J Cardiol. 2021 Feb;37(2):215-223. doi: 10.1016/j.cjca.2020.03.044. Epub 2020 Apr 6. PMID: 32739453. This is the abstract: Background: We compared physical functioning, mental health, and quality of life (QoL) of patients with different subtypes of congenital heart disease (CHD) in a large international sample and investigated the role of functional class in explaining the variance in outcomes across heart defects. Methods: In the cross-sectional Assessment of Patterns of Patient-Reported Outcome in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease-International Study (APPROACH-IS), we enrolled 4028 adult patients with CHD from 15 countries. Diagnostic groups with at least 50 patients were included in these analyses, yielding a sample of 3538 patients (median age: 32 years; 52% women). Physical functioning, mental health, and QoL were measured with the SF-12 health status survey, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), linear analog scale (LAS) and Satisfaction with Life Scale, respectively. Functional class was assessed using the patient-reported New York Heart Association (NYHA) class. Multivariable general linear mixed models were applied to assess the relationship between the type of CHD and patient-reported outcomes, adjusted for patient characteristics, and with country as random effect. Results: Patients with coarctation of the aorta and those with isolated aortic valve disease reported the best physical functioning, mental health, and QoL. Patients with cyanotic heart disease or Eisenmenger syndrome had worst outcomes. The differences were statistically significant, above and beyond other patient characteristics. However, the explained variances were small (0.6% to 4.1%) and decreased further when functional status was added to the models (0.4% to 0.9%). Conclusions: Some types of CHD predict worse patient-reported outcomes. However, it appears that it is the functional status associated with the heart defect rather than the heart defect itself that shapes the outcomes.
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Two techniques based on electric and magnetic field integral equation (EFIE and MFIE) formulations of surface equilalent principle and multiple network theory (SEMN) method are developed for the analysis of finite microstrip structures. Using pulse surface basis functions, the surface of each homogeneous dielectric body is modeled by small flat segments of arbitrary geometry and constant electromagnetic field. Using the surface equivalence principle and the Green's functions of the homogeneous space, the admittance and impedance matrices are computed. Then, the boundary conditions and multiple network theory are applied to determine the overall characteristic of the entire space. Several radiation and scattering examples are numerically analyzed and their calculated near and far fields are presented. The numerical results of the two formulations are then compared with measurement and those of HFSS and ENSEMBLE.
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This paper presents the simulation and experimental investigations of a printed microstrip slot antenna. It is a quarter wavelength monopole slot cut in the finite ground plane edge, and fed electromagnetically by a microstrip transmission line. It provides a wide impedance bandwidth adjustable by variation of its parameters, such as the relative permittivity and thickness of the substrate, width, and location of the slot in the ground plane, and feed and ground plane dimensions. The ground plane is small, 50 mm x 80 mm, and is about the size of a typical PC wireless card. At the center frequency of 3.00 GHz, its width of 50 mm is about lambda/2 and influences the slot impedance and bandwidth, significantly. An impedance bandwidth (S-11=-10 dB) of up to about 60% is achieved by individually optimizing its parameters. The simulation results are confirmed experimentally. A dual complementary slot antenna configuration is also investigated for the polarization diversity.
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This link contains the raw data of the article "Auditory White Noise Exposure Modulates Human Cortical Excitability Patterns", by Schuler et al. (2023).
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Suç ve suçlu davranışla ilişkilendirilen sapkın veya mor boş zaman, boş zamanın masum olmayan yönü olarak dikkate değerdir. Ancak boş zaman katılımcılarının sapkın davranışsal eğilimleri gözden kaçan bir konudur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk kültüründe bireylerin sapkın boş zaman eğilimlerini değerlendirecek bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Bir literatür taraması ve uzman görüşü aracılığıyla, araştırmacılar 19 ilk anket maddesi önerdiler. Veriler boş zaman katılım türü ne olursa olsun üniversite öğrencilerinden toplanmıştır. Bir sonraki adımda ideal madde sayısını belirlemek ve faktör çıkarımını kolaylaştırmak için açımlayıcı faktör analizi, faktör yapısını doğrulamak için doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır.
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Figures, tables and captions from Chapter 3: Drivers of biodiversity change affecting biological invasions. In: Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien Species and their Control of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
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A new application for reflector antennas is proposed and developed. Using the aperture theory, a phase center on the reflector aperture is determined and shown that, its location is dependent on the field distribution. The proposed concept is, initially, verified by using a symmetric reflector. It is shown that the phase center is located at the aperture geometric center, when the reflector is illuminated symmetrically about its principal planes. Then, a dual mode feed, employing TE11 and TM01 modes, is used for generating different reflector illuminations, and causing displacement of its phase center. The concept is then extended to offset reflectors, and the influence of the reflector geometry on the phase center displacement and other reflector electrical parameters is investigated. Based on the established feed radiation pattern requirements, a feed horn is designed using circular waveguide that can propagate both modes. By modifying the amplitude and phase of the modes in the horn, a controlled asymmetric reflector aperture field is achieved. A prototype feed horn is fabricated and tested for its dual mode radiation patterns. The results are in good agreement with simulations. The reflector phase center properties are then investigated, by using the designed feed. A reflector-feed assembly, with its dual phase center capability, was developed for improving the performance of the ground moving target indicator radars. The concept allows the conversion of a single reflector to two or more reflectors, simply by modifying the mode excitation amplitudes and phases, in the feed alone.
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Mycosphaerella graminicola (anamorph: Septoria tritici), the causal agent of septoria leaf blotch of wheat, has increased in prevalence in the prairie region of Canada in recent years. It is important to know if variation in virulence occurs in the local population as was reported in other countries. Seventy-four pathogen isolates were collected from hexaploid wheat fields in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and tested for virulence on a set of differential genotypes, including four hexaploid and two tetraploid wheat genotypes. Seedlings were inoculated with a conidial suspension and assessed 14 and 21 days later for the presence of necrosis, chlorosis, and pycnidia to identify virulence patterns. Reactions of the differential host genotypes to different isolates ranged from susceptible to near-immune. Adult-plant reactions were similar to seedling reactions for all genotypes used in this study. A difference in virulence patterns on one genotype suggested that physiological specialization occurs and that two virulence groups are present in the pathogen population from western Canada, based on the set of wheat genotypes used in this study.
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These data describe 286 small streams in Canada, Sweden and Finland and the conditions of their riparian buffers. All the study streams were subject to forest harvest between 2010 and 2016 and riparian buffers were left by forest practitioners. We measured number of stream physical properties (size, substrate, channel forms) and the conditions of the associated riparian buffers (width, tree composition, age structure). We further assessed other impairments caused by forestry operations such as machine tracks in the riparian area, drainage ditches connected to the streams, and stream crossing. Those data are also available in the database. Table S3. The separately uploaded table contains data which were used for analyzing riparian buffer widths and the factors affecting it (catchment area, riparian slope and clearcut size), as well as Impairment Index for all sites in all three countries. Table S4-S6. These separately uploaded tables contain all data from the Canadian, Finnish and Swedish sites used in the study, including information on the buffer width and composition, stream properties, impairments, site names, site information and buffer functions. Dessa data beskriver 286 små vattendrag i Kanada, Sverige och Finland och deras kantzoner. Alla vattendrag har varit under avverkning mellan 2010 och 2016 och kantzoner lämnades. Vi mätte antalet fysiska vattendragsegenskaper (storlek, underlag, geomorfiska former) och villkoren för tillhörande kantzoner (bredd, trädsammansättning, åldersstruktur). Vi bedömde vidare andra skogsbruksstörningar som maskinspår i bäcknära zoner, diken anslutna till vattendrag och strömningskorsning. Alla dessa data finns också tillgängliga i databasen. Se engelska katalogsidan för mer information:
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