doi: 10.15454/rwbiwd
Les données mises à disposition relatent un suivi temporel et spatial de la bactérie Xylella fastidiosa en France de 2015 à aujourd’hui. Cette bactérie, organisme de quarantaine sur le territoire de l'Union Européenne est transmise par des insectes piqueurs-suceurs et s’attaquent à une large gamme de plantes hôtes (cultures arboricoles, viticoles, ornementales, Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales). Elle a été détectée dans les régions Corse et PACA en 2015 puis en Occitanie en 2020. Chaque année une surveillance officielle est mise en place sur le territoire national, conformément à la réglementation européenne (règlement d'exécution (UE) 2020/1201), et des milliers de végétaux sont échantillonnés puis analysés en laboratoire pour recherche de la bactérie et identification de sa sous-espèce le cas échéant. Ces données centralisées par l’ANSES proviennent de différentes structures de terrain (SRALs, FREDONs…), du réseau de laboratoires agréés et du laboratoire national de référence. Les référentiels OEPP et INSEE sont utilisés pour renseigner respectivement l'espèce végétale et les données de localisation des végétaux prélevés (codes INSEE). Deux fichiers sont mis à disposition, le jeu de données issu de la surveillance de la bactérie (data_XF_dateMAJdata), un tableau des attributs décrivant les variables retenues (tableau_attributs_XF) ainsi que la grille spatiale (500m x 500m) dans le cadre de la construction du dataset (grid_quadrat_XF).
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Tema ovog projekta, koji sam odlučio raditi u laboratoriju fakulteta, je digitalni cijenik za naručivanje u uslužnim objektima koji se bazira na QR kodu. U ovom radu ću pojasniti kako sam realizirao taj projekt te koje sam sve alate koristio. Sustav naručivanja funkcionira tako da imamo korisnika koji skenira QR kod mobitel koji ga preusmjerava na web stranicu u njegovom pregledu gdje može naručiti željeni proizvod Prvi dio rada će se odnositi upoznavanje sa tehnologijama i programskih jezicima koji će se koristi dok ću u drugom dijelu pojasniti funkcioniranje samog koda.Također ću pojasniti korištenje alata za uspostavljanje lokalnog web servera, instalaciju i postavljanje Raspberry Pi te instalacija Apache servera, baze podataka i Pythona. The topic of this project, which I decided to work on in the faculty lab, is a digital price list for ordering in service facilities based on a QR code. In this paper, I will explain how I realized this project and what tools I used. The ordering system works in a way that we have a user who scans the QR code with the mobile phone which is then redirected to the local's website where desired product can be ordered. The first part of the paper will introduce the technologies and programming languages that will be used, while in the second part I will explain the operation of the code itself. I will also explain the use of tools for setting up a local web server, Database and Python.
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citations | 0 | |
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doi: 10.17863/cam.45440
Map of the Pacific Ocean showing North and South America. Text reads: GENIO ET INGENIO NOBILI DN. NICOLAO ROCCOXIO, PATRICIO ANTVERPIENSI, EIVSDEMQVE VRBIS SENATORI, Abrahamus Ortelius
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citations | 0 | |
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The subject of this thesis is the connection between sports results and the value of NBA players. The paper will define the concept of management, the process of planning, decision-making, organizing, leading, motivating and controlling human resources, financial, physical and informational resources of the organization in order to effectively and efficiently achieve its goals. Furthermore, the paper defines sport and the sports market and management, as well as sports consumers. The paper also contains an overview of the NBA league and an analysis of the connection between sports results and the value of NBA players. The purpose of this research was to identify performance variables, i.e. scoring, assists, and fouls that significantly contributed to the determination of NBA player salary. Scoring performance variables such as points per game, field goals, free throws and three-point percentage are assumed to contribute significantly to player salaries Tema ovog diplomskog rada je povezanost sportskog rezultata i vrijednosti NBA igrača. U radu su također definirani, prema dostupnoj literaturi, pojam menadžmenta, proces planiranja, donošenja odluka, organiziranja, vođenja, motivacije i kontrole ljudskih resursa, financijskih, fizičkih i informacijskih resursa organizacije kako bi učinkovito i djelotvorno postigla svoje ciljeve. Nadalje, u radu se definira i sport te sportsko tržište i menadžment, ali i sportski potrošači. Rad sadrži i pregled NBA lige te analizu povezanosti sportskog rezultata i vrijednosti NBA igrača. Svrha ovog istraživanja je bila je identificirati varijable učinka, tj. bodovanje, asistencije i greške koje su značajno pridonijele određivanju plaće NBA igrača. Pretpostavlja se da bodovanje varijabli učinka kao što su bodovi po utakmici, pogodak iz igre, slobodno bacanje i postotak od tri poena značajno bi pridonijeli plaćama igrača.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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handle: 11012/196459
Phoebe Apperson Hearst měla velmi úspěšného vlastního syna Williama, který byl ale více jako jeho otec: tvrdý obchodník. Našla však jemnou, uměleckou duši v malíři Orrinu Peckovi (1860–1921), který byl údajně gay a který ji, ještě za života své vlastní matky, začal oslovovat „má druhá mámo.“ Na základě podrobného výzkumu jejich vzájemné korespondence v Peckově pozůstalosti se můžeme ptát, jak moc si byla progresivní, bohatá žena 19. století, jakou byla Phoebe Hearst, vědoma Peckovy sexuality a pokud ano, jestli s tím neměla problém, nebo šlo o nevyřčené tajemství mezi nimi? Jejich příběh představí historik umění Ladislav Zikmund-Lender. Phoebe Apperson Hearst had a very successful son of William, but he was more like his father: a tough businessman. However, she found a delicate, artistic soul in the painter Orrin Peck (1860–1921), who was allegedly gay and who, while still his own mother's life, began to address her as “my second mother.” Based on a detailed study of their correspondence in Peck's estate, we may ask how much a progressive, rich 19th-century woman like Phoebe Hearst was aware of Peck's sexuality, and if so, if she had no problem with it, or was it an unspoken secret between them? Their story will be presented by art historian Ladislav Zikmund-Lender.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 20.500.14178/2189
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citations | 0 | |
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The governments of Canada and Denmark signed a historic agreement on Hans Island on 14 June 2022. Although most of the agreement was devoted to the resolution of the Hans Island dispute, it also settled other issues. We argue that provisions on mobility and the continental shelf in the Labrador Sea give rise to interesting precedents that could have far-reaching effects for northerners. The agreement on enhanced mobility could represent a first step in a more ambitious process of facilitating Inuit mobility across Nunavut and Greenland, while the settlement on the continental shelf illustrates how states could collaborate on other continental shelf cases, including the continental shelf in the Central Arctic Ocean.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 20.500.12442/3969
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la capacidad de ripostar de la facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla, identificando los factores rupturales o emergentes del entorno que la afectan caracterizando las subcapacidades de esta capacidad dinámica presentes en la Facultad y formulando estrategias para fortalecerla. La metodología empleada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, con un alcance descriptivo y un diseño no experimental transversal, empleando como técnica de recolección de información la encuesta, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario autoadministrado que contempló cuatro dimensiones: el entorno, la vigilancia, el diseño y la implementación, dimensiones que permitieron el desarrollo y definición de la variable, guardando estrecha relación con los objetivos planteados en la investigación. El instrumento de recolección de información fue validado a través de dos expertos con experiencia amplia tanto en el área de conocimiento como en la metodología que se aplica en los procesos investigativos y de la aplicación de una prueba piloto al 10% del tamaño de la muestra. La confiabilidad del instrumento se determinó con el coeficiente de Alpfa de Cronbach arrojando un valor de 91%, lo que confirma la buena estructuración del instrumento y la fiabilidad de sus resultados. Para el procesamiento de la información se empleó un software estadístico, el Statgraphics versión 18, utilizando para el análisis de la información medidas de tendencia central (media y mediana), de variabilidad (desviación estándar, coeficiente de variación, mínimo y máximo) y de localización (tablas de frecuencia e histogramas). Las relaciones estadísticamente significativas se establecieron a partir de la aplicación de Análisis de Varianza (ANOVA) acompañados de los gráficos de la prueba LSD (Less Significant Difference) de Fisher para identificar las diferencias, todo con un 95% de confianza. Los resultados mostraron que la Facultad ha identificado los factores rupturales del entorno que inciden en su quehacer y hace monitoreo de los mismos con el propósito de diseñar e implementar acciones que le permiten responder a los requerimientos del entorno para sostenerse en el mercado, lo cual permite concluir que la facultad ha desarrollado su capacidad de ripostar.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 10593/24762
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej Głównym celem pracy jest rozpoznanie i opisanie strategii konstruowania obrazów Polski w tekstach kultury autorstwa przedstawicieli izraelskiego trzeciego pokolenia po Zagładzie. Analiza wybranych tekstów pozwala wskazać najbardziej charakterystyczne motywy i określić relację między statusem Szoa w izraelskiej wyobraźni zbiorowej a sposobami konceptualizacji Polski na obszarze literatury i sztuki. Twierdzę, że choć Polska pozostaje w izraelskiej pamięci zbiorowej nierozerwalnie związana z tematem zagłady, to związki te są przez przedstawicieli trzeciego pokolenia dyskutowane i krytykowane. Obraz Polski w analizowanych tekstach jest kształtowany na drodze (1) konstrukcji (własnej tożsamości), (2) re-konstrukcji (przyjętego modelu historycznej narracji, przenoszonych wspomnień przodków,etc.), lub (3) dekonstrukcji (poprzez subwersywne użycie wymienionych strategii lub przyjmowanie nowych perspektyw). Co więcej, Polska rzeczywistość, choć istotna, nie jest znacząca per se, ale traktuje się ją jako kliszę odzwierciedlającą tendencje rozwijające się na obszarze izraelskiej pamięci zbiorowej, oferuje spojrzenie na współczesne mechanizmy kolektywnego pamiętania, ich wewnętrzną dynamikę i zróżnicowanie. The purpose of the dissertation is to recognize and to describe the strategies of formation of the images of Poland in cultural texts by Israeli authors of the third post-Holocaust generation. An analysis of the chosen texts allows to point out the most characteristic motives and to define a relation between the status of Shoah in Israeli collective memory and the ways of conceptualization of Poland in the field of literature and art. I argue that although Poland in Israeli collective memory remains tied up with the Shoah, these ties are discussed and criticized by the representatives of the third generation. I also argue that the image of Poland in the analyzed texts is developed through either (1) construction (of one’s fuller identity), or (2) re-construction (of the model present in official historical discourse, transmitted memories of the ancestors, etc.), or (3) deconstruction (through subversive use of abovementioned strategies as well as applying new perspectives). Moreover, I argue that Polish reality, albeit significant, is not important per se but is rather treated as a cliché that reflects the tendencies developing in the area of Israeli collective memory, and gives a perspective on contemporary mechanisms of collective remembrance, their internal dynamics and diversity.
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citations | 0 | |
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doi: 10.15454/rwbiwd
Les données mises à disposition relatent un suivi temporel et spatial de la bactérie Xylella fastidiosa en France de 2015 à aujourd’hui. Cette bactérie, organisme de quarantaine sur le territoire de l'Union Européenne est transmise par des insectes piqueurs-suceurs et s’attaquent à une large gamme de plantes hôtes (cultures arboricoles, viticoles, ornementales, Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales). Elle a été détectée dans les régions Corse et PACA en 2015 puis en Occitanie en 2020. Chaque année une surveillance officielle est mise en place sur le territoire national, conformément à la réglementation européenne (règlement d'exécution (UE) 2020/1201), et des milliers de végétaux sont échantillonnés puis analysés en laboratoire pour recherche de la bactérie et identification de sa sous-espèce le cas échéant. Ces données centralisées par l’ANSES proviennent de différentes structures de terrain (SRALs, FREDONs…), du réseau de laboratoires agréés et du laboratoire national de référence. Les référentiels OEPP et INSEE sont utilisés pour renseigner respectivement l'espèce végétale et les données de localisation des végétaux prélevés (codes INSEE). Deux fichiers sont mis à disposition, le jeu de données issu de la surveillance de la bactérie (data_XF_dateMAJdata), un tableau des attributs décrivant les variables retenues (tableau_attributs_XF) ainsi que la grille spatiale (500m x 500m) dans le cadre de la construction du dataset (grid_quadrat_XF).
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citations | 0 | |
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Tema ovog projekta, koji sam odlučio raditi u laboratoriju fakulteta, je digitalni cijenik za naručivanje u uslužnim objektima koji se bazira na QR kodu. U ovom radu ću pojasniti kako sam realizirao taj projekt te koje sam sve alate koristio. Sustav naručivanja funkcionira tako da imamo korisnika koji skenira QR kod mobitel koji ga preusmjerava na web stranicu u njegovom pregledu gdje može naručiti željeni proizvod Prvi dio rada će se odnositi upoznavanje sa tehnologijama i programskih jezicima koji će se koristi dok ću u drugom dijelu pojasniti funkcioniranje samog koda.Također ću pojasniti korištenje alata za uspostavljanje lokalnog web servera, instalaciju i postavljanje Raspberry Pi te instalacija Apache servera, baze podataka i Pythona. The topic of this project, which I decided to work on in the faculty lab, is a digital price list for ordering in service facilities based on a QR code. In this paper, I will explain how I realized this project and what tools I used. The ordering system works in a way that we have a user who scans the QR code with the mobile phone which is then redirected to the local's website where desired product can be ordered. The first part of the paper will introduce the technologies and programming languages that will be used, while in the second part I will explain the operation of the code itself. I will also explain the use of tools for setting up a local web server, Database and Python.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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doi: 10.17863/cam.45440
Map of the Pacific Ocean showing North and South America. Text reads: GENIO ET INGENIO NOBILI DN. NICOLAO ROCCOXIO, PATRICIO ANTVERPIENSI, EIVSDEMQVE VRBIS SENATORI, Abrahamus Ortelius
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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The subject of this thesis is the connection between sports results and the value of NBA players. The paper will define the concept of management, the process of planning, decision-making, organizing, leading, motivating and controlling human resources, financial, physical and informational resources of the organization in order to effectively and efficiently achieve its goals. Furthermore, the paper defines sport and the sports market and management, as well as sports consumers. The paper also contains an overview of the NBA league and an analysis of the connection between sports results and the value of NBA players. The purpose of this research was to identify performance variables, i.e. scoring, assists, and fouls that significantly contributed to the determination of NBA player salary. Scoring performance variables such as points per game, field goals, free throws and three-point percentage are assumed to contribute significantly to player salaries Tema ovog diplomskog rada je povezanost sportskog rezultata i vrijednosti NBA igrača. U radu su također definirani, prema dostupnoj literaturi, pojam menadžmenta, proces planiranja, donošenja odluka, organiziranja, vođenja, motivacije i kontrole ljudskih resursa, financijskih, fizičkih i informacijskih resursa organizacije kako bi učinkovito i djelotvorno postigla svoje ciljeve. Nadalje, u radu se definira i sport te sportsko tržište i menadžment, ali i sportski potrošači. Rad sadrži i pregled NBA lige te analizu povezanosti sportskog rezultata i vrijednosti NBA igrača. Svrha ovog istraživanja je bila je identificirati varijable učinka, tj. bodovanje, asistencije i greške koje su značajno pridonijele određivanju plaće NBA igrača. Pretpostavlja se da bodovanje varijabli učinka kao što su bodovi po utakmici, pogodak iz igre, slobodno bacanje i postotak od tri poena značajno bi pridonijeli plaćama igrača.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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impulse | Average |
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handle: 11012/196459
Phoebe Apperson Hearst měla velmi úspěšného vlastního syna Williama, který byl ale více jako jeho otec: tvrdý obchodník. Našla však jemnou, uměleckou duši v malíři Orrinu Peckovi (1860–1921), který byl údajně gay a který ji, ještě za života své vlastní matky, začal oslovovat „má druhá mámo.“ Na základě podrobného výzkumu jejich vzájemné korespondence v Peckově pozůstalosti se můžeme ptát, jak moc si byla progresivní, bohatá žena 19. století, jakou byla Phoebe Hearst, vědoma Peckovy sexuality a pokud ano, jestli s tím neměla problém, nebo šlo o nevyřčené tajemství mezi nimi? Jejich příběh představí historik umění Ladislav Zikmund-Lender. Phoebe Apperson Hearst had a very successful son of William, but he was more like his father: a tough businessman. However, she found a delicate, artistic soul in the painter Orrin Peck (1860–1921), who was allegedly gay and who, while still his own mother's life, began to address her as “my second mother.” Based on a detailed study of their correspondence in Peck's estate, we may ask how much a progressive, rich 19th-century woman like Phoebe Hearst was aware of Peck's sexuality, and if so, if she had no problem with it, or was it an unspoken secret between them? Their story will be presented by art historian Ladislav Zikmund-Lender.
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citations | 0 | |