handle: 11012/200792
In this paper, we present two pipelines in order to reduce the feature space for anomalydetection using the One Class SVM. As a first stage of both pipelines, we compare the performanceof three convolutional autoencoders. We use the PCA method together with t-SNE as the first pipelineand the reconstruction errors based method as the second. Both methods have potential for theanomaly detection, but the reconstruction error metrics prove to be more robust for this task. Weshow that the convolutional autoencoder architecture doesn’t have a significant effect for this task andwe prove the potential of our approach on the real world dataset.
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handle: 20.500.11956/190524
The globalisation of the world has a human face – growing international migration. This phenomenon raises various issues in the fields of politics, demography, culture, religion and national security... and of course labour law. This book examines the topic from several different angles, such as the precarisation of migrant workers, equal treatment, posting of workers, and forced labour. The final chapter analyses the legal system of the Czech Republic and its challenges with regard to international migration. The team of authors is composed of academics from various Central and Eastern European countries. Globalizace světa má svou lidskou tvář – rostoucí mezinárodní migraci. Tento fenomén vyvolává různé otázky v oblasti politiky, demografie, kultury, náboženství a národní bezpečnosti… a samozřejmě pracovního práva. Kniha se zabývá tímto tématem z několika různých úhlů pohledu, jako je prekarizace migrujících pracovníků, rovné zacházení s nimi, vysílání pracovníků do zahraničí a nucená práce. Závěrečná kapitola analyzuje právní systém České republiky a jeho výzvy v souvislosti s mezinárodní migrací. Autorský kolektiv je složen z akademiků z různých zemí střední a východní Evropy.
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handle: 11012/200770
We propose the model combining convolutional neural network with multiple instancelearning in order to localize the premature atrial contraction and premature ventricular contraction.The model is based on ResNet architecture modified for 1D signal processing. Model was trainedon China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018 database extended by manually labeled ground truthpositions of premature complexes. The presented method did not reach satisfying results in PAClocalization (with dice = 0.127 for avg-pooling implementation). On the other hand, results of localizationof PVCs were comparable with other published studies (with dice = 0.952 for avg-poolingimplementation).
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11222.digilib/143488
The paper focuses on Margaret Atwood’s novels Oryx and Crakeand The Year of the Floodand considers ways in which the pandemic of her dystopian world may, to various degrees, serve as a reflection of the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2020. The setting of both novels is the same dystopian world, however, they each present different ideological takes on dealing with a pandemic. The paper analyses the creation of Crakers as the new humanoid species, which are supposed to inhabit the earth in its post-pandemic state. It reflects not only political andsocial structures Atwood borrowed from the real-world, but also types of behavior that somepolitical national leaders currently display. While the first novel addresses the issuesof power, exploitation, and the God complex; The Year of the Flood, with its two female characters, investigates dealingwith the pandemic via the lens of ecofem-inism, ecology, nature, and sustainability. Conversely to Crake’s elitist megalo-maniac ideas that leave the world and its state largely out of the discussion,in the second novel, Atwood connects to the ecology of the post-pandemic world and focuses on ways of understanding it from the natural, rather than ideological standpoint. The paper considers these opposing viewpoints and shows defamil-iarized versions reflected in the current state of the real world. In relation to that, correlations between fictional and real-life dichotomies of masculine and femi-nine perspectives on handling the pandemic both in the real world as well as in the novel are also discussed.
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Green |
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handle: 11012/209305
To protect the vineyards from starlings is very costly and ineffective with the available resources. In my work, I have designed a detection module which consist of four microphones, each one is directed to the cardinal point and based on the intensity of sound, the module will provide the information about the direction where the flock is located, in the vineyard that passes to the control module and scares the flocks. The detection module processes the signal in a Raspberry Pi 4 single board computer using an artificial neural network algorithm.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11104/0337939
The new mineral chenowethite,Mg(H2O)6[(UO2)2(SO4)2(OH)2]5H2O, was found in efflorescence crusts on tunnel walls at the Blue Lizard, Green Lizard andMarkey uraniummines in Red Canyon, San Juan County, Utah, USA. In this work the mineral's structure and its properties were studied and the results are presented.
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Green |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11012/196343
In 1939, due to WWII and the Nuremberg Laws, the revolutionary Czech structural engineer Jaroslav J. Polívka arrived in the United States. After his arrival, he started a research job at UC Berkeley, renewed his engineering practice, and offered his services to the US military as many businesspersons did during this era. Polívka worked for Henry Kaiser who turned Richmond, CA, into a vibrant, fast developing workers city. New residential districts, hospitals, hangars, docks, and warehouses were built there. Henry Kaiser approached the structural development of the city in the same way he revolutionized the construction of battleships: from prefabricated, standardized parts. He supported research and development of new technologies. Mobile, round-shaped hospitals from prefabricated aluminum frames were one of the results of that research. In 1946, Jaroslav J. Polívka introduced himself to the “starchitect” Frank Lloyd Wright. A productive mutual co-operation that lasted 13 years and resulted in eight spectacular projects had started and Polívka, who had been working on extensive research both at UC Berkeley and Stanford University, came up with many technological, structural, and material innovations over the period. In 1957, Henry Kaiser funded the construction of one of the two geodesic domes designed by Richard Buckminster Fuller in Hawaii and in the process he invited Frank Lloyd Wright to consult the project. Jaroslav J. Polívka was probably in direct contact with Fuller, since he wanted to include him in his unfinished project of an encyclopedia of the world-famous structural engineers. On this particular story and a social matrix evolving around Henry Kaiser and Frank Lloyd Wright, the lecture seeks to rethink architectural global modernism as a cooperative project rather than a series of individual innovations manifested by isolated genius figures.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11012/200590
The thesis deals with the image processing and detection of specific objects in the image. The main objective of this work is to implement a algoritm for the control of pipetting processes based on images from the camera. In this thesis is used for image processing an open source computer vision library OpenCV and for pipette detection is used convolutional neural network. The proposed solution is still in development process. The following article describes the issue and the results of the thesis solution.
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citations | 0 | |
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impulse | Average |
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Due to global climate change and increased forest transformation by humans, accounting for the dynamics of forest ecosystems is becoming a central problem in forestry. We reviewed the success of considering vegetation dynamics in the most influential ecological forest classifications in Russia, the European Union, and North America. Out of the variety of approaches to forest classification, only those that are widely used in forestry and forest inventory were selected. It was found that the system of diagnostic signs developed by genetic forest typology based on the time-stable characteristics of habitats as well as the developed concept of dynamic series of cenosis formation allows us to successfully take into account the dynamics of vegetation. While forest dynamics in European classifications is assessed at a theoretical level, it is also possible to assess forest dynamics in practice due to information obtained from EUNIS habitat classification. In ecological classifications in North America, the problem of vegetation dynamics is most fully solved with ecological site description (ESD), which includes potential vegetation and disturbance factors in the classification features. In habitat type classification (HTC) and biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification (BEC), vegetation dynamics is accounted based on testing the diagnostic species and other signs of potential vegetation for resistance to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Understanding of vegetation–environment associations is fundamental in forming proper forest management methods and improving existing classification structures. We believe that this topic is relevant as part of the ongoing search for new solutions within all significant forest ecological classifications. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Funding: This work was supported by ERASMUS (ERASMUS+ project) and the Russian Ministry for Education and Science (projects No. FEUG-2020-0013 and No. AUG-2021-0009) and within the framework of the state assignment of the Institute Botanic Garden Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. AUG-2021-0009, FEUG-2020-0013
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Green |
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handle: 11025/39767
The objective of this study is to propose a trustworthy, valid and consistent methodological approach for measuring the efficiency of a logistics platform, where an entire country constitutes a logistic platform. Traditional Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is found to be an appropriate tool – if its weaknesses are eliminated. DEA results are highly influenced by the choice of appropriate inputs and outputs variables, but the method itself does not provide guidance for their identification. The authors therefore propose to integrate traditional DEA by combining the Delphi technique with the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, which will assist in identifying proper, consistent input/output variables, evaluated by their relevance. The proposed framework allows the performance evaluation of the selected platform’s element or elements. It is thus a useful decision support tool for enterprises (private, public, both) that are managing logistics platforms and trying to improve their productivity in order to sustain or improve their position on the competitive market. This methodology allows comparative efficiency analyses to be estimated for similar countries. The presented methodology on one hand enables tailor-made solutions, but on the other hand is very general, and, with minor adjustments, can be applied by a variety of firms and industries. It can be applied in private sector firms in production and service industries, to analyse the relative performance of diverse logistics and non-logistics services, and in public profit or non-profit organisations.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11012/200792
In this paper, we present two pipelines in order to reduce the feature space for anomalydetection using the One Class SVM. As a first stage of both pipelines, we compare the performanceof three convolutional autoencoders. We use the PCA method together with t-SNE as the first pipelineand the reconstruction errors based method as the second. Both methods have potential for theanomaly detection, but the reconstruction error metrics prove to be more robust for this task. Weshow that the convolutional autoencoder architecture doesn’t have a significant effect for this task andwe prove the potential of our approach on the real world dataset.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 20.500.11956/190524
The globalisation of the world has a human face – growing international migration. This phenomenon raises various issues in the fields of politics, demography, culture, religion and national security... and of course labour law. This book examines the topic from several different angles, such as the precarisation of migrant workers, equal treatment, posting of workers, and forced labour. The final chapter analyses the legal system of the Czech Republic and its challenges with regard to international migration. The team of authors is composed of academics from various Central and Eastern European countries. Globalizace světa má svou lidskou tvář – rostoucí mezinárodní migraci. Tento fenomén vyvolává různé otázky v oblasti politiky, demografie, kultury, náboženství a národní bezpečnosti… a samozřejmě pracovního práva. Kniha se zabývá tímto tématem z několika různých úhlů pohledu, jako je prekarizace migrujících pracovníků, rovné zacházení s nimi, vysílání pracovníků do zahraničí a nucená práce. Závěrečná kapitola analyzuje právní systém České republiky a jeho výzvy v souvislosti s mezinárodní migrací. Autorský kolektiv je složen z akademiků z různých zemí střední a východní Evropy.
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handle: 11012/200770
We propose the model combining convolutional neural network with multiple instancelearning in order to localize the premature atrial contraction and premature ventricular contraction.The model is based on ResNet architecture modified for 1D signal processing. Model was trainedon China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018 database extended by manually labeled ground truthpositions of premature complexes. The presented method did not reach satisfying results in PAClocalization (with dice = 0.127 for avg-pooling implementation). On the other hand, results of localizationof PVCs were comparable with other published studies (with dice = 0.952 for avg-poolingimplementation).
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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handle: 11222.digilib/143488
The paper focuses on Margaret Atwood’s novels Oryx and Crakeand The Year of the Floodand considers ways in which the pandemic of her dystopian world may, to various degrees, serve as a reflection of the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2020. The setting of both novels is the same dystopian world, however, they each present different ideological takes on dealing with a pandemic. The paper analyses the creation of Crakers as the new humanoid species, which are supposed to inhabit the earth in its post-pandemic state. It reflects not only political andsocial structures Atwood borrowed from the real-world, but also types of behavior that somepolitical national leaders currently display. While the first novel addresses the issuesof power, exploitation, and the God complex; The Year of the Flood, with its two female characters, investigates dealingwith the pandemic via the lens of ecofem-inism, ecology, nature, and sustainability. Conversely to Crake’s elitist megalo-maniac ideas that leave the world and its state largely out of the discussion,in the second novel, Atwood connects to the ecology of the post-pandemic world and focuses on ways of understanding it from the natural, rather than ideological standpoint. The paper considers these opposing viewpoints and shows defamil-iarized versions reflected in the current state of the real world. In relation to that, correlations between fictional and real-life dichotomies of masculine and femi-nine perspectives on handling the pandemic both in the real world as well as in the novel are also discussed.
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Green |
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handle: 11012/209305
To protect the vineyards from starlings is very costly and ineffective with the available resources. In my work, I have designed a detection module which consist of four microphones, each one is directed to the cardinal point and based on the intensity of sound, the module will provide the information about the direction where the flock is located, in the vineyard that passes to the control module and scares the flocks. The detection module processes the signal in a Raspberry Pi 4 single board computer using an artificial neural network algorithm.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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