The Constitutional court in Brno abolished the constitutional act on shortening the electoral term of the Chamber of Deputies due to the alleged conflict to the Constitution. The Constitutional court did so without being expressly entitled to it by the Constitution. Extraordinary elections took place on the base of a special constitutional act, this practice was applied repeatedly within the effective legal order in the Czech Republic and it became a constitutional convention. Abolition of a constitutional act which was enacted by the qualified majority within the right procedure is in conflict to the constitutional command which states that the Constitutional court is bound by the constitutional acts. If the Constitutional court designates the constitutional act as something what is not a constitutional act, then the others can designate the judgment of the Constitutional court as something what is not a judgment and can refuse to respect it. Such a consequence of the conduct of the Constitutional court is a serious violation of the principle of the legal certainty. Text se zabývá rozhodnutím Ústavního soudu v Brně, kterým si v roce 2009 přisvojil pravomoc rušit ústavní zákony, když zrušil ústavní zákon o zkrácení volebního období Poslanecké sněmovny pro údajný rozpor s ústavním zákonem č. 1/1993 Sb., Ústava. Ústavní soud tak učinil, aniž mu Ústava takovou pravomoc výslovně dává, v situaci, kdy cesta k mimořádným volbám formou speciálního ústavního zákona byla aplikována v právním řádu platném na území Čech, Moravy a Slezska opakovaně a stala se ústavní zvyklostí. Zrušení ústavního zákona přijatého správnou procedurou a příslušnou kvalifikovanou většinou je v rozporu s ústavním příkazem o vázanosti Ústavního soudu ústavními zákony. Pokud může Ústavní soud označit ústavní zákon za něco, co podle něj ústavním zákonem není, mohou jiní označit nález Ústavního soudu za něco, co nálezem není a odmítnout jej respektovat. Takovýto důsledek jednání Ústavního soudu je vážným narušením právní jistoty.
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handle: 11012/200792
In this paper, we present two pipelines in order to reduce the feature space for anomalydetection using the One Class SVM. As a first stage of both pipelines, we compare the performanceof three convolutional autoencoders. We use the PCA method together with t-SNE as the first pipelineand the reconstruction errors based method as the second. Both methods have potential for theanomaly detection, but the reconstruction error metrics prove to be more robust for this task. Weshow that the convolutional autoencoder architecture doesn’t have a significant effect for this task andwe prove the potential of our approach on the real world dataset.
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handle: 20.500.11956/190524
The globalisation of the world has a human face – growing international migration. This phenomenon raises various issues in the fields of politics, demography, culture, religion and national security... and of course labour law. This book examines the topic from several different angles, such as the precarisation of migrant workers, equal treatment, posting of workers, and forced labour. The final chapter analyses the legal system of the Czech Republic and its challenges with regard to international migration. The team of authors is composed of academics from various Central and Eastern European countries. Globalizace světa má svou lidskou tvář – rostoucí mezinárodní migraci. Tento fenomén vyvolává různé otázky v oblasti politiky, demografie, kultury, náboženství a národní bezpečnosti… a samozřejmě pracovního práva. Kniha se zabývá tímto tématem z několika různých úhlů pohledu, jako je prekarizace migrujících pracovníků, rovné zacházení s nimi, vysílání pracovníků do zahraničí a nucená práce. Závěrečná kapitola analyzuje právní systém České republiky a jeho výzvy v souvislosti s mezinárodní migrací. Autorský kolektiv je složen z akademiků z různých zemí střední a východní Evropy.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11012/200770
We propose the model combining convolutional neural network with multiple instancelearning in order to localize the premature atrial contraction and premature ventricular contraction.The model is based on ResNet architecture modified for 1D signal processing. Model was trainedon China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018 database extended by manually labeled ground truthpositions of premature complexes. The presented method did not reach satisfying results in PAClocalization (with dice = 0.127 for avg-pooling implementation). On the other hand, results of localizationof PVCs were comparable with other published studies (with dice = 0.952 for avg-poolingimplementation).
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11222.digilib/143488
The paper focuses on Margaret Atwood’s novels Oryx and Crakeand The Year of the Floodand considers ways in which the pandemic of her dystopian world may, to various degrees, serve as a reflection of the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2020. The setting of both novels is the same dystopian world, however, they each present different ideological takes on dealing with a pandemic. The paper analyses the creation of Crakers as the new humanoid species, which are supposed to inhabit the earth in its post-pandemic state. It reflects not only political andsocial structures Atwood borrowed from the real-world, but also types of behavior that somepolitical national leaders currently display. While the first novel addresses the issuesof power, exploitation, and the God complex; The Year of the Flood, with its two female characters, investigates dealingwith the pandemic via the lens of ecofem-inism, ecology, nature, and sustainability. Conversely to Crake’s elitist megalo-maniac ideas that leave the world and its state largely out of the discussion,in the second novel, Atwood connects to the ecology of the post-pandemic world and focuses on ways of understanding it from the natural, rather than ideological standpoint. The paper considers these opposing viewpoints and shows defamil-iarized versions reflected in the current state of the real world. In relation to that, correlations between fictional and real-life dichotomies of masculine and femi-nine perspectives on handling the pandemic both in the real world as well as in the novel are also discussed.
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handle: 11012/186685
SILON s.r.o is manufacturer of polyester fibres which get used in wide range of applications, many of them requiring highest quality material. Due to manufacturing processes, some fibres are not drawn properly and stay in the fiber as bundles, or brittle, thick threads. Proposed lab station should automate process of quality check of each batch. It consists of linescan camera scanner and computer with software for detection and analysis of defects.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 1822/67286
Although guidelines exist for advanced and variant bladder cancer management, evidence is limited/conflicting in some areas and the optimal approach remains controversial. Background: Although guidelines exist for advanced and variant bladder cancer management, evidence is limited/conflicting in some areas and the optimal approach remains controversial. Objective: To bring together a large multidisciplinary group of experts to develop consensus statements on controversial topics in bladder cancer management. Design: A steering committee compiled proposed statements regarding advanced and variant bladder cancer management which were assessed by 113 experts in a Delphi survey. Statements not reaching consensus were reviewed; those prioritised were revised by a panel of 45 experts before voting during a consensus conference. Setting: Online Delphi survey and consensus conference. Participants: The European Association of Urology (EAU), the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), experts in bladder cancer management. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: Statements were ranked by experts according to their level of agreement: 1–3 (disagree), 4–6 (equivocal), 7–9 (agree). A priori (level 1) consensus was defined as 70% agreement and 15% disagreement, or vice versa. In the Delphi survey, a second analysis was restricted to stakeholder group(s) considered to have adequate expertise relating to each statement (to achieve level 2 consensus). Results and limitations: Overall, 116 statements were included in the Delphi survey. Of these, 33 (28%) statements achieved level 1 consensus and 49 (42%) statements achieved level 1 or 2 consensus. At the consensus conference, 22 of 27 (81%) statements achieved consensus. These consensus statements provide further guidance across a broad range of topics, including the management of variant histologies, the role/limitations of prognostic biomarkers in clinical decision making, bladder preservation strategies, modern radiotherapy techniques, the management of oligometastatic disease and the evolving role of checkpoint inhibitor therapy in metastatic disease. Conclusions: These consensus statements provide further guidance on controversial topics in advanced and variant bladder cancer management until a time where further evidence is available to guide our approach The authors would like to thank Peter E. Clark from Atrium Health, Levine Cancer Institute, Charlotte, NC, USA, for his contribution to the Delphi survey. Angela Corstorphine of Kstorfin Medical Communications Ltd provided medical writing support with the preparation of this manuscript; this support was funded jointly by EAU and ESMO.
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handle: 11012/138235
This work deals with the use of a convolutional neural network in the area of segmentation of images acquired with the use of a transmission electron microscope. Paper describes programming tool for image data augmentation, used neural network topology, and it also provides information about model training. This neural network topology delivered excellent results on provided data from the Thermo Fisher Scientific company, which will serve as a starting point for internal company research in image segmentation area.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11012/209305
To protect the vineyards from starlings is very costly and ineffective with the available resources. In my work, I have designed a detection module which consist of four microphones, each one is directed to the cardinal point and based on the intensity of sound, the module will provide the information about the direction where the flock is located, in the vineyard that passes to the control module and scares the flocks. The detection module processes the signal in a Raspberry Pi 4 single board computer using an artificial neural network algorithm.
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handle: 11012/83952
This paper deals with proposed 2nd order universal frequency filter. In design of this frequency filter, multiple-output current follower (MO-CF) and digitally adjustable current amplifier (DACA) have been used. The frequency filter is proposed with ability to control the pole frequency without disturbing the selected quality factor by parameter of DACA active elements in form of integrated circuit. Design is supported by simulation and also measurement results.
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The Constitutional court in Brno abolished the constitutional act on shortening the electoral term of the Chamber of Deputies due to the alleged conflict to the Constitution. The Constitutional court did so without being expressly entitled to it by the Constitution. Extraordinary elections took place on the base of a special constitutional act, this practice was applied repeatedly within the effective legal order in the Czech Republic and it became a constitutional convention. Abolition of a constitutional act which was enacted by the qualified majority within the right procedure is in conflict to the constitutional command which states that the Constitutional court is bound by the constitutional acts. If the Constitutional court designates the constitutional act as something what is not a constitutional act, then the others can designate the judgment of the Constitutional court as something what is not a judgment and can refuse to respect it. Such a consequence of the conduct of the Constitutional court is a serious violation of the principle of the legal certainty. Text se zabývá rozhodnutím Ústavního soudu v Brně, kterým si v roce 2009 přisvojil pravomoc rušit ústavní zákony, když zrušil ústavní zákon o zkrácení volebního období Poslanecké sněmovny pro údajný rozpor s ústavním zákonem č. 1/1993 Sb., Ústava. Ústavní soud tak učinil, aniž mu Ústava takovou pravomoc výslovně dává, v situaci, kdy cesta k mimořádným volbám formou speciálního ústavního zákona byla aplikována v právním řádu platném na území Čech, Moravy a Slezska opakovaně a stala se ústavní zvyklostí. Zrušení ústavního zákona přijatého správnou procedurou a příslušnou kvalifikovanou většinou je v rozporu s ústavním příkazem o vázanosti Ústavního soudu ústavními zákony. Pokud může Ústavní soud označit ústavní zákon za něco, co podle něj ústavním zákonem není, mohou jiní označit nález Ústavního soudu za něco, co nálezem není a odmítnout jej respektovat. Takovýto důsledek jednání Ústavního soudu je vážným narušením právní jistoty.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11012/200792
In this paper, we present two pipelines in order to reduce the feature space for anomalydetection using the One Class SVM. As a first stage of both pipelines, we compare the performanceof three convolutional autoencoders. We use the PCA method together with t-SNE as the first pipelineand the reconstruction errors based method as the second. Both methods have potential for theanomaly detection, but the reconstruction error metrics prove to be more robust for this task. Weshow that the convolutional autoencoder architecture doesn’t have a significant effect for this task andwe prove the potential of our approach on the real world dataset.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 20.500.11956/190524
The globalisation of the world has a human face – growing international migration. This phenomenon raises various issues in the fields of politics, demography, culture, religion and national security... and of course labour law. This book examines the topic from several different angles, such as the precarisation of migrant workers, equal treatment, posting of workers, and forced labour. The final chapter analyses the legal system of the Czech Republic and its challenges with regard to international migration. The team of authors is composed of academics from various Central and Eastern European countries. Globalizace světa má svou lidskou tvář – rostoucí mezinárodní migraci. Tento fenomén vyvolává různé otázky v oblasti politiky, demografie, kultury, náboženství a národní bezpečnosti… a samozřejmě pracovního práva. Kniha se zabývá tímto tématem z několika různých úhlů pohledu, jako je prekarizace migrujících pracovníků, rovné zacházení s nimi, vysílání pracovníků do zahraničí a nucená práce. Závěrečná kapitola analyzuje právní systém České republiky a jeho výzvy v souvislosti s mezinárodní migrací. Autorský kolektiv je složen z akademiků z různých zemí střední a východní Evropy.
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11012/200770
We propose the model combining convolutional neural network with multiple instancelearning in order to localize the premature atrial contraction and premature ventricular contraction.The model is based on ResNet architecture modified for 1D signal processing. Model was trainedon China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018 database extended by manually labeled ground truthpositions of premature complexes. The presented method did not reach satisfying results in PAClocalization (with dice = 0.127 for avg-pooling implementation). On the other hand, results of localizationof PVCs were comparable with other published studies (with dice = 0.952 for avg-poolingimplementation).
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11222.digilib/143488
The paper focuses on Margaret Atwood’s novels Oryx and Crakeand The Year of the Floodand considers ways in which the pandemic of her dystopian world may, to various degrees, serve as a reflection of the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2020. The setting of both novels is the same dystopian world, however, they each present different ideological takes on dealing with a pandemic. The paper analyses the creation of Crakers as the new humanoid species, which are supposed to inhabit the earth in its post-pandemic state. It reflects not only political andsocial structures Atwood borrowed from the real-world, but also types of behavior that somepolitical national leaders currently display. While the first novel addresses the issuesof power, exploitation, and the God complex; The Year of the Flood, with its two female characters, investigates dealingwith the pandemic via the lens of ecofem-inism, ecology, nature, and sustainability. Conversely to Crake’s elitist megalo-maniac ideas that leave the world and its state largely out of the discussion,in the second novel, Atwood connects to the ecology of the post-pandemic world and focuses on ways of understanding it from the natural, rather than ideological standpoint. The paper considers these opposing viewpoints and shows defamil-iarized versions reflected in the current state of the real world. In relation to that, correlations between fictional and real-life dichotomies of masculine and femi-nine perspectives on handling the pandemic both in the real world as well as in the novel are also discussed.
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Green |
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