The MOBILISE project examines why some people respond to discontent by protesting, others by migrating while yet others stay immobile. It focuses on four countries that have seen outmigration and protest in recent year (Ukraine, Poland, Morocco and Argentina) and migrants from these countries who live in Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain. The main body of MOBILISE survey data are nationally representative face-to-face surveys in Ukraine, Poland, Morocco and Argentina. As these surveys are unable to capture (current) migrants from these countries – a group that is crucial to answering the MOBILISE research question – MOBILISE employs a migrant survey targeted at three destination countries; Germany, the UK and Spain. MOBILISE migrant surveys were closely oriented to the national surveys in order to achieve the longitudinal nature of the data. All of the surveys thoroughly ask for political views and beliefs as well as socio economic background, the reasons and motivations to (or not) migrate and the reason to (or not) protest. The migrant survey was run online. We also ran two supplementary online national surveys targeting the general population in Ukraine and Argentina. All MOBILISE national and migrant surveys are set-up as a two wave panel. The first wave of data collection for the migrant and national survey started in September 2019 and finished in March 2020. The second wave started between December 2020 and December 2021. This data deposit contains wave one and two of the migrant and national online surveys (the nationally representative surveys are deposited separately).
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Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau
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Citoyenne canadienne née dans une petite ville relativement rurale du nord du Canada. Au cours de sa vie d'adulte, elle a beaucoup voyagé à travers le monde. Elle a vécu à Pau à deux reprises et s'y est rendue à chaque fois pour suivre son mari qui travaille dans l'industrie pétrolière. Elle pense avoir eu une vie très différente de celle de ses enfants, principalement en raison des voyages qu'ils ont effectués dès leur plus jeune âge. Elle évoque toutefois les inconvénients de cette situation et la notion d'appartenance. Elle parle également de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère et de la façon dont cela affecte les traits de personnalité, en raison de l'incapacité à s'exprimer correctement en français. Elle note qu'il y a eu des moments difficiles dans sa vie en raison des déménagements et du fait qu'elle n'avait pas d'amis sur lesquels compter, ni de famille autour d'elle. Pour y faire face, elle a créé une entreprise florissante qui fournit de l'aide et des opportunités aux femmes qui sont dans la même situation qu'elle. Elle parle également des problèmes de santé mentale et de la manière dont elle les a surmontés grâce à la thérapie. Female Canadian citizen born in a relatively rural small northern town in Canada. She has travelled extensively during her adult life around the world. She has lived in Pau on two different occasions, and each time travelled to follow her husband her works in the petrol industry. She believes that she had a very different life to that of her children, mainly due to the travelling that they have experienced from an early age. However, she speaks of the downside of that and the notion of belonging. She also speaks of learning a foreign language and how this affects personality traits, due to inability to express herself correctly in French. She notes that there have been hard times in her life due to moving around, and not having friends to count on, or family around her. In order to deal with this, she set up a thriving business that provides assistance and opportunities to women who are in the same position as her. She also speaks about mental health issues and how she overcame these through therapy. Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau Temporal: 20th and 21st century Temporal: 1980-2023
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handle: 11012/196459
Phoebe Apperson Hearst měla velmi úspěšného vlastního syna Williama, který byl ale více jako jeho otec: tvrdý obchodník. Našla však jemnou, uměleckou duši v malíři Orrinu Peckovi (1860–1921), který byl údajně gay a který ji, ještě za života své vlastní matky, začal oslovovat „má druhá mámo.“ Na základě podrobného výzkumu jejich vzájemné korespondence v Peckově pozůstalosti se můžeme ptát, jak moc si byla progresivní, bohatá žena 19. století, jakou byla Phoebe Hearst, vědoma Peckovy sexuality a pokud ano, jestli s tím neměla problém, nebo šlo o nevyřčené tajemství mezi nimi? Jejich příběh představí historik umění Ladislav Zikmund-Lender. Phoebe Apperson Hearst had a very successful son of William, but he was more like his father: a tough businessman. However, she found a delicate, artistic soul in the painter Orrin Peck (1860–1921), who was allegedly gay and who, while still his own mother's life, began to address her as “my second mother.” Based on a detailed study of their correspondence in Peck's estate, we may ask how much a progressive, rich 19th-century woman like Phoebe Hearst was aware of Peck's sexuality, and if so, if she had no problem with it, or was it an unspoken secret between them? Their story will be presented by art historian Ladislav Zikmund-Lender.
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handle: 11562/1128589
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doi: 10.30461/97595
handle: 11368/2966959
A detailed review and discussion of Marcello Carmagnani's 2018 book on the Atlantic economy in the early modern age
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Citoyen américain, naturalisé français. Paul Nash a déménagé 16 fois aux États-Unis et considère que le premier endroit qu’il se sent vraiment ‘chez lui’, a été après son arrivée en France, il y a vingt ans, pour vivre à Pau, avec son épouse, à la suite de la naissance de sa première fille. Il est fier d'être Français et de pouvoir dire que la France et son pays. Il estime avoir vécu une vie privilégiée et riche, mais il est conscient que les histoires de migration des autres ne sont pas aussi simples. Il parle de l'apprentissage de la langue française et de l'enseignement de l'anglais dans de multiples contextes internationaux, avec des Français, mais aussi des Indiens, des Allemands et des Ukrainiens, par exemple. Il a rencontré sa femme alors qu'il étudiait dans un institut de langue en Allemagne, et ils ont d'abord décidé de retourner aux États-Unis, où ils ont travaillé tous les deux. Ils se sont ensuite mariés, ont eu un enfant et ont décidé de s'installer en France, le pays d’origine de son épouse, Frédérique. Ils se sont installés à Pau et y ont fait leur vie. Il parle de ce qu'a signifié pour lui l'obtention de la nationalité française et de l'enthousiasme qu'il a ressenti quand on le lui avait accordé. Male American citizen, naturalized French. Paul Nash moved around the USA 16 times and considered that his first home was when he arrived twenty years ago in France, to live in Pau, with his wife, after the birth of their first daughter. He is proud to be French and also to call France his home country, today. He feels that he has lived a privileged and rich life but is aware that the migration stories of others are not so simple. He speaks of learning the French language and also teaching the English language in multiple international contexts, with French people, but also Indians, Germans, and Ukrainians, for example. He met his wife while studying at a German language institute and they decided first to return to the USA, where they both worked. They then married, had a child, and decided to move to France, where his wife, Frédérique, was originally from. They settled in Pau and have made their home there. He speaks of what it meant for him to obtain French nationality and the enthusiasm he felt in getting it. Migratory trajectory and oral history of English speakers in the city of Pau Temporal: 20th and 21st century
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Citoyenne américaine d'une vingtaine d'années qui vit à Pau depuis un an. Elle a grandi en Pennsylvanie dans un environnement agricole et a étudié le français et l'histoire à l'université. Elle s'est ensuite inscrite en doctorat et explique pourquoi elle aime la recherche. Elle parle de l'apprentissage des langues et de son effet la façon de s’exprimer, les émotions et la personnalité. Elle parle de ce qu'elle ressent après avoir vécu à Aix-en-Provence, à Strasbourg et à Pau. Elle décrit la ville de Pau comme un « petit bijou », dans la mesure où la ville a beaucoup à offrir, est unique à certains égards, avec les événements sportifs organisés dans la ville et sa situation géographique. Elle retournera aux États-Unis pour terminer son doctorat, mais il est possible qu'elle revienne en France, soit temporairement, soit à plus long terme. Elle exprime son souhait de rester dans l'environnement académique dans lequel elle se trouve et de poursuivre ses recherches. Female American citizen in her twenties who has been living in Pau for a year. She was brought up in Pennsylvania in an agricultural environment and went to study French and History at university. She went on to enroll on a Ph.D. and explains why she likes research. She speaks of language learning and the effect it has on expressions, emotions, and personality. She talks of how she feels after living in Aix- en-Provence, Strasburg and then Pau. She describes the city of Pau as being like a “little gem”, in as much as it has a lot to offer, is unique in some respects, with the sports events available in the city and the location. She will return to the USA to complete here Ph.D., but may return to France, either temporarily or -on a longer-term basis. She speaks of her wish to remain in the academic environment in which she finds herself, and to continue research. Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau Temporal: 20th and 21st century Temporal: 1990-2023
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Entretien avec deux agents des Affaires maritimes (service déconcentré et échelon central)
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Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau
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The MOBILISE project examines why some people respond to discontent by protesting, others by migrating while yet others stay immobile. It focuses on four countries that have seen outmigration and protest in recent year (Ukraine, Poland, Morocco and Argentina) and migrants from these countries who live in Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain. The main body of MOBILISE survey data are nationally representative face-to-face surveys in Ukraine, Poland, Morocco and Argentina. As these surveys are unable to capture (current) migrants from these countries – a group that is crucial to answering the MOBILISE research question – MOBILISE employs a migrant survey targeted at three destination countries; Germany, the UK and Spain. MOBILISE migrant surveys were closely oriented to the national surveys in order to achieve the longitudinal nature of the data. All of the surveys thoroughly ask for political views and beliefs as well as socio economic background, the reasons and motivations to (or not) migrate and the reason to (or not) protest. The migrant survey was run online. We also ran two supplementary online national surveys targeting the general population in Ukraine and Argentina. All MOBILISE national and migrant surveys are set-up as a two wave panel. The first wave of data collection for the migrant and national survey started in September 2019 and finished in March 2020. The second wave started between December 2020 and December 2021. This data deposit contains wave one and two of the migrant and national online surveys (the nationally representative surveys are deposited separately).
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Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau
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Citoyenne canadienne née dans une petite ville relativement rurale du nord du Canada. Au cours de sa vie d'adulte, elle a beaucoup voyagé à travers le monde. Elle a vécu à Pau à deux reprises et s'y est rendue à chaque fois pour suivre son mari qui travaille dans l'industrie pétrolière. Elle pense avoir eu une vie très différente de celle de ses enfants, principalement en raison des voyages qu'ils ont effectués dès leur plus jeune âge. Elle évoque toutefois les inconvénients de cette situation et la notion d'appartenance. Elle parle également de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère et de la façon dont cela affecte les traits de personnalité, en raison de l'incapacité à s'exprimer correctement en français. Elle note qu'il y a eu des moments difficiles dans sa vie en raison des déménagements et du fait qu'elle n'avait pas d'amis sur lesquels compter, ni de famille autour d'elle. Pour y faire face, elle a créé une entreprise florissante qui fournit de l'aide et des opportunités aux femmes qui sont dans la même situation qu'elle. Elle parle également des problèmes de santé mentale et de la manière dont elle les a surmontés grâce à la thérapie. Female Canadian citizen born in a relatively rural small northern town in Canada. She has travelled extensively during her adult life around the world. She has lived in Pau on two different occasions, and each time travelled to follow her husband her works in the petrol industry. She believes that she had a very different life to that of her children, mainly due to the travelling that they have experienced from an early age. However, she speaks of the downside of that and the notion of belonging. She also speaks of learning a foreign language and how this affects personality traits, due to inability to express herself correctly in French. She notes that there have been hard times in her life due to moving around, and not having friends to count on, or family around her. In order to deal with this, she set up a thriving business that provides assistance and opportunities to women who are in the same position as her. She also speaks about mental health issues and how she overcame these through therapy. Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau Temporal: 20th and 21st century Temporal: 1980-2023
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citations | 0 | |
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handle: 11012/196459
Phoebe Apperson Hearst měla velmi úspěšného vlastního syna Williama, který byl ale více jako jeho otec: tvrdý obchodník. Našla však jemnou, uměleckou duši v malíři Orrinu Peckovi (1860–1921), který byl údajně gay a který ji, ještě za života své vlastní matky, začal oslovovat „má druhá mámo.“ Na základě podrobného výzkumu jejich vzájemné korespondence v Peckově pozůstalosti se můžeme ptát, jak moc si byla progresivní, bohatá žena 19. století, jakou byla Phoebe Hearst, vědoma Peckovy sexuality a pokud ano, jestli s tím neměla problém, nebo šlo o nevyřčené tajemství mezi nimi? Jejich příběh představí historik umění Ladislav Zikmund-Lender. Phoebe Apperson Hearst had a very successful son of William, but he was more like his father: a tough businessman. However, she found a delicate, artistic soul in the painter Orrin Peck (1860–1921), who was allegedly gay and who, while still his own mother's life, began to address her as “my second mother.” Based on a detailed study of their correspondence in Peck's estate, we may ask how much a progressive, rich 19th-century woman like Phoebe Hearst was aware of Peck's sexuality, and if so, if she had no problem with it, or was it an unspoken secret between them? Their story will be presented by art historian Ladislav Zikmund-Lender.
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citations | 0 | |
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