doi: 10.5064/f6cstpy3
<p>This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably <i>A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963</i> (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).</p> <p>This particular data project encompasses Cold War documents from France. Data encompass the period between 1945 and 1959; and are organized in three folders, each folder including data for a five year period. </p>
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doi: 10.7910/dvn/3kel4b
This dataset contains the prices offered under experimental conditions by 400 participants for a pound of three types of rice (regular, premium, and biofortified) in the Cartagena municipality in Colombia—furthermore, a brief socio-economic characterization of the participants and their nutrition knowledge.<br><br> The dataset can be used to identify the willingness to pay for a biofortified crop. To understand this willingness, analyze its variation under different information contexts and examine the potential market segments for this product. <br><br> Methodology: Experimental Auction with three rounds varying the participants' level of information regarding the rice they were testing. In the case of the characterization in-person one-to-one survey.
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doi: 10.15454/rwbiwd
Les données mises à disposition relatent un suivi temporel et spatial de la bactérie Xylella fastidiosa en France de 2015 à aujourd’hui. Cette bactérie, organisme de quarantaine sur le territoire de l'Union Européenne est transmise par des insectes piqueurs-suceurs et s’attaquent à une large gamme de plantes hôtes (cultures arboricoles, viticoles, ornementales, Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales). Elle a été détectée dans les régions Corse et PACA en 2015 puis en Occitanie en 2020. Chaque année une surveillance officielle est mise en place sur le territoire national, conformément à la réglementation européenne (règlement d'exécution (UE) 2020/1201), et des milliers de végétaux sont échantillonnés puis analysés en laboratoire pour recherche de la bactérie et identification de sa sous-espèce le cas échéant. Ces données centralisées par l’ANSES proviennent de différentes structures de terrain (SRALs, FREDONs…), du réseau de laboratoires agréés et du laboratoire national de référence. Les référentiels OEPP et INSEE sont utilisés pour renseigner respectivement l'espèce végétale et les données de localisation des végétaux prélevés (codes INSEE). Deux fichiers sont mis à disposition, le jeu de données issu de la surveillance de la bactérie (data_XF_dateMAJdata), un tableau des attributs décrivant les variables retenues (tableau_attributs_XF) ainsi que la grille spatiale (500m x 500m) dans le cadre de la construction du dataset (grid_quadrat_XF).
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The MOBILISE project examines why some people respond to discontent by protesting, others by migrating while yet others stay immobile. It focuses on four countries that have seen outmigration and protest in recent year (Ukraine, Poland, Morocco and Argentina) and migrants from these countries who live in Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain. The main body of MOBILISE survey data are nationally representative face-to-face surveys in Ukraine, Poland, Morocco and Argentina. As these surveys are unable to capture (current) migrants from these countries – a group that is crucial to answering the MOBILISE research question – MOBILISE employs a migrant survey targeted at three destination countries; Germany, the UK and Spain. MOBILISE migrant surveys were closely oriented to the national surveys in order to achieve the longitudinal nature of the data. All of the surveys thoroughly ask for political views and beliefs as well as socio economic background, the reasons and motivations to (or not) migrate and the reason to (or not) protest. The migrant survey was run online. We also ran two supplementary online national surveys targeting the general population in Ukraine and Argentina. All MOBILISE national and migrant surveys are set-up as a two wave panel. The first wave of data collection for the migrant and national survey started in September 2019 and finished in March 2020. The second wave started between December 2020 and December 2021. This data deposit contains wave one and two of the migrant and national online surveys (the nationally representative surveys are deposited separately).
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Surgical site infections (SSI) are significant postoperative complications and a leading cause of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) worldwide. They are associated with excess morbidity and mortality, and lead to decreased quality of life, prolonged hospital length of stay, and increased costs. Surveillance of HAI, including SSI, is a cornerstone of effective infection prevention and control (IPC) programmes. Surveillance activities can guide the implementation, and assess the effectiveness of preventive programmes aimed at reducing SSI incidence. In this Privat-Docent thesis we include four publications that contribute a unique perspective to SSI surveillance. The first publication addresses the intrinsic effect of surveillance. We performed a large international cohort study of SSI surveillance networks in 15 countries, and were able to determine that a hospital’s duration of participation in a surveillance network was associated with a decrease in its SSI incidence. This study confirms the existence of the “surveillance effect”, implying that awareness and monitoring can drive improvements in clinical practice and outcomes. The second publication examines the temporal trends and epidemiology of SSI due to Staphylococcus aureus in Switzerland, using data from the Swiss SSI surveillance network (Swissnoso), and showed that there were decreasing trends in incidence. We also examined risk factors associated with both methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant S. aureus, helping to inform targeted prevention approaches, and to identify high-risk populations for further studies. The third publication used data from SSI surveillance networks in England, France, and Switzerland to externally validate risk predictions scores for SSI in colorectal surgery, where the burden is the highest, and to develop a novel score. The study highlighted the limitations of current models and underscores the need for more accurate prediction tools, which rely on data that is beyond what is routinely collected for the purposes of surveillance. The fourth publication charts a strategic roadmap, developed by a multidisciplinary group of European experts in surveillance, for the transition to automated HAI surveillance across Europe, including SSI. It emphasises benefits for surveillance practices that are brought about by digitalisation and automation in terms of efficiency and standardization, but also discusses common challenges and key questions such as surveillance targets. It is intended to accompany individuals or institutions that wish to implement an automated HAI surveillance programme.
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handle: 20.500.12556/RUNG-8382
New York City – veliko jabolko – eno najbolj opevanih mest na svetu, kamor sem se odpravila z velikimi pričakovanji! Kot dodiplomska študentka sem na New York University preživela en semester, kasneje pa sem na isti univerzi dokončala še prvi letnik doktorskega študija. V potopisnem predavanju vam bom predstavila, kako funkcionira ta največja zasebna univerza v ZDA, kakšno je vsakdanje življenje v mestu, ki menda nikoli ne spi, in katere bolj in manj znane točke se splača obiskati. Poleg glavnih znamenitosti Manhattna, kot so Brooklynski most, Times Square, Centralni park, Kip svobode, Metropolitanski muzej in Empire State Building, bomo obiskali še manj znana okrožja New Yorka: Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island in zloglasni Bronx. Precej pozornosti bomo namenili tudi glavnemu mestu ZDA, Washingtonu, v katerem sem preživela šest tednov ob koncu doktorskega študija. Za češnjo na torti pa bomo obiskali Niagarske slapove in pokukali v še dve ameriški velemesti, Boston in Filadelfijo. Ob koncu predavanja bom odgovarjala tudi na vsa vaša vprašanja, zato vabljeni!
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Martien Visser neemt het Net-Zero scenario van het IEA onder de loep. “Het geeft een goede indruk van de uitdagingen die we voor ons hebben. Hoe gaan wie die waarmaken of zelfs overtreffen?”
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Tema ovog projekta, koji sam odlučio raditi u laboratoriju fakulteta, je digitalni cijenik za naručivanje u uslužnim objektima koji se bazira na QR kodu. U ovom radu ću pojasniti kako sam realizirao taj projekt te koje sam sve alate koristio. Sustav naručivanja funkcionira tako da imamo korisnika koji skenira QR kod mobitel koji ga preusmjerava na web stranicu u njegovom pregledu gdje može naručiti željeni proizvod Prvi dio rada će se odnositi upoznavanje sa tehnologijama i programskih jezicima koji će se koristi dok ću u drugom dijelu pojasniti funkcioniranje samog koda.Također ću pojasniti korištenje alata za uspostavljanje lokalnog web servera, instalaciju i postavljanje Raspberry Pi te instalacija Apache servera, baze podataka i Pythona. The topic of this project, which I decided to work on in the faculty lab, is a digital price list for ordering in service facilities based on a QR code. In this paper, I will explain how I realized this project and what tools I used. The ordering system works in a way that we have a user who scans the QR code with the mobile phone which is then redirected to the local's website where desired product can be ordered. The first part of the paper will introduce the technologies and programming languages that will be used, while in the second part I will explain the operation of the code itself. I will also explain the use of tools for setting up a local web server, Database and Python.
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Citoyenne canadienne née dans une petite ville relativement rurale du nord du Canada. Au cours de sa vie d'adulte, elle a beaucoup voyagé à travers le monde. Elle a vécu à Pau à deux reprises et s'y est rendue à chaque fois pour suivre son mari qui travaille dans l'industrie pétrolière. Elle pense avoir eu une vie très différente de celle de ses enfants, principalement en raison des voyages qu'ils ont effectués dès leur plus jeune âge. Elle évoque toutefois les inconvénients de cette situation et la notion d'appartenance. Elle parle également de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère et de la façon dont cela affecte les traits de personnalité, en raison de l'incapacité à s'exprimer correctement en français. Elle note qu'il y a eu des moments difficiles dans sa vie en raison des déménagements et du fait qu'elle n'avait pas d'amis sur lesquels compter, ni de famille autour d'elle. Pour y faire face, elle a créé une entreprise florissante qui fournit de l'aide et des opportunités aux femmes qui sont dans la même situation qu'elle. Elle parle également des problèmes de santé mentale et de la manière dont elle les a surmontés grâce à la thérapie. Female Canadian citizen born in a relatively rural small northern town in Canada. She has travelled extensively during her adult life around the world. She has lived in Pau on two different occasions, and each time travelled to follow her husband her works in the petrol industry. She believes that she had a very different life to that of her children, mainly due to the travelling that they have experienced from an early age. However, she speaks of the downside of that and the notion of belonging. She also speaks of learning a foreign language and how this affects personality traits, due to inability to express herself correctly in French. She notes that there have been hard times in her life due to moving around, and not having friends to count on, or family around her. In order to deal with this, she set up a thriving business that provides assistance and opportunities to women who are in the same position as her. She also speaks about mental health issues and how she overcame these through therapy. Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau Temporal: 20th and 21st century Temporal: 1980-2023
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The subject of this thesis is the connection between sports results and the value of NBA players. The paper will define the concept of management, the process of planning, decision-making, organizing, leading, motivating and controlling human resources, financial, physical and informational resources of the organization in order to effectively and efficiently achieve its goals. Furthermore, the paper defines sport and the sports market and management, as well as sports consumers. The paper also contains an overview of the NBA league and an analysis of the connection between sports results and the value of NBA players. The purpose of this research was to identify performance variables, i.e. scoring, assists, and fouls that significantly contributed to the determination of NBA player salary. Scoring performance variables such as points per game, field goals, free throws and three-point percentage are assumed to contribute significantly to player salaries Tema ovog diplomskog rada je povezanost sportskog rezultata i vrijednosti NBA igrača. U radu su također definirani, prema dostupnoj literaturi, pojam menadžmenta, proces planiranja, donošenja odluka, organiziranja, vođenja, motivacije i kontrole ljudskih resursa, financijskih, fizičkih i informacijskih resursa organizacije kako bi učinkovito i djelotvorno postigla svoje ciljeve. Nadalje, u radu se definira i sport te sportsko tržište i menadžment, ali i sportski potrošači. Rad sadrži i pregled NBA lige te analizu povezanosti sportskog rezultata i vrijednosti NBA igrača. Svrha ovog istraživanja je bila je identificirati varijable učinka, tj. bodovanje, asistencije i greške koje su značajno pridonijele određivanju plaće NBA igrača. Pretpostavlja se da bodovanje varijabli učinka kao što su bodovi po utakmici, pogodak iz igre, slobodno bacanje i postotak od tri poena značajno bi pridonijeli plaćama igrača.
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doi: 10.5064/f6cstpy3
<p>This data collection - The Trachtenberg Papers - broadly concerns Cold War policy from the end of WWII to 1964. The data was accumulated in order to write several books and articles relating to Cold War relations during this pivotal period, most notably <i>A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement, 1945-1963</i> (Princeton: Princeton University Press, February 1999).</p> <p>This particular data project encompasses Cold War documents from France. Data encompass the period between 1945 and 1959; and are organized in three folders, each folder including data for a five year period. </p>
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doi: 10.7910/dvn/3kel4b
This dataset contains the prices offered under experimental conditions by 400 participants for a pound of three types of rice (regular, premium, and biofortified) in the Cartagena municipality in Colombia—furthermore, a brief socio-economic characterization of the participants and their nutrition knowledge.<br><br> The dataset can be used to identify the willingness to pay for a biofortified crop. To understand this willingness, analyze its variation under different information contexts and examine the potential market segments for this product. <br><br> Methodology: Experimental Auction with three rounds varying the participants' level of information regarding the rice they were testing. In the case of the characterization in-person one-to-one survey.
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doi: 10.15454/rwbiwd
Les données mises à disposition relatent un suivi temporel et spatial de la bactérie Xylella fastidiosa en France de 2015 à aujourd’hui. Cette bactérie, organisme de quarantaine sur le territoire de l'Union Européenne est transmise par des insectes piqueurs-suceurs et s’attaquent à une large gamme de plantes hôtes (cultures arboricoles, viticoles, ornementales, Plantes à Parfum, Aromatiques et Médicinales). Elle a été détectée dans les régions Corse et PACA en 2015 puis en Occitanie en 2020. Chaque année une surveillance officielle est mise en place sur le territoire national, conformément à la réglementation européenne (règlement d'exécution (UE) 2020/1201), et des milliers de végétaux sont échantillonnés puis analysés en laboratoire pour recherche de la bactérie et identification de sa sous-espèce le cas échéant. Ces données centralisées par l’ANSES proviennent de différentes structures de terrain (SRALs, FREDONs…), du réseau de laboratoires agréés et du laboratoire national de référence. Les référentiels OEPP et INSEE sont utilisés pour renseigner respectivement l'espèce végétale et les données de localisation des végétaux prélevés (codes INSEE). Deux fichiers sont mis à disposition, le jeu de données issu de la surveillance de la bactérie (data_XF_dateMAJdata), un tableau des attributs décrivant les variables retenues (tableau_attributs_XF) ainsi que la grille spatiale (500m x 500m) dans le cadre de la construction du dataset (grid_quadrat_XF).
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The MOBILISE project examines why some people respond to discontent by protesting, others by migrating while yet others stay immobile. It focuses on four countries that have seen outmigration and protest in recent year (Ukraine, Poland, Morocco and Argentina) and migrants from these countries who live in Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain. The main body of MOBILISE survey data are nationally representative face-to-face surveys in Ukraine, Poland, Morocco and Argentina. As these surveys are unable to capture (current) migrants from these countries – a group that is crucial to answering the MOBILISE research question – MOBILISE employs a migrant survey targeted at three destination countries; Germany, the UK and Spain. MOBILISE migrant surveys were closely oriented to the national surveys in order to achieve the longitudinal nature of the data. All of the surveys thoroughly ask for political views and beliefs as well as socio economic background, the reasons and motivations to (or not) migrate and the reason to (or not) protest. The migrant survey was run online. We also ran two supplementary online national surveys targeting the general population in Ukraine and Argentina. All MOBILISE national and migrant surveys are set-up as a two wave panel. The first wave of data collection for the migrant and national survey started in September 2019 and finished in March 2020. The second wave started between December 2020 and December 2021. This data deposit contains wave one and two of the migrant and national online surveys (the nationally representative surveys are deposited separately).
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Surgical site infections (SSI) are significant postoperative complications and a leading cause of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) worldwide. They are associated with excess morbidity and mortality, and lead to decreased quality of life, prolonged hospital length of stay, and increased costs. Surveillance of HAI, including SSI, is a cornerstone of effective infection prevention and control (IPC) programmes. Surveillance activities can guide the implementation, and assess the effectiveness of preventive programmes aimed at reducing SSI incidence. In this Privat-Docent thesis we include four publications that contribute a unique perspective to SSI surveillance. The first publication addresses the intrinsic effect of surveillance. We performed a large international cohort study of SSI surveillance networks in 15 countries, and were able to determine that a hospital’s duration of participation in a surveillance network was associated with a decrease in its SSI incidence. This study confirms the existence of the “surveillance effect”, implying that awareness and monitoring can drive improvements in clinical practice and outcomes. The second publication examines the temporal trends and epidemiology of SSI due to Staphylococcus aureus in Switzerland, using data from the Swiss SSI surveillance network (Swissnoso), and showed that there were decreasing trends in incidence. We also examined risk factors associated with both methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant S. aureus, helping to inform targeted prevention approaches, and to identify high-risk populations for further studies. The third publication used data from SSI surveillance networks in England, France, and Switzerland to externally validate risk predictions scores for SSI in colorectal surgery, where the burden is the highest, and to develop a novel score. The study highlighted the limitations of current models and underscores the need for more accurate prediction tools, which rely on data that is beyond what is routinely collected for the purposes of surveillance. The fourth publication charts a strategic roadmap, developed by a multidisciplinary group of European experts in surveillance, for the transition to automated HAI surveillance across Europe, including SSI. It emphasises benefits for surveillance practices that are brought about by digitalisation and automation in terms of efficiency and standardization, but also discusses common challenges and key questions such as surveillance targets. It is intended to accompany individuals or institutions that wish to implement an automated HAI surveillance programme.