Native American literature focuses on major themes and issues closely related to what people think embodies the foundation of Native American identity. It tries to accurately illustrate Native American history, culture, society by concentrating on the importance of some of their most valuable treasures like harmony and balance, nature, land, spirituality and oral storytelling. The primary purpose of this paper is to recreate the lifestyle of the Blackfeet tribe at the end of the nineteenth century through James Welch’s novel Fools Crow. Another aim is to examine the changes in Blackfeet society caused by the contact with the white people – Napikwans and give an overview of the calamities the Blackfeet tribe had to go through as whites took over their lives and territory. By examining Blackfeet culture, historical background and their organization of society, the paper brings to light not only their struggle for equality, freedom and independence, but also serves as a tribute to their courage, agony and reputation. Fools Crow teaches, educates and furthers our knowledge about beliefs, attitudes, morals and values of the Blackfeet people and demonstrates the historical, social and cultural circumstances which helped to shape the tremendous story told through the eyes of the Blackfeet tribe.
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Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau
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The thesis uses the case study of the experience of middle-class northern white women in America during the period 1800-1860 to explore several issues of wider significance. Firstly, the research focuses upon the dynamic relationships between the culturally-constructed categories of public/formal and private/informal power and participation at both the practical and symbolic levels, suggesting ways in which they intersected on the lives of women. Secondly, consideration is given to the validity of the stereotyped view that 'domestic' women were necessarily disadvantaged and dominated relative to those who aspired to public political and economic roles. Thirdly, the relationship of religious belief to these two areas is discussed, in order to discover its relevance to the way in which women both perceived themselves and were perceived by others. In seeking to explore these issues, the research has analysed the patterns of social and cultural change in the era under question, indicating how those changes influenced the perceptions and experiences of both women and men. Their reactions in terms of discourse and activity are located as strategies of negotiation in redefining both social role and participation for the sexes. The rhetoric of 'separate spheres', which was used by men and women to order their mental and physical surroundings, is reduced to its symbolic constituents in order to illustrate that the distinction between male and female arenas was more perceptual than actual. The motivating forces behind the activities and ideas of women themselves are investigated to determine the role of religion in the construction of both female self-images and wider negotiational strategies. The context of nineteenth-century social dynamics has been revealed by detailed analysis of extensive primary sources originated by both women and men for private as well as public consumption. Feminist tools of analysis which enable the conceptualisation of 'meaningful discourse' as including female contributions have further enhanced the specific focus on how women constructed their own world-views and approaches to reality. 'Traditional' approaches and tools are shown to have seriously skewed and misrepresented the reality and variety of both discourse and female experience in the era. Great efforts have been made to allow women to speak in their own words. This has produced an insight into a richness of female social participation and discourse which would otherwise be obscured. The research indicates that women were indeed actors and negotiators during the period. Those women who advocated as primary the duties of women in the domestic and social arenas were by no means setting narrow limitations on female participation in both society and discourse. The religious impulses and eschatological frameworks derived by women (varied as they were) served to order and renegotiate reality and meaning, whilst they produced female roles and influence of great significance. Women were not passive victims of male oppression. Religion can thus be perceived as a positive force which women were able to approach both for its own sake, and for their own particular ends.
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Citoyenne canadienne née dans une petite ville relativement rurale du nord du Canada. Au cours de sa vie d'adulte, elle a beaucoup voyagé à travers le monde. Elle a vécu à Pau à deux reprises et s'y est rendue à chaque fois pour suivre son mari qui travaille dans l'industrie pétrolière. Elle pense avoir eu une vie très différente de celle de ses enfants, principalement en raison des voyages qu'ils ont effectués dès leur plus jeune âge. Elle évoque toutefois les inconvénients de cette situation et la notion d'appartenance. Elle parle également de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère et de la façon dont cela affecte les traits de personnalité, en raison de l'incapacité à s'exprimer correctement en français. Elle note qu'il y a eu des moments difficiles dans sa vie en raison des déménagements et du fait qu'elle n'avait pas d'amis sur lesquels compter, ni de famille autour d'elle. Pour y faire face, elle a créé une entreprise florissante qui fournit de l'aide et des opportunités aux femmes qui sont dans la même situation qu'elle. Elle parle également des problèmes de santé mentale et de la manière dont elle les a surmontés grâce à la thérapie. Female Canadian citizen born in a relatively rural small northern town in Canada. She has travelled extensively during her adult life around the world. She has lived in Pau on two different occasions, and each time travelled to follow her husband her works in the petrol industry. She believes that she had a very different life to that of her children, mainly due to the travelling that they have experienced from an early age. However, she speaks of the downside of that and the notion of belonging. She also speaks of learning a foreign language and how this affects personality traits, due to inability to express herself correctly in French. She notes that there have been hard times in her life due to moving around, and not having friends to count on, or family around her. In order to deal with this, she set up a thriving business that provides assistance and opportunities to women who are in the same position as her. She also speaks about mental health issues and how she overcame these through therapy. Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau Temporal: 20th and 21st century Temporal: 1980-2023
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handle: 11012/196459
Phoebe Apperson Hearst měla velmi úspěšného vlastního syna Williama, který byl ale více jako jeho otec: tvrdý obchodník. Našla však jemnou, uměleckou duši v malíři Orrinu Peckovi (1860–1921), který byl údajně gay a který ji, ještě za života své vlastní matky, začal oslovovat „má druhá mámo.“ Na základě podrobného výzkumu jejich vzájemné korespondence v Peckově pozůstalosti se můžeme ptát, jak moc si byla progresivní, bohatá žena 19. století, jakou byla Phoebe Hearst, vědoma Peckovy sexuality a pokud ano, jestli s tím neměla problém, nebo šlo o nevyřčené tajemství mezi nimi? Jejich příběh představí historik umění Ladislav Zikmund-Lender. Phoebe Apperson Hearst had a very successful son of William, but he was more like his father: a tough businessman. However, she found a delicate, artistic soul in the painter Orrin Peck (1860–1921), who was allegedly gay and who, while still his own mother's life, began to address her as “my second mother.” Based on a detailed study of their correspondence in Peck's estate, we may ask how much a progressive, rich 19th-century woman like Phoebe Hearst was aware of Peck's sexuality, and if so, if she had no problem with it, or was it an unspoken secret between them? Their story will be presented by art historian Ladislav Zikmund-Lender.
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Changes in contemporary firms and their competitive environments translate into a new focus in organizational research. This chapter reviews organizational behavior research reflecting the shift from corporatist organizations to organizing. Key research themes include emerging employment relations, managing the performance paradox, goal setting and self-management, discontinuous information processing, organization learning, organizational change and individual transitions, and the implications of change for work-nonwork relations. Research into organizing is building upon and extending many of the field's traditional concepts. This chapter suggests that some assumptions of organizational behavior research are being superseded by those more responsive to the new organizational era.
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doi: 10.26300/yzya-0h57
handle: 11365/1007395
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Taken from a historical point of view, this chapter investigates how the scope of and the meaning ascribed to ‘the prostitute’ derived from the way in which the state regulates prostitution in different times. The empirical examples are taken from the 1930s to the 1950s focusing on the vice squad and medical authorities’ control of young women defined as prostitutes. ‘Public women’, ‘loose women’ and ‘prostitutes’ are all definitions that derive from the way in which authorities have problematised and governed women who were considered dangerous due to their sexual liaisons with different men. This chapter scrutinises how different constellations of sex, femininity and payment (be it money, gifts or material goods) were ascribed different meanings by the authorities in the twentieth century in Denmark. Similar examples can be identified in European history. Inspired by Michel Foucault’s theorisation of governmentality and power, and Viviana Zelizer’s idea of the link between sex and money this chapter demonstrates how the authorities’ definition of ‘the prostitute’ served as power mechanisms of the state in governing femininity, which had consequences for not just women who sold sexual services, but for women in general.
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Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau
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Native American literature focuses on major themes and issues closely related to what people think embodies the foundation of Native American identity. It tries to accurately illustrate Native American history, culture, society by concentrating on the importance of some of their most valuable treasures like harmony and balance, nature, land, spirituality and oral storytelling. The primary purpose of this paper is to recreate the lifestyle of the Blackfeet tribe at the end of the nineteenth century through James Welch’s novel Fools Crow. Another aim is to examine the changes in Blackfeet society caused by the contact with the white people – Napikwans and give an overview of the calamities the Blackfeet tribe had to go through as whites took over their lives and territory. By examining Blackfeet culture, historical background and their organization of society, the paper brings to light not only their struggle for equality, freedom and independence, but also serves as a tribute to their courage, agony and reputation. Fools Crow teaches, educates and furthers our knowledge about beliefs, attitudes, morals and values of the Blackfeet people and demonstrates the historical, social and cultural circumstances which helped to shape the tremendous story told through the eyes of the Blackfeet tribe.
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Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau
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The thesis uses the case study of the experience of middle-class northern white women in America during the period 1800-1860 to explore several issues of wider significance. Firstly, the research focuses upon the dynamic relationships between the culturally-constructed categories of public/formal and private/informal power and participation at both the practical and symbolic levels, suggesting ways in which they intersected on the lives of women. Secondly, consideration is given to the validity of the stereotyped view that 'domestic' women were necessarily disadvantaged and dominated relative to those who aspired to public political and economic roles. Thirdly, the relationship of religious belief to these two areas is discussed, in order to discover its relevance to the way in which women both perceived themselves and were perceived by others. In seeking to explore these issues, the research has analysed the patterns of social and cultural change in the era under question, indicating how those changes influenced the perceptions and experiences of both women and men. Their reactions in terms of discourse and activity are located as strategies of negotiation in redefining both social role and participation for the sexes. The rhetoric of 'separate spheres', which was used by men and women to order their mental and physical surroundings, is reduced to its symbolic constituents in order to illustrate that the distinction between male and female arenas was more perceptual than actual. The motivating forces behind the activities and ideas of women themselves are investigated to determine the role of religion in the construction of both female self-images and wider negotiational strategies. The context of nineteenth-century social dynamics has been revealed by detailed analysis of extensive primary sources originated by both women and men for private as well as public consumption. Feminist tools of analysis which enable the conceptualisation of 'meaningful discourse' as including female contributions have further enhanced the specific focus on how women constructed their own world-views and approaches to reality. 'Traditional' approaches and tools are shown to have seriously skewed and misrepresented the reality and variety of both discourse and female experience in the era. Great efforts have been made to allow women to speak in their own words. This has produced an insight into a richness of female social participation and discourse which would otherwise be obscured. The research indicates that women were indeed actors and negotiators during the period. Those women who advocated as primary the duties of women in the domestic and social arenas were by no means setting narrow limitations on female participation in both society and discourse. The religious impulses and eschatological frameworks derived by women (varied as they were) served to order and renegotiate reality and meaning, whilst they produced female roles and influence of great significance. Women were not passive victims of male oppression. Religion can thus be perceived as a positive force which women were able to approach both for its own sake, and for their own particular ends.
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Citoyenne canadienne née dans une petite ville relativement rurale du nord du Canada. Au cours de sa vie d'adulte, elle a beaucoup voyagé à travers le monde. Elle a vécu à Pau à deux reprises et s'y est rendue à chaque fois pour suivre son mari qui travaille dans l'industrie pétrolière. Elle pense avoir eu une vie très différente de celle de ses enfants, principalement en raison des voyages qu'ils ont effectués dès leur plus jeune âge. Elle évoque toutefois les inconvénients de cette situation et la notion d'appartenance. Elle parle également de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère et de la façon dont cela affecte les traits de personnalité, en raison de l'incapacité à s'exprimer correctement en français. Elle note qu'il y a eu des moments difficiles dans sa vie en raison des déménagements et du fait qu'elle n'avait pas d'amis sur lesquels compter, ni de famille autour d'elle. Pour y faire face, elle a créé une entreprise florissante qui fournit de l'aide et des opportunités aux femmes qui sont dans la même situation qu'elle. Elle parle également des problèmes de santé mentale et de la manière dont elle les a surmontés grâce à la thérapie. Female Canadian citizen born in a relatively rural small northern town in Canada. She has travelled extensively during her adult life around the world. She has lived in Pau on two different occasions, and each time travelled to follow her husband her works in the petrol industry. She believes that she had a very different life to that of her children, mainly due to the travelling that they have experienced from an early age. However, she speaks of the downside of that and the notion of belonging. She also speaks of learning a foreign language and how this affects personality traits, due to inability to express herself correctly in French. She notes that there have been hard times in her life due to moving around, and not having friends to count on, or family around her. In order to deal with this, she set up a thriving business that provides assistance and opportunities to women who are in the same position as her. She also speaks about mental health issues and how she overcame these through therapy. Migratory trajectory and oral history of English-speakers in the city of Pau Temporal: 20th and 21st century Temporal: 1980-2023
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