VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomical Journal (AAS) with title 'Searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars with science run 5 LIGO data.' (bibcode: 2010ApJ...713..671A)
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doi: 10.4232/1.10078
Citizen and state. Topics: Qualities of a good citizen; attitude toward the right of public meetings for religious extremists, people who want to over throw the government by force, or people prejudiced against any racial or ethnic group; social and political participation; memberships; importance of different people`s rights in democracy (scale);estimation of political influence possibilities (political efficacy);likeliness of counter-action against an unjust law and expected chance of serious attention to people`s demand; interest in politics; personal trust in politicians and people; political discussions with friends; opinion leadership in politics; national sovereignty and attitude to international organisations; attitude to the action of political parties; real policy choice between parties; attitude toward a referendum; level of honesty and fairness in the last national election; commitment to serve people and likeliness to correct own mistakes in public service; corruption in public service; functioning of democracy at present, in the past and in the future; frequencies of media use; respect for people and tolerance in case of disagreement; self-description of the habitation (residence); voter participation; voting behaviour (recall).Demography: Sex; age; marital-status; steady life-partner; education; current employment status; hours worked weekly; occupation (ISCO 1988);working for private or public sector or self-employed; if self-employed: number of employees; supervisor function; trade union membership; current employment status (ISCO 1988); earnings; family income; household size; household composition; party affiliation; participation in last election; religious denomination; attendance of religious services; self-placement on a top-bottom scale; region; size of community; type of community: urban-rural area; ethnicity, nationality and family-origin. Additionally coded: administrative mode of data-collection. Bürger und Staat: Eigenschaften eines guten Bürgers; Versammlungsfreiheit für religiöse Fanatiker, Revolutionäre, Ethnozentristen; soziale und politische Partizipation; Mitgliedschaften; Wichtigkeit verschiedener Bürgerrechte; Politikverdrossenheit und politische Informiertheit; Einschätzung von Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Politik (political efficacy); politisches Interesse; Vertrauen in die Politiker; Vertrauen in Mitmenschen; politische Arbeit im Alltag; nationale Souveränität und internationale Organisationen; politische Parteien und Bürgerengagement; Bewertung des Wahlprozess; Bürgernähe, Selbstregulierung und Korruption im öffentlichen Dienst; Funktionierender Demokratie jetzt, vor 10 Jahren, in 10 Jahren; Einstellung zur Einschränkung von Bürgerrechten. Selbsteinschätzung persönlicher Eigenschaften; Selbsteinstufung auf einer Oben-Unten-Skala; Selbstbeschreibung des Wohnorts; Wahlbeteiligung; Wahlrückerinnerung. Demographie: Geschlecht; Geburtsmonat; Geburtsjahr; Alter; allgemeiner Schulabschluss; berufliche Ausbildung; Erwerbsstatus; Angaben zum gegenwärtigen Beruf (ISCO 1988); Zugehörigkeit zum öffentlichen Dienst; berufliche Leitungsfunktion; Wochenarbeitszeit; Dauer von Arbeitslosigkeit; Nebenerwerbstätigkeit; Status der Nichterwerbstätigkeit; Angaben zum ehemaligen Beruf; Zeitpunkt der Beendigung hauptberuflicher Erwerbstätigkeit; Angaben zum ersten Beruf; Familienstand; Staatsbürgerschaft (Nationalität); Herkunft, Wohndauer und Mobilität; Befragteneinkommen; Konfession bzw. Religionszugehörigkeit; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Mitgliedschaft des Befragten in einer Gewerkschaft oder Partei; Wahlabsicht(Sonntagsfrage); Wahlrückerinnerung; Region; politische Gemeindegröße. Sampling procedures differ for the individual countries: Partly simple, partly multi-stage stratified random sample of respondents 18 years old and older, exclusion: Finland (15), Japan (16), South Africa (16) and the Netherlands (16). Personen im Alter von 18 Jahren und älter Ausnahme: Finnland (15), Japan (16), Südafrika (16) und Niederlande (16)
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Supplement containing data related to the 2019 Global Carbon Methane Budget from the Global Carbon Project. The original article is: Saunois et al: . -12-1561-2020 Further information is available on: File Global_Methane_Budget_2000_2017_v2.0.xlsx includes the following: 1. Summary. 2. CH4 observations. 3. Antropogenic emissions. 4. 2000-2009 Bottom-Up Budget. 5. 2000-2009 Top-Down budget. 6. 2008-2017 Bottom-Up budget. 7. 2008-2017 Top-Down budget. 8. 2007 Bottom-Up budget. 9. 2017 Top-Down budget. 10. Contributor list.
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Link to dataset related to article "X Chromosome Contribution to the Genetic Architecture of Primary Biliary Cholangitis" Abstract Background & aims: Genome-wide association studies in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) have failed to find X chromosome (chrX) variants associated with the disease. Here, we specifically explore the chrX contribution to PBC, a sexually dimorphic complex autoimmune disease. Methods: We performed a chrX-wide association study, including genotype data from 5 genome-wide association studies (from Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, China, and Japan; 5244 case patients and 11,875 control individuals). Results: Single-marker association analyses found approximately 100 loci displaying P < 5 �� 10-4, with the most significant being a signal within the OTUD5 gene (rs3027490; P = 4.80 �� 10-6; odds ratio [OR], 1.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.028-1.88; Japanese cohort). Although the transethnic meta-analysis evidenced only a suggestive signal (rs2239452, mapping within the PIM2 gene; OR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.09-1.26; P = 9.93 �� 10-8), the population-specific meta-analysis showed a genome-wide significant locus in East Asian individuals pointing to the same region (rs7059064, mapping within the GRIPAP1 gene; P = 6.2 �� 10-9; OR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.21-1.46). Indeed, rs7059064 tags a unique linkage disequilibrium block including 7 genes: TIMM17B, PQBP1, PIM2, SLC35A2, OTUD5, KCND1, and GRIPAP1, as well as a superenhancer (GH0XJ048933 within OTUD5) targeting all these genes. GH0XJ048933 is also predicted to target FOXP3, the main T-regulatory cell lineage specification factor. Consistently, OTUD5 and FOXP3 RNA levels were up-regulated in PBC case patients (1.75- and 1.64-fold, respectively). Conclusions: This work represents the first comprehensive study, to our knowledge, of the chrX contribution to the genetics of an autoimmune liver disease and shows a novel PBC-related genome-wide significant locus.
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VizieR online Data Catalogue associated with article published in journal Astronomical Journal (AAS) with title 'Searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars with science run 5 LIGO data.' (bibcode: 2010ApJ...713..671A)
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doi: 10.4232/1.10078
Citizen and state. Topics: Qualities of a good citizen; attitude toward the right of public meetings for religious extremists, people who want to over throw the government by force, or people prejudiced against any racial or ethnic group; social and political participation; memberships; importance of different people`s rights in democracy (scale);estimation of political influence possibilities (political efficacy);likeliness of counter-action against an unjust law and expected chance of serious attention to people`s demand; interest in politics; personal trust in politicians and people; political discussions with friends; opinion leadership in politics; national sovereignty and attitude to international organisations; attitude to the action of political parties; real policy choice between parties; attitude toward a referendum; level of honesty and fairness in the last national election; commitment to serve people and likeliness to correct own mistakes in public service; corruption in public service; functioning of democracy at present, in the past and in the future; frequencies of media use; respect for people and tolerance in case of disagreement; self-description of the habitation (residence); voter participation; voting behaviour (recall).Demography: Sex; age; marital-status; steady life-partner; education; current employment status; hours worked weekly; occupation (ISCO 1988);working for private or public sector or self-employed; if self-employed: number of employees; supervisor function; trade union membership; current employment status (ISCO 1988); earnings; family income; household size; household composition; party affiliation; participation in last election; religious denomination; attendance of religious services; self-placement on a top-bottom scale; region; size of community; type of community: urban-rural area; ethnicity, nationality and family-origin. Additionally coded: administrative mode of data-collection. Bürger und Staat: Eigenschaften eines guten Bürgers; Versammlungsfreiheit für religiöse Fanatiker, Revolutionäre, Ethnozentristen; soziale und politische Partizipation; Mitgliedschaften; Wichtigkeit verschiedener Bürgerrechte; Politikverdrossenheit und politische Informiertheit; Einschätzung von Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Politik (political efficacy); politisches Interesse; Vertrauen in die Politiker; Vertrauen in Mitmenschen; politische Arbeit im Alltag; nationale Souveränität und internationale Organisationen; politische Parteien und Bürgerengagement; Bewertung des Wahlprozess; Bürgernähe, Selbstregulierung und Korruption im öffentlichen Dienst; Funktionierender Demokratie jetzt, vor 10 Jahren, in 10 Jahren; Einstellung zur Einschränkung von Bürgerrechten. Selbsteinschätzung persönlicher Eigenschaften; Selbsteinstufung auf einer Oben-Unten-Skala; Selbstbeschreibung des Wohnorts; Wahlbeteiligung; Wahlrückerinnerung. Demographie: Geschlecht; Geburtsmonat; Geburtsjahr; Alter; allgemeiner Schulabschluss; berufliche Ausbildung; Erwerbsstatus; Angaben zum gegenwärtigen Beruf (ISCO 1988); Zugehörigkeit zum öffentlichen Dienst; berufliche Leitungsfunktion; Wochenarbeitszeit; Dauer von Arbeitslosigkeit; Nebenerwerbstätigkeit; Status der Nichterwerbstätigkeit; Angaben zum ehemaligen Beruf; Zeitpunkt der Beendigung hauptberuflicher Erwerbstätigkeit; Angaben zum ersten Beruf; Familienstand; Staatsbürgerschaft (Nationalität); Herkunft, Wohndauer und Mobilität; Befragteneinkommen; Konfession bzw. Religionszugehörigkeit; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Mitgliedschaft des Befragten in einer Gewerkschaft oder Partei; Wahlabsicht(Sonntagsfrage); Wahlrückerinnerung; Region; politische Gemeindegröße. Sampling procedures differ for the individual countries: Partly simple, partly multi-stage stratified random sample of respondents 18 years old and older, exclusion: Finland (15), Japan (16), South Africa (16) and the Netherlands (16). Personen im Alter von 18 Jahren und älter Ausnahme: Finnland (15), Japan (16), Südafrika (16) und Niederlande (16)
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Supplement containing data related to the 2019 Global Carbon Methane Budget from the Global Carbon Project. The original article is: Saunois et al: . -12-1561-2020 Further information is available on: File Global_Methane_Budget_2000_2017_v2.0.xlsx includes the following: 1. Summary. 2. CH4 observations. 3. Antropogenic emissions. 4. 2000-2009 Bottom-Up Budget. 5. 2000-2009 Top-Down budget. 6. 2008-2017 Bottom-Up budget. 7. 2008-2017 Top-Down budget. 8. 2007 Bottom-Up budget. 9. 2017 Top-Down budget. 10. Contributor list.
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Link to dataset related to article "X Chromosome Contribution to the Genetic Architecture of Primary Biliary Cholangitis" Abstract Background & aims: Genome-wide association studies in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) have failed to find X chromosome (chrX) variants associated with the disease. Here, we specifically explore the chrX contribution to PBC, a sexually dimorphic complex autoimmune disease. Methods: We performed a chrX-wide association study, including genotype data from 5 genome-wide association studies (from Italy, United Kingdom, Canada, China, and Japan; 5244 case patients and 11,875 control individuals). Results: Single-marker association analyses found approximately 100 loci displaying P < 5 �� 10-4, with the most significant being a signal within the OTUD5 gene (rs3027490; P = 4.80 �� 10-6; odds ratio [OR], 1.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.028-1.88; Japanese cohort). Although the transethnic meta-analysis evidenced only a suggestive signal (rs2239452, mapping within the PIM2 gene; OR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.09-1.26; P = 9.93 �� 10-8), the population-specific meta-analysis showed a genome-wide significant locus in East Asian individuals pointing to the same region (rs7059064, mapping within the GRIPAP1 gene; P = 6.2 �� 10-9; OR, 1.33; 95% CI, 1.21-1.46). Indeed, rs7059064 tags a unique linkage disequilibrium block including 7 genes: TIMM17B, PQBP1, PIM2, SLC35A2, OTUD5, KCND1, and GRIPAP1, as well as a superenhancer (GH0XJ048933 within OTUD5) targeting all these genes. GH0XJ048933 is also predicted to target FOXP3, the main T-regulatory cell lineage specification factor. Consistently, OTUD5 and FOXP3 RNA levels were up-regulated in PBC case patients (1.75- and 1.64-fold, respectively). Conclusions: This work represents the first comprehensive study, to our knowledge, of the chrX contribution to the genetics of an autoimmune liver disease and shows a novel PBC-related genome-wide significant locus.
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