As noted in Skarnes et al., 2011 (, gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells can actually be quite efficient. Indeed, in all of my gene targeting experience in the Benezra then Capecchi laboratories, with good homology arms, I got many targets without any weird genomic rearrangements (that are detectable by Southern blots). In general, if you get a good number of positive clones, there is usually much less of a concern about getting something weird.The plasmids with gene targeting vector components I used are available for sharing at Addgene (,, The combination of pStart-K (Addgene #20346), pFNF (Addgene #22687), and pWS-TK6 (Addgene #20350) or pDTA-5 (Addgene #128845) seemed to work well for me. The technical concept and protocols are described in these papers: and As mentioned in the Nature Protocols paper, the low copy backbone in the pWS-TK6 (Addgene #20350) or pDTA-5 (Addgene #128845) makes it so much easier compared to previous high copy plasmids (i.e., pKO2.1 Addgene #22674, pKO2.2 Addgene #22676, or pDTA-TK Addgene #22677).For recombineering proficiency, I used the pRedET plasmid from GeneBridges. It is convenient and efficient, and I'm not sure whether the recombineering E. coli are still available from the NIH. I prefer subcloning from a BAC using recombineering over PCR because genomic sequences often have repetitive regions, and I don't know how well PCR handles those.
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doi: 10.25989/xyvj-k330
This record is a component of the Materials Experiment and Analysis Database (MEAD). It contains raw data and metadata from millions of materials synthesis and characterization experiments, as well as the analysis and distillation of that data into property and performance metrics. The unprecedented quantity and diversity of experimental data are searchable by experiment and analysis attributes generated by both researchers and data processing software. Files available via S3 at Download
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Supported by funding from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ireland), University College Dublin, and the National Folklore Foundation (Fondúireacht Bhéaloideas Éireann), 2014-2016. Story collected by Noel Greer, a student at Carrickaslane school (Carrickaslane, Co. Monaghan) from informant Pat Mc Skeane. Collected as part of the Schools' Folklore scheme, 1937-1938, under the supervision of teacher Mary Greer.
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doi: 10.25989/6695-1k34
This record is a component of the Materials Experiment and Analysis Database (MEAD). It contains raw data and metadata from millions of materials synthesis and characterization experiments, as well as the analysis and distillation of that data into property and performance metrics. The unprecedented quantity and diversity of experimental data are searchable by experiment and analysis attributes generated by both researchers and data processing software. Files available via S3 at</p> 0.0 GB <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button" href="" > <i class="download icon"></i> Download </a></p>
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Supported by funding from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ireland), University College Dublin, and the National Folklore Foundation (Fondúireacht Bhéaloideas Éireann), 2014-2016. Story collected by Edwin Campbell, a student at Naomh Pádraig school (Killala, Co. Mayo) from informant Tom Flemming. Collected as part of the Schools' Folklore scheme, 1937-1938, under the supervision of teacher Laura C. Mc Kenna.
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Supported by funding from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ireland), University College Dublin, and the National Folklore Foundation (Fondúireacht Bhéaloideas Éireann), 2014-2016. Story collected by a student at Tulach Sheasta, Clochair na Trócaire school (Newport, Co. Tipperary) from informant Rev. Patrick J. Lee. Collected as part of the Schools' Folklore scheme, 1937-1938, under the supervision of teacher Sr Bertrand.
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In Toronto, short-term rentals are regulated by the Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 547, Licensing and Registration of [Short-Term Rentals]( The City provides key program data related to short-term rental operator registration, registration renewal and enforcement activities.
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Les données sur la qualité de l'eau sont recueillies depuis 1999, notamment à l'aide des outils contenus dans les kits de test Ottawa Riverkeeper et Water Rangers Freshwater Explorer, y compris des sondes portables et des bandelettes de test grâce à un financement fourni par la Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario, Emplois d'été Canada et Horizons scientifiques d'Environnement Canada et le soutien aux analyses en laboratoire du ministère de l'Environnement de l'Ontario et du Dr Murray Richardson, ministère de l'Environnement de l'Ontario. Géographie et études environnementales, Université Carleton, Ottawa. Les tendances au fil du temps sont enregistrées et suivies sur la plateforme de données Water Rangers. Water quality data are collected since 1999 including using tools in the Ottawa Riverkeeper and Water Rangers Freshwater Explorer testkits, including portable probes and test strips with funding provided by Ontario Trillium Foundation, Canada Summer Jobs and Environment Canada Science Horizons and lab analysis support from Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Dr. Murray Richardson, Dept. Geography & Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa. Trends over time are logged and tracked on the Water Rangers data platform.
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ADC ArcheoProjecten heeft in juni-augustus 2020 een bureauonderzoek en een inventariserend veldonderzoek in de vorm van een verkennend booronderzoek uitgevoerd voor de locatie Blauwe Vogelweg 11 te Utrecht, gemeente Utrecht. De aanleiding van het onderzoek is de voorgenomen nieuwbouw. De exacte verstoringsdiepte is nog onbekend. Voor dit onderzoek wordt uitgegaan van een bodemverstoring van ca. 2 m onder het huidige maaiveld. Voor de voorgenomen ontwikkeling is een omgevingsvergunning nodig en mogelijk ook een archeologievergunning. Uit het bureauonderzoek volgt dat in het plangebied vooral archeologische resten uit de Vroege Middeleeuwen tot en met de Nieuwe tijd kunnen worden verwacht. Deze kunnen voorkomen in de top van oeverafzettingen van de Kromme Rijn. Mogelijk bevinden zich in het noordelijke deel van het plangebied sporen van een opgehoogd historische boerenerf of sporen van een dijklichaam, pad of weg. In de diepere ondergrond wordt dekzand verwacht. In theorie kunnen in de top van het dekzand vindplaatsen uit de Prehistorie voorkomen. Om de archeologische verwachting te toetsen en aan te vullen is een inventariserend veldonderzoek uitgevoerd in de vorm van een verkennend booronderzoek. In het plangebied zijn 21 boringen verricht. In de ondergrond komen oever- op beddingafzettingen van de Kromme Rijn voor. De top van de beddingafzettingen bevindt zich op de meeste plekken tussen 130 en 190 cm –mv. De top van de oeverafzettingen bevindt zich overwegend tussen 30 en 120 cm –mv. Boven de oeverafzettingen bevindt zich een pakket grof zand dat wordt geïnterpreteerd als een (sub)recent opgebracht pakket. Uit het veldonderzoek is gebleken dat in een gedeelte van het plangebied, namelijk ter hoogte van boring 10 (zone 1) en boringen 14, 15, 16 en 21 (zone 2) deels intacte oeverafzettingen voorkomen. De top van de oeverafzettingen vormt een potentieel archeologisch niveau waarin bewoningssporen aanwezig kunnen zijn uit de periode Vroege Middeleeuwen - Nieuwe tijd. In het overige deel van het plangebied is de top van de oeverafzettingen niet meer intact. Er is geen oud loopvlak bewaard gebleven waardoor hier de kans op archeologische resten klein is. Aangezien de diepteligging van het dekzand niet is vastgesteld tijdens het onderzoek geldt voor de Prehistorie een nog onbekende verwachting. Wel is vastgesteld dat in het plangebied geen dekzandopduikingen voorkomen tot in ieder geval 3 m onder het maaiveld. Hierdoor is de kans op archeologische resten uit de Prehistorie niet groot.
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Supported by funding from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ireland), University College Dublin, and the National Folklore Foundation (Fondúireacht Bhéaloideas Éireann), 2014-2016. Collected as part of the Schools' Folklore scheme, 1937-1938, under the supervision of teacher T. Ó -- Gallchobhair, S. Ó Chioráin. Story collected by Rose Cole, a student at Broca school (Brockagh Lower, Co. Leitrim) from informant an unidentified informant.
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As noted in Skarnes et al., 2011 (, gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells can actually be quite efficient. Indeed, in all of my gene targeting experience in the Benezra then Capecchi laboratories, with good homology arms, I got many targets without any weird genomic rearrangements (that are detectable by Southern blots). In general, if you get a good number of positive clones, there is usually much less of a concern about getting something weird.The plasmids with gene targeting vector components I used are available for sharing at Addgene (,, The combination of pStart-K (Addgene #20346), pFNF (Addgene #22687), and pWS-TK6 (Addgene #20350) or pDTA-5 (Addgene #128845) seemed to work well for me. The technical concept and protocols are described in these papers: and As mentioned in the Nature Protocols paper, the low copy backbone in the pWS-TK6 (Addgene #20350) or pDTA-5 (Addgene #128845) makes it so much easier compared to previous high copy plasmids (i.e., pKO2.1 Addgene #22674, pKO2.2 Addgene #22676, or pDTA-TK Addgene #22677).For recombineering proficiency, I used the pRedET plasmid from GeneBridges. It is convenient and efficient, and I'm not sure whether the recombineering E. coli are still available from the NIH. I prefer subcloning from a BAC using recombineering over PCR because genomic sequences often have repetitive regions, and I don't know how well PCR handles those.
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doi: 10.25989/xyvj-k330
This record is a component of the Materials Experiment and Analysis Database (MEAD). It contains raw data and metadata from millions of materials synthesis and characterization experiments, as well as the analysis and distillation of that data into property and performance metrics. The unprecedented quantity and diversity of experimental data are searchable by experiment and analysis attributes generated by both researchers and data processing software. Files available via S3 at Download
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Supported by funding from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ireland), University College Dublin, and the National Folklore Foundation (Fondúireacht Bhéaloideas Éireann), 2014-2016. Story collected by Noel Greer, a student at Carrickaslane school (Carrickaslane, Co. Monaghan) from informant Pat Mc Skeane. Collected as part of the Schools' Folklore scheme, 1937-1938, under the supervision of teacher Mary Greer.
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doi: 10.25989/6695-1k34
This record is a component of the Materials Experiment and Analysis Database (MEAD). It contains raw data and metadata from millions of materials synthesis and characterization experiments, as well as the analysis and distillation of that data into property and performance metrics. The unprecedented quantity and diversity of experimental data are searchable by experiment and analysis attributes generated by both researchers and data processing software. Files available via S3 at</p> 0.0 GB <a role="button" class="ui compact mini button" href="" > <i class="download icon"></i> Download </a></p>
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Supported by funding from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ireland), University College Dublin, and the National Folklore Foundation (Fondúireacht Bhéaloideas Éireann), 2014-2016. Story collected by Edwin Campbell, a student at Naomh Pádraig school (Killala, Co. Mayo) from informant Tom Flemming. Collected as part of the Schools' Folklore scheme, 1937-1938, under the supervision of teacher Laura C. Mc Kenna.
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Supported by funding from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ireland), University College Dublin, and the National Folklore Foundation (Fondúireacht Bhéaloideas Éireann), 2014-2016. Story collected by a student at Tulach Sheasta, Clochair na Trócaire school (Newport, Co. Tipperary) from informant Rev. Patrick J. Lee. Collected as part of the Schools' Folklore scheme, 1937-1938, under the supervision of teacher Sr Bertrand.
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