It is becoming increasingly clear that electron thermal effects have to be taken into account when dealing with the theory of ionospheric instabilities in the high-latitude ionosphere. Unfortunately, the mathematical complexity often hides the physical processes at work. We follow the limiting cases of a complex but systematic generalized fluid approach to get to the heart of the thermal processes that affect the stability of E region waves during electron heating events. We try to show as simply as possible under what conditions thermal effects contribute to the destabilization of strongly field-aligned (zero aspect angle) Farley-Buneman modes. We show that destabilization can arise from a combination of (1) a reduction in pressure gradients associated with temperature fluctuations that are out of phase with density fluctuations, and (2) thermal diffusion, which takes the electrons from regions of enhanced temperatures to regions of negative temperature fluctuations, and therefore enhanced densities. However, we also show that, contrary to what has been suggested in the past, for modes excited along the E0×B direction thermal feedback decreases the growth rate and raises the threshold speed of the Farley-Buneman instability. The increase in threshold speed appears to be important enough to explain the generation of `Type IV' waves in the high-latitude ionosphere.
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The behavior of rational selfish agents has been classically studied in the framework of strategic games in which each player has a set of possible actions, players choose actions simultaneously and the payoff for each player is determined by the matrix of the game. However, in many applications, players choose actions asynchronously, and simultaneity of this process is not guaranteed: it is possible that a player learns the action of another player before making its choice. Delays of choices are controled by the adversary and each player can only secure the worst-case payoff over the adversary's decisions. In this paper we consider such asynchronous versions of arbitrary two-person strategic games and we study how the presence of the asynchronous adversary influences the behavior of the players, assumed to be selfish but rational. We concentrate on deterministic (pure) strategies, and in particular, on the existence and characteristics of pure Nash equilibria in such games. It turns out that the rational behavior of players changes significantly if the decision process is asynchronous. We show that pure Nash equilibria often exist in the asynchronous version of the game even if there were no such equilibria in the synchronous game. We also show that a mere threat of asynchrony in the game may make social optimum a rational choice while it was not rational in the synchronous game.
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The development of a cost structure for energy storage systems (ESS) has received limited attention. In this study, we developed data-intensive techno-economic models to assess the economic feasibility of ESS. The ESS here includes pump hydro storage (PHS) and compressed air energy storage (CAES). The costs were developed using data-intensive bottom-up models. Scale factors were developed for each component of the storage systems. The life cycle costs of energy storage were estimated for capacity ranges of 98-491 MW, 81-404 MW, and 60-298 MW for PHS, conventional CAES (C-CAES), and adiabatic CAES (A-CAES), respectively, to ensure a market-driven price can be achieved. For CAES systems, costs were developed for storage in salt caverns hard rock caverns, and porous formations. The results show that the annual life cycle storage cost is $220-400 for PHS, $215-265 for C-CAES, and $375-480 per kW-year for A-CAES. The levelised cost of electricity is $69-121 for PHS, $58-70 for C-CAES, and $96-121 per MWh for A-CAES. C-CAES is economically attractive at all capacities, PHS is economically attractive at higher capacities, and A-CAES is not attractive at all. The developed information is helpful in making investment decision related to large energy storage systems.
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Almost all research output includes tables, diagrams, photographs and even sketches, and papers within HCI typically take advantage of including these figures in their files. However the space given to non-diagrammatical or tabular figures is often small, even in papers that primarily concern themselves with visual output. The reason for this might be the publishing models employed in most proceedings and journals: Despite moving to a digital format which is unhindered by page count or physical cost, there remains a somewhat arbitrary limitation on page count. Recent moves by ACM SIGCHI and others to remove references from the maximum page count suggest that there is movement on this, however images remain firmly within the limits of the text. We propose that images should be celebrated – not penalised – and call for not only the adoption of the Pictorials format in CHI, but for images to be removed from page counts in order to encourage greater transparency of process in HCI research.
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This experiment explores how changes in soundpost height affect the perceptual qualities of the violin and whether there is a threshold of change below which players and luthiers do not perceive differences. A violin installed with a height-adjustable carbon fibre soundpost was employed. The experiment was designed as a sequence of playing tests. An experimenter was present to change the soundpost height. Thirteen professional violinists and six luthiers participated. The experiment involved two phases. During the first phase, subjects played and described their feelings about the violin with different soundpost settings in order to find their optimal soundpost height. During the second phase, the experimenter randomly increased, decreased or did not change the soundpost height in ten trials within a range of approximately ±0.1 mm around their optimal height. For each trial, subjects were asked to play the violin, comparing it with the previous setting, and to decide whether they were the same or different. Initial results indicate that each subject's optimal soundpost height varies within an interquartile range of 0.3 mm and the smallest height variation that could be recognized above chance level is about 0.04 mm.
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This paper addresses indicators of the performance of the Vancouver human health biotechnology cluster.
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L'étude de l'Univers primordial adresse quelques-unes des questions les plus fondamentales de la physique théorique. Cette thèse a pour objet l'exploration de trois aspects principaux de la cosmologie primordiale. Dans un premier temps, nous discutons d'une alternative au paradigme scientique qu'est le modèle du Big Bang. A savoir, nous explorons un modèle d'univers à rebond qui évite la singularité initiale du Big Bang. Nous commencerons dans l'introduction par revoir les éléments de base nécessaires à la compréhension de la cosmologie. A la suite de quoi, nous montrerons un modèle spécifique d'Univers à rebond contenant des champs additionnels particuliers en complément des champs présents habituellement. Ces nouveaux champs proviennent de ce qui s'appelle le modèle "Lee-Wick" de la physique des particules. En particulier, nous prouvons qu'un univers à rebond dans ce contexte est instable lorsque l'on ajoute une composante de radiation en plus de la matière. Dans la seconde partie, nous considérons la production de particules via un phénomène de résonance paramétrique durant la phase de "préchauffement", a la fin de l'inflation cosmologique. Plus précisément, nous prouvons que dans le cas où l'inflation a une limite de vitesse, les termes cinétiques non-canoniques décrivant n'importe quel Lagrangien effectif n'améliorent pas la production de particules. Finalement, le dernier sujet aborde concerne les défauts topologiques pendant la transition de phase de la chromodynamique quantique. A savoir, nous étudions les cordes cosmiques provenant des champs de pions présents dans le modèle standard de la physique des particules et trouvons un méchanisme pour les stabiliser. Nous prouvons alors qu'un bain thermique de photons en contact avec ces cordes réduit la variété du vide à un cercle. Cela a pour effet d'autoriser la présence de "cordes pioniques" topologiquement stables. The study of the Early Universe raises some of the most fundamental questions in theoretical physics. This thesis explores three main aspects of early universe cosmology. The first part discusses alternatives to the Big Bang scenario which is the current paradigm of cosmology. Namely, it discusses bouncing universe models where the initial Big Bang singularity is replaced by a finite size universe. After reviewing the necessary cosmology background in the introduction, we show a specific model of a bouncing universe that contains additional "Lee-Wick fields", partners to the standard fields. In particular we prove that a Lee-Wick matter bounce is unstable when one adds radiation to matter. In the second part of this thesis, we consider particle production via parametric resonance during preheating, at the end of cosmological inflation. Specifically, we prove that in the case of a speed-limited inflaton, non-canonical kinetic terms used to described any effective Lagrangian do not enhance particle production. Finally, the last topic involves topological defects during the Quantum Chromodynamics phase transition. Namely, we study cosmic strings coming from pion fields present in the Standard Model of particle physics and find a mechanism to stabilize them. We show how a thermal bath of photons reduces the effective vacuum manifold to a circle and thus allows the presence of topologically stable pion strings.
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We developed the McGill Wetland Model (MWM) based on the general structure of the Peatland Carbon Simulator (PCARS) and the Canadian Terrestrial Ecosystem Model. Three major changes were made to PCARS: 1. the light use efficiency model of photosynthesis was replaced with a biogeochemical description of photosynthesis; 2. the description of autotrophic respiration was changed to be consistent with the formulation of photosynthesis; and 3. the cohort, multilayer soil respiration model was changed to a simple one box peat decomposition model divided into an oxic and anoxic zones by an effective water table, and a one-year residence time litter pool. MWM was then evaluated by comparing its output to the estimates of net ecosystem production (NEP), gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) from 8 years of continuous measurements at the Mer Bleue peatland, a raised ombrotrophic bog located in southern Ontario, Canada (index of agreement [dimensionless]: NEP=0.80, GPP=0.97, ER=0.97; systematic RMSE [g C m?2 d?1]: NEP=0.12, GPP=0.07, ER=0.14; unsystematic RMSE [g C m?2 d?1]: NEP=0.15, GPP=0.27, ER=0.23). Simulated moss NPP approximates what would be expected for a bog peatland, but shrub NPP appears to be underestimated. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the model output did not change greatly due to variations in water table because of offsetting responses in production and respiration, but that even modest temperature increases could lead to converting the bog from a sink to a source of CO2. General weaknesses and further developments of MWM are discussed.
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We prove the Haagerup property for an infinite discrete group constructed using surgery on a Euclidean Tits building of type A ˜ 2 .
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According to recent analyst reports, merger / acquisition (M&A) and technology licensing activity in the pharmaceutical industry is not going to see any slow downs in the next few years (The Boston Globe, 2008). With patents of high revenue drugs expiring, risk of development increasing and changes in the global landscape, M&A and licensing remain key strategies that companies use to improve their competitive position in the industry. Managing these processes is incredibly resource intensive for companies. Understanding competition, locating partners, and maintaining ongoing communication is resource intensive and there remains an unmet need to improve services for organizations embarking on this aspect of business development.
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citations | 0 | |
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It is becoming increasingly clear that electron thermal effects have to be taken into account when dealing with the theory of ionospheric instabilities in the high-latitude ionosphere. Unfortunately, the mathematical complexity often hides the physical processes at work. We follow the limiting cases of a complex but systematic generalized fluid approach to get to the heart of the thermal processes that affect the stability of E region waves during electron heating events. We try to show as simply as possible under what conditions thermal effects contribute to the destabilization of strongly field-aligned (zero aspect angle) Farley-Buneman modes. We show that destabilization can arise from a combination of (1) a reduction in pressure gradients associated with temperature fluctuations that are out of phase with density fluctuations, and (2) thermal diffusion, which takes the electrons from regions of enhanced temperatures to regions of negative temperature fluctuations, and therefore enhanced densities. However, we also show that, contrary to what has been suggested in the past, for modes excited along the E0×B direction thermal feedback decreases the growth rate and raises the threshold speed of the Farley-Buneman instability. The increase in threshold speed appears to be important enough to explain the generation of `Type IV' waves in the high-latitude ionosphere.
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The behavior of rational selfish agents has been classically studied in the framework of strategic games in which each player has a set of possible actions, players choose actions simultaneously and the payoff for each player is determined by the matrix of the game. However, in many applications, players choose actions asynchronously, and simultaneity of this process is not guaranteed: it is possible that a player learns the action of another player before making its choice. Delays of choices are controled by the adversary and each player can only secure the worst-case payoff over the adversary's decisions. In this paper we consider such asynchronous versions of arbitrary two-person strategic games and we study how the presence of the asynchronous adversary influences the behavior of the players, assumed to be selfish but rational. We concentrate on deterministic (pure) strategies, and in particular, on the existence and characteristics of pure Nash equilibria in such games. It turns out that the rational behavior of players changes significantly if the decision process is asynchronous. We show that pure Nash equilibria often exist in the asynchronous version of the game even if there were no such equilibria in the synchronous game. We also show that a mere threat of asynchrony in the game may make social optimum a rational choice while it was not rational in the synchronous game.
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The development of a cost structure for energy storage systems (ESS) has received limited attention. In this study, we developed data-intensive techno-economic models to assess the economic feasibility of ESS. The ESS here includes pump hydro storage (PHS) and compressed air energy storage (CAES). The costs were developed using data-intensive bottom-up models. Scale factors were developed for each component of the storage systems. The life cycle costs of energy storage were estimated for capacity ranges of 98-491 MW, 81-404 MW, and 60-298 MW for PHS, conventional CAES (C-CAES), and adiabatic CAES (A-CAES), respectively, to ensure a market-driven price can be achieved. For CAES systems, costs were developed for storage in salt caverns hard rock caverns, and porous formations. The results show that the annual life cycle storage cost is $220-400 for PHS, $215-265 for C-CAES, and $375-480 per kW-year for A-CAES. The levelised cost of electricity is $69-121 for PHS, $58-70 for C-CAES, and $96-121 per MWh for A-CAES. C-CAES is economically attractive at all capacities, PHS is economically attractive at higher capacities, and A-CAES is not attractive at all. The developed information is helpful in making investment decision related to large energy storage systems.
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citations | 0 | |
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Almost all research output includes tables, diagrams, photographs and even sketches, and papers within HCI typically take advantage of including these figures in their files. However the space given to non-diagrammatical or tabular figures is often small, even in papers that primarily concern themselves with visual output. The reason for this might be the publishing models employed in most proceedings and journals: Despite moving to a digital format which is unhindered by page count or physical cost, there remains a somewhat arbitrary limitation on page count. Recent moves by ACM SIGCHI and others to remove references from the maximum page count suggest that there is movement on this, however images remain firmly within the limits of the text. We propose that images should be celebrated – not penalised – and call for not only the adoption of the Pictorials format in CHI, but for images to be removed from page counts in order to encourage greater transparency of process in HCI research.
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This experiment explores how changes in soundpost height affect the perceptual qualities of the violin and whether there is a threshold of change below which players and luthiers do not perceive differences. A violin installed with a height-adjustable carbon fibre soundpost was employed. The experiment was designed as a sequence of playing tests. An experimenter was present to change the soundpost height. Thirteen professional violinists and six luthiers participated. The experiment involved two phases. During the first phase, subjects played and described their feelings about the violin with different soundpost settings in order to find their optimal soundpost height. During the second phase, the experimenter randomly increased, decreased or did not change the soundpost height in ten trials within a range of approximately ±0.1 mm around their optimal height. For each trial, subjects were asked to play the violin, comparing it with the previous setting, and to decide whether they were the same or different. Initial results indicate that each subject's optimal soundpost height varies within an interquartile range of 0.3 mm and the smallest height variation that could be recognized above chance level is about 0.04 mm.
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This paper addresses indicators of the performance of the Vancouver human health biotechnology cluster.
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L'étude de l'Univers primordial adresse quelques-unes des questions les plus fondamentales de la physique théorique. Cette thèse a pour objet l'exploration de trois aspects principaux de la cosmologie primordiale. Dans un premier temps, nous discutons d'une alternative au paradigme scientique qu'est le modèle du Big Bang. A savoir, nous explorons un modèle d'univers à rebond qui évite la singularité initiale du Big Bang. Nous commencerons dans l'introduction par revoir les éléments de base nécessaires à la compréhension de la cosmologie. A la suite de quoi, nous montrerons un modèle spécifique d'Univers à rebond contenant des champs additionnels particuliers en complément des champs présents habituellement. Ces nouveaux champs proviennent de ce qui s'appelle le modèle "Lee-Wick" de la physique des particules. En particulier, nous prouvons qu'un univers à rebond dans ce contexte est instable lorsque l'on ajoute une composante de radiation en plus de la matière. Dans la seconde partie, nous considérons la production de particules via un phénomène de résonance paramétrique durant la phase de "préchauffement", a la fin de l'inflation cosmologique. Plus précisément, nous prouvons que dans le cas où l'inflation a une limite de vitesse, les termes cinétiques non-canoniques décrivant n'importe quel Lagrangien effectif n'améliorent pas la production de particules. Finalement, le dernier sujet aborde concerne les défauts topologiques pendant la transition de phase de la chromodynamique quantique. A savoir, nous étudions les cordes cosmiques provenant des champs de pions présents dans le modèle standard de la physique des particules et trouvons un méchanisme pour les stabiliser. Nous prouvons alors qu'un bain thermique de photons en contact avec ces cordes réduit la variété du vide à un cercle. Cela a pour effet d'autoriser la présence de "cordes pioniques" topologiquement stables. The study of the Early Universe raises some of the most fundamental questions in theoretical physics. This thesis explores three main aspects of early universe cosmology. The first part discusses alternatives to the Big Bang scenario which is the current paradigm of cosmology. Namely, it discusses bouncing universe models where the initial Big Bang singularity is replaced by a finite size universe. After reviewing the necessary cosmology background in the introduction, we show a specific model of a bouncing universe that contains additional "Lee-Wick fields", partners to the standard fields. In particular we prove that a Lee-Wick matter bounce is unstable when one adds radiation to matter. In the second part of this thesis, we consider particle production via parametric resonance during preheating, at the end of cosmological inflation. Specifically, we prove that in the case of a speed-limited inflaton, non-canonical kinetic terms used to described any effective Lagrangian do not enhance particle production. Finally, the last topic involves topological defects during the Quantum Chromodynamics phase transition. Namely, we study cosmic strings coming from pion fields present in the Standard Model of particle physics and find a mechanism to stabilize them. We show how a thermal bath of photons reduces the effective vacuum manifold to a circle and thus allows the presence of topologically stable pion strings.
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