Cette thèse de Doctorat tente d’appréhender l’espace dans l’œuvre d’Edouard Glissant. Pour le chantre du « Tout-Monde », l’espace ne peut se limiter à son île natale, la Martinique. En effet, contrairement à la vision occidentale classique de l’insularité, synonyme d’isolement, ce qui sous-tend et nourrit l’œuvre glissantienne est principalement l’appel des autres terres : non seulement l’archipel caribéen, avec lequel la Martinique partage le même passé esclavagiste et la même géographie accidentée, mais aussi l’ensemble de chaque empan du monde. Loin d’être l’île minuscule, perdue au milieu de l’Atlantique, dans l’ombre du continent américain, la Martinique en devient la préface. Bien plus, dans le sillage du « Tout-Monde », l’île antillaise connaît les mêmes dérives et les mêmes défis. La mer devient, de ce fait, le pont qui relie les terres en même temps qu’il aiguillonne l’imagination. Cette nouvelle perception de la mer est loin d’être une contre-verticale, elle est une nécessité. En raison de la traite et de l’amnésie qui lui est associée, l’histoire des « migrants nus » commence désormais avec le bateau négrier. Tout s’articule autour de cette nouvelle matrice, quand bien même elle serait déniée, où s’origine le chavirement permanent entre souffrance particulière et connaissance de l’Autre. Ainsi, au travers du vertige des mornes, des plantations et de l’ « En-ville », la Martinique apparaît comme un vaisseau fantôme qui garde jalousement ses secrets afin de pouvoir continuer à voguer… This thesis tries to comprehend the space in the work of Edouard Glissant. For the bard of the “all-world”, the space is not limited to his native island, Martinique. Indeed, contrary to the classical westerner view of the insularity, what underlies and feeds the work of Edouard Glissant is mainly the appeal of lands, which means not only the Caribbean archipelago, but also every place in the world. The Martinique which is supposed to be the tiny island, lost in the middle of the Atlantic and kept in American continent’s shadow, becomes the preface of this one. on top of that, in the wake of the ”all-world”, the west Indian island experience the same drifts and the same challenges. Because of that, the sea becomes the link which gathers lands at the same time as it stimulates the imagination. The new sea’s perception is not a counter-vertical, but it is a necessity. Owing to the slave trade and the amnesia which is associated with, the story of the “naked migrants” begins henceforth with the slave ship. Everything is based on this new matrix, whatever it is denied, and in which the eternal swaying between particular suffering and the other’s knowledge has its roots. Thus, through the vertigo of mountains, plantations and the “in-town”, Martinique seems like a ghost vessel which keeps jealously its secrets in order to continue its voyage.
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handle: 10261/313989 , 10508/529
Accurate methods for assessing triploidy are important because treatments designed to induce poliploidy are not 100% and offspring from treated eggs are usually a mixture of triploids and diploids. High-quality histograms were obtained from turbot larvae and the very good reproductibility provided unambigous discrimination of diploids and triploids even in early stages development. This paper describes a rapid and simple method for triploidy determination from the larval stage of turbot (Scopthalmus maximus) by flow cytometry. Flow cytometry was more recently applied to triploidy determination and usually carried out using erythrocytes. No
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handle: 11012/11400
Synthetic musk compounds (MUSK) or synthetic fragrances are organic substances commonly used as fragrant constituents of perfumes, detergents, cosmetics and personal care products. These compounds are discharged after use via domestic wastewater and sewage treatment plants to the aquatic environment. The result is accumulation in the environment and occurrence in a food chain especially of aquatic and marine ecosystems. Synthetic musk compounds are also found in surface water, fish tissues and also in body fluid (blood, urine, milk) and tissues of human body. Quantitative detection and studying properties of these compounds is an important activity because we have low knowledge about their fate in the environment (persistence, bioaccumulation) and toxicity. This diploma thesis is focused on three commonly used synthetic fragrances – tonalide, musk ketone and musk xylene. The base of this study was to perform a method optimisation for the determination of selected compounds in water and water biota (fish). The aim was determination of selected musk compounds in real samples (water, fish) and evaluation of the results. Pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) for fish samples and solid phase microextraction (SPME) for water samples were used for isolation of analytes from samples. The identification and quantification of analytes was carried out by high resolution gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. Syntetické musk sloučeniny (MUSK) neboli syntetické vonné látky jsou organické látky běžně používané jako vonné složky parfémů, detergentů, kosmetiky a produktů osobní péče. Tyto sloučeniny jsou po použití vypouštěny prostřednictvím splaškové odpadní vody a čistíren odpadních vod do vodního prostředí. Výsledkem je akumulace v životním prostředí a výskyt v potravním řetězci zejména vodních a mořských ekosystémů. Syntetické musk sloučeniny jsou tedy nalézány v povrchové vodě, rybí tkáni a také v tělních tekutinách (krvi, moči, mléku) a tkáních lidského těla. Kvantitativní detekce a studium vlastností těchto sloučenin je důležitá činnost, protože dosud máme nízké znalosti o jejich osudu v životním prostředí (perzistence, bioakumulace) i toxicitě. Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na studium tří běžně používaných syntetických vonných látek – tonalidu, musk xylenu a musk ketonu. Základem této práce bylo optimalizovat metodu na stanovení vybraných sloučenin ve vodě a vodní biotě (rybách). Cílem bylo stanovení vybraných musk sloučenin v reálných vzorcích (voda, ryby) a zhodnocení výsledků. Jako extrakční technika pro izolaci analytů ze vzorků byla pro zpracování biotických vzorků použita tlaková extrakce rozpouštědlem (PSE) a pro zpracování vzorků vod mikroextrakce tuhou fází (SPME). Identifikace a kvantifikace analytů byla provedena vysokorozlišovací plynovou chromatografií s hmotnostní detekcí. A
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handle: 10793/1604
This item has been digitised from The Marine Institute library archive. A localised translation of common Irish fishes names into Irish, compiled by G. P. Farran.
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An updated comprehensive checklist of polychaete species, which have been recorded from Malaysian waters, is provided, with their geographic distributions and the research history for them. A total of 57 species belonging to 30 families have been reported since the early 1870s, with Nereididae as the most dominant family with ten species; however, more than half of the total are questionable species in the country. Despite the increased efforts of polychaete studies in the past decade, the taxonomic endeavour of discovering and describing species in the country could be higher. Malaysian polychaetes were mostly recorded from Peninsular Malaysia, whereas very few were from Borneo Island. Most previously recorded species were associated with intertidal and estuarine habitats and a few were found in the subtidal and freshwater environments. We stress the need for urgent research on this biologically, ecologically and culturally relevant taxonomic group as the species accumulation curve grows exponentially in this megadiverse country.The current checklist has been updated since the previous one in 2013. Many species previously listed were judged as doubtful and not taxonomically reliable.
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Governing marine environments is a highly complex and challenging enterprise. This applies particularly to the heavily exploited Baltic Sea for which despite extensive governance arrangements and a substantial scientific knowledge base, it is unlikely that the policy objective of ‘good environmental status’ is reached. Based on a review of governance arrangements linked to five large-scale environmental issues (eutrophication, overfishing, invasive alien species, chemical pollution and oil spills from shipping), this chapter aims to identify pathways and concrete ideas for institutional reform that may improve goal fulfilment. The results show that governance challenges differ substantially between environmental issues, implying a need for case-specific management reforms. For example, coping with extreme uncertainty is a key challenge in the chemical pollution case, whereas it seems more pertinent in the eutrophication case to address the complexity of nutrient pollution sources by adapting objectives and measures amongst sectoral policies to be in line with environmental ones. Furthermore, cross-case comparisons reveal a set of common vital functions (i.e. coordination, integration, interdisciplinarity, precaution, deliberation, communication and adaptability) that are needed in order to facilitate effective and efficient environmental governance in the long term. To promote these functions in Baltic Sea environmental governance, the chapter suggests pathways and institutional reforms aimed at improving multilevel and multisectoral integration, science-policy interactions and stakeholder participation. To further develop these ideas, it is proposed amongst other things that priority is given to setting up an international ‘Baltic Sea Policy Review Mechanism’, formed by cross-body and cross-stakeholder participation.
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handle: 10261/326243 , 10508/507
RESUMEN Se comparan distintos aspectos de la biología reproductiva del boquerón (Engraulis encrasicolus L.) en el mar de Alborán en dos periodos de tiempo separados 11 años: 1989-1992 y 2003-2007. La talla de primera madurez (TPM), combinando ambos periodos ha sido 11.4 cm, con diferencias significativas entre sexos y años. Los valores de sexratio (SR) anuales, por meses y por tallas se desvían significativamente (p<0.005) de la proporción 1:1. En ambos periodos Lo datos agrupados por tallas muestran una clara preponderancia de las hembras en las tallas más pequeñas y en las más grandes. La SR por noche de pesca, muestra que hay una menor abundancia de hembras en las muestras procedentes de los meses en que los boquerones están en puesta y una abundancia mayor de hembras en el periodo de reposo. Se compara el índice gonadosomático (IGS) con las temperaturas, mediante modelos GAMs. Existe una correlación positiva significativa entre el IGS y la temperatura (p< 0.001). Las temperaturas del cuarto trimestre del segundo periodo (2004-07) fueron significativamente más altas que en el primero (1990-92) lo que se traduce en un IGS significativamente mayor en ese mismo trimestre y periodo. Se discute el posible efecto de la subida de la temperatura sobre el ciclo reproductivo. El factor de condición (FC) presentó un perfil muy diferente en ambos periodos y no está correlacionado ni con la concentración de clorofila en el mar de Alborán ni con el IGS. ABSTRACT Engraulis We compared various aspects of the reproductive biology of anchovy (encrasicolus L.) in the Alboran Sea for two time periods separated by 11 years: 1989-1992 and 2003-2007. Size at maturity (LFM), for both periods combined, was 11.4 cm, with Sexratio significant differences between sexes and years. Sexratio values (SR), by month and size, deviated significantly (p <0.005) from the expected proportion (1:1) in both periods. When grouped by size, there was a clear preponderance of females in both the smaller and larger size-classes. SR values from fishing at night samples showed that there was a lower abundance of females during the spawning months and a greater abundance of females during the resting period. Correlation between the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and sea surface temperature was assessed by GAMs models. There was a significant positive correlation between IGS and sea surface temperature (p <0.001). Temperatures in the fourth quarter of the second period (2004-07) were significantly higher than those for the first period (1990-92), resulting in significantly higher GSI values in that quarter and period. It was also dicussed the possible effect of sea surface temperature on the reproductive cycle. The condition factor (CF) showed a very different profile in both periods, which was not correlated with either the concentration of chlorophyll in the Alboran Sea or the GSI.
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The lack of behavioural studies in ecotoxicology has been widely criticized because alterations of animal behaviour can potentially change the function and dynamics of whole ecosystems. The purpose of this study was to test a new system (TAO) for tracking fish behaviour in response to an aquatic contaminant (oxazepam). The main hypotheses were that: 1) TAO can track and detect ecologically important differences in fish behaviour when measuring behaviour traits over 20 hours; 2) TAO is able to detect diurnal patterns in ecologically important behaviour traits among tracked individuals used to a fixed night:day regime; and 3) effects of oxazepam can be detected through behavioural change in fish. To test the hypotheses, TAO was used to track guppies and sticklebacks over 20 hours. Differences in activity and explorative behaviour were distinguished between fish treated with and without oxazepam in combination with and without predator cues. The first and third hypotheses were confirmed. A decrease in activity and a stable level of exploratory behaviour were seen over 20 hours for all fish swimming in water without predator cues. For guppy, males had higher activity levels than females. Oxazepam in combination with predator cues resulted in reduced activity and increased exploratory behaviour in male guppies while females and sticklebacks remained unaffected by the drug. No support was found for the second hypothesis because the TAO system, as used in this study, was not able to detect circadian behaviour patterns. The study highlights the importance of long-term behavioural tests in ecotoxicology.
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handle: 11012/61464
Cryptids, video which is studying animals, its shapes, moves and the environment , where they find themselves. The video is looking equal to all entity without any difference, document varied life as same as passing death or rot as well. It also speaks about collaboration and the microworld, which creates perfect unit. Silent mutual conversations. Kryptidy, video, které zkoumá zvířata, jejich tvary, pohyby a prostředí, ve kterých se objevují. Na všechny entity se dívá rovnocenně a nerozdílně, dokumentuje bujarý život tak stejně, jako nahlíží na přicházející smrt nebo již rozklad. Mluví také o spolupráci a mikrosvětě, který vytváří společný dokonalý celek. Jsou to tiché vzájemné rozhovory. C
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Cette thèse de Doctorat tente d’appréhender l’espace dans l’œuvre d’Edouard Glissant. Pour le chantre du « Tout-Monde », l’espace ne peut se limiter à son île natale, la Martinique. En effet, contrairement à la vision occidentale classique de l’insularité, synonyme d’isolement, ce qui sous-tend et nourrit l’œuvre glissantienne est principalement l’appel des autres terres : non seulement l’archipel caribéen, avec lequel la Martinique partage le même passé esclavagiste et la même géographie accidentée, mais aussi l’ensemble de chaque empan du monde. Loin d’être l’île minuscule, perdue au milieu de l’Atlantique, dans l’ombre du continent américain, la Martinique en devient la préface. Bien plus, dans le sillage du « Tout-Monde », l’île antillaise connaît les mêmes dérives et les mêmes défis. La mer devient, de ce fait, le pont qui relie les terres en même temps qu’il aiguillonne l’imagination. Cette nouvelle perception de la mer est loin d’être une contre-verticale, elle est une nécessité. En raison de la traite et de l’amnésie qui lui est associée, l’histoire des « migrants nus » commence désormais avec le bateau négrier. Tout s’articule autour de cette nouvelle matrice, quand bien même elle serait déniée, où s’origine le chavirement permanent entre souffrance particulière et connaissance de l’Autre. Ainsi, au travers du vertige des mornes, des plantations et de l’ « En-ville », la Martinique apparaît comme un vaisseau fantôme qui garde jalousement ses secrets afin de pouvoir continuer à voguer… This thesis tries to comprehend the space in the work of Edouard Glissant. For the bard of the “all-world”, the space is not limited to his native island, Martinique. Indeed, contrary to the classical westerner view of the insularity, what underlies and feeds the work of Edouard Glissant is mainly the appeal of lands, which means not only the Caribbean archipelago, but also every place in the world. The Martinique which is supposed to be the tiny island, lost in the middle of the Atlantic and kept in American continent’s shadow, becomes the preface of this one. on top of that, in the wake of the ”all-world”, the west Indian island experience the same drifts and the same challenges. Because of that, the sea becomes the link which gathers lands at the same time as it stimulates the imagination. The new sea’s perception is not a counter-vertical, but it is a necessity. Owing to the slave trade and the amnesia which is associated with, the story of the “naked migrants” begins henceforth with the slave ship. Everything is based on this new matrix, whatever it is denied, and in which the eternal swaying between particular suffering and the other’s knowledge has its roots. Thus, through the vertigo of mountains, plantations and the “in-town”, Martinique seems like a ghost vessel which keeps jealously its secrets in order to continue its voyage.
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handle: 10261/313989 , 10508/529
Accurate methods for assessing triploidy are important because treatments designed to induce poliploidy are not 100% and offspring from treated eggs are usually a mixture of triploids and diploids. High-quality histograms were obtained from turbot larvae and the very good reproductibility provided unambigous discrimination of diploids and triploids even in early stages development. This paper describes a rapid and simple method for triploidy determination from the larval stage of turbot (Scopthalmus maximus) by flow cytometry. Flow cytometry was more recently applied to triploidy determination and usually carried out using erythrocytes. No
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handle: 11012/11400
Synthetic musk compounds (MUSK) or synthetic fragrances are organic substances commonly used as fragrant constituents of perfumes, detergents, cosmetics and personal care products. These compounds are discharged after use via domestic wastewater and sewage treatment plants to the aquatic environment. The result is accumulation in the environment and occurrence in a food chain especially of aquatic and marine ecosystems. Synthetic musk compounds are also found in surface water, fish tissues and also in body fluid (blood, urine, milk) and tissues of human body. Quantitative detection and studying properties of these compounds is an important activity because we have low knowledge about their fate in the environment (persistence, bioaccumulation) and toxicity. This diploma thesis is focused on three commonly used synthetic fragrances – tonalide, musk ketone and musk xylene. The base of this study was to perform a method optimisation for the determination of selected compounds in water and water biota (fish). The aim was determination of selected musk compounds in real samples (water, fish) and evaluation of the results. Pressurized solvent extraction (PSE) for fish samples and solid phase microextraction (SPME) for water samples were used for isolation of analytes from samples. The identification and quantification of analytes was carried out by high resolution gas chromatography – mass spectrometry. Syntetické musk sloučeniny (MUSK) neboli syntetické vonné látky jsou organické látky běžně používané jako vonné složky parfémů, detergentů, kosmetiky a produktů osobní péče. Tyto sloučeniny jsou po použití vypouštěny prostřednictvím splaškové odpadní vody a čistíren odpadních vod do vodního prostředí. Výsledkem je akumulace v životním prostředí a výskyt v potravním řetězci zejména vodních a mořských ekosystémů. Syntetické musk sloučeniny jsou tedy nalézány v povrchové vodě, rybí tkáni a také v tělních tekutinách (krvi, moči, mléku) a tkáních lidského těla. Kvantitativní detekce a studium vlastností těchto sloučenin je důležitá činnost, protože dosud máme nízké znalosti o jejich osudu v životním prostředí (perzistence, bioakumulace) i toxicitě. Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na studium tří běžně používaných syntetických vonných látek – tonalidu, musk xylenu a musk ketonu. Základem této práce bylo optimalizovat metodu na stanovení vybraných sloučenin ve vodě a vodní biotě (rybách). Cílem bylo stanovení vybraných musk sloučenin v reálných vzorcích (voda, ryby) a zhodnocení výsledků. Jako extrakční technika pro izolaci analytů ze vzorků byla pro zpracování biotických vzorků použita tlaková extrakce rozpouštědlem (PSE) a pro zpracování vzorků vod mikroextrakce tuhou fází (SPME). Identifikace a kvantifikace analytů byla provedena vysokorozlišovací plynovou chromatografií s hmotnostní detekcí. A
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handle: 10793/1604
This item has been digitised from The Marine Institute library archive. A localised translation of common Irish fishes names into Irish, compiled by G. P. Farran.
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An updated comprehensive checklist of polychaete species, which have been recorded from Malaysian waters, is provided, with their geographic distributions and the research history for them. A total of 57 species belonging to 30 families have been reported since the early 1870s, with Nereididae as the most dominant family with ten species; however, more than half of the total are questionable species in the country. Despite the increased efforts of polychaete studies in the past decade, the taxonomic endeavour of discovering and describing species in the country could be higher. Malaysian polychaetes were mostly recorded from Peninsular Malaysia, whereas very few were from Borneo Island. Most previously recorded species were associated with intertidal and estuarine habitats and a few were found in the subtidal and freshwater environments. We stress the need for urgent research on this biologically, ecologically and culturally relevant taxonomic group as the species accumulation curve grows exponentially in this megadiverse country.The current checklist has been updated since the previous one in 2013. Many species previously listed were judged as doubtful and not taxonomically reliable.
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