Employing the pressure swing adsorption test facility, the proposed final year project (FYP) report seeks to address the gas separation phenomena employing adsorption technology. The adsorption-based gas separation technique is used for food storage, air ventilation and purification application. Therefore, the main goal of the study is to separate O2 and N2 from air and calculate the amount of oxygen purity. The O2 purity is evaluated for various operating conditions ranging from adsorption desorption cycle time to air flow rates. During experiments, several valves are connected to a PLC-CPU such as Siemens SIMATIC S7-200 via a PLC Ladder Program employing highly accurate timers to control the experimental setup. The proposed arrangement aids in automating the entire oxygen production, which makes it capable of running after the times are inputted without any more external control. To adsorb carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapour, respectively, molecular sieves made of silica gel, zeolite JLOX-101, and 13X are employed in the experimental setup. The experimental set up namely pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is affected by adsorption time, the pressure of the feed gas, pressurisation time, feed flow rate, and purge flow rate. In order to achieve the highest possible oxygen purity, these variables are carefully examined and tested. The programmable ladder diagram is used to control the overall system. Secondly the needle valve controls the air flow rate. The combination of ladder control plus needle valve improves the performance of PSA in terms of oxygen purity. The experimental conditions consist of a 2 second adsorption period, a feed gas pressure of 2 bar entering the adsorption bed, a pressurisation time of 0.2s, a feed flow rate entering the adsorption bed at 45, and a purge flow rate of 5 l/min. The results show that the PSA device with two bed adsorption columns provides the oxygen purity up to 87%. However, the O2 purity can be improved by considering four bed adsorption columns. Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
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Työssä tutkitaan lapsen asemaa kaupunkisuunnittelukeskustelussa aikavälillä 1946–1977. Tutkimuksen aineistona on käytetty ajan pamfletteja, julkaisuja, asiantuntijapuheenvuoroja, aikakausilehtiä, lyhytelokuvia ja Suomen tilastollisia vuosikirjoja. Tutkimus lähtee liikkeelle siitä tiedosta, että lasten omaehtoinen liikkuminen on vähentynyt merkittävästi viimeisen viidenkymmenen vuoden aikana. Näin on käynyt siitäkin huolimatta, että omaehtoisen liikkumisen katsotaan olevan tärkeää lapsen sosiaalisen, fyysisen ja psyykkisen kehityksen kannalta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään sitä, miten ajan asiantuntijakeskustelussa konstruoitiin lapsen tarpeita kodin sisätiloissa ja ulkona kaupungissa vuosina 1946–1977. Tutkimusmenetelmä on diskurssianalyysi. Teoreettinen viitekehys liittyy läheisesti Henri Lefebvren tapaan käsitteellistää tilaa ja sen eri muotoja yhteiskunnallisesti tuotettuna ja yhteiskunnan tuottamiseen aktiivisesti osallistuvana elementtinä. Tämän moniulotteisen tilakäsityksen päälle rakentuu työn teoria: lapsen reviiri. Työssä selvitetään kahden diskursiivisen kategorian kautta sitä, minne asiantuntijat määrittelivät lapsen ihannereviirin. Historiantutkimus antaa välineitä tapahtuneen muutoksen ymmärtämiseen. Asiantuntijakeskustelua tutkimalla on mahdollista lähestyä päätöksenteon taustalla vaikuttavia ideologioita ja keskusteluja. Vaihtuvien diskurssien tutkiminen auttaa tavoittamaan niitä perusteita, joihin kunakin aikana esitetty tieto perustaa vääjäämättömyytensä. Lapsen paras oli julkilausuttu tavoite läpi tarkastelujakson, mutta se, mikä nähtiin lapsen parhaana vaihtui kesken tarkastelujakson ja sai uuden suunnan. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisen diskursiivinen kategoria, joka sijoittuu aikavälille 1946–1965 koostuu väittämistä, joissa vaaditaan lapsiperheiden asumisen siirtämistä kaupungin keskustasta maaseutumaisempaan ympäristöön. Keskusteluun osallistuvat kirjoittivat perinteisen kaupungin olevan muiden muassa paheellinen, likainen ja liikenteen vuoksi vaarallinen kasvupaikka lapselle. Vaihtoehdoksi esitetyn puutarhakaupungin luvattiin tarjoavan vapautta, luontoa ja liikkumismahdollisuuksia lapsille. Lasten kirjoitettiin tarvitsevan lisää huolenpitoa, kontrollia ja kehittävää tekemistä. Nämä teemat korostuivat myös kodin sisätiloista käydyissä keskusteluissa. Aineistoissa vaadittiin koteihin lapsille omaa tilaa, hygieenistä elinympäristöä, liikojen kieltojen poistamista, sekä sukupuolenmukaista tilanjakoa. Modernit ihanteet ydinperheestä ja lapsen keskeisyydestä tilanjaossa olivat keskeisiä. Moniulotteiset ongelmat niputettiin sotien jälkeen kaupunkivihan sävyttämän asumiskysymyksen ympärille. Normittamalla ja säätelemällä asumisoloja uskottiin ratkaistavan moninaisia sosiaalisia ongelmia. Lapsen ihannereviiri kulki sodanjälkeisessä kaupungissa ja kodeissa ihanteellisesti katse-etäisyydellä äidistä, hiekkalaatikoilla tai lastenhuoneessa ja iän karttuessa urheilukentillä ja luonnossa. Keskeistä oli se, että lapset harrastaisivat, leikkisivät ja ylläpitäisivät fyysistä kuntoa heille osoitetuissa tiloissa. Omaehtoinen joutenolo nähtiin paitsi ajanhukkana, myös haitallisena. Kun edellisessä kategoriassa kritisoitiin vanhanaikaista kaupunkia lapselle kelvottomana, joutui seuraavassa kategoriassa kritiikin kohteeksi uusi kaupunki: puutarhakaupunki ja lähiöt. Tutkimuksen toisessa diskursiivisessa kategoriassa (1965–1977) lähiössä asuvien lasten kirjoitettiin esimerkiksi eristäytyvän, tylsistyvän, olevan asuinympäristössään liian yksin tai väärässä seurassa. Vanhemmat eivät pystyneet kirjoittajien mukaan valvomaan lapsia toivotulla tavalla. Toisen kategorian ihannereviiri oli kodin sisätiloissa, jonne vanhemmat saattoivat rakentaa puitteet leikkiin. Tällaisia puitteita olivat esimerkiksi keinut ja puolapuut, välineet, joita pidettiin ennen ulkona. Kasvavat asuntokoot ja parantunut asumismukavuus mahdollistivat mielekkään ajanvieton sisätiloissa, joka osaltaan sittemmin passivoi lapsia ja nuoria. Vähenevään omaehtoiseen liikkumiseen kaupungissa vaikutti myös liikenteen voimakas kasvu, sekä lapsiin kohdistuva enenevä kontrolli ja huolenpito. Läpi tarkastelujakson kaupunkiympäristö pysyi puheenvuoroissa lapselle vihamielisenä. Molemmissa diskursiivisissa kategorioissa asiantuntijoiden piirtämä lapsen ihannereviiri määriteltiin sinne, missä se ei häiritsisi moottoriliikenteen kasvua.
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Sovereign debt plays an important role in the public finance and financial stability of a state. The euro crisis and the Greek sovereign debt restructuring in 2012 have caused an increasing interest in sovereign debt in the eurozone. The fact that countries in the eurozone with a weaker economic profile have a more difficult access to funding has provoked economists make suggestions to create seniority in sovereign borrowing. In those proposals, EU countries would pool a portion of their national debt as senior sovereign debt, while national debt beyond this would be treated as junior debt. Although the creation of senior structures in sovereign debt has been widely discussed in the eurozone, there is only very limited research on the legal ways to create seniority in sovereign borrowing. The research questions of this thesis are 1) ‘How does seniority operate in sovereign borrowing from the legal perspective?’ 2) ‘What would be a concrete example creating seniority in sovereign debt of eurozone members?’ and 3) ‘What legal elements should be considered if creating seniority in sovereign debt of eurozone members?’ The thesis will firstly present the suggestions by economists to create seniority in sovereign borrowing and then continue to study sovereign debt The thesis will assess the first research question by introducing the basic concepts of sovereign debt: definition of sovereign debt and default, sovereign debt creditors, debt restructuring and the governing law. Furthermore, the thesis will research the principles of international law affecting the status of a sovereign, the preferred status of international organizations and the interpretation of the pari passu clause in the sovereign debt contracts. To respond to the second research question, the thesis will present a national tranching proposal created by Wendorff and Mahle in detail. To respond to the third research question the thesis will be assessing possibilities for seniority in the eurozone by using a framework of formal, structural and functional elements. The thesis considers that the most likely way to create seniority in sovereign borrowing in the eurozone would be through an agreement, thus the relevant formal elements would be on governing law and on the agreement. Alternatives to governing law would be changing English law, changing national legislations of eurozone countries or creating an international convention with a framework which the contracts could refer to. Important considerations in creating agreements with seniority structures would be the choice of law and contract clauses. From existing systems of law, English law would be the most suitable national law as it is already widely used in sovereign debt contracts in the eurozone. In regard to the contract clauses, the thesis will not suggest any specific clauses to be introduced but looks at the existing contracts already in use in private borrowing and analyses the learnings from the use of pari passu in sovereign borrowing. The nature of sovereign debt as a less-developed area of international law makes the research a bit more dispersed, together with the fact that sovereign debt positions itself in the intersection of private and public international law. Although sovereign debt seniority is much researched from the economic perspective, legal contributions are still few and additional research on the topic is needed. Legal aspects of sovereign debt have a large effect in the development of the EU as a political union, thus in-depth research on the topic is crucial.
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Growing interest in public purchasing of car affect competition between companies selling their cars in attracting buyers. One of the efforts the company do to face the competition is doing a sales promotion. Sales promotion activities by the company may seek an increase in sales by influencing purchase decisions of potential customers .. Sales promotion is any deals or short-term incentives that directed to the buyer , retailer or wholesaler and designed to gather a specific response and immediately . This research aims to determine the effect of sales promotions on purchasing Toyota Avanza at Auto 2000 Gatot Subroto, Medan . Forms of sales promotion such as cashback and free accessories are usually taken into consideration in the decision to purchase a car . Purchasing decisions is the process of decisions and actions of people that involved in the purchase and use of the product The population of this research is the buyer of Toyota Avanza . Samples take as much as 75 respondents using sampling technique. Sampling technique that has been used is purposive sampling. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to respondents who are buyers of Toyota Avanza . The result of research used partial significant test (t test) showed that the sales promotion of positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions Toyota Avanza with the value of "t" count > “t” table is 4,041> 1,992 and significance 0,000> 0,05. Based on calculations obtained determinant coefficient R value of 0,428 (42,8%), which indicates that the relationship between sales promotions and purchasing decisions were fairly closely. Rated R Square of 0,183 shows that 18,3% variable purchase decision can be explained by the variable sales promotion. 120907098
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This study aims to determine the effect of net cash flow and profitability empirically, either partially or simultaneously on firm value. The ratio used to see profitability is Return On Equitu (ROE). The population of this study is manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2011 – 2012. Selection of samples was conducted using purposive sampling with 11 manufacturing companies. The data used are secondary data. The independent variable in this study is the net cash flow and Return on Equity (ROE) and the dependent variable is the value of the company. The method of analysis used in this study is quantitative method, with the classic assumption test, and the statistical analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the net cash flow variables and simultaneous ROE no significant effect on firm value. Partial test showed that the only variable Return on Equity (ROE) that significantly value of the company, while the net cash flow variable does not significantly affect the value of the company. 120522040
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Quand on le rencontre dans la campagne toulousaine, c’est un paysage qui interpelle et ne laisse pas indifférent. Une composition en plusieurs files d’arbres qui s’allongent dans la longueur d’un champ de blé, d’une prairie...C’est un paysage agroforestier. Et le sujet de la recherche filmique.
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To start, it would be interesting to refer to the etymology of the word ‘balcony’. ‘Balcone’ derived from ‘balco’, which in old Italian means ‘scaffold’, and ‘one’, which is an augmentative suffix. It means big scaffold. Balconies differ from their cousins, terraces (because they are cantilevered), and viewing platforms (because they are attached to dwellings). The “Balcony” was one of the elements that was investigated in the Venice Biennale of 2014 curated by Rem Koolhaas, which was devoted to the topic “Elements of Architecture”. The section of the exhibition that was devoted to the ‘Balcony’ curated by Tom Avermaete was structured around three narrative lines: the first narrative line concerned the political role of the balcony, referring to both its micro-political and macro-political dimension, the second narrative line concerned its focal role, while the third narrative line concerned its liminal role. The political role of the balcony became evident in the case of the “renunciation” speech by Eva Perón in Buenos Aires and the first address of the liberated Mandela at the Cape Town City Hall in 1990 among other cases. The second narrative line, which concerned the focal role of the balcony, included a full-size model of a Haussmannian balcony, which should be understood in conjunction with the bourgeois public sphere in 19th century Paris. The Haussmannian balcony was confronted with the modernist transparency of the Bauhaus at Dessau and an Algerian balcony by Fernand Pouillon in which vernacular and modern definitions of the public sphere coincide. The third narrative line of the section of the exhibition devoted to the balcony concerned the liminal role of the balcony and included an ensemble of photographs of collective housing projects. Its objective was to render explicit the capacity of the balcony to articulate the interior and the exterior, the private and the public, the individual and the collective. It paid special attention to its informality and to its capacity to function as an in-between articulating the private and public realms. The exhibition intended to shed light not only on the spatial characteristics of the balcony, but most importantly on its different cultural appropriations and its experiential complexity. The exhibition also included a prototype of a mashrabiya, which is an architectural element which is characteristic of Arabic residences. It is a type of projecting oriel window enclosed with carved wood latticework located on the second story of a building or higher, often lined with stained glass. The life in the balcony is an important aspect of the quotidian life in the Mediterranean cities. As Bernardo Zacka remarks that “[t]he genius of the balcony is to assemble people who live within proximity, but who are otherwise strangers, around a common world of events, experiences and issues”. The very force of the experience of the balcony lies in its in-betweenness, that is to say in the fact that it combines privacy and publicity, as well as interiority and exteriority. The degree of its publicity and exteriority varies from culture to culture. I could refer, for instance, to the architectural element called mashrabiya. Beginning in the Middle Ages, enclosed mashrabiya balconies with ornate latticework were built across much of the Arab world to allow residents to enjoy the fresh breeze while adhering to Islamic laws of privacy. In Ancient Greece, the houses had timber balconies that looked towards the atrium, which was the main source of light towards the interior spaces of the houses. In Ancient Rome, in the Forum, noble spectators had their seats on the balconies (maeniana). A maenianum was a balcony or gallery for spectators at a public show in ancient Rome. In the Renaissance, balustraded balconies became a fixture of many Italian buildings after architect Donato Bramante unveiled the design of his bannister-bound Palazzo Caprini in Rome. Another architectural element that shares some characteristics with the balcony is the loggia, which is a covered exterior gallery or corridor usually on an upper level, or sometimes ground level. The outer wall is open and is usually supported by a series of columns or arches. Loggias can be located either on the front or side of a building and are not meant for entrance but as an out-of-door sitting room. From the early Middle Ages, nearly every Italian comune had an open arched loggia in its main square, which served as a symbol of communal justice and government and as a stage for civic ceremony. During the days of the quarantine due to the COVID-19, the balcony acquired a dominant role in our quotidian life because it is the architectural component that allows the citizens to have access to the public sphere. In order to grasp its significance in our everyday lives, it would be useful to refer to three notions: that of the threshold, that of the common world, and that of ‘rythmanalysis’. Firstly, I will draw upon Aldo Van Eyck’s approach to shed light on the notion of the threshold. Secondly, the concept of ‘common world’ is understood here as Hannah Arendt defined it in her seminal book The Human Condition. Finally, to analyse the notion of ‘rythmanalysis’, I will focus on the way Henri Lefebvre understands this notion in his book entitled Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life, which was originally published as Éléments de rythmanalyse: introduction à la connaissance des rythmes in 1992. Balconies are places open to contingency, where people gather to witness events in common. Balconies have the capacity to put citizens along with their neighbours before matters of common concern. Balconies “transform residential buildings into a public in potential”. Moreover, balconies act as liminal spaces that bridge public and private life. Henri Lefebvre notes, in Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life: “In order to grasp this fleeting object, which is not exactly an object, it is therefore necessary to situate oneself simultaneously inside and outside. A balcony does the job admirably, in relation to the street, and it is to this putting into perspective (of the street) that we owe the marvellous invention of balconies […] from which one dominates the road and passers-by”. In the case of the balcony, architecture fosters common knowledge. In order to better grasp the status of this common knowledge, we could refer to what Hannah Arendt called “common world”. In her seminal book entitled The Human Condition, Arendt argues that common sense is crucial because it constitutes “a kind of sixth sense through which all particular sense data, given by the five senses, are fitted into a common world, a world which we can share with others, have in common with others”. As Jon Nixon notes, in his book entitled Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Friendship, “[f]or Arendt the world is neither entirely ‘in our heads’ nor entirely ‘out there’. It is the intersubjective space within which we relate to one another through our five senses - hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch - and in so doing constitute our common world”. According to Bernardo Zacka, “balconies may be nominally private, but they are just as much a continuation of the public realm up in the air”. To better understand the role of the balconies in maintaining the sense of the public realm up in the air during the days of the pandemic, we could bring to mind David Harvey’s following remark regarding the impact of the daily life on how we understand our political praxis and our role in the world, in his text entitled “The Political Economy of Public Space”: “We do not, after all, experience the city blankly, and much of what we do absorb from daily life in the city […] surely has some kind of influence on how we are situated in the world and how we think and act politically within it”. The experience of the quotidianity in the balcony contributes significantly to the production and what Arendt calls “common world”. For Arendt, the common world is the very human condition. The Spatial Specificities of the Balcony: The Polykatoikia Balcony in Greece In order to grasp the specificity of the Greek balconies one should interpret them within the context of the emergence of the typology of the so-called ‘polykatoikia’, which in Greek means multi-residence (πολυκατοικία, from πολυ-, meaning multiple, and -κατοικία, meaning residence). The birth of ‘polykatoikia’ is closely related to the need to respond to the great increase of Athens’ population due to the arrival of the refugees from Asia Minor after the defeat of the Greek army in August 1922 and the so-called “Great Fire of Smyrna” in September 1922. Despite the fact that balconies and especially their use in repetition such as in the facades of ‘polykatoikies’ became a point of reference of the facades of the residential buildings in Greece in the twentieth century, the construction of balconies in Greece date backs to Ancient Greece. Since their first occurrences, balconies were conceived as devices aiming at satisfying needs related to hygiene though the increase of air circulation and the enhancement of natural light to a building's interior. Later, wooden balconies were also used in certain typologies of residential buildings of vernacular architecture in the islands of Cyclades and Dodecanese and elsewhere in Greece. These balconies, which also served mostly hygiene purposes, were often made of katráni, a type of cedar imported from Asia Minor. Additionally, in Peloponnese’s vernacular houses, especially in Messini, one encounters four main typologies of semi-outdoor spaces of which the three were variations of the typology of balcony. The ‘polykatoikia’ model is based on the adoption of the horizontal property law of 1929, which allowed and even promoted the emergence of a system of ‘antiparochi’: a cashless contract between the owner of a building site and an entrepreneur who would assure rapid construction of the ‘polykatoikia’ without any financial help from the state and was based on the exchange one’s house and building site for one or more flats in the newly-built ‘polykatoikia’, which would replace the existing building in the site. Thanks to this system, there was a great increase of the building activity, which resulted to the modernization of the Greek cities and offered the possibility to large numbers of citizens to own their own apartments. The system of ‘antiparochi’ also helped to respond to the necessity of building new ‘polykatoikies’ to host the new populations of Greek citizens who moved from smaller cities and villages to Athens after the destruction of the former during the Civil War (1946-1949). The construction of ‘polykatoikies’ was intensified in the late 1950s and reached its peak during the 1960s and 1970s. The ‘polykatoikia’, to a certain extent, morphologically, is an evolution of the Dom-Ino system, introduced by Le Corbusier in 1914. One of the most dominant characteristics of the Greek ‘polykatoikies’ are their extensive outdoor spaces: the large and repetitive linear balconies, which in many cases are continuous and wrap the facades of the ‘polykatoikies’. The size of these balconies is generous compared to that of the balconies of the Haussmannian buildings in Paris with a width of at least two meters in most of the cases. Their size makes them capable of accommodating various activities of the everyday life. They function literally as an extension of the indoor spaces and activities. In most cases, inhabitants place plants, furniture and other home appliances on their balconies. During the warm months of the year the balcony becomes the site of collective family life; of eating, gathering, and entertaining. Contrary to their Parisian counterparts, most of the ‘polykatoikies’ balconies are equipped with textile sunshades that can be moved up and down with the help of a metal mechanism to adapt to the specific needs of the inhabitants in terms of sun and privacy. Regarding the post-war reconstruction in Athens and the large urban centres in Greece, a decisive role played a law that was voted in 1947, the so-called «ΚΗ' Ψήφισμα», which concerned the properties that were built privately but for the middle and upper classes and offered an exempt from tax, while the state facilitated the issuance of building permits and the granting of mortgages. The most intensive period regarding the construction of ‘polykatoikies’ in Greece was between 1957 and 1967, during the boom. During that period, the ‘polykatoikia’ became a status symbol and contributed significantly to the modernisation of living conditions. Those who migrated to the city found in these large balconies a substitute for the private open-air spaces that they were accustomed to from their rural dwellings, but now situated in the dense urban matrix. The ‘polykatoikia’ soon became symbolic of Greek modernisation thanks to its contribution to the ‘hygienisation’ of housing, achieved mainly due to the balconies and amenities such as central heating. Nonetheless, the symbolic value of these balconies for their tenants relied upon an understanding of the benefits of sun in a more spiritual way, which aimed to challenge the rigid hygienic symbolism that was attributed to balconies in northern modernist contexts and should be understood within the context of the politics of ‘mediterraneity’ in Southern Europe. Within the northern modernist contexts, much emphasis was placed on technocratic aspects, through slogans such as “light, air, and openness”, while for the Greeks the balconies not only contributed to the improvement of the hygienic conditions of the residential buildings, but also offered access to the spiritual aspects of natural light. Moreover, the balconies of the Greek ‘polykatoikies’ contribute significantly to the optimisation of the passive heating and cooling strategies. Thanks to their generous size, their vegetation, and their textile sunshades, balconies in Greece have an important impact on the sustainable environmental design of the ‘polykatoikies’, contributing significantly to the air circulation and to the enhancement of the daylight conditions of the indoor spaces.
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Employing the pressure swing adsorption test facility, the proposed final year project (FYP) report seeks to address the gas separation phenomena employing adsorption technology. The adsorption-based gas separation technique is used for food storage, air ventilation and purification application. Therefore, the main goal of the study is to separate O2 and N2 from air and calculate the amount of oxygen purity. The O2 purity is evaluated for various operating conditions ranging from adsorption desorption cycle time to air flow rates. During experiments, several valves are connected to a PLC-CPU such as Siemens SIMATIC S7-200 via a PLC Ladder Program employing highly accurate timers to control the experimental setup. The proposed arrangement aids in automating the entire oxygen production, which makes it capable of running after the times are inputted without any more external control. To adsorb carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapour, respectively, molecular sieves made of silica gel, zeolite JLOX-101, and 13X are employed in the experimental setup. The experimental set up namely pressure swing adsorption (PSA) is affected by adsorption time, the pressure of the feed gas, pressurisation time, feed flow rate, and purge flow rate. In order to achieve the highest possible oxygen purity, these variables are carefully examined and tested. The programmable ladder diagram is used to control the overall system. Secondly the needle valve controls the air flow rate. The combination of ladder control plus needle valve improves the performance of PSA in terms of oxygen purity. The experimental conditions consist of a 2 second adsorption period, a feed gas pressure of 2 bar entering the adsorption bed, a pressurisation time of 0.2s, a feed flow rate entering the adsorption bed at 45, and a purge flow rate of 5 l/min. The results show that the PSA device with two bed adsorption columns provides the oxygen purity up to 87%. However, the O2 purity can be improved by considering four bed adsorption columns. Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
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Työssä tutkitaan lapsen asemaa kaupunkisuunnittelukeskustelussa aikavälillä 1946–1977. Tutkimuksen aineistona on käytetty ajan pamfletteja, julkaisuja, asiantuntijapuheenvuoroja, aikakausilehtiä, lyhytelokuvia ja Suomen tilastollisia vuosikirjoja. Tutkimus lähtee liikkeelle siitä tiedosta, että lasten omaehtoinen liikkuminen on vähentynyt merkittävästi viimeisen viidenkymmenen vuoden aikana. Näin on käynyt siitäkin huolimatta, että omaehtoisen liikkumisen katsotaan olevan tärkeää lapsen sosiaalisen, fyysisen ja psyykkisen kehityksen kannalta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään sitä, miten ajan asiantuntijakeskustelussa konstruoitiin lapsen tarpeita kodin sisätiloissa ja ulkona kaupungissa vuosina 1946–1977. Tutkimusmenetelmä on diskurssianalyysi. Teoreettinen viitekehys liittyy läheisesti Henri Lefebvren tapaan käsitteellistää tilaa ja sen eri muotoja yhteiskunnallisesti tuotettuna ja yhteiskunnan tuottamiseen aktiivisesti osallistuvana elementtinä. Tämän moniulotteisen tilakäsityksen päälle rakentuu työn teoria: lapsen reviiri. Työssä selvitetään kahden diskursiivisen kategorian kautta sitä, minne asiantuntijat määrittelivät lapsen ihannereviirin. Historiantutkimus antaa välineitä tapahtuneen muutoksen ymmärtämiseen. Asiantuntijakeskustelua tutkimalla on mahdollista lähestyä päätöksenteon taustalla vaikuttavia ideologioita ja keskusteluja. Vaihtuvien diskurssien tutkiminen auttaa tavoittamaan niitä perusteita, joihin kunakin aikana esitetty tieto perustaa vääjäämättömyytensä. Lapsen paras oli julkilausuttu tavoite läpi tarkastelujakson, mutta se, mikä nähtiin lapsen parhaana vaihtui kesken tarkastelujakson ja sai uuden suunnan. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisen diskursiivinen kategoria, joka sijoittuu aikavälille 1946–1965 koostuu väittämistä, joissa vaaditaan lapsiperheiden asumisen siirtämistä kaupungin keskustasta maaseutumaisempaan ympäristöön. Keskusteluun osallistuvat kirjoittivat perinteisen kaupungin olevan muiden muassa paheellinen, likainen ja liikenteen vuoksi vaarallinen kasvupaikka lapselle. Vaihtoehdoksi esitetyn puutarhakaupungin luvattiin tarjoavan vapautta, luontoa ja liikkumismahdollisuuksia lapsille. Lasten kirjoitettiin tarvitsevan lisää huolenpitoa, kontrollia ja kehittävää tekemistä. Nämä teemat korostuivat myös kodin sisätiloista käydyissä keskusteluissa. Aineistoissa vaadittiin koteihin lapsille omaa tilaa, hygieenistä elinympäristöä, liikojen kieltojen poistamista, sekä sukupuolenmukaista tilanjakoa. Modernit ihanteet ydinperheestä ja lapsen keskeisyydestä tilanjaossa olivat keskeisiä. Moniulotteiset ongelmat niputettiin sotien jälkeen kaupunkivihan sävyttämän asumiskysymyksen ympärille. Normittamalla ja säätelemällä asumisoloja uskottiin ratkaistavan moninaisia sosiaalisia ongelmia. Lapsen ihannereviiri kulki sodanjälkeisessä kaupungissa ja kodeissa ihanteellisesti katse-etäisyydellä äidistä, hiekkalaatikoilla tai lastenhuoneessa ja iän karttuessa urheilukentillä ja luonnossa. Keskeistä oli se, että lapset harrastaisivat, leikkisivät ja ylläpitäisivät fyysistä kuntoa heille osoitetuissa tiloissa. Omaehtoinen joutenolo nähtiin paitsi ajanhukkana, myös haitallisena. Kun edellisessä kategoriassa kritisoitiin vanhanaikaista kaupunkia lapselle kelvottomana, joutui seuraavassa kategoriassa kritiikin kohteeksi uusi kaupunki: puutarhakaupunki ja lähiöt. Tutkimuksen toisessa diskursiivisessa kategoriassa (1965–1977) lähiössä asuvien lasten kirjoitettiin esimerkiksi eristäytyvän, tylsistyvän, olevan asuinympäristössään liian yksin tai väärässä seurassa. Vanhemmat eivät pystyneet kirjoittajien mukaan valvomaan lapsia toivotulla tavalla. Toisen kategorian ihannereviiri oli kodin sisätiloissa, jonne vanhemmat saattoivat rakentaa puitteet leikkiin. Tällaisia puitteita olivat esimerkiksi keinut ja puolapuut, välineet, joita pidettiin ennen ulkona. Kasvavat asuntokoot ja parantunut asumismukavuus mahdollistivat mielekkään ajanvieton sisätiloissa, joka osaltaan sittemmin passivoi lapsia ja nuoria. Vähenevään omaehtoiseen liikkumiseen kaupungissa vaikutti myös liikenteen voimakas kasvu, sekä lapsiin kohdistuva enenevä kontrolli ja huolenpito. Läpi tarkastelujakson kaupunkiympäristö pysyi puheenvuoroissa lapselle vihamielisenä. Molemmissa diskursiivisissa kategorioissa asiantuntijoiden piirtämä lapsen ihannereviiri määriteltiin sinne, missä se ei häiritsisi moottoriliikenteen kasvua.
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Sovereign debt plays an important role in the public finance and financial stability of a state. The euro crisis and the Greek sovereign debt restructuring in 2012 have caused an increasing interest in sovereign debt in the eurozone. The fact that countries in the eurozone with a weaker economic profile have a more difficult access to funding has provoked economists make suggestions to create seniority in sovereign borrowing. In those proposals, EU countries would pool a portion of their national debt as senior sovereign debt, while national debt beyond this would be treated as junior debt. Although the creation of senior structures in sovereign debt has been widely discussed in the eurozone, there is only very limited research on the legal ways to create seniority in sovereign borrowing. The research questions of this thesis are 1) ‘How does seniority operate in sovereign borrowing from the legal perspective?’ 2) ‘What would be a concrete example creating seniority in sovereign debt of eurozone members?’ and 3) ‘What legal elements should be considered if creating seniority in sovereign debt of eurozone members?’ The thesis will firstly present the suggestions by economists to create seniority in sovereign borrowing and then continue to study sovereign debt The thesis will assess the first research question by introducing the basic concepts of sovereign debt: definition of sovereign debt and default, sovereign debt creditors, debt restructuring and the governing law. Furthermore, the thesis will research the principles of international law affecting the status of a sovereign, the preferred status of international organizations and the interpretation of the pari passu clause in the sovereign debt contracts. To respond to the second research question, the thesis will present a national tranching proposal created by Wendorff and Mahle in detail. To respond to the third research question the thesis will be assessing possibilities for seniority in the eurozone by using a framework of formal, structural and functional elements. The thesis considers that the most likely way to create seniority in sovereign borrowing in the eurozone would be through an agreement, thus the relevant formal elements would be on governing law and on the agreement. Alternatives to governing law would be changing English law, changing national legislations of eurozone countries or creating an international convention with a framework which the contracts could refer to. Important considerations in creating agreements with seniority structures would be the choice of law and contract clauses. From existing systems of law, English law would be the most suitable national law as it is already widely used in sovereign debt contracts in the eurozone. In regard to the contract clauses, the thesis will not suggest any specific clauses to be introduced but looks at the existing contracts already in use in private borrowing and analyses the learnings from the use of pari passu in sovereign borrowing. The nature of sovereign debt as a less-developed area of international law makes the research a bit more dispersed, together with the fact that sovereign debt positions itself in the intersection of private and public international law. Although sovereign debt seniority is much researched from the economic perspective, legal contributions are still few and additional research on the topic is needed. Legal aspects of sovereign debt have a large effect in the development of the EU as a political union, thus in-depth research on the topic is crucial.
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handle: 2437/276201
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Growing interest in public purchasing of car affect competition between companies selling their cars in attracting buyers. One of the efforts the company do to face the competition is doing a sales promotion. Sales promotion activities by the company may seek an increase in sales by influencing purchase decisions of potential customers .. Sales promotion is any deals or short-term incentives that directed to the buyer , retailer or wholesaler and designed to gather a specific response and immediately . This research aims to determine the effect of sales promotions on purchasing Toyota Avanza at Auto 2000 Gatot Subroto, Medan . Forms of sales promotion such as cashback and free accessories are usually taken into consideration in the decision to purchase a car . Purchasing decisions is the process of decisions and actions of people that involved in the purchase and use of the product The population of this research is the buyer of Toyota Avanza . Samples take as much as 75 respondents using sampling technique. Sampling technique that has been used is purposive sampling. The data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to respondents who are buyers of Toyota Avanza . The result of research used partial significant test (t test) showed that the sales promotion of positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions Toyota Avanza with the value of "t" count > “t” table is 4,041> 1,992 and significance 0,000> 0,05. Based on calculations obtained determinant coefficient R value of 0,428 (42,8%), which indicates that the relationship between sales promotions and purchasing decisions were fairly closely. Rated R Square of 0,183 shows that 18,3% variable purchase decision can be explained by the variable sales promotion. 120907098
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This study aims to determine the effect of net cash flow and profitability empirically, either partially or simultaneously on firm value. The ratio used to see profitability is Return On Equitu (ROE). The population of this study is manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2011 – 2012. Selection of samples was conducted using purposive sampling with 11 manufacturing companies. The data used are secondary data. The independent variable in this study is the net cash flow and Return on Equity (ROE) and the dependent variable is the value of the company. The method of analysis used in this study is quantitative method, with the classic assumption test, and the statistical analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the net cash flow variables and simultaneous ROE no significant effect on firm value. Partial test showed that the only variable Return on Equity (ROE) that significantly value of the company, while the net cash flow variable does not significantly affect the value of the company. 120522040
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Quand on le rencontre dans la campagne toulousaine, c’est un paysage qui interpelle et ne laisse pas indifférent. Une composition en plusieurs files d’arbres qui s’allongent dans la longueur d’un champ de blé, d’une prairie...C’est un paysage agroforestier. Et le sujet de la recherche filmique.
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handle: 20.500.11850/499062
To start, it would be interesting to refer to the etymology of the word ‘balcony’. ‘Balcone’ derived from ‘balco’, which in old Italian means ‘scaffold’, and ‘one’, which is an augmentative suffix. It means big scaffold. Balconies differ from their cousins, terraces (because they are cantilevered), and viewing platforms (because they are attached to dwellings). The “Balcony” was one of the elements that was investigated in the Venice Biennale of 2014 curated by Rem Koolhaas, which was devoted to the topic “Elements of Architecture”. The section of the exhibition that was devoted to the ‘Balcony’ curated by Tom Avermaete was structured around three narrative lines: the first narrative line concerned the political role of the balcony, referring to both its micro-political and macro-political dimension, the second narrative line concerned its focal role, while the third narrative line concerned its liminal role. The political role of the balcony became evident in the case of the “renunciation” speech by Eva Perón in Buenos Aires and the first address of the liberated Mandela at the Cape Town City Hall in 1990 among other cases. The second narrative line, which concerned the focal role of the balcony, included a full-size model of a Haussmannian balcony, which should be understood in conjunction with the bourgeois public sphere in 19th century Paris. The Haussmannian balcony was confronted with the modernist transparency of the Bauhaus at Dessau and an Algerian balcony by Fernand Pouillon in which vernacular and modern definitions of the public sphere coincide. The third narrative line of the section of the exhibition devoted to the balcony concerned the liminal role of the balcony and included an ensemble of photographs of collective housing projects. Its objective was to render explicit the capacity of the balcony to articulate the interior and the exterior, the private and the public, the individual and the collective. It paid special attention to its informality and to its capacity to function as an in-between articulating the private and public realms. The exhibition intended to shed light not only on the spatial characteristics of the balcony, but most importantly on its different cultural appropriations and its experiential complexity. The exhibition also included a prototype of a mashrabiya, which is an architectural element which is characteristic of Arabic residences. It is a type of projecting oriel window enclosed with carved wood latticework located on the second story of a building or higher, often lined with stained glass. The life in the balcony is an important aspect of the quotidian life in the Mediterranean cities. As Bernardo Zacka remarks that “[t]he genius of the balcony is to assemble people who live within proximity, but who are otherwise strangers, around a common world of events, experiences and issues”. The very force of the experience of the balcony lies in its in-betweenness, that is to say in the fact that it combines privacy and publicity, as well as interiority and exteriority. The degree of its publicity and exteriority varies from culture to culture. I could refer, for instance, to the architectural element called mashrabiya. Beginning in the Middle Ages, enclosed mashrabiya balconies with ornate latticework were built across much of the Arab world to allow residents to enjoy the fresh breeze while adhering to Islamic laws of privacy. In Ancient Greece, the houses had timber balconies that looked towards the atrium, which was the main source of light towards the interior spaces of the houses. In Ancient Rome, in the Forum, noble spectators had their seats on the balconies (maeniana). A maenianum was a balcony or gallery for spectators at a public show in ancient Rome. In the Renaissance, balustraded balconies became a fixture of many Italian buildings after architect Donato Bramante unveiled the design of his bannister-bound Palazzo Caprini in Rome. Another architectural element that shares some characteristics with the balcony is the loggia, which is a covered exterior gallery or corridor usually on an upper level, or sometimes ground level. The outer wall is open and is usually supported by a series of columns or arches. Loggias can be located either on the front or side of a building and are not meant for entrance but as an out-of-door sitting room. From the early Middle Ages, nearly every Italian comune had an open arched loggia in its main square, which served as a symbol of communal justice and government and as a stage for civic ceremony. During the days of the quarantine due to the COVID-19, the balcony acquired a dominant role in our quotidian life because it is the architectural component that allows the citizens to have access to the public sphere. In order to grasp its significance in our everyday lives, it would be useful to refer to three notions: that of the threshold, that of the common world, and that of ‘rythmanalysis’. Firstly, I will draw upon Aldo Van Eyck’s approach to shed light on the notion of the threshold. Secondly, the concept of ‘common world’ is understood here as Hannah Arendt defined it in her seminal book The Human Condition. Finally, to analyse the notion of ‘rythmanalysis’, I will focus on the way Henri Lefebvre understands this notion in his book entitled Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life, which was originally published as Éléments de rythmanalyse: introduction à la connaissance des rythmes in 1992. Balconies are places open to contingency, where people gather to witness event