doi: 10.23865/hu.v11.2296
Ett av många ansvarsområden som en uppsatshandledare har handlar om att möjliggöra och öppna för studentens självständighet. Självständighet knyts i den här undersökningen till studentens delaktighet i handledningssamtalen, och i det sammanhanget är handledarens frågor till studenten centrala. Syftet är därför att undersöka hur handledarna genom ställandet av frågor öppnar för och möjliggör studentens självständighet. Åtta olika handledarsamtal från två utbildningsprogram analyseras utifrån vilka frågor som ställs, och vilka av dessa frågor som öppnar för och möjliggör självständighet. Tre typer av frågor identifieras som särskilt centrala i handledningssamtalen; öppnande och överlämnande frågor, utvecklande och fördjupande frågor samt utmanande och problematiserande frågor. Variationen mellan samtal och handledare visar sig dock vara stor och det visar sig också finnas skillnader i vilken typ av delaktighet som skapas med hjälp av frågorna.
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citations | 2 | |
popularity | Average | |
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doi: 10.1017/nps.2021.4
AbstractThousands of Roma were killed in Ukraine by the Nazis and auxiliary police on the spot. There are more than 50,000 Roma in today’s Ukraine, represented by second and third generation decendants of the genocide survivors. The discussion on Roma identity cannot be isolated from the memory of the genocide, which makes the struggle over the past a reflexive landmark that mobilizes the Roma movement. About twenty Roma genocide memorials have been erected in Ukraine during last decade, and in 2016 the national memorial of the Roma genocide was opened in Babi Yar. However, scholars do not have a clear picture of memory narratives and memory practices of the Roma genocide in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the contemporary situation is not possible without an examination of the history and memory of the Roma genocide before 1991.
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citations | 2 | |
popularity | Average | |
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doi: 10.33063/diva-427679
The purpose of this article is to attempt to identify practices of resistance in supervision meetings, specifically the graduate student’s resistance in relation to the supervisor’s recommendations ...
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Labour mobility within the EU is particularly extensive in the construction sector, with sociolinguistic consequences for those working abroad and for the place of reception. In this article we ana ...
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Green | |
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citations | 3 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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doi: 10.33063/diva-399806
There has been an increase in food products marketed through buzzwords like ‘organic’, ‘local’, ‘recyclable’, ‘Fairtrade’. These have been described as part of a newer kind of ethical or emotional ...
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Green | |
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citations | 1 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Locomotion-based behavioural endpoints have been suggested as suitable sublethal endpoints for human and environmental hazard assessment, as well as for biomonitoring applications. Larval stages of the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus) possess a number of attractive qualities for experimental testing that make it a promising species in behavioural ecotoxicology. Here, we present a study aimed at developing a toolkit for using the sand goby as novel species for ecotoxicological studies and using locomotion as an alternative endpoint in toxicity testing. Exposure to three contaminants (copper (Cu), di-butyl phthalate (DBP) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was tested in the early life stages of the sand goby and the locomotion patterns of the larvae were quantified using an automatic tracking system. In a photo-motor test, sand goby larvae displayed substantially higher activity in light than in dark cycles. Furthermore, all tested compounds exerted behavioural alterations, such as hypo- and hyperactivity. Our experimental results show that sand goby larvae produce robust and quantifiable locomotive responses, which could be used within an ecotoxicological context for assessing the behavioural toxicity of environmental pollutants, with particular relevance in the Nordic region. This study thus suggests that sand goby larvae have potential as an environmentally relevant species for behavioural ecotoxicology, and as such offer an alternative to standard model species.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 4 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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doi: 10.23865/hu.v9.1662
När studenter ska skriva sin första stora uppsats, det vill säga det som i högskoleförordningen betecknas ”självständigt arbete”, möter de delvis andra krav och förväntningar än de stött på tidigare under sin utbildning. Det kan gälla till exempel hur självständiga de förväntas vara, men också att de ska skriva en text som inte bara visar vad de själva har lärt sig utan som också andra kan lära sig av. För några är detta en spännande utmaning, som de ser fram emot, men för andra kan uppgiften framstå som skrämmande och stressande. Hur ska man som kursansvarig kunna entusiasmera och motivera studenter för uppgiften att skriva sitt självständiga arbete, när man samtidigt vill få dem att inse att uppsatsarbetet kan vara både svårt och utmanande och att de måste arbeta hårt för att klara av det? I denna artikel använder jag scaffolding som teoretisk utgångspunkt för att reflektera över detta, i ett resonemang runt vad stress och stöttning kan innebära i detta sammanhang och hur relationen dem emellan kan se ut. Jag utgår från mina erfarenheter som kursansvarig på en självständigt arbete-kurs på ett av lärarutbildningens program.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 1 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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IntroductionThe social media platform Reddit is a contemporary context where we have an opportunity to identify problems experienced by people regarding different aspects of life. The platform is virtually anonymous which might make users discuss their problems more freely. Reddit is divided in subreddits where different subjects are discussed and the discussions are controlled by creators and moderators. I have identified a quite active subreddit targeted towards recovering addicts of benzodiazepines; r/benzorecovery.Objectives* To analyze strategies of recovery in user narrative * To identify techniques commonly used and the how they are described * To construct metadata in order to assess how frequent the discussion of a different techniques areMethodsTechnically, what is done in this study, is adding mark-up metadata to different discussion. A rudimentary form of analysis suitable with a larger digital corpus where content metadata is added (Gilliland Swetland 2000). The metadata is constructed through a hermeneutical method in which the researcher analyses the subreddit.ResultsAnswering question like: Example: DIY-tapering; different ways to limit drug use by using less. 1) how common are discussion of taperings in relation to other subjects? 2) Is tapering commonly discussed together with other subjects and techniques?ConclusionsUsing a method of categorization and metadata mark-up we could gain a good understanding of the problems among recovering benzodiazepine addicts. We will also have the possibility to identify concepts that addicts themselves discuss and relate these to professional concepts thus creating better possibilities of communication between professionals and clients.DisclosureNo significant relationships.
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Green | |
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Det har specialnumret ar ett temanummer om hur kampen om fororten fors i var samtid. Genom att uppmarksamma fororten som en politisk foreteelse, skapad i spanningsfaltet mellan reproduktion och mot ...
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 3 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The aim of this study was to assess trends and inequalities in dental care utilization in Estonia and Lithuania in relation to large-scale macroeconomic changes in 2004-2012.Data on 22,784 individuals in the 20-64 age group were retrieved from nationally representative cross-sectional surveys in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012. Age- and sex-standardized prevalence estimates of past 12-month dental visits were calculated for each study year, stratified by gender, age group, ethnicity, educational level and economic activity. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to assess the independent effect of study year and socioeconomic status on dental visits.The age- and sex-standardized prevalence of dental visits in the past 12 months was 46-52% in Estonia and 61-67% in Lithuania. In 2004-2008, the prevalence of dental visits increased by 5.9 percentage points in both countries and fell in 2008-2010 by 3.8 percentage points in Estonia and 4.6 percentage points in Lithuania. In both countries the prevalence of dental care utilization had increased slightly by 2012, although the increase was statistically insignificant. Results from a logistic regression analysis showed that these differences between study years were not explained by differences in socioeconomic status or oral health conditions. Women, the main ethnic group (only in Estonia), and higher educated and employed persons had significantly higher odds of dental visits in both countries, but the odds were lower for 50-64 year olds in Lithuania.In European Union countries with lower national wealth, the use of dental services is sensitive to macroeconomic changes regardless of the extent of public coverage, at the same time, higher public coverage may not relate to lower inequalities in dental care use.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 9 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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doi: 10.23865/hu.v11.2296
Ett av många ansvarsområden som en uppsatshandledare har handlar om att möjliggöra och öppna för studentens självständighet. Självständighet knyts i den här undersökningen till studentens delaktighet i handledningssamtalen, och i det sammanhanget är handledarens frågor till studenten centrala. Syftet är därför att undersöka hur handledarna genom ställandet av frågor öppnar för och möjliggör studentens självständighet. Åtta olika handledarsamtal från två utbildningsprogram analyseras utifrån vilka frågor som ställs, och vilka av dessa frågor som öppnar för och möjliggör självständighet. Tre typer av frågor identifieras som särskilt centrala i handledningssamtalen; öppnande och överlämnande frågor, utvecklande och fördjupande frågor samt utmanande och problematiserande frågor. Variationen mellan samtal och handledare visar sig dock vara stor och det visar sig också finnas skillnader i vilken typ av delaktighet som skapas med hjälp av frågorna.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 2 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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doi: 10.1017/nps.2021.4
AbstractThousands of Roma were killed in Ukraine by the Nazis and auxiliary police on the spot. There are more than 50,000 Roma in today’s Ukraine, represented by second and third generation decendants of the genocide survivors. The discussion on Roma identity cannot be isolated from the memory of the genocide, which makes the struggle over the past a reflexive landmark that mobilizes the Roma movement. About twenty Roma genocide memorials have been erected in Ukraine during last decade, and in 2016 the national memorial of the Roma genocide was opened in Babi Yar. However, scholars do not have a clear picture of memory narratives and memory practices of the Roma genocide in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the contemporary situation is not possible without an examination of the history and memory of the Roma genocide before 1991.
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Green | |
hybrid |
citations | 2 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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