In the given article we analyze the representation of the period from the recent history- Socialist Yugoslavia- through the case study of national history museum and private exhibition. Although both of the analyzed objects are located in Ljubljana, the metastories which they construct and display are based on the different cultural patterns. We compare the differences of the narratives being used by the private and state institution and apply the visual analysis method together with semi-structured interviews for these purposes. As a result of our research, we show how differs ‘official narration’ compared to the so-called ‘Yugonostalgic’ or ‘Titostalgic’ viewpoint and describe their main characteristics.
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This study shows that upper secondary students’ historical writing maybe influenced by their use of sources from traditional archives versus theiruse of digital sources in databases. A qualitative approach, theoreticalperspectives, and historical empathy seem to be stimulated primarily byusing traditional archives and print sources, while digital archives andsources, in contrast, stimulate the use of quantitative data and a moresocial scientific approach. The results indicate a historiographical shift instudents’ historical thinking, which researchers of history education needto consider in a digital era. The results of this study call for reflections inhistory teaching to make it possible for students to learn and experiencethe double nature of history as part of the humanities and social sciences. Media Places
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Tidernas kyrka står öppen för dig. Lördagen den 26 april inträffar kyrkobyggnadens dag då kyrkor runt om i landet hålls öppna för visning och samling.
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I november år 2003 gick startskottet för den första större systematiska arkeologiska undersökningen av ett slagfält på svensk mark. Under fem dagar avsöktes med metalldetektorer platsen för slaget vid Landskrona. Det nu pågående forskningsprojektet "Introduktion av slagfältsarkeologi i Sydsverige" hade efter tilldelning av medel från Riksantikvarieämbetets fond för Forskning och Utveckling beretts tillfälle att prova vingarna i denna nya disciplin.
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bronze |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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This article considers colonial rhetoric manifested in representations of early settlement in the mining town of Kiruna in northernmost Sweden. Kiruna was founded more than 100 years ago by the LKAB Company with its centre the prosperous mine on Sami land. Continued iron ore mining has made it necessary to relocate the town centre a few kilometres north-east of its original location to ensure the safety of the people. The ongoing process of the town’s transformation due to industrial expansion has given rise to the creation of a memorial park between the town and the mine, in which two historical photographs have been erected on huge concrete blocks. For the Swedish Sami, the indigenous people, the transformation means further exploitation of their reindeer grazing lands and forced adaption to industrial expansion. The historical photographs in the memorial park fit into narratives of colonial expansion and exploration that represent the town’s colonial past. Both pictures are connected to colonial, racialised and gendered space during the early days of industrial colonialism. The context has been set by discussions about what Kiruna “is”, and how it originated. My aim is to study the role of collective memory in mediating a colonial past, by exploring the representations that are connected to and evoked by these pictures. In this progressive transformation of the town, what do these photographic memorials represent in relation to space? What are the values made visible in these photographs? I also discuss the ways in which Kiruna’s history becomes manifested in the town’s transformation and the use of history in urban planning. I argue that, in addressing the colonial history of Kiruna, it is timely to reconsider how memories of a town are communicated into the future by references to the past. I also claim that memory, history, and remembrance and forgetting are represented in this process of history-making and that they intersect gender, class and ethnicity.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 4 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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doi: 10.3390/land6030063
During the twenty-first century, large carnivores have increased in human dominated landscapes after being extinct or nearly extinct. This has resulted in increasing numbers of livestock killed by large carnivores. The intent of this paper is to give a land use-historical perspective on the recent livestock–carnivore conflict in boreal Sweden. More specifically we address: (1) depredation risks (livestock killed by carnivores) and (2) local knowledge of how to protect livestock from predation and whether it survived among pastoralists until the present. This study provides numeric information on carnivores, livestock and depredation, combined with oral information from summer farmers about livestock protection. We compare recent (since 1998) and historical (late nineteenth century) depredation rates in two Swedish counties. In Dalarna recent depredation rates are higher than historical rates while the opposite pattern is seen in Jämtland. Recent depredation rates in Dalarna are twice the recent rates in Jämtland, in contrast to the historical situation. Recent and historical depredation rates are of the same order. Summer farmers traditionally graze their livestock in forested areas where carnivores reside. Interviews show that traditional knowledge of how to protect livestock from carnivores was lost during the twentieth century, but recently new knowledge has developed leading to changes in summer farming practices. The carnivore–livestock situation today differs from the historical situation, not so much in levels of depredation, but mainly regarding the possibilities of farmers to face challenges associated with increasing carnivore populations.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 5 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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doi: 10.1017/nps.2021.4
AbstractThousands of Roma were killed in Ukraine by the Nazis and auxiliary police on the spot. There are more than 50,000 Roma in today’s Ukraine, represented by second and third generation decendants of the genocide survivors. The discussion on Roma identity cannot be isolated from the memory of the genocide, which makes the struggle over the past a reflexive landmark that mobilizes the Roma movement. About twenty Roma genocide memorials have been erected in Ukraine during last decade, and in 2016 the national memorial of the Roma genocide was opened in Babi Yar. However, scholars do not have a clear picture of memory narratives and memory practices of the Roma genocide in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the contemporary situation is not possible without an examination of the history and memory of the Roma genocide before 1991.
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Green | |
hybrid |
citations | 2 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Contextual information is a crucial factor in interdisciplinary research on social networks. At the same time, missing linked data and missing methods for large-scale knowledge networks are a serious limitation. Only few researches have addressed the questions between data science, graph theory and social network analysis. This paper seeks to discuss how this gap can be closed. For this, we use an interdisciplinary approach trying to improve the interdisciplinary exchange and method exchange. We investigate how new methods from computer science, in particular knowledge graphs, can be used within the field of SNA. The contributions of this paper are (1) a knowledge graph model representation of a multi-layer social network, (2) the showcase of examples from different domains and (3) a perspective for more interdisciplinary discussion. We present an innovative solution to discuss coming challenges in SNA with methods from the digital humanities, in particular computer science.
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gold |
citations | 5 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This study follows disabled individuals over their lifespan to examine their mortality risks in 19thcentury society, in comparison to non-disabled people. The aim is to detect whether people, due to their disability, had a higher probability of meeting a premature death. We use Sweden’s 19th-century parish registers to identify people the ministers defined as disabled, and employ theories on deviance and gender to grasp the statistical mortality findings. Disability significantly jeopardized the survival of individuals and particularly of men, probably because impairment limited their chances to match the breadwinner ideals associated with the male gender.
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Green | |
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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In the given article we analyze the representation of the period from the recent history- Socialist Yugoslavia- through the case study of national history museum and private exhibition. Although both of the analyzed objects are located in Ljubljana, the metastories which they construct and display are based on the different cultural patterns. We compare the differences of the narratives being used by the private and state institution and apply the visual analysis method together with semi-structured interviews for these purposes. As a result of our research, we show how differs ‘official narration’ compared to the so-called ‘Yugonostalgic’ or ‘Titostalgic’ viewpoint and describe their main characteristics.
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This study shows that upper secondary students’ historical writing maybe influenced by their use of sources from traditional archives versus theiruse of digital sources in databases. A qualitative approach, theoreticalperspectives, and historical empathy seem to be stimulated primarily byusing traditional archives and print sources, while digital archives andsources, in contrast, stimulate the use of quantitative data and a moresocial scientific approach. The results indicate a historiographical shift instudents’ historical thinking, which researchers of history education needto consider in a digital era. The results of this study call for reflections inhistory teaching to make it possible for students to learn and experiencethe double nature of history as part of the humanities and social sciences. Media Places
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Green | |
bronze |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Tidernas kyrka står öppen för dig. Lördagen den 26 april inträffar kyrkobyggnadens dag då kyrkor runt om i landet hålls öppna för visning och samling.
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bronze |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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I november år 2003 gick startskottet för den första större systematiska arkeologiska undersökningen av ett slagfält på svensk mark. Under fem dagar avsöktes med metalldetektorer platsen för slaget vid Landskrona. Det nu pågående forskningsprojektet "Introduktion av slagfältsarkeologi i Sydsverige" hade efter tilldelning av medel från Riksantikvarieämbetets fond för Forskning och Utveckling beretts tillfälle att prova vingarna i denna nya disciplin.