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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

    Le noyau Borenshult-1, foré à proximité de Motala, à l'est du lac Vättern, dans le centre-sud de la Suède, comprend une succession bien datée et presque complète de carbonates marins marneux déposés relativement près de la terre. Les 34 échantillons de noyau analysés pour la palynologie englobent la partie supérieure du Darriwilian (calcaire de Furudal), l'ensemble du Sandbian (calcaire de Dalby, k-bentonite de Kinnekulle et calcaire de Skagen inférieur) et la partie inférieure du Katian (calcaire de Skagen). L'âge de cet intervalle est bien limité au Darriwilian tardif (tranche de stade Dw3)précoce Katian (Stage slice Ka1), basé sur les conodontes et la datation 206Pb/238U des dépôts de cendres volcaniques. Les échantillons ont produit principalement du phytoplancton marin à parois organiques, principalement des acritarches, avec des chitinozoaires subordonnés, des scolécodontes et des fragments de graptolites. Des palynomorphes terrestres épars, représentés par des cryptospores et des spores triletes, ont également été trouvés dans 23 des échantillons. Un total de 154 espèces d'acritarches correspondant à 53 genres a été identifié, ainsi que de faibles pourcentages de formes anormales (formes teratologiques) d'espèces d'acritarches à certains niveaux. La distribution graphique strati des genres et des espèces a permis trois assemblages palynologiques à distinguer : Assemblage A d'un âge Darriwilien tardif, Assemblage B d'un âge Sandbien (subdivisé en sous-assemblages B1 et B2), et Assemblage C daté comme Katian.Genera tels que Baltisphaeridium, Ordovicidium, Pachysphaeridium et Orthosphaeridum, qui sont communs dans les assemblages de phytoplancton Ordovicien moyen de Baltica, sont bien représentés, avec plusieurs espèces, principalement dans l'Assemblage A et le sous-assemblage B1, jusqu'au Sandbien inférieur.Toutefois, la présence d'une majorité de taxons avec une distribution mondiale soutient le cosmopolitisme des assemblages étudiés, déjà proposé de commencer près de la transition Darriwilian-Sandbian.Notamment, les taxons de phytoplancton avec des affinités siluriennes, précédemment connus de l'Hirnantien, apparaissent pour la première fois dans la partie tardive Darriwilian du noyau de forage Borenshult-1 (Dw3) .Les taxons importants sont Tylotopalla et Metaleiofusa, qui est définitivement établi depuis le début du Sandbian (Ordovicien tardif précoce), ainsi que la première apparition du genre Visbysphaera.Ces événements remettent en question la relation entre l'apparition de morphotypes de phytoplancton pionniers et la glaciation hirnantienne.Autres taxons sans enregistrements pré-siluriens tels que Visbysphaera pirifera subsp.minor, Petaloferidium cazurrum et Dorsennidium cf.D. estrellitae sont ici présents dans le Sandbien, où des lits de bentonite sont intercalés.Le genre Frankea est enregistré pour la première fois chez l'Ordovicien de Suède, suggérant une distribution latitudinale haute à moyenne au lieu d'une distribution périgondwanaise.La plus grande diversité correspond au Darriwilien et en partie aux assemblages de Sandbien, suivie d'un déclin significatif du Katien.Les principaux changements sont observés dans le Sandbien, avec une baisse significative de la diversité, ce qui est probablement lié à une activité volcanique intense ressentie par les lits de bentonite.La diversité ainsi que les taux d'origination et de renouvellement sont les plus bas de l'intervalle portant la suite de K-bentonites, en particulier près de la plus épaisse d'entre elles.La baisse marquée de la diversité dans la partie katienne de la succession, visible à la fois dans les faibles origines et l'abondance, est peut-être liée à une régression au début de la GICE (excursion carbone isotopique de Guttenberg), avec des conditions environnementales et climatiques moins favorables.Les changements dans les assemblages de phytoplancton ainsi que l'apparition de morphologies innovantes d'acritarques ont été précédemment interprétés comme une conséquence de l'environnement et les perturbations climatiques liées à la glaciation de l'Ordovicien. Nous montrons ici que les premières apparitions de ces taxons avancés ont déjà eu lieu environ 15 Ma plus tôt, suggérant qu'une combinaison possible de facteurs tels que les changements du niveau de la mer et le volcanisme a déclenché ces changements, au lieu d'un événement majeur tel que la glaciation hirnantienne. De plus, ces nouvelles découvertes remettent en question les modèles précédents d'évolution et de rayonnement du phytoplancton de l'Ordovicien et font de Baltica un nouveau domaine clé pour la recherche paléogéographique. El núcleo de Borenshult-1, perforado en las proximidades de Motala, al este del lago Vättern en el centro-sur de Suecia, comprende una sucesión bien datada y casi completa de carbonatos marrones marinos depositados relativamente cerca de la tierra. Las 34 muestras de núcleo analizadas para la palinología abarcan la parte superior del Darriwilian (piedra caliza furudal), todo el Sandbian (piedra caliza Dalby, la Kinnekulle K-bentonita y la piedra caliza Skagen inferior) y la parte inferior del Katian (piedra caliza Skagen). La edad de este intervalo está bien restringida al Darriwilian tardío (etapa Dw3)temprano Katian (Stage slice Ka1), basado en conodontes y datación 206Pb/238U de depósitos de ceniza volcánica. Las muestras arrojaron predominantemente fitoplancton de paredes orgánicas marinas, principalmente acritarcos, con quitinozoos subordinados, scolecodontos y fragmentos de graptolitos. También se encontraron palinomorfos terrestres dispersos, representados por criptosporas y esporas triletas, en 23 de las muestras. Se identificaron un total de 154 especies de acritarcos correspondientes a 53 géneros, así como bajos porcentajes de formas anormales (formas teratológicas) de especies de acritarcos en algunos niveles. La distribución gráfica estratigráfica de géneros y especies permitió tres ensamblajes palinológicos. a distinguir: el Ensamblaje A de una edad Darriwiliana tardía, el Ensamblaje B de una edad Sandbiana (subdividido en subensamblajes B1 y B2) y el Ensamblaje C fechado como Katian.Genera como Baltisphaeridium, Ordovicidium, Pachysphaeridium y Orthosphaeridum, que son comunes en los ensamblajes de fitoplancton del Ordovícico Medio de Báltica, están bien representados, con varias especies, principalmente en el Ensamblaje A y el subensamblaje B1, hasta el Sandbiano inferior. Sin embargo, la presencia de una mayoría de taxones con distribución mundial apoya el cosmopolitismo de los ensamblajes estudiados, ya propuesto para comenzar cerca de la transición Darriwilian-Sandbian. Cabe destacar que los taxones de fitoplancton con afinidades silúricas, previamente conocidos del Hirnantiense, aparecen por primera vez en la parte tardía del Darriwiliense del taladro Borenshult-1 (Dw3) .Los taxones importantes que se producen son Tylotopalla y Metaleiofusa, que se establece definitivamente desde el comienzo del Sandbiense (Ordovícico Tardío temprano), junto con la primera aparición del género Visbysphaera. Estas ocurrencias cuestionan la relación entre la aparición de morfotipos de fitoplancton pioneros y la glaciación Hirnantiana. Otros taxones sin registros pre-silúricos como Visbysphaera pirifera subsp.minor, Petaloferidium cazurrum y Dorsennidium cf.D. estrellitae están aquí presentes en el Sandbiano, donde los lechos de bentonita se intercalan. El género Frankea se registra por primera vez en el Ordovícico de Suecia, lo que sugiere una distribución latitudinal alta a media en lugar de una distribución peri-Gondwana. La mayor diversidad corresponde al Darriwiliano y en parte a los conjuntos Sandbianos, seguido de una disminución significativa en el Katiano. Los principales cambios se observan en el Sandbiano, con una caída significativa en la diversidad, que probablemente esté relacionado con la intensa actividad volcánica resentida por los lechos de bentonita. La diversidad, así como las tasas de originación y rotación, son las más bajas en el intervalo que soporta el conjunto de bentonitas K, particularmente cerca de las más gruesas. La marcada caída en la diversidad en la parte katiana de la sucesión, visible tanto en bajas originaciones como en abundancia, posiblemente esté relacionada con una regresión al inicio del GICE (excursión de carbono isotópica de Guttenberg), con condiciones ambientales y climáticas menos favorables. Los cambios en los ensamblajes de fitoplancton junto con el inicio de morfologías innovadoras de acritarcos se interpretaron previamente como consecuencia de la y las perturbaciones climáticas relacionadas con la glaciación del Ordovícico. Aquí mostramos que las primeras apariciones de estos taxones avanzados ya ocurrieron hace unos 15 Ma, lo que sugiere que una posible combinación de factores como los cambios en el nivel del mar y el vulcanismo desencadenaron estos cambios, en lugar de un evento importante como la glaciación de Hirnantian. Además, estos nuevos hallazgos desafían los modelos anteriores de evolución y radiación del fitoplancton del Ordovícico y establecen a Baltica como una nueva área clave para la investigación paleogeográfica. The Borenshult-1 core, drilled in the vicinity of Motala, east of Lake Vättern in south central Sweden, comprises a well-dated and nearly complete succession of marine marly carbonates deposited relatively close to land.The 34 core samples analyzed for palynology encompass the upper part of the Darriwilian (Furudal Limestone), the entire Sandbian (Dalby Limestone, the Kinnekulle K-bentonite and the lower Skagen Limestone) and the lower part of the Katian (Skagen Limestone).The age of this interval is well-constrained to the late Darriwilian (Stage slice Dw3)early Katian (Stage slice Ka1), based on conodonts and 206Pb/238U dating of volcanic ash deposits.The samples yielded predominantly marine organic-walled phytoplankton, mainly acritarchs, with subordinate chitinozoans, scolecodonts and fragments of graptolites.Sparse terrestrial palynomorphs, represented by cryptospores and trilete spores, were also found in 23 of the samples.A total of 154 acritarch species corresponding to 53 genera were identified, as well as low percentages of abnormal forms (teratological forms) of acritarch species at some levels.The strati graphic distribution of genera and species allowed for three palynological assemblages to be distinguished: Assemblage A of a late Darriwilian age, Assemblage B of a Sandbian age (further subdivided into sub-assemblages B1 and B2), and Assemblage C dated as Katian.Genera such as Baltisphaeridium, Ordovicidium, Pachysphaeridium and Orthosphaeridum, which are common in Middle Ordovician phytoplankton assemblages from Baltica, are well represented, with several species, mainly in Assemblage A and sub-assemblage B1, up to the lower Sandbian.However, the presence of a majority of taxa with worldwide distribution supports the cosmopolitanism of the studied assemblages, already proposed to begin near the Darriwilian-Sandbian transition.Notably, phytoplankton taxa with Silurian affinities, previously known from the Hirnantian, appear for the first time in the late Darriwilian part of the Borenshult-1 drillcore (Dw3).Important taxa occurring are Tylotopalla and Metaleiofusa, which is definitively established from the beginning of the Sandbian (early Late Ordovician), together with the first appearance of the genus Visbysphaera.These occurrences question the relationship between the appearance of pioneering phytoplankton morphotypes and the Hirnantian glaciation.Other taxa with no pre-Silurian records such as Visbysphaera pirifera subsp.minor, Petaloferidium cazurrum and Dorsennidium cf.D. estrellitae are here present in the Sandbian, where bentonite beds are intercalated.The genus Frankea is recorded for the first time from the Ordovician of Sweden, suggesting a high to middle latitudinal distribution instead of a peri-Gondwanan distribution.The highest diversity corresponds to the Darriwilian and partly to the Sandbian assemblages, followed by a significant decline in the Katian.The main changes are observed in the Sandbian, with a significant drop in diversity, which is probably related to intense volcanic activity rep resented by the bentonite beds.Diversity as well as origination and turnover rates are the lowest in the interval bearing the suite of K-bentonites, particularly near the thickest of them.The marked drop in diversity in the Katian part of the succession, visible in both low originations and abundance, is possibly related to a regression at the onset of the GICE (Guttenberg isotope carbon excursion), with less favorable environmental and climatic conditions.Changes in phytoplankton assemblages together with the onset of innovative morphologies of acritarchs were previously interpreted as a consequence of environmental and climatic perturbations related to the Ordovician glaciation.Here we show that the first appearances of these advanced taxa already occurred ca 15 Ma earlier, suggesting that a possible combination of factors such as sea level changes and volcanism triggered these changes, instead of a major event such as the Hirnantian glaciation.Additionally, these new findings challenge previous models of evolution and radiation of the Ordovician phytoplankton and set up Baltica as a new key area for paleogeographical research. يشتمل قلب Borenshult -1، الذي تم حفره بالقرب من Motala، شرق بحيرة Vättern في جنوب وسط السويد، على تعاقب جيد وكامل تقريبًا من كربونات المارلي البحرية المودعة بالقرب من الأرض نسبيًا. وتشمل العينات الأساسية الـ 34 التي تم تحليلها لعلم الحفريات الجزء العلوي من Darriwilian (الحجر الجيري الفروي)، و Sandbian بأكمله (Dalby Limestone، و Kinnekulle K - bentonite و Skagen Limestone السفلي) والجزء السفلي من Katian (Skagen Limestone). عمر هذه الفترة مقيد جيدًا بالراحل Darriwilian (شريحة Stage Dw3) في وقت مبكر كاتيان (شريحة المرحلة Ka1)، استنادًا إلى المخروطيات و 206Pb/238U التي يرجع تاريخها إلى رواسب الرماد البركاني. أسفرت العينات في الغالب عن العوالق النباتية البحرية ذات الجدران العضوية، وخاصة أكريتاركس، مع الكيتينوزانات التابعة، والسكولودونات وشظايا الجريبتوليت. كما تم العثور على أشكال أرضية متباينة، ممثلة في أبواغ خفية وأبواغ ثلاثية، في 23 من العينات. تم تحديد ما مجموعه 154 نوعًا من أنواع النرجسية المقابلة لـ 53 جنسًا، بالإضافة إلى نسب مئوية منخفضة من الأشكال غير الطبيعية (الأشكال المسخية) لأنواع النرجسية على بعض المستويات. سمح التوزيع الرسومي الطبقي للأجناس والأنواع بثلاثة تجمعات حركية ليتم تمييزها: التجميع أ في أواخر العصر الدارويلي، التجميع ب في العصر الرملي (مقسم أيضًا إلى تجميعات فرعية B1 و B2)، والتجميع ج المؤرخ بالكاتية .الجنس مثل Baltisphaeridium و Ordovicidium و Pachysphaeridium و Orthosphaeridum، وهي شائعة في تجمعات العوالق النباتية الأوردوفية الوسطى من Baltica، ممثلة تمثيلاً جيدًا، مع العديد من الأنواع، بشكل رئيسي في التجميع أ والتجميع الفرعي B1، حتى Sandbian السفلي. ومع ذلك، فإن وجود غالبية الأصناف ذات التوزيع العالمي يدعم عالمية التجمعات المدروسة، تم اقتراحها بالفعل للبدء بالقرب من التحول الداريويلي- الساندبي. بشكل ملحوظ، تظهر أصناف العوالق النباتية ذات الانتماءات السيلورية، والمعروفة سابقًا من الهيرنانتية، لأول مرة في الجزء الداريويلي المتأخر من النواة الحفرية بورنشولت-1 (Dw3). والأصناف الهامة التي تحدث هي تايلوتوبالا وميتاليوفوسا، والتي تم تأسيسها بشكل نهائي من بداية الساندبيان (الأوردوفيشي المتأخر المبكر)، إلى جانب الظهور الأول لجنس Visbysphaera.The these occurrences question the relationship between the appearance of pioneering phytoplankton morphotypes and the Hirnantian glaciation.Other taxa with no pre - Silurian records such as Visbysphaera pirifera sub.minor, Petaloferidium cazurrum and Dorsennidium cf.D. estrellitae موجودة هنا في Sandbian، حيث يتم إقحام أسرة البنتونيت. يتم تسجيل جنس Frankea لأول مرة من الأوردوفيشي السويدي، مما يشير إلى توزيع خط العرض العالي إلى المتوسط بدلاً من توزيع شبه جندواني. يتوافق أعلى تنوع مع Darriwilian وجزئيًا مع تجمعات Sandbian، يليه انخفاض كبير في Katian. لوحظت التغييرات الرئيسية في Sandbian، مع انخفاض كبير في التنوع، والذي ربما يكون مرتبطًا بممثل النشاط البركاني المكثف المستاء من طبقات البنتونيت. التنوع وكذلك معدلات المنشأ والدوران هي الأدنى في الفترة التي تحمل مجموعة البنتونيت K، خاصة بالقرب من سمكه. من المحتمل أن يكون الانخفاض الملحوظ في التنوع في الجزء الكاتاني من الخلافة، المرئي في كل من المنشأ المنخفض والوفرة، مرتبطًا بالانحدار في بداية GICE (رحلة الكربون بنظائر Guttenberg)، مع ظروف بيئية ومناخية أقل ملاءمة. تم تفسير التغيرات في تجمعات العوالق النباتية جنبًا إلى جنب مع بداية المورفولوجيات المبتكرة للنرجس الصخري سابقًا كنتيجة للظروف البيئية والاضطرابات المناخية المتعلقة بالتجلد الأوردوفيشي. هنا نظهر أن المظاهر الأولى لهذه الأصناف المتقدمة حدثت بالفعل قبل 15 مليون سنة مضت، مما يشير إلى أن مجموعة محتملة من العوامل مثل تغيرات مستوى سطح البحر والبراكين تسببت في هذه التغييرات، بدلاً من حدث كبير مثل التجلد الهيرنانتي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتحدى هذه النتائج الجديدة النماذج السابقة لتطور وإشعاع العوالق النباتية الأوردوفيشية وتضع البلطيقا كمنطقة رئيسية جديدة للبحث في الجغرافيا القديمة.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Digitala Vetenskapli...arrow_drop_down
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    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
    Article . 2023 . Peer-reviewed
    Data sources: DOAJ; Crossref
    Other literature type . 2023
    Data sources: Datacite
    Other literature type . 2023
    Data sources: Datacite

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Digitala Vetenskapli...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
      Article . 2023 . Peer-reviewed
      Data sources: DOAJ; Crossref
      Other literature type . 2023
      Data sources: Datacite
      Other literature type . 2023
      Data sources: Datacite

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Ekström, Moa;

    In 1920s Sweden the concept of Folkhemmet was born and described as a concept and an idea of the modern Swedish well-fare state where the nation was considered a family. Through governmental founding, a new modern Sweden was planned. The first suburbs was introduced in 1930 and the 1950s the next project was finished, the so-called ABC-staden (ABC-town in English). One of the suburbs belonging to the ABC-town project was Rågsved, a place which is associated with the Swedish punk movement and the cultural association of Oasen. In 1965 the next building project was introduced, now called Miljonprogrammet. Miljonprogrammet became criticized for being a constant working place and isolating citizens in the suburbs, leading to segregation. A furthermore consequence of the segregation was when working-class families got a better economy and left the traditional apartment housing for newly produced town halls it opened for low-income families to move in. Meanwhile, the media framing of the suburb also began to change. The narrative of the suburb had previously been a hope for a bright better future for families to live in, but it later changed to be a place for criminality, under-employment, alcoholism, and substance abuse. Teenagers and young adults stuck at the bottom of the economic chain were affected worst by this change. This also occurred with the oil crisis in the late 1970s, making the end of the Swedish record years. The Swedish punk movement was introduced in 1976 inspired by the British and American punk scene. The movement established itself in the suburbs among young adults who did not feel like they were heard. The movement was, in difference to previous youth cultures, political which affected the message of the movement. In the capital of Stockholm, punk rockers found themselves wanting something more, a place outside the centre of the city where they all could have a place to be. This project later resulted in the cultural association of Oasen in Rågsved. In 1979 after the city council of Vantör decided to throw out the association they answered by occupying the locale. They demanded a place to feel at home in the suburb they lived in. This thesis is discussing the modern Swedish suburb using the Swedish punk movement as a historic example. The thesis’s theoretical framework focuses on intersectionality, place, space, and journalistic framing. 

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Publikationer från S...arrow_drop_down
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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Salonikidis, Konstantinos;

    This thesis on the Swedish voluntary women’s defence organisation Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårer (SLK), studies how the board and the members of SLK discussed the problems and the meaning of voluntary defence work during the 1960s and 1970s. Furthermore the thesis aims to engage with previous research and give an explanation to why people may be interested in voluntary defence. Views varied greatly within SLK: some meant that the voluntary grounds of participation gave a sense of elite status to the organisation; however others saw voluntary work as untenable, since more women at the time had both work and family obligations. Another issue was professionalisation versus socialisation. While some members wanted to see a centralisation and professionalisation of the organisation, others found it more important to safeguard the social functions and independence of the local corps unit. The results suggest that gender structures as well as individual agency create multiple reasons and meanings behind voluntary defence work.

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    Authors: Andrej Kotljarchuk;

    AbstractThousands of Roma were killed in Ukraine by the Nazis and auxiliary police on the spot. There are more than 50,000 Roma in today’s Ukraine, represented by second and third generation decendants of the genocide survivors. The discussion on Roma identity cannot be isolated from the memory of the genocide, which makes the struggle over the past a reflexive landmark that mobilizes the Roma movement. About twenty Roma genocide memorials have been erected in Ukraine during last decade, and in 2016 the national memorial of the Roma genocide was opened in Babi Yar. However, scholars do not have a clear picture of memory narratives and memory practices of the Roma genocide in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the contemporary situation is not possible without an examination of the history and memory of the Roma genocide before 1991.

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    Nationalities Papers
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    Nationalities Papers
    Article . 2021 . Peer-reviewed
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      Nationalities Papers
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      Nationalities Papers
      Article . 2021 . Peer-reviewed
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    Authors: Svensson, Eva; Pettersson, Susanne; Nilsson, Stefan; Johansson, Annie; +6 Authors
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    Authors: Radicchia, Gloria;

    The Nigeria-Biafra war (1967-70) was a critical event for the country and on an international level: furthermore, it forged forever the memory and narrative of Igbo people, authors, politicians and activists and minority groups. I chose this topic because I have always been interested in how political issues have been represented and argued in literature, how the authors and intellectuals have narrated the struggle and the fracture of such a complex nation as Nigeria and how much powerful collective memory can be for the personal and cultural story of a population. What can make the difference in remembering is even how a story and a particular memory is narrated through time. The aim of this thesis is therefore to explore the meaning of the political use of memory of the war through the testimonies of two contemporary fictional novels by Nigerian writers.

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    Authors: Johansson, Philip;

    The purpose of this study have been to follow the swedish public press debate about refugees, under the period 1939-1946. The study have been achieved with a quantitative approach for the purpose of describing how active the refugee-question was in the public debate. In a qualitative increase of the original stance the study also covered the different values that have been found to be connected to the refugee debate. My sourcematerial was made out of 15 contemporary newspapers. The newspapers have been gathered with a concept-search consisting of the conceptwords refugee and ”foreigner”. The qualitative and quantative research were supported by the agenda-setting theory. The agenda-setting theory describes how the media decides which questions is perceived as important in the public conversation. Different media, for example newspapers, are creating an agenda through their selection of topics which is then transfered to the reader. The professors Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw have shown that the agenda-setting function is, in some senses, controlling the public conversation. In the qualitative research, the words refugee and “foreigner”, have been found to be less active from 1939-1942, followed by an increase later in the research period. The result of the quantative research points have found a connection between the newspapers political faction and how much they used the searchwords. A similar connection have also been discovered, linking how often the resarchwords where used with the newspapers regional position. In the purpose of expanding the research with a qualitative aproach I have discovered a verity of values in the refugee debate that have been categorized with Mikael Byströms opinion-patterns, the included, the excluded and the acceptance pattern. Key words: Refugee, Agenda-setting function, Press

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    Authors: Håkansson, Julia;
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    Authors: Josephson, Peter; Lundgren, Frans;
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    Authors: de Lussanet de la Sablonière, Anouk;

    In December 1979, NATO adopted Dual Track. This resolution had two tracks: the modernisation of NATO’s Theatre Nuclear Forces and an offer to arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union. At the time, the Netherlands conditionally accepted Dual Track. Dutch opposition to nuclear modernisation was too great. The government postponed the decision for two years, linking it to the results of arms control negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union. In the end, the postponement would last for six years. The crisis that followed the Dual Track decision would become known as the Euromissile Crisis. The goal of this thesis is two-fold. On the one hand, the goal is to explore the reasoning behind this postponement. It will look into the domestic and international factors that influenced Dutch decision-making. The Dutch public did not want to deploy new missiles, whereas the NATO allies pressured the government to make a decision. This thesis has shown that domestic pressures were incredibly influential at the beginning of the crisis. That is why Dual Track was conditionally accepted. However, international factors, such as the need for solidarity within NATO, increased significantly over time. On the other hand, it researches how Dutch margins for manoeuvre were increased during the Euromissile Crisis. In line with New Cold War History, this thesis argues that the Netherlands was not just a small state that had to follow the path the bigger NATO states decided. There was the opportunity to push its own agenda.

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    Le noyau Borenshult-1, foré à proximité de Motala, à l'est du lac Vättern, dans le centre-sud de la Suède, comprend une succession bien datée et presque complète de carbonates marins marneux déposés relativement près de la terre. Les 34 échantillons de noyau analysés pour la palynologie englobent la partie supérieure du Darriwilian (calcaire de Furudal), l'ensemble du Sandbian (calcaire de Dalby, k-bentonite de Kinnekulle et calcaire de Skagen inférieur) et la partie inférieure du Katian (calcaire de Skagen). L'âge de cet intervalle est bien limité au Darriwilian tardif (tranche de stade Dw3)précoce Katian (Stage slice Ka1), basé sur les conodontes et la datation 206Pb/238U des dépôts de cendres volcaniques. Les échantillons ont produit principalement du phytoplancton marin à parois organiques, principalement des acritarches, avec des chitinozoaires subordonnés, des scolécodontes et des fragments de graptolites. Des palynomorphes terrestres épars, représentés par des cryptospores et des spores triletes, ont également été trouvés dans 23 des échantillons. Un total de 154 espèces d'acritarches correspondant à 53 genres a été identifié, ainsi que de faibles pourcentages de formes anormales (formes teratologiques) d'espèces d'acritarches à certains niveaux. La distribution graphique strati des genres et des espèces a permis trois assemblages palynologiques à distinguer : Assemblage A d'un âge Darriwilien tardif, Assemblage B d'un âge Sandbien (subdivisé en sous-assemblages B1 et B2), et Assemblage C daté comme Katian.Genera tels que Baltisphaeridium, Ordovicidium, Pachysphaeridium et Orthosphaeridum, qui sont communs dans les assemblages de phytoplancton Ordovicien moyen de Baltica, sont bien représentés, avec plusieurs espèces, principalement dans l'Assemblage A et le sous-assemblage B1, jusqu'au Sandbien inférieur.Toutefois, la présence d'une majorité de taxons avec une distribution mondiale soutient le cosmopolitisme des assemblages étudiés, déjà proposé de commencer près de la transition Darriwilian-Sandbian.Notamment, les taxons de phytoplancton avec des affinités siluriennes, précédemment connus de l'Hirnantien, apparaissent pour la première fois dans la partie tardive Darriwilian du noyau de forage Borenshult-1 (Dw3) .Les taxons importants sont Tylotopalla et Metaleiofusa, qui est définitivement établi depuis le début du Sandbian (Ordovicien tardif précoce), ainsi que la première apparition du genre Visbysphaera.Ces événements remettent en question la relation entre l'apparition de morphotypes de phytoplancton pionniers et la glaciation hirnantienne.Autres taxons sans enregistrements pré-siluriens tels que Visbysphaera pirifera subsp.minor, Petaloferidium cazurrum et Dorsennidium cf.D. estrellitae sont ici présents dans le Sandbien, où des lits de bentonite sont intercalés.Le genre Frankea est enregistré pour la première fois chez l'Ordovicien de Suède, suggérant une distribution latitudinale haute à moyenne au lieu d'une distribution périgondwanaise.La plus grande diversité correspond au Darriwilien et en partie aux assemblages de Sandbien, suivie d'un déclin significatif du Katien.Les principaux changements sont observés dans le Sandbien, avec une baisse significative de la diversité, ce qui est probablement lié à une activité volcanique intense ressentie par les lits de bentonite.La diversité ainsi que les taux d'origination et de renouvellement sont les plus bas de l'intervalle portant la suite de K-bentonites, en particulier près de la plus épaisse d'entre elles.La baisse marquée de la diversité dans la partie katienne de la succession, visible à la fois dans les faibles origines et l'abondance, est peut-être liée à une régression au début de la GICE (excursion carbone isotopique de Guttenberg), avec des conditions environnementales et climatiques moins favorables.Les changements dans les assemblages de phytoplancton ainsi que l'apparition de morphologies innovantes d'acritarques ont été précédemment interprétés comme une conséquence de l'environnement et les perturbations climatiques liées à la glaciation de l'Ordovicien. Nous montrons ici que les premières apparitions de ces taxons avancés ont déjà eu lieu environ 15 Ma plus tôt, suggérant qu'une combinaison possible de facteurs tels que les changements du niveau de la mer et le volcanisme a déclenché ces changements, au lieu d'un événement majeur tel que la glaciation hirnantienne. De plus, ces nouvelles découvertes remettent en question les modèles précédents d'évolution et de rayonnement du phytoplancton de l'Ordovicien et font de Baltica un nouveau domaine clé pour la recherche paléogéographique. El núcleo de Borenshult-1, perforado en las proximidades de Motala, al este del lago Vättern en el centro-sur de Suecia, comprende una sucesión bien datada y casi completa de carbonatos marrones marinos depositados relativamente cerca de la tierra. Las 34 muestras de núcleo analizadas para la palinología abarcan la parte superior del Darriwilian (piedra caliza furudal), todo el Sandbian (piedra caliza Dalby, la Kinnekulle K-bentonita y la piedra caliza Skagen inferior) y la parte inferior del Katian (piedra caliza Skagen). La edad de este intervalo está bien restringida al Darriwilian tardío (etapa Dw3)temprano Katian (Stage slice Ka1), basado en conodontes y datación 206Pb/238U de depósitos de ceniza volcánica. Las muestras arrojaron predominantemente fitoplancton de paredes orgánicas marinas, principalmente acritarcos, con quitinozoos subordinados, scolecodontos y fragmentos de graptolitos. También se encontraron palinomorfos terrestres dispersos, representados por criptosporas y esporas triletas, en 23 de las muestras. Se identificaron un total de 154 especies de acritarcos correspondientes a 53 géneros, así como bajos porcentajes de formas anormales (formas teratológicas) de especies de acritarcos en algunos niveles. La distribución gráfica estratigráfica de géneros y especies permitió tres ensamblajes palinológicos. a distinguir: el Ensamblaje A de una edad Darriwiliana tardía, el Ensamblaje B de una edad Sandbiana (subdividido en subensamblajes B1 y B2) y el Ensamblaje C fechado como Katian.Genera como Baltisphaeridium, Ordovicidium, Pachysphaeridium y Orthosphaeridum, que son comunes en los ensamblajes de fitoplancton del Ordovícico Medio de Báltica, están bien representados, con varias especies, principalmente en el Ensamblaje A y el subensamblaje B1, hasta el Sandbiano inferior. Sin embargo, la presencia de una mayoría de taxones con distribución mundial apoya el cosmopolitismo de los ensamblajes estudiados, ya propuesto para comenzar cerca de la transición Darriwilian-Sandbian. Cabe destacar que los taxones de fitoplancton con afinidades silúricas, previamente conocidos del Hirnantiense, aparecen por primera vez en la parte tardía del Darriwiliense del taladro Borenshult-1 (Dw3) .Los taxones importantes que se producen son Tylotopalla y Metaleiofusa, que se establece definitivamente desde el comienzo del Sandbiense (Ordovícico Tardío temprano), junto con la primera aparición del género Visbysphaera. Estas ocurrencias cuestionan la relación entre la aparición de morfotipos de fitoplancton pioneros y la glaciación Hirnantiana. Otros taxones sin registros pre-silúricos como Visbysphaera pirifera subsp.minor, Petaloferidium cazurrum y Dorsennidium cf.D. estrellitae están aquí presentes en el Sandbiano, donde los lechos de bentonita se intercalan. El género Frankea se registra por primera vez en el Ordovícico de Suecia, lo que sugiere una distribución latitudinal alta a media en lugar de una distribución peri-Gondwana. La mayor diversidad corresponde al Darriwiliano y en parte a los conjuntos Sandbianos, seguido de una disminución significativa en el Katiano. Los principales cambios se observan en el Sandbiano, con una caída significativa en la diversidad, que probablemente esté relacionado con la intensa actividad volcánica resentida por los lechos de bentonita. La diversidad, así como las tasas de originación y rotación, son las más bajas en el intervalo que soporta el conjunto de bentonitas K, particularmente cerca de las más gruesas. La marcada caída en la diversidad en la parte katiana de la sucesión, visible tanto en bajas originaciones como en abundancia, posiblemente esté relacionada con una regresión al inicio del GICE (excursión de carbono isotópica de Guttenberg), con condiciones ambientales y climáticas menos favorables. Los cambios en los ensamblajes de fitoplancton junto con el inicio de morfologías innovadoras de acritarcos se interpretaron previamente como consecuencia de la y las perturbaciones climáticas relacionadas con la glaciación del Ordovícico. Aquí mostramos que las primeras apariciones de estos taxones avanzados ya ocurrieron hace unos 15 Ma, lo que sugiere que una posible combinación de factores como los cambios en el nivel del mar y el vulcanismo desencadenaron estos cambios, en lugar de un evento importante como la glaciación de Hirnantian. Además, estos nuevos hallazgos desafían los modelos anteriores de evolución y radiación del fitoplancton del Ordovícico y establecen a Baltica como una nueva área clave para la investigación paleogeográfica. The Borenshult-1 core, drilled in the vicinity of Motala, east of Lake Vättern in south central Sweden, comprises a well-dated and nearly complete succession of marine marly carbonates deposited relatively close to land.The 34 core samples analyzed for palynology encompass the upper part of the Darriwilian (Furudal Limestone), the entire Sandbian (Dalby Limestone, the Kinnekulle K-bentonite and the lower Skagen Limestone) and the lower part of the Katian (Skagen Limestone).The age of this interval is well-constrained to the late Darriwilian (Stage slice Dw3)early Katian (Stage slice Ka1), based on conodonts and 206Pb/238U dating of volcanic ash deposits.The samples yielded predominantly marine organic-walled phytoplankton, mainly acritarchs, with subordinate chitinozoans, scolecodonts and fragments of graptolites.Sparse terrestrial palynomorphs, represented by cryptospores and trilete spores, were also found in 23 of the samples.A total of 154 acritarch species corresponding to 53 genera were identified, as well as low percentages of abnormal forms (teratological forms) of acritarch species at some levels.The strati graphic distribution of genera and species allowed for three palynological assemblages to be distinguished: Assemblage A of a late Darriwilian age, Assemblage B of a Sandbian age (further subdivided into sub-assemblages B1 and B2), and Assemblage C dated as Katian.Genera such as Baltisphaeridium, Ordovicidium, Pachysphaeridium and Orthosphaeridum, which are common in Middle Ordovician phytoplankton assemblages from Baltica, are well represented, with several species, mainly in Assemblage A and sub-assemblage B1, up to the lower Sandbian.However, the presence of a majority of taxa with worldwide distribution supports the cosmopolitanism of the studied assemblages, already proposed to begin near the Darriwilian-Sandbian transition.Notably, phytoplankton taxa with Silurian affinities, previously known from the Hirnantian, appear for the first time in the late Darriwilian part of the Borenshult-1 drillcore (Dw3).Important taxa occurring are Tylotopalla and Metaleiofusa, which is definitively established from the beginning of the Sandbian (early Late Ordovician), together with the first appearance of the genus Visbysphaera.These occurrences question the relationship between the appearance of pioneering phytoplankton morphotypes and the Hirnantian glaciation.Other taxa with no pre-Silurian records such as Visbysphaera pirifera subsp.minor, Petaloferidium cazurrum and Dorsennidium cf.D. estrellitae are here present in the Sandbian, where bentonite beds are intercalated.The genus Frankea is recorded for the first time from the Ordovician of Sweden, suggesting a high to middle latitudinal distribution instead of a peri-Gondwanan distribution.The highest diversity corresponds to the Darriwilian and partly to the Sandbian assemblages, followed by a significant decline in the Katian.The main changes are observed in the Sandbian, with a significant drop in diversity, which is probably related to intense volcanic activity rep resented by the bentonite beds.Diversity as well as origination and turnover rates are the lowest in the interval bearing the suite of K-bentonites, particularly near the thickest of them.The marked drop in diversity in the Katian part of the succession, visible in both low originations and abundance, is possibly related to a regression at the onset of the GICE (Guttenberg isotope carbon excursion), with less favorable environmental and climatic conditions.Changes in phytoplankton assemblages together with the onset of innovative morphologies of acritarchs were previously interpreted as a consequence of environmental and climatic perturbations related to the Ordovician glaciation.Here we show that the first appearances of these advanced taxa already occurred ca 15 Ma earlier, suggesting that a possible combination of factors such as sea level changes and volcanism triggered these changes, instead of a major event such as the Hirnantian glaciation.Additionally, these new findings challenge previous models of evolution and radiation of the Ordovician phytoplankton and set up Baltica as a new key area for paleogeographical research. يشتمل قلب Borenshult -1، الذي تم حفره بالقرب من Motala، شرق بحيرة Vättern في جنوب وسط السويد، على تعاقب جيد وكامل تقريبًا من كربونات المارلي البحرية المودعة بالقرب من الأرض نسبيًا. وتشمل العينات الأساسية الـ 34 التي تم تحليلها لعلم الحفريات الجزء العلوي من Darriwilian (الحجر الجيري الفروي)، و Sandbian بأكمله (Dalby Limestone، و Kinnekulle K - bentonite و Skagen Limestone السفلي) والجزء السفلي من Katian (Skagen Limestone). عمر هذه الفترة مقيد جيدًا بالراحل Darriwilian (شريحة Stage Dw3) في وقت مبكر كاتيان (شريحة المرحلة Ka1)، استنادًا إلى المخروطيات و 206Pb/238U التي يرجع تاريخها إلى رواسب الرماد البركاني. أسفرت العينات في الغالب عن العوالق النباتية البحرية ذات الجدران العضوية، وخاصة أكريتاركس، مع الكيتينوزانات التابعة، والسكولودونات وشظايا الجريبتوليت. كما تم العثور على أشكال أرضية متباينة، ممثلة في أبواغ خفية وأبواغ ثلاثية، في 23 من العينات. تم تحديد ما مجموعه 154 نوعًا من أنواع النرجسية المقابلة لـ 53 جنسًا، بالإضافة إلى نسب مئوية منخفضة من الأشكال غير الطبيعية (الأشكال المسخية) لأنواع النرجسية على بعض المستويات. سمح التوزيع الرسومي الطبقي للأجناس والأنواع بثلاثة تجمعات حركية ليتم تمييزها: التجميع أ في أواخر العصر الدارويلي، التجميع ب في العصر الرملي (مقسم أيضًا إلى تجميعات فرعية B1 و B2)، والتجميع ج المؤرخ بالكاتية .الجنس مثل Baltisphaeridium و Ordovicidium و Pachysphaeridium و Orthosphaeridum، وهي شائعة في تجمعات العوالق النباتية الأوردوفية الوسطى من Baltica، ممثلة تمثيلاً جيدًا، مع العديد من الأنواع، بشكل رئيسي في التجميع أ والتجميع الفرعي B1، حتى Sandbian السفلي. ومع ذلك، فإن وجود غالبية الأصناف ذات التوزيع العالمي يدعم عالمية التجمعات المدروسة، تم اقتراحها بالفعل للبدء بالقرب من التحول الداريويلي- الساندبي. بشكل ملحوظ، تظهر أصناف العوالق النباتية ذات الانتماءات السيلورية، والمعروفة سابقًا من الهيرنانتية، لأول مرة في الجزء الداريويلي المتأخر من النواة الحفرية بورنشولت-1 (Dw3). والأصناف الهامة التي تحدث هي تايلوتوبالا وميتاليوفوسا، والتي تم تأسيسها بشكل نهائي من بداية الساندبيان (الأوردوفيشي المتأخر المبكر)، إلى جانب الظهور الأول لجنس Visbysphaera.The these occurrences question the relationship between the appearance of pioneering phytoplankton morphotypes and the Hirnantian glaciation.Other taxa with no pre - Silurian records such as Visbysphaera pirifera sub.minor, Petaloferidium cazurrum and Dorsennidium cf.D. estrellitae موجودة هنا في Sandbian، حيث يتم إقحام أسرة البنتونيت. يتم تسجيل جنس Frankea لأول مرة من الأوردوفيشي السويدي، مما يشير إلى توزيع خط العرض العالي إلى المتوسط بدلاً من توزيع شبه جندواني. يتوافق أعلى تنوع مع Darriwilian وجزئيًا مع تجمعات Sandbian، يليه انخفاض كبير في Katian. لوحظت التغييرات الرئيسية في Sandbian، مع انخفاض كبير في التنوع، والذي ربما يكون مرتبطًا بممثل النشاط البركاني المكثف المستاء من طبقات البنتونيت. التنوع وكذلك معدلات المنشأ والدوران هي الأدنى في الفترة التي تحمل مجموعة البنتونيت K، خاصة بالقرب من سمكه. من المحتمل أن يكون الانخفاض الملحوظ في التنوع في الجزء الكاتاني من الخلافة، المرئي في كل من المنشأ المنخفض والوفرة، مرتبطًا بالانحدار في بداية GICE (رحلة الكربون بنظائر Guttenberg)، مع ظروف بيئية ومناخية أقل ملاءمة. تم تفسير التغيرات في تجمعات العوالق النباتية جنبًا إلى جنب مع بداية المورفولوجيات المبتكرة للنرجس الصخري سابقًا كنتيجة للظروف البيئية والاضطرابات المناخية المتعلقة بالتجلد الأوردوفيشي. هنا نظهر أن المظاهر الأولى لهذه الأصناف المتقدمة حدثت بالفعل قبل 15 مليون سنة مضت، مما يشير إلى أن مجموعة محتملة من العوامل مثل تغيرات مستوى سطح البحر والبراكين تسببت في هذه التغييرات، بدلاً من حدث كبير مثل التجلد الهيرنانتي. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تتحدى هذه النتائج الجديدة النماذج السابقة لتطور وإشعاع العوالق النباتية الأوردوفيشية وتضع البلطيقا كمنطقة رئيسية جديدة للبحث في الجغرافيا القديمة.

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    Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
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      Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
      Article . 2023 . Peer-reviewed
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    Authors: Ekström, Moa;

    In 1920s Sweden the concept of Folkhemmet was born and described as a concept and an idea of the modern Swedish well-fare state where the nation was considered a family. Through governmental founding, a new modern Sweden was planned. The first suburbs was introduced in 1930 and the 1950s the next project was finished, the so-called ABC-staden (ABC-town in English). One of the suburbs belonging to the ABC-town project was Rågsved, a place which is associated with the Swedish punk movement and the cultural association of Oasen. In 1965 the next building project was introduced, now called Miljonprogrammet. Miljonprogrammet became criticized for being a constant working place and isolating citizens in the suburbs, leading to segregation. A furthermore consequence of the segregation was when working-class families got a better economy and left the traditional apartment housing for newly produced town halls it opened for low-income families to move in. Meanwhile, the media framing of the suburb also began to change. The narrative of the suburb had previously been a hope for a bright better future for families to live in, but it later changed to be a place for criminality, under-employment, alcoholism, and substance abuse. Teenagers and young adults stuck at the bottom of the economic chain were affected worst by this change. This also occurred with the oil crisis in the late 1970s, making the end of the Swedish record years. The Swedish punk movement was introduced in 1976 inspired by the British and American punk scene. The movement established itself in the suburbs among young adults who did not feel like they were heard. The movement was, in difference to previous youth cultures, political which affected the message of the movement. In the capital of Stockholm, punk rockers found themselves wanting something more, a place outside the centre of the city where they all could have a place to be. This project later resulted in the cultural association of Oasen in Rågsved. In 1979 after the city council of Vantör decided to throw out the association they answered by occupying the locale. They demanded a place to feel at home in the suburb they lived in. This thesis is discussing the modern Swedish suburb using the Swedish punk movement as a historic example. The thesis’s theoretical framework focuses on intersectionality, place, space, and journalistic framing. 

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    Authors: Salonikidis, Konstantinos;

    This thesis on the Swedish voluntary women’s defence organisation Riksförbundet Sveriges lottakårer (SLK), studies how the board and the members of SLK discussed the problems and the meaning of voluntary defence work during the 1960s and 1970s. Furthermore the thesis aims to engage with previous research and give an explanation to why people may be interested in voluntary defence. Views varied greatly within SLK: some meant that the voluntary grounds of participation gave a sense of elite status to the organisation; however others saw voluntary work as untenable, since more women at the time had both work and family obligations. Another issue was professionalisation versus socialisation. While some members wanted to see a centralisation and professionalisation of the organisation, others found it more important to safeguard the social functions and independence of the local corps unit. The results suggest that gender structures as well as individual agency create multiple reasons and meanings behind voluntary defence work.

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    Authors: Andrej Kotljarchuk;

    AbstractThousands of Roma were killed in Ukraine by the Nazis and auxiliary police on the spot. There are more than 50,000 Roma in today’s Ukraine, represented by second and third generation decendants of the genocide survivors. The discussion on Roma identity cannot be isolated from the memory of the genocide, which makes the struggle over the past a reflexive landmark that mobilizes the Roma movement. About twenty Roma genocide memorials have been erected in Ukraine during last decade, and in 2016 the national memorial of the Roma genocide was opened in Babi Yar. However, scholars do not have a clear picture of memory narratives and memory practices of the Roma genocide in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the contemporary situation is not possible without an examination of the history and memory of the Roma genocide before 1991.

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    Nationalities Papers
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    Nationalities Papers
    Article . 2021 . Peer-reviewed
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      Nationalities Papers
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      Nationalities Papers
      Article . 2021 . Peer-reviewed
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    Authors: Svensson, Eva; Pettersson, Susanne; Nilsson, Stefan; Johansson, Annie; +6 Authors
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