Histoire des mouvements féministes américains des origines à 1974, analyse des idées et des groupes. History of American feminist movements from the beginnings to 1974, analysis of ideas and groups..
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handle: 10986/14828
The dialogue initiated at Lambeth -- continued at a second meeting of faith and development leaders in November 1999 and then at the third meeting in Canterbury, on which this booklet is based -- has endeavored to bridge these gaps. Organizers of the Canterbury meeting documented some case studies of partnerships between faith and development institutions, summarized in this booklet, as background for the gathering. These cases, many of which had previously been only partially documented, reveal a diversity of experience across countries, regions, and sectors on which to build. The Canterbury meeting sought to move beyond dialogue to ideas for specific joint faith-development initiatives and programs. The Millennium Development Goals -- which represent a new global determination to mobilize energy, passion, and resources to fulfill tangible, measurable imperatives for human health and well-being-served as a springboard for discussion and provide a framework for future partnerships. The goals are straightforward: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and empower women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; and develop a global partnership for development. Global leaders and institutions such as the World Bank are committed to judging their performance against these goals.
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Der Band bildet den dritten Teil der Publikationen, die aus dem Forschungs- und Studienprogramm des Graduiertenkollegs "Die christlichen Kirchen vor der Herausforderung 'Europa' (1890 bis zur Gegenwart)" erwachsen sind. In den Beiträgen gehen die Autorinnen und Autoren der Frage nach, wie im 20. und dem beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert über das Verhältnis der Kirchen, deren Akteure und Institutionen, zu Europa nachgedacht wurde.
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Der Band versammelt die Beiträge eines Kolloquiums aus dem Jahr 2018, das am Ende der neunjährigen interdisziplinären Forschung des Graduiertenkollegs "Die christlichen Kirchen vor der Herausforderung 'Europa'" stand. Die Beiträge widmen sich den Themenfeldern Europaverständnis der christlichen Kirchen, Europa im Zeichen von Versöhnung und Ökumene sowie Recht und Ethik vor der Herausforderung "Europa" und gewähren damit einen Einblick in die laufende Forschung über die Positionierung der christlichen Kirchen zur Frage "Europa". An dem Band beteiligen sich Kirchenhistoriker, Theologen, Historiker und Politikwissenschaftler.Thomas Brechenmacher analysiert die Beziehungen zwischen dem Heiligen Stuhl und den europäischen Mächten in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren; Katharina Kunter nimmt die Haltung der protestantischen Kirchen und "Europa" nach 1945 in den Blick; Sylvia Losansky widmet sich der Frage "Europa" in politischen und sozialen Stellungnahmen der EKD; Thomas Bremer gibt in seinem Beitrag einen Überblick über das Europaverständnis der orthodoxen Kirchen, und Angela Ilić berichtet über Europabilder in der Serbischen Orthodoxen Kirche. Den Themen Europa und Ökumene widmen sich Jens Oboth in dem Beitrag Pax Christi und die deutsch-französische Aussöhnung sowie Michael Heymel in seinem Aufsatz über Martin Niemöllers Einsatz für Frieden und Versöhnung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Aus politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht berichtet Lazaros Miliopoulos zum aktuellen Stand der Religionspolitik der EU, und juristische Fragen erörtert Matthias Pulte in seinem Beitrag über die Religionsfreiheit im europäischen Grundrechtsraum. Zum Thema soziales Europa äußert sich Traugott Jähnichen und Walter Lesch stellt die Frage nach einer gemeinsamen europäischen Migrations- und Integrationspolitik.
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doi: 10.7939/r3-gby2-rr80
DYSCORPIA: Future Intersections of the Body and Technology was a two-year interdisciplinary research project that brought together scholars from art and design, music, digital and medical humanities, radiology, computer science and contemporary dance in order to question what it means not to know the limits of our bodies in the face of new technologies. Over two years scholars cross-pollinated their research through seminars and public presentations. The project culminated in a large exhibition of artworks that were exhibited at Enterprise Square Galleries, Edmonton in 2019. The exhibition included over 50 works by international, national, local artists as well as students from the University of Alberta, that were organised under four themes: Stories in Flesh and Bytes, Virtual Consciousness and Artificial Bodies, Out on Our Limbs and Evolving Anatomies. This full color catalogue of the exhibition which includes 12 commissioned essays, full colour images of all the works in the exhibition, as well as a augmented reality gallery, the app for which can be found here https://www.dyscorpia.com/catalogue.
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The sex/gender model used in biological archaeologies to investigate human remains and past lives is one that relies on the epistemological and ontological separation of sex and gender. Despite this separation the model ends up treating these concepts synonymously due to the taken-for-granted binary nature of sex which in a deterministic manner eventuates into an equally binary gender. This thesis develops a theoretical framework for an archaeological concept of gender that operates without the division, binarism and determinism implicit in the sex/gender model. Pursuing answers to the questions whether it is possible to approach both sex and gender in archaeology in a nonbinary way, and if so, what is an archaeologically feasible alternative, it seeks to devise a method to approach sex and gender in mortuary archaeology beyond the deterministic binary. This thesis is firmly theory-oriented and the writings of various authors within the discipline of archaeology, feminism and queer studies comprise the necessary material. The theories pertaining to the field of feminism are intersectionality and queer theory, which eschew normativity and essentialism and call for gender diversity. Respective to archaeology, the theories influencing this thesis derive from new materialisms to whom the rejection of divisions and dichotomies is characteristic. In this regard, of particular note are the writings of new materialist and feminist theorist Karen Barad. Applying her theories concerning the relational, entangled and mutually constitutive nature of matter and meaning to the topic of sex and gender is central in devising a nonbinary new materialist perspective to be used for the purpose of a more open and inclusive mortuary archaeology. This thesis reveals that the dualistic division between nature and culture has resulted in a separate conceptual development and different strategies of engagement concerning sex and gender. The reason why sex is seen as a biological fact and gender as a cultural meaning proves false when both are affected equally by nature and culture, with the body serving as a nexus-point in which these two forces converge. Applying Barad’s insight reveals that binary sex is not an inherent quality of the body, but one that is produced through a scientific biomedical apparatus. Sex and gender exist in a state of inseparability when undetermined, but when subjected to a determination process, they become mutually exclusive phenomena, thereby disrupting sex-to-gender determinism. In their separate state, both are constitutive of matter and meaning, which is why gender made determined through intersectionality can be used to study gendered understandings through the materiality of the body, exempt from binary views. Analysing a topical bioarchaeological publication concerning a female Viking warrior through the approach that does not depend on the sex binary reveals that a scientific biomedical apparatus is subject to criticism on multiple fronts. Though the case study should be credited with rejecting gender role stereotypes, it demonstrates determinism and binarism as well as homogeneity and universalism in terms of categories. Failing to imagine possibilities beyond a fixed binary also results in the exclusion of alternate ways of knowing and being. The open-ended approach proposed in this thesis not only seeks to grant these possibilities opportunities to exist, but counsels cognisance towards the exclusions apparatuses enact. Embracing speculation, it also holds ambiguity and vagueness to be meaningful qualities pertaining to gendered archaeology. Regarding the mortuary setting, binary sex determinations need not be abandoned, but they should be used alongside this nonbinary approach.
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This doctoral dissertation is a comprehensive study on a novel method based on unitary synaptic weights to construct intrinsically stable neural systems. By eliminating the need to normalize neural activations, unitary neural networks deliver faster inference speeds and smaller model sizes while maintaining competitive accuracies for image recognition. In addition, unitary networks are drastically more robust against adversarial attacks in natural language processing systems because unitary weights are resilient to small input perturbations. The last portion focuses on a small demo that implements unitary neural nets in quantum computing. With the comprehensive performance evaluation in classical machine learning, the rigorous framework in mathematics, and the exploration of quantum computing, this dissertation establishes a solid foundation for unitary neural networks in the future of deep learning.
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handle: 11025/13933
Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je představit zámořská území Francie, jež jsou plně integrovanou součástí Francie a vystupují pod zkratkou DROM, objasnit jaký je jejich vztah k metropolitní Francii dle právních statusů a dále to, jaké jsou příčiny vedoucí ke vzniku těchto území, které mají původ v bývalé koloniální říši. V této práci je jedna část věnována historickému vývoji daných území od počátku kolonizace přes departmentalizaci až po současnost a v následujících kapitolách jsou představeny jednotlivá území tak, aby bylo jasné o jaké země se jedná, jaká je jejich poloha a jaké prostředí se na těchto místech nachází. Tato práce zkoumá jak jsou jednotlivá území zalidněna a o jaký typ obyvatelstva se jedná, čím tyto země prosperují, proč tomu tak je a jakým způsobem jsou tyto zámořské regiony spravovány metropolitní Francií. The main objective of this thesis is to introduce overseas territories of France, which are fully integrated part of France and use the abbreviation DROM, to clarify what is their relationship to metropolitan France in the legal status and what are the causes leading to these areas which have their origins in the former colonial empire.In this work, there is a section about the historical development of the area from early colonization through departmentation to the present and in the following chapters, each area is presented to be clear what kind of country it is, how they are located and which ambiance in these places is. This work examines how individual territory is peopled and what kind of inhabitants they are, how these countries prosper, why it is like that and how these regions are managed by metropolitan France. Katedra ruského a francouzského jazyka Obhájeno
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This dissertation examines Argentina’s late twentieth-century transition from military authoritarianism to democracy in the broader context of the globalization of ideas about international human rights. With a focus on events between 1955 and 1983, I explain how Argentines came to create and support a human rights-based conception of the rule of law and, specifically, the criminal prosecution of their country’s former de facto leaders. I approach this question by reconstructing an aspect of Argentine legal and political culture that has been overlooked in existing scholarship: public debates led by the country’s prominent and politically diverse lawyers over constitutionalism, revolution, national security, and universal rights. Integrating national history and the history of globalization, I argue that the remaking of Argentine democracy was part of a late twentieth-century globalization of legal order whereby legal advocates and their nonlawyer allies wielded international human rights norms not to transcend the state, as is frequently claimed, but to transform it. This national transformation, constrained by the political and legal legacies of state violence, ultimately produced a paler version of democracy than many Argentines had once envisioned but one that nonetheless served to restrain the violence of the state against its citizens. Human rights were themselves transformed in the process: a law and politics of resistance to the state became instead the state-sponsored initiative to try perpetrators of “dirty war” abuses, an initiative that continues today, along with resistance to it.
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Histoire des mouvements féministes américains des origines à 1974, analyse des idées et des groupes. History of American feminist movements from the beginnings to 1974, analysis of ideas and groups..
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handle: 10986/14828
The dialogue initiated at Lambeth -- continued at a second meeting of faith and development leaders in November 1999 and then at the third meeting in Canterbury, on which this booklet is based -- has endeavored to bridge these gaps. Organizers of the Canterbury meeting documented some case studies of partnerships between faith and development institutions, summarized in this booklet, as background for the gathering. These cases, many of which had previously been only partially documented, reveal a diversity of experience across countries, regions, and sectors on which to build. The Canterbury meeting sought to move beyond dialogue to ideas for specific joint faith-development initiatives and programs. The Millennium Development Goals -- which represent a new global determination to mobilize energy, passion, and resources to fulfill tangible, measurable imperatives for human health and well-being-served as a springboard for discussion and provide a framework for future partnerships. The goals are straightforward: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; achieve universal primary education; promote gender equality and empower women; reduce child mortality; improve maternal health; combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases; ensure environmental sustainability; and develop a global partnership for development. Global leaders and institutions such as the World Bank are committed to judging their performance against these goals.
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Der Band bildet den dritten Teil der Publikationen, die aus dem Forschungs- und Studienprogramm des Graduiertenkollegs "Die christlichen Kirchen vor der Herausforderung 'Europa' (1890 bis zur Gegenwart)" erwachsen sind. In den Beiträgen gehen die Autorinnen und Autoren der Frage nach, wie im 20. und dem beginnenden 21. Jahrhundert über das Verhältnis der Kirchen, deren Akteure und Institutionen, zu Europa nachgedacht wurde.
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Der Band versammelt die Beiträge eines Kolloquiums aus dem Jahr 2018, das am Ende der neunjährigen interdisziplinären Forschung des Graduiertenkollegs "Die christlichen Kirchen vor der Herausforderung 'Europa'" stand. Die Beiträge widmen sich den Themenfeldern Europaverständnis der christlichen Kirchen, Europa im Zeichen von Versöhnung und Ökumene sowie Recht und Ethik vor der Herausforderung "Europa" und gewähren damit einen Einblick in die laufende Forschung über die Positionierung der christlichen Kirchen zur Frage "Europa". An dem Band beteiligen sich Kirchenhistoriker, Theologen, Historiker und Politikwissenschaftler.Thomas Brechenmacher analysiert die Beziehungen zwischen dem Heiligen Stuhl und den europäischen Mächten in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren; Katharina Kunter nimmt die Haltung der protestantischen Kirchen und "Europa" nach 1945 in den Blick; Sylvia Losansky widmet sich der Frage "Europa" in politischen und sozialen Stellungnahmen der EKD; Thomas Bremer gibt in seinem Beitrag einen Überblick über das Europaverständnis der orthodoxen Kirchen, und Angela Ilić berichtet über Europabilder in der Serbischen Orthodoxen Kirche. Den Themen Europa und Ökumene widmen sich Jens Oboth in dem Beitrag Pax Christi und die deutsch-französische Aussöhnung sowie Michael Heymel in seinem Aufsatz über Martin Niemöllers Einsatz für Frieden und Versöhnung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Aus politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht berichtet Lazaros Miliopoulos zum aktuellen Stand der Religionspolitik der EU, und juristische Fragen erörtert Matthias Pulte in seinem Beitrag über die Religionsfreiheit im europäischen Grundrechtsraum. Zum Thema soziales Europa äußert sich Traugott Jähnichen und Walter Lesch stellt die Frage nach einer gemeinsamen europäischen Migrations- und Integrationspolitik.
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doi: 10.7939/r3-gby2-rr80
DYSCORPIA: Future Intersections of the Body and Technology was a two-year interdisciplinary research project that brought together scholars from art and design, music, digital and medical humanities, radiology, computer science and contemporary dance in order to question what it means not to know the limits of our bodies in the face of new technologies. Over two years scholars cross-pollinated their research through seminars and public presentations. The project culminated in a large exhibition of artworks that were exhibited at Enterprise Square Galleries, Edmonton in 2019. The exhibition included over 50 works by international, national, local artists as well as students from the University of Alberta, that were organised under four themes: Stories in Flesh and Bytes, Virtual Consciousness and Artificial Bodies, Out on Our Limbs and Evolving Anatomies. This full color catalogue of the exhibition which includes 12 commissioned essays, full colour images of all the works in the exhibition, as well as a augmented reality gallery, the app for which can be found here https://www.dyscorpia.com/catalogue.
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The sex/gender model used in biological archaeologies to investigate human remains and past lives is one that relies on the epistemological and ontological separation of sex and gender. Despite this separation the model ends up treating these concepts synonymously due to the taken-for-granted binary nature of sex which in a deterministic manner eventuates into an equally binary gender. This thesis develops a theoretical framework for an archaeological concept of gender that operates without the division, binarism and determinism implicit in the sex/gender model. Pursuing answers to the questions whether it is possible to approach both sex and gender in archaeology in a nonbinary way, and if so, what is an archaeologically feasible alternative, it seeks to devise a method to approach sex and gender in mortuary archaeology beyond the deterministic binary. This thesis is firmly theory-oriented and the writings of various authors within the discipline of archaeology, feminism and queer studies comprise the necessary material. The theories pertaining to the field of feminism are intersectionality and queer theory, which eschew normativity and essentialism and call for gender diversity. Respective to archaeology, the theories influencing this thesis derive from new materialisms to whom the rejection of divisions and dichotomies is characteristic. In this regard, of particular note are the writings of new materialist and feminist theorist Karen Barad. Applying her theories concerning the relational, entangled and mutually constitutive nature of matter and meaning to the topic of sex and gender is central in devising a nonbinary new materialist perspective to be used for the purpose of a more open and inclusive mortuary archaeology. This thesis reveals that the dualistic division between nature and culture has resulted in a separate conceptual development and different strategies of engagement concerning sex and gender. The reason why sex is seen as a biological fact and gender as a cultural meaning proves false when both are affected equally by nature and culture, with the body serving as a nexus-point in which these two forces converge. Applying Barad’s insight reveals that binary sex is not an inherent quality of the body, but one that is produced through a scientific biomedical apparatus. Sex and gender exist in a state of inseparability when undetermined, but when subjected to a determination process, they become mutually exclusive phenomena, thereby disrupting sex-to-gender determinism. In their separate state, both are constitutive of matter and meaning, which is why gender made determined through intersectionality can be used to study gendered understandings through the materiality of the body, exempt from binary views. Analysing a topical bioarchaeological publication concerning a female Viking warrior through the approach that does not depend on the sex binary reveals that a scientific biomedical apparatus is subject to criticism on multiple fronts. Though the case study should be credited with rejecting gender role stereotypes, it demonstrates determinism and binarism as well as homogeneity and universalism in terms of categories. Failing to imagine possibilities beyond a fixed binary also results in the exclusion of alternate ways of knowing and being. The open-ended approach proposed in this thesis not only seeks to grant these possibilities opportunities to exist, but counsels cognisance towards the exclusions apparatuses enact. Embracing speculation, it also holds ambiguity and vagueness to be meaningful qualities pertaining to gendered archaeology. Regarding the mortuary setting, binary sex determinations need not be abandoned, but they should be used alongside this nonbinary approach.
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This doctoral dissertation is a comprehensive study on a novel method based on unitary synaptic weights to construct intrinsically stable neural systems. By eliminating the need to normalize neural activations, unitary neural networks deliver faster inference speeds and smaller model sizes while maintaining competitive accuracies for image recognition. In addition, unitary networks are drastically more robust against adversarial attacks in natural language processing systems because unitary weights are resilient to small input perturbations. The last portion focuses on a small demo that implements unitary neural nets in quantum computing. With the comprehensive performance evaluation in classical machine learning, the rigorous framework in mathematics, and the exploration of quantum computing, this dissertation establishes a solid foundation for unitary neural networks in the future of deep learning.
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handle: 11025/13933
Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je představit zámořská území Francie, jež jsou plně integrovanou součástí Francie a vystupují pod zkratkou DROM, objasnit jaký je jejich vztah k metropolitní Francii dle právních statusů a dále to, jaké jsou příčiny vedoucí ke vzniku těchto území, které mají původ v bývalé koloniální říši. V této práci je jedna část věnována historickému vývoji daných území od počátku kolonizace přes departmentalizaci až po současnost a v následujících kapitolách jsou představeny jednotlivá území tak, aby bylo jasné o jaké země se jedná, jaká je jejich poloha a jaké prostředí se na těchto místech nachází. Tato práce zkoumá jak jsou jednotlivá území zalidněna a o jaký typ obyvatelstva se jedná, čím tyto země prosperují, proč tomu tak je a jakým způsobem jsou tyto zámořské regiony spravovány metropolitní Francií. The main objective of this thesis is to introduce overseas territories of France, which are fully integrated part of France and use the abbreviation DROM, to clarify what is their relationship to metropolitan France in the legal status and what are the causes leading to these areas which have their origins in the former colonial empire.In this work, there is a section about the historical development of the area from early colonization through departmentation to the present and in the following chapters, each area is presented to be clear what kind of country it is, how they are located and which ambiance in these places is. This work examines how individual territory is peopled and what kind of inhabitants they are, how these countries prosper, why it is like that and how these regions are managed by metropolitan France. Katedra ruského a francouzského jazyka Obhájeno
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This dissertation examines Argentina’s late twentieth-century transition from military authoritarianism to democracy in the broader context of the globalization of ideas about international human rights. With a focus on events between 1955 and 1983, I explain how Argentines came to create and support a human rights-based conception of the rule of law and, specifically, the criminal prosecution of their country’s former de facto leaders. I approach this question by reconstructing an aspect of Argentine legal and political culture that has been overlooked in existing scholarship: public debates led by the country’s prominent and politically diverse lawyers over constitutionalism, revolution, national security, and universal rights. Integrating national history and the history of globalization, I argue that the remaking of Argentine democracy was part of a late twentieth-century globalization of legal order whereby legal advocates and their nonlawyer allies wielded international human rights norms not to transcend the state, as is frequently claimed, but to transform it. This national transformation, constrained by the political and legal legacies of state violence, ultimately produced a paler version of democracy than many Argentines had once envisioned but one that nonetheless served to restrain the violence of the state against its citizens. Human rights were themselves transformed in the process: a law and politics of resistance to the state became instead the state-sponsored initiative to try perpetrators of “dirty war” abuses, an initiative that continues today, along with resistance to it.
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