doi: 10.34894/ciexr5
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project. The measurement series on which the results are based at present are unavailable.
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doi: 10.34894/jtnf1z
Bij werkzaamheden langs de voormalige Zuiderzeedijken (thans Markermeerdijken) zijn resten van beschoeiingen en een sluis aangetroffen. De beschoeiingen bestaat uit zware, naast elkaar geplaatste naaldhouten palen. Hierbij gaat het overwegend om grove den (Pinus sylvestris L.) sporadisch om fijnspar (Picea abies Karst.) en een enkele maal eik (Quercus sp.). Voor de sluis zijn de gebruikelijke bouwhoutsoorten gebruikt, namelijk eik en grove den. Ongebruikelijker is het gebruik van beuken (Fagus sylvatica L.) planken in de vloer van de sluis. De oudst delen van de dijkbeschoeiingen stammen uit het begin van de 17e eeuw, rond 1625. Tot 1635 wordt een groot aantal palen geplaatst. In de jaren ’40 van de 17e eeuw wordt op bescheiden schaal aan de dijken gewerkt. Dit is ook te zien tussen het eind van de 17e eeuw en het eerste kwart van de 18e eeuw. Tenslotte lijkt er in het interval tussen c. 1736 en 1742 weer intensiever aan de dijken gewerkt te zijn. De dateringen van de sluis vallen in de 16e en 17e eeuw, maar lijken allemaal bij de kapintervallen in de herfst of winter van 1666/67 te horen.
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doi: 10.34894/okwu8r
Abstract of paper 0622 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019.
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Final Probe Regions. Complete listing of all regions used in alignments to generate probes. (XLSX 1446Â kb)
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doi: 10.34894/fp6ni9
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project.
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doi: 10.34894/jdaxox
Dendrochronological report
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The natural geographer Axel Hamberg (1863-1933) became the funder of the research in the mountain massif, Sarek, Sweden, the area known as Sweden’s last wild life area. He based his thesis on the research results from Sarek. He installed instruments for hydrographical and metrological measurements, as well as for sun hour registrations. However, he was only present in the summers/autumns, so to keep the measurements on an annual basis did he hire Sámi as research assistants. Lars Nilsson Tuorda (1858-1930) became the most hired one, and was employed as a regular for almost two decades. Tuorda made most of the annual registrations and measurements in the Sarek research, supervised logistics in the area, and became in charge of the financial aspect of the research organisation when Hamberg was not present. Tuorda’s responsibility was massive. In Hamberg’s published scientific works are the efforts made by Tuorda, and other extras and assistants, not mentioned. Tourda’s, and others’ jobs, were only revealed in Tuorda’s letters to Hamberg, and in Hamberg’s private field diaries. Hamberg made the efforts of his assistants invisible before the reading public, and the scientific community. This also means that Hamberg based his thesis on scientific works he did not all execute himself, leaving beside the knowledge his Sámi co-workers provided for him, knowledge that he was in great need of in his work in Sarek. My own research is to reveal the extent of the works and efforts made by Hamberg’s hired assistants, in particular Lars Nilsson Tuorda’s work in Hamberg’s Sarek research organisation. Naturgeografen Axel Hamberg (1863-1933) inledde forskningen i den svenska massiven Sarek. Hambergs forskning var beroende på hjälp från ett antal Sámiska forskningsassistenter, bland annat Lars Nilsson Tuorda (1858-1930), vars roll var avgörande för Hambergs forskning. Den här studien utforskar bredden och vikten av de Sámiska forskningsassistenternas bidrag till Hambergs forskning i Sarek.
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doi: 10.34894/bsdsvh
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project.
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Bij archeologisch onderzoek ter plaatse van het Westfries Museum (Roode Steen 1, 15 en 16) te Hoorn zijn enkele houten vondsten aangetroffen. Vier eiken (Quercus sp.) vondsten zijn aangemerkt voor dendrochronologisch onderzoek. Hiervan kom er slechts één gedateerd worden. Hiervan kan bepaald worden dat het hout rond 1736 gekapt is. Daarnaast zijn drie vondsten aangeleverd voor houtsoortenonderzoek. Hierbij gaat het in alle gevallen om els (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn.).
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The discrete biogeochemical measurements from RV Polarstern PS114 and RV Maria S. Merian MSM77 sampled for dissolved organic matter, heterotrophic bacteria and gel particles. The parameters include chlorophyll, DOC/TDN/TDP/DOP, dissolved hydrolysable amino acids, dissolved combined carbohydrates, heterotrophic bacterial abundance and production, gel particles like TEP and CSP. The samples were aquired within 0-100 m of the Greenland Sea between 78°N to 80°N and 2°W to 14°E. The data was collected daily on board PS114 from 16th July 2018-23rd July 2018 and on board MSM77 from 16th September 2018-4th October 2018. The water collection occured using a CTD and laboratory methods varied by parameter. Chlorophyll was extracted using acetone, DOC/TDN was analysed using High-Temperature Catalytic Oxidation (TOC-VCSH), TDP/DOP was analysed colorimetrically using Acidic Molybdate Solution, dissolved hydrolysable amino acids were analysed using High Performal Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Ortho-phthaldialdehyde Derivatization, dissolved combined carbohydrates were analysed using High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography (HPAEC) coupled with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (PAD), cell abundance was analysed using flow cytometery, bacterial production was analysed using radioactively labelled 3H-Leucine and apllication of the microcentrifuge method, gel particles were analysed microscopically followed by image analysis. The purpose of data collection was to understand seasonal cycling of organic mater and heterotrophic bacteria dynamics within microbial loop.
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doi: 10.34894/ciexr5
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project. The measurement series on which the results are based at present are unavailable.
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doi: 10.34894/jtnf1z
Bij werkzaamheden langs de voormalige Zuiderzeedijken (thans Markermeerdijken) zijn resten van beschoeiingen en een sluis aangetroffen. De beschoeiingen bestaat uit zware, naast elkaar geplaatste naaldhouten palen. Hierbij gaat het overwegend om grove den (Pinus sylvestris L.) sporadisch om fijnspar (Picea abies Karst.) en een enkele maal eik (Quercus sp.). Voor de sluis zijn de gebruikelijke bouwhoutsoorten gebruikt, namelijk eik en grove den. Ongebruikelijker is het gebruik van beuken (Fagus sylvatica L.) planken in de vloer van de sluis. De oudst delen van de dijkbeschoeiingen stammen uit het begin van de 17e eeuw, rond 1625. Tot 1635 wordt een groot aantal palen geplaatst. In de jaren ’40 van de 17e eeuw wordt op bescheiden schaal aan de dijken gewerkt. Dit is ook te zien tussen het eind van de 17e eeuw en het eerste kwart van de 18e eeuw. Tenslotte lijkt er in het interval tussen c. 1736 en 1742 weer intensiever aan de dijken gewerkt te zijn. De dateringen van de sluis vallen in de 16e en 17e eeuw, maar lijken allemaal bij de kapintervallen in de herfst of winter van 1666/67 te horen.
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doi: 10.34894/okwu8r
Abstract of paper 0622 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019.
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Final Probe Regions. Complete listing of all regions used in alignments to generate probes. (XLSX 1446Â kb)
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