handle: 11025/45615 , 11025/45515 , 11585/782513 , 10259/5809
Redox-flow batteries, based on their particular ability to decouple power and energy, stand as prime candidates for cost-effective stationary storage, particularly in the case of long discharges and long storage times. Integration of renewables and subsequent need for energy storage is promoting effort on the development of mature and emerging redox-flow technologies. This review aims at providing a critical analysis of redox-flow technologies that can potentially fulfill cost requirements and enable large scale storage, mainly aqueous based systems. A comprehensive overview of the status of those technologies, including advantages and weaknesses, is presented. Compiled data on the market permeability, performance and cost should serve, together with the perspective included, to understand the different strategies to reach the successful implementation, from component development to innovative designs. | openaire: EC/H2020/875605/EU//CUBER Peer reviewed
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handle: 11025/42938
International audience; Building accurate knowledge of the identity, the geographic distribution and the evolution of species is essential for the sustainable development of humanity, as well as for biodiversity conservation. However, the difficulty of identifying plants and animals in the field is hindering the aggregation of new data and knowledge. Identifying and naming living plants or animals is almost impossible for the general public and is often difficult even for professionals and naturalists. Bridging this gap is a key step towards enabling effective biodiversity monitoring systems. The LifeCLEF campaign, presented in this paper, has been promoting and evaluating advances in this domain since 2011. The 2020 edition proposes four data-oriented challenges related to the identification and prediction of biodiversity: (i) PlantCLEF: cross-domain plant identification based on herbarium sheets (ii) BirdCLEF: bird species recognition in audio soundscapes, (iii) GeoLifeCLEF: location-based prediction of species based on environmental and occurrence data, and (iv) SnakeCLEF: snake identification based on image and geographic location
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Green |
citations | 18 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Top 10% |
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handle: 11025/18168
Thesis on "Cybercrime and its reflections in international and European Union's legal regulations" deals with aspects and specifics of cybercrime and defence againts it. It tries to chronicle recent enactment and outline its possible, expected or intended developement in a near future. It sequents on a nature of law limitation of mankind's behavior and its collision with a human being's natural freedom and its privilege for informational self-determination. First are needed a consensual definitions of cybercrime and cybersecurity, therefore exact delimitation of very subject matter of legal regulations, with regard to varyings in developement of law culture in particular states and theirs potential on the field of IT technologies. Tato práce na téma "Cybercrime a směřování jeho právní úpravy v mezinárodním právu a právu Evropské unie" pojednává o aspektech a specifikách kyberkriminality a ochrany před ní. Snaží se zachytit současnou právní úpravu dané problematiky a nastínit její možný, předpokládaný, či zamýšlený vývoj v blízké budoucnosti. Vychází z povahy právní limitace lidského chování v protikladu k přirozené svobodě lidských jedinců a jejich práva na sebeurčení, v tomto případě informačnímu. Nutná je zprvu shoda na definici kyberkriminality a kyberbezpečnosti, tedy přesné vymezení vlastního předmětu právní úpravy, s přihlédnutím k odlišnostem ve vývoji právní kultury v jednotlivých zemích, a možnostem, které mají na poli informačních technologií. Obhájeno
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/31165
Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) coatings were deposited by a novel HiPIMS method that incorporates positive voltage pulses at the end of the conventional HiPIMS discharge. Different positive voltage amplitudes were used to evaluate the effect of this operation mode on the discharge process and the mechanical properties of the deposited DLC coatings. The application of positive pulses was observed to enhance the ionization of both the sputtered carbon and argon species. Mass spectroscopy measurements showed that a larger amount of high-energy C+ ions are generated, with ion energies proportional to the amplitude of the overshoot voltage. The ion bombardment induced by the positive pulses led to higher compressive residual stresses and densification of deposited DLC coatings. Diamantu podobné uhlíkové vrstvy (DLC) byly připraveny novou metodou HiPIMS zahrnující kladné pulzy na terči po skončení hlavního (záporného) pulzu. Byl zkoumán vliv amplitudy kladných pulzů na výbojové podmínky a mechanické vlastnosti připravených vrstev. Při použití kladných pulzů byla zjištěna zvýšená ionizace argonu i uhlíku. Hmotnostní spektroskopie potvrdila vytváření většího množství vysokoenergetických iontů C+, přičemž střední energie iontů roste s amplitudou kladného pulzu. Bombardování rostoucí vrstvy těmito ionty vede k vyšším hodnotám hustoty DLC vrstev a k vyššímu tlakovému pnutí ve vrstvách.
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Green | |
bronze |
citations | 57 | |
popularity | Top 1% | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Top 1% |
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handle: 11025/45615 , 11025/45515 , 11585/782513 , 10259/5809
Redox-flow batteries, based on their particular ability to decouple power and energy, stand as prime candidates for cost-effective stationary storage, particularly in the case of long discharges and long storage times. Integration of renewables and subsequent need for energy storage is promoting effort on the development of mature and emerging redox-flow technologies. This review aims at providing a critical analysis of redox-flow technologies that can potentially fulfill cost requirements and enable large scale storage, mainly aqueous based systems. A comprehensive overview of the status of those technologies, including advantages and weaknesses, is presented. Compiled data on the market permeability, performance and cost should serve, together with the perspective included, to understand the different strategies to reach the successful implementation, from component development to innovative designs. | openaire: EC/H2020/875605/EU//CUBER Peer reviewed
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handle: 11025/42938
International audience; Building accurate knowledge of the identity, the geographic distribution and the evolution of species is essential for the sustainable development of humanity, as well as for biodiversity conservation. However, the difficulty of identifying plants and animals in the field is hindering the aggregation of new data and knowledge. Identifying and naming living plants or animals is almost impossible for the general public and is often difficult even for professionals and naturalists. Bridging this gap is a key step towards enabling effective biodiversity monitoring systems. The LifeCLEF campaign, presented in this paper, has been promoting and evaluating advances in this domain since 2011. The 2020 edition proposes four data-oriented challenges related to the identification and prediction of biodiversity: (i) PlantCLEF: cross-domain plant identification based on herbarium sheets (ii) BirdCLEF: bird species recognition in audio soundscapes, (iii) GeoLifeCLEF: location-based prediction of species based on environmental and occurrence data, and (iv) SnakeCLEF: snake identification based on image and geographic location
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Green |
citations | 18 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Top 10% |
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handle: 11025/18168
Thesis on "Cybercrime and its reflections in international and European Union's legal regulations" deals with aspects and specifics of cybercrime and defence againts it. It tries to chronicle recent enactment and outline its possible, expected or intended developement in a near future. It sequents on a nature of law limitation of mankind's behavior and its collision with a human being's natural freedom and its privilege for informational self-determination. First are needed a consensual definitions of cybercrime and cybersecurity, therefore exact delimitation of very subject matter of legal regulations, with regard to varyings in developement of law culture in particular states and theirs potential on the field of IT technologies. Tato práce na téma "Cybercrime a směřování jeho právní úpravy v mezinárodním právu a právu Evropské unie" pojednává o aspektech a specifikách kyberkriminality a ochrany před ní. Snaží se zachytit současnou právní úpravu dané problematiky a nastínit její možný, předpokládaný, či zamýšlený vývoj v blízké budoucnosti. Vychází z povahy právní limitace lidského chování v protikladu k přirozené svobodě lidských jedinců a jejich práva na sebeurčení, v tomto případě informačnímu. Nutná je zprvu shoda na definici kyberkriminality a kyberbezpečnosti, tedy přesné vymezení vlastního předmětu právní úpravy, s přihlédnutím k odlišnostem ve vývoji právní kultury v jednotlivých zemích, a možnostem, které mají na poli informačních technologií. Obhájeno
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11025/31165
Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) coatings were deposited by a novel HiPIMS method that incorporates positive voltage pulses at the end of the conventional HiPIMS discharge. Different positive voltage amplitudes were used to evaluate the effect of this operation mode on the discharge process and the mechanical properties of the deposited DLC coatings. The application of positive pulses was observed to enhance the ionization of both the sputtered carbon and argon species. Mass spectroscopy measurements showed that a larger amount of high-energy C+ ions are generated, with ion energies proportional to the amplitude of the overshoot voltage. The ion bombardment induced by the positive pulses led to higher compressive residual stresses and densification of deposited DLC coatings. Diamantu podobné uhlíkové vrstvy (DLC) byly připraveny novou metodou HiPIMS zahrnující kladné pulzy na terči po skončení hlavního (záporného) pulzu. Byl zkoumán vliv amplitudy kladných pulzů na výbojové podmínky a mechanické vlastnosti připravených vrstev. Při použití kladných pulzů byla zjištěna zvýšená ionizace argonu i uhlíku. Hmotnostní spektroskopie potvrdila vytváření většího množství vysokoenergetických iontů C+, přičemž střední energie iontů roste s amplitudou kladného pulzu. Bombardování rostoucí vrstvy těmito ionty vede k vyšším hodnotám hustoty DLC vrstev a k vyššímu tlakovému pnutí ve vrstvách.
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Green | |
bronze |
citations | 57 | |
popularity | Top 1% | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Top 1% |
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