doi: 10.5061/dryad.22v00
The performance of courtship signals provides information about the behavioural state and quality of the signaller, and females can use such information for social decision-making (e.g. mate choice). However, relatively little is known about the degree to which the perception of and preference for differences in motor performance are shaped by developmental experiences. Furthermore, the neural substrates that development could act upon to influence the processing of performance features remains largely unknown. In songbirds, females use song to identify males and select mates. Moreover, female songbirds are often sensitive to variation in male song performance. Consequently, we investigated how developmental exposure to adult male song affected behavioural and neural responses to song in a small, gregarious songbird, the zebra finch. Zebra finch males modulate their song performance when courting females, and previous work has shown that females prefer the high-performance, female-directed courtship song. However, unlike females allowed to hear and interact with an adult male during development, females reared without developmental song exposure did not demonstrate behavioural preferences for high-performance courtship songs. Additionally, auditory responses to courtship and non-courtship song were altered in adult females raised without developmental song exposure. These data highlight the critical role of developmental auditory experience in shaping the perception and processing of song performance. EGR1_dataNumber of EGR1 neurons/mm2 in the NCM, CMM and IC.preference_score_by_maleIDAverage preference scores of all females tested on each male stimulus.preference_scores_all_femalesraw data for call back preference tests for normally-reared and song-naive females tested on stimuli from different malespreference_score_vs_song_measuresPercent difference for measures of song between courtship and non-courtship singing. Measures include the number of introductory notes and motifs, syllable entropy, CV of the fundamental frequency and song tempo (motif duration).
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1.The question of when to monitor and when to act is fundamental to applied ecology, and notoriously difficult to answer. Value of information (VOI) theory holds great promise to help answer this question for many management problems. However, VOI theory in applied ecology has only been demonstrated in single-decision problems, and has lacked explicit links between monitoring and management costs. 2.Here, we present an extension of VOI theory for solving multi-unit decisions of whether to monitor before managing, while explicitly accounting for monitoring costs. Our formulation helps to choose the optimal monitoring/management strategy among groups of management units (e.g. species, habitat patches), and can be used to examine the benefits of partial and repeat monitoring. 3.To demonstrate our approach, we use case simulated studies of single-species protection that must choose among potential habitat areas, and classification and management of multiple species threatened with extinction. We provide spreadsheets and code to illustrate the calculations and facilitate application. Our case studies demonstrate the utility of predicting the number of units with a given outcome for problems with probabilities of discrete states, and the efficiency of having a flexible approach to manage according to monitoring outcomes. 4.Synthesis and applications. The decision to act or gather more information can have serious consequences for management. No decision, including the decision to monitor, is risk-free. Our multi-unit expansion of Value of Information (VOI) theory can reduce the risk in monitoring/acting decisions for many applied ecology problems. While our approach cannot account for the potential value of discovering previously unknown threats or ecological processes via monitoring programs, it can provide quantitative guidance on whether to monitor before acting, and which monitoring/management actions are most likely to meet management objectives. Multi-unit VOI functionsCode to simulate and analyze data for multi-unit value of information (VOI) problems in Bennett et al. (J. Appl. Ecol.)voi functions multi unit.txt
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Active sensing has been well documented in animals that use echolocation and electrolocation. Active photolocation, or active sensing using light, has received much less attention, and only in bioluminescent nocturnal species. However, evidence has suggested the diurnal triplefin Tripterygion delaisi uses controlled iris radiance, termed ocular sparks, for prey detection. While this form of diurnal active photolocation was behaviourally described, a study exploring the physical process would provide compelling support for this mechanism. In this paper, we investigate the conditions under which diurnal active photolocation could assist T. delaisi in detecting potential prey. In the field, we sampled gammarids (genus Cheirocratus) and characterized the spectral properties of their eyes, which possess strong directional reflectors. In the laboratory, we quantified ocular sparks size and their angle-dependent radiance. Combined with environmental light measurements and known properties of the visual system of T. delaisi, we modeled diurnal active photolocation under various scenarios. Our results corroborate that diurnal active photolocation should help T. delaisi detect gammarids at distances relevant to foraging, 4.5 cm under favourable conditions and up to 2.5 cm under average conditions. To determine the prevalence of diurnal active photolocation for micro-prey, we encourage further theoretical and empirical work. Average gammarid body reflectanceSpectrophotometric data for body reflectance of Cheirocratus gammaridsAverage gammarid body transmissionSpectrophotometric transmission measurements of Cheirocratus gammarid bodyBackground reflectance Haliopteris filicianaSpectrophotometric measurements of Haliopteris filicianaCoaxial reflectance values categoricalReflective properties of Gammarid eyes measured with coaxial light sourceDownwelling and sidewelling illuminant for analysesDownwelling and sidewelling light fieldsEye reflectance conversion values categoricalConversion factors to produce non-coaxial reflectance values from co-axial reflectance values for gammarid eyesOcular media valuesTransmission properties of the ocular media of Tripterigyon delaisiOcular spark conversion on continuous scaleConversion curves for transforming downwelling irradiance into ocular spark radianceSA scores Gammarid as perceived by Td pupilSolid angle of the gammarid eye as perceived from the pupil of T. delaisi based on the interaction distanceSA scores Os as perceived by Gammarid eye MATRIXSolid angles of the Ocular spark from T delaisi as perceived by the gammarid eye based on the interaction distance
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Background: The origin of powered avian flight was a locomotor innovation that expanded the ecological potential of maniraptoran dinosaurs, leading to remarkable variation in modern birds (Neornithes). The avian sternum is the anchor for the major flight muscles and, despite varying widely in morphology, has not been extensively studied from evolutionary or functional perspectives. We quantify sternal variation across a broad phylogenetic scope of birds using 3D geometric morphometrics methods. Using this comprehensive dataset, we apply phylogenetically informed regression approaches to test hypotheses of sternum size allometry and the correlation of sternal shape with both size and locomotory capabilities, including flightlessness and the highly varying flight and swimming styles of Neornithes. Results: We find evidence for isometry of sternal size relative to body mass and document significant allometry of sternal shape alongside important correlations with locomotory capability, reflecting the effects of both body shape and musculoskeletal variation. Among these, we show that a large sternum with a deep or cranially projected sternal keel is necessary for powered flight in modern birds, that deeper sternal keels are correlated with slower but stronger flight, robust caudal sternal borders are associated with faster flapping styles, and that narrower sterna are associated with running abilities. Correlations between shape and locomotion are significant but show weak explanatory power, indicating that although sternal shape is broadly associated with locomotory ecology, other unexplored factors are also important. Conclusions: These results display the ecological importance of the avian sternum for flight and locomotion by providing a novel understanding of sternum form and function in Neornithes. Our study lays the groundwork for estimating the locomotory abilities of paravian dinosaurs, the ancestors to Neornithes, by highlighting the importance of this critical element for avian flight, and will be useful for future work on the origin of flight along the dinosaur-bird lineage.
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This dataset contains methane and nitrous oxide dissolved gas concentration, dissolved methane carbon isotope, and ancillary hydrographic data from research cruises in the North American Arctic Ocean between 2015-2018. Ocean samples for methane and nitrous oxide analysis were collected from Niskin bottles mounted on a CTD rosette. Water was collected into glass serum bottles and allowed to overflow three times before preserving with mercuric chloride and sealing with with butyl rubber stoppers and aluminum crimp seals. Gas concentrations were determined using a purge and trap system coupled to a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, following the method of Capelle et al. (2015). Equilibrium dry atmospheric concentrations were 328.25, 329.14, 330.11, and 330.96 ppb for N2O and 1919.64, 1933.67, 1934.92, and 1933.50 ppb for CH4 in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, respectively. Equilibrium dissolved concentrations were calculated from the measured temperature and salinity following Wiesenburg and Guinasso (1979) for CH4 and Weiss and Price (1980) for N2O. Equilibrium concentrations were calculated based on sample temperature and salinity and the atmospheric N2O or CH4 concentrations measured at Barrow, Alaska by the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Division (Dlugokencky et al., 2020a,b), with corrections to local sea level pressure and 100% humidity. Oxygen concentration was determined using an oxygen sensor mounted on the Niskin rosette, calibrated with discrete samples analyzed by Winkler titration. The mixed layer depth was defined based on a potential density difference criterion of 0.125 kg/m³ relative to the density at 5 m depth, using CTD profiles binned to 1 m. The mixed layer depth was set to 5 m as a minimum. The instantaneous gas transfer velocities and fluxes are based on the instantaneous wind speed at the time of sampling. The 30-day weighted gas transfer velocities and fluxes are integrated over the residence time of the gas in the mixed layer, using up to the prior 30 days of observations, following the method of Teeter et al. (2018) as described in the main manuscript of Manning et al. (2022). The 60-day weighted gas transfer velocities and fluxes are integrated over the residence time of the gas in the mixed layer, using the prior 60 days of observations, following the method of Teeter et al. (2018) as described in the main manuscript of Manning et al. (2022). Atmospheric sea level pressure was obtained from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis product, which is provided by the NOAA-ESRL Physical Sciences Laboratory ( Fractional ice cover was obtained from the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility ( Sea ice concentration product AMSR-2 (identifier OSI-408) was used in 2017–2018 and SSMIS (identifier OSI-401-b) was used in 2015–2016.
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Understanding the causes and consequences of population phenotypic divergence is a central goal in ecology and evolution. Phenotypic divergence among populations can result from genetic divergence, phenotypic plasticity or a combination of the two. However, few studies have deciphered these mechanisms for populations geographically close and connected by gene flow, especially in the case of personality traits. In this study, we used a common garden experiment to explore the genetic basis of the phenotypic divergence observed between two blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) populations inhabiting contrasting habitats separated by 25 km, for two personality traits (exploration speed and handling aggression), one physiological trait (heart rate during restraint) and two morphological traits (tarsus length and body mass). Blue tit nestlings were removed from their population and raised in a common garden for up to five years. We then compared adult phenotypes between the two populations, as well as trait-specific Qst and Fst . Our results revealed differences between populations similar to those found in the wild, suggesting a genetic divergence for all traits. Qst - Fst comparisons revealed that the traits divergences likely result from dissimilar selection patterns rather than from genetic drift. Our study is one of the first to report a Qst - Fst comparison for personality traits and adds to the growing body of evidence that population genetic divergence is possible at a small scale for a variety of traits including behavioural traits. Data
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Instructions for Matlab code and main result figures: 1- Download all data files and Matlab functions (see requirements) and ensure they are all in the same directory. 2- Open SourceCode_GroupFigures_RasmanEtAl_Elife2021.m with Matlab. 3- Make sure Matlab is currently in the folder where you put the files or add that folder to the path. 4- Run the code. All group result figures will be generated. Matlab will output warning when running the exponential fit procedure, but this is expected for the code. Instructions for LabVIEW code: 1- Download .vi file and open with compatible LabVIEW software. Download associated sampledummydata to be used with LabVIEW vi. 2- View annotated instructions in LabVIEW front panel. 3- Load sample data and run program. Requirements: Matlab toolboxes required: curve fitting toolbox, statistics and machine learning toolbox For several figures, hline and vline functions will be needed for plotting. These functions are available at REFERENCE: Brandon Kuczenski (2021). hline and vline (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved August 1, 2021. For Figure 4, boxplotgroup function is needed for plotting. This function can be downloaded at REFERENCE: Adam Danz (2021). boxplotGroup (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved August 1, 2021. Please reference this work using: Data and code: Rasman BG, Forbes PA, Peters RM, Ortiz O, Franks I, Inglis JT, Chua R, and Blouin JS. 2021, "Data and code for "Learning to stand with unexpected sensorimotor delays", DOI:, Scholars Portal Dataverse Paper: Rasman BG, Forbes PA, Peters RM, Ortiz O, Franks I, Inglis JT, Chua R, and Blouin JS. Learning to stand with unexpected sensorimotor delays. eLife. 2021: e65085. DOI: These files consist of data and Matlab code needed to reproduce the main result figures from Experiments 1, 2 and 3 of "Learning to stand with unexpected sensorimotor delays". Additionally, LabVIEW code is provided to produce robust Bayesian fits for perceptual data. Data and results include: standing balance behavior (sway velocity variance, percent time within balancing limits) with imposed delays, vestibular-evoked muscle responses (coherence, gain, cross-covariance) when standing with imposed delays, and perceptual thresholds to detecting unexpected standing motion when standing with imposed delays. Data are provided in spreadsheets (for viewing purposes) and also in .mat matlab files (to run with source code).
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Seed dispersal is a key process driving the structure, composition, and regeneration of tropical forests. Larger frugivores play a crucial role in community structuring by dispersing large seeds not dispersed by smaller frugivores. We assessed the hypothesis that brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba clamitans) provide seed dispersal services for a wide assemblage of plant species in both small and large Atlantic forest fragments. Although fruit availability often decreases in small fragments compared with large ones, we predicted that brown howlers are efficient seed dispersers in quantitative and qualitative terms in both forest types given their high dietary flexibility. After a 36-month study period and 2,962 sampling hours, we found that howlers swallowed and defecated intact the vast majority of seeds (96%-100%) they handled in all study sites. Overall, they defecated ca. 315,600 seeds belonging to 98 species distributed in eight growth forms. We estimated that each individual howler dispersed an average of 143 (SD = 49) seeds >2 mm per day or 52,052 (SD = 17,782) seeds per year. They dispersed seeds of 58% to 93% of the local assemblages of fleshy-fruit trees. In most cases, the richness and abundance of seed species dispersed was similar between small and large fragments. However, groups inhabiting small fragments tended to disperse a higher diversity of seeds from rarely consumed fruits than those living in large fragments. We conclude that brown howlers are legitimate seed dispersers for most fleshy-fruit species of the angiosperm assemblages of their habitats, and that they might favor the regeneration of Atlantic forest fragments with the plentiful amount of intact seeds that they disperse each year. Dataset_seeds_dispersedHere we provided data on seed dispersal by six wild groups of brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba clamitans). This research was conducted during a 36-month period in three small (<10 ha: S1, S2, and S3) and three large (>90 ha: L1,L2, and L3) Atlantic forest fragments in Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil.Dataset_seed_handlingHere we provided data on seed/fruit handling by six wild groups of brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba clamitans). This research was conducted during a 36-month period in three small (<10 ha: S1, S2, and S3) and three large (>90 ha: L1,L2, and L3) Atlantic forest fragments in Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil.
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.23tp6
The physiological mechanisms underlying local adaptation in natural populations of animals, and whether the same mechanisms contribute to adaptation and acclimation, are largely unknown. Therefore, we tested for evolutionary divergence in aerobic exercise physiology in laboratory bred, size-matched crosses of ancestral, benthic, normal Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and derived, limnetic, more actively-swimming ‘dwarf’ ecotypes. We acclimated fish to constant swimming (emulating limnetic foraging) and control conditions (emulating normal activity levels) to simultaneously study phenotypic plasticity. We found extensive divergence between ecotypes: dwarf fish generally had constitutively higher values of traits related to oxygen transport (ventricle size) and use by skeletal muscle (percent oxidative muscle, mitochondrial content), and also evolved differential plasticity of mitochondrial function (Complex I activity and flux through Complexes I-IV and IV). The effects of swim-training were less pronounced than differences among ecotypes and the traits which had a significant training effect (ventricle protein content, ventricle MDH activity and muscle Complex V activity) did not differ among ecotypes. Only one trait, ventricle mass, varied in a similar manner with acclimation and adaptation and followed a pattern consistent with genetic accommodation. Overall, the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying acclimation and adaptation to swimming activity in Lake Whitefish generally differ. R code for nested, two-way ANOVAsR code for nested, two-way ANOVAs (example for Fig. 1A)Figs1-6_MixedEffectsModel_Code.RR_Code_for_DFAR_Code_for_DFA (Fig. 7)Fig7_DFA_Code.RFig1A_HematocritData for Figure 1AFig1B_VentricleMassData for Figure 1BFig2_HeartEnzymesData for Figure 2Fig3A_PercentRMData for Figure 3AFig3C,E_CapillaryDensityData for Figure 3C,EFig4_MuscleEnzymesData for Figure 4Fig5_MitoRespirationData for Figure 5Fig6_ETCenzymesData for Figure 6Fig7_DF(tank_means)Data for Figure 7 - tank means for all significant variables
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OBJECTIVE. To assess whether HS severity is mirrored at the level of large-scale networks. METHODS. We studied preoperative high-resolution anatomical and diffusion-weighted MRI of 44 TLE patients with histopathological diagnosis of HS (n=25; TLE-HS) and isolated gliosis (n=19; TLE-G), and 25 healthy controls. Hippocampal measurements included surface-based subfield mapping of atrophy and T2 hyperintensity indexing cell loss and gliosis, respectively. Whole-brain connectomes were generated via diffusion tractography and examined using graph theory along with a novel network control theory paradigm which simulates functional dynamics from structural network data. RESULTS. Compared to controls, we observed markedly increased path length and decreased clustering in TLE-HS compared to controls, indicating lower global and local network efficiency, while TLE-G showed only subtle alterations. Similarly, network controllability was lower in TLE-HS only, suggesting limited range of functional dynamics. Hippocampal imaging markers were positively associated with macroscale network alterations, particularly in ipsilateral CA1-3. Systematic assessment across several networks revealed maximal changes in the hippocampal circuity. Findings were consistent when correcting for cortical thickness, suggesting independence from grey matter atrophy. CONCLUSIONS. Severe HS is associated with marked remodeling of connectome topology and structurally-governed functional dynamics in TLE, as opposed to isolated gliosis which has negligible effects. Cell loss, particularly in CA1-3, may exert a cascading effect on brain-wide connectomes, underlining coupled disease processes across multiple scales. Data_phen_conn_dryadPhenotypic information and mean connectome feature data for Bernhardt et al. (2019) Temporal lobe epilepsy: hippocampal pathology modulates white matter connectome topology and controllability. Neurology
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.22v00
The performance of courtship signals provides information about the behavioural state and quality of the signaller, and females can use such information for social decision-making (e.g. mate choice). However, relatively little is known about the degree to which the perception of and preference for differences in motor performance are shaped by developmental experiences. Furthermore, the neural substrates that development could act upon to influence the processing of performance features remains largely unknown. In songbirds, females use song to identify males and select mates. Moreover, female songbirds are often sensitive to variation in male song performance. Consequently, we investigated how developmental exposure to adult male song affected behavioural and neural responses to song in a small, gregarious songbird, the zebra finch. Zebra finch males modulate their song performance when courting females, and previous work has shown that females prefer the high-performance, female-directed courtship song. However, unlike females allowed to hear and interact with an adult male during development, females reared without developmental song exposure did not demonstrate behavioural preferences for high-performance courtship songs. Additionally, auditory responses to courtship and non-courtship song were altered in adult females raised without developmental song exposure. These data highlight the critical role of developmental auditory experience in shaping the perception and processing of song performance. EGR1_dataNumber of EGR1 neurons/mm2 in the NCM, CMM and IC.preference_score_by_maleIDAverage preference scores of all females tested on each male stimulus.preference_scores_all_femalesraw data for call back preference tests for normally-reared and song-naive females tested on stimuli from different malespreference_score_vs_song_measuresPercent difference for measures of song between courtship and non-courtship singing. Measures include the number of introductory notes and motifs, syllable entropy, CV of the fundamental frequency and song tempo (motif duration).
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1.The question of when to monitor and when to act is fundamental to applied ecology, and notoriously difficult to answer. Value of information (VOI) theory holds great promise to help answer this question for many management problems. However, VOI theory in applied ecology has only been demonstrated in single-decision problems, and has lacked explicit links between monitoring and management costs. 2.Here, we present an extension of VOI theory for solving multi-unit decisions of whether to monitor before managing, while explicitly accounting for monitoring costs. Our formulation helps to choose the optimal monitoring/management strategy among groups of management units (e.g. species, habitat patches), and can be used to examine the benefits of partial and repeat monitoring. 3.To demonstrate our approach, we use case simulated studies of single-species protection that must choose among potential habitat areas, and classification and management of multiple species threatened with extinction. We provide spreadsheets and code to illustrate the calculations and facilitate application. Our case studies demonstrate the utility of predicting the number of units with a given outcome for problems with probabilities of discrete states, and the efficiency of having a flexible approach to manage according to monitoring outcomes. 4.Synthesis and applications. The decision to act or gather more information can have serious consequences for management. No decision, including the decision to monitor, is risk-free. Our multi-unit expansion of Value of Information (VOI) theory can reduce the risk in monitoring/acting decisions for many applied ecology problems. While our approach cannot account for the potential value of discovering previously unknown threats or ecological processes via monitoring programs, it can provide quantitative guidance on whether to monitor before acting, and which monitoring/management actions are most likely to meet management objectives. Multi-unit VOI functionsCode to simulate and analyze data for multi-unit value of information (VOI) problems in Bennett et al. (J. Appl. Ecol.)voi functions multi unit.txt
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Active sensing has been well documented in animals that use echolocation and electrolocation. Active photolocation, or active sensing using light, has received much less attention, and only in bioluminescent nocturnal species. However, evidence has suggested the diurnal triplefin Tripterygion delaisi uses controlled iris radiance, termed ocular sparks, for prey detection. While this form of diurnal active photolocation was behaviourally described, a study exploring the physical process would provide compelling support for this mechanism. In this paper, we investigate the conditions under which diurnal active photolocation could assist T. delaisi in detecting potential prey. In the field, we sampled gammarids (genus Cheirocratus) and characterized the spectral properties of their eyes, which possess strong directional reflectors. In the laboratory, we quantified ocular sparks size and their angle-dependent radiance. Combined with environmental light measurements and known properties of the visual system of T. delaisi, we modeled diurnal active photolocation under various scenarios. Our results corroborate that diurnal active photolocation should help T. delaisi detect gammarids at distances relevant to foraging, 4.5 cm under favourable conditions and up to 2.5 cm under average conditions. To determine the prevalence of diurnal active photolocation for micro-prey, we encourage further theoretical and empirical work. Average gammarid body reflectanceSpectrophotometric data for body reflectance of Cheirocratus gammaridsAverage gammarid body transmissionSpectrophotometric transmission measurements of Cheirocratus gammarid bodyBackground reflectance Haliopteris filicianaSpectrophotometric measurements of Haliopteris filicianaCoaxial reflectance values categoricalReflective properties of Gammarid eyes measured with coaxial light sourceDownwelling and sidewelling illuminant for analysesDownwelling and sidewelling light fieldsEye reflectance conversion values categoricalConversion factors to produce non-coaxial reflectance values from co-axial reflectance values for gammarid eyesOcular media valuesTransmission properties of the ocular media of Tripterigyon delaisiOcular spark conversion on continuous scaleConversion curves for transforming downwelling irradiance into ocular spark radianceSA scores Gammarid as perceived by Td pupilSolid angle of the gammarid eye as perceived from the pupil of T. delaisi based on the interaction distanceSA scores Os as perceived by Gammarid eye MATRIXSolid angles of the Ocular spark from T delaisi as perceived by the gammarid eye based on the interaction distance
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Background: The origin of powered avian flight was a locomotor innovation that expanded the ecological potential of maniraptoran dinosaurs, leading to remarkable variation in modern birds (Neornithes). The avian sternum is the anchor for the major flight muscles and, despite varying widely in morphology, has not been extensively studied from evolutionary or functional perspectives. We quantify sternal variation across a broad phylogenetic scope of birds using 3D geometric morphometrics methods. Using this comprehensive dataset, we apply phylogenetically informed regression approaches to test hypotheses of sternum size allometry and the correlation of sternal shape with both size and locomotory capabilities, including flightlessness and the highly varying flight and swimming styles of Neornithes. Results: We find evidence for isometry of sternal size relative to body mass and document significant allometry of sternal shape alongside important correlations with locomotory capability, reflecting the effects of both body shape and musculoskeletal variation. Among these, we show that a large sternum with a deep or cranially projected sternal keel is necessary for powered flight in modern birds, that deeper sternal keels are correlated with slower but stronger flight, robust caudal sternal borders are associated with faster flapping styles, and that narrower sterna are associated with running abilities. Correlations between shape and locomotion are significant but show weak explanatory power, indicating that although sternal shape is broadly associated with locomotory ecology, other unexplored factors are also important. Conclusions: These results display the ecological importance of the avian sternum for flight and locomotion by providing a novel understanding of sternum form and function in Neornithes. Our study lays the groundwork for estimating the locomotory abilities of paravian dinosaurs, the ancestors to Neornithes, by highlighting the importance of this critical element for avian flight, and will be useful for future work on the origin of flight along the dinosaur-bird lineage.
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