doi: 10.47792/eieo.11548
handle: 10261/312546 , 10508/11548
Contiene ficheros pdf y seg. Estos últimos se pueden abrir con software de procesado de datos acústicos y sísmicos, como Kingdom suite, Petrel, Seisearth, SeiSee o Radexpro.
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handle: 10261/320192 , 10508/16265
The deep-water sedimentary processes and morphological features offshore Madeira Island, located in the Central-NE Atlantic have been scantly studied. The analysis of new multibeam bathymetry, echo-sounder profiles and few multichannel seismic reflection profiles allowed us to identify the main geomorphologies, geomorphic processes and their interplay. Several types of features were identified below 3800 m water depth, shaped mainly by i) the interplay between northward-flowing Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and turbidity currents and ii) interaction of the AABW with oceanic reliefs and the Madeira lower slope. Subordinate and localized geomorphic processes consist of tectono-magmatic, slope instability, turbidity currents and fluid migration. The distribution of the morphological features defines three regional geomorphological sectors. Sector 1 represents a deep seafloor with its abyssal hills, basement highs and seamounts inherited from Early Cretaceous seafloor spreading. Sector 2 is exclusively shaped by turbidity current flows that formed channels and associated levees. Sector 3 presents a more complex morphology dominated by widespread depositional and erosional features formed by AABW circulation, and localized mixed contourite system developed by the interplay between the AABW circulation and WNW-ESE-flowing turbidite currents. The interaction of the AABW with abyssal hills, seamounts and basement ridges leads to the formation of several types of contourites: patch drifts, double-crest mounded bodies, and elongated, mounded and separated drifts. The patch drifts formed downstream of abyssal hills defining an previously unknown field of relatively small contourites. We suggest they may be a result of localized vortexes that formed when the AABW’s flow impinges these oceanic reliefs producingthe erosional scours that bound these features. The bottom currents in the area are known to be too weak (1–2 cm s− 1) to produce the patch drifts and scours. Therefore, we suggest that these features could be relics at present, having developed when the AABW was stronger than today, as during glacial/end of glacial stages. SUBVENT
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doi: 10.47792/eieo.1584
handle: 10261/312543 , 10508/1584
Ecological data on the adult stages of marine organisms
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Cette thèse de Doctorat tente d’appréhender l’espace dans l’œuvre d’Edouard Glissant. Pour le chantre du « Tout-Monde », l’espace ne peut se limiter à son île natale, la Martinique. En effet, contrairement à la vision occidentale classique de l’insularité, synonyme d’isolement, ce qui sous-tend et nourrit l’œuvre glissantienne est principalement l’appel des autres terres : non seulement l’archipel caribéen, avec lequel la Martinique partage le même passé esclavagiste et la même géographie accidentée, mais aussi l’ensemble de chaque empan du monde. Loin d’être l’île minuscule, perdue au milieu de l’Atlantique, dans l’ombre du continent américain, la Martinique en devient la préface. Bien plus, dans le sillage du « Tout-Monde », l’île antillaise connaît les mêmes dérives et les mêmes défis. La mer devient, de ce fait, le pont qui relie les terres en même temps qu’il aiguillonne l’imagination. Cette nouvelle perception de la mer est loin d’être une contre-verticale, elle est une nécessité. En raison de la traite et de l’amnésie qui lui est associée, l’histoire des « migrants nus » commence désormais avec le bateau négrier. Tout s’articule autour de cette nouvelle matrice, quand bien même elle serait déniée, où s’origine le chavirement permanent entre souffrance particulière et connaissance de l’Autre. Ainsi, au travers du vertige des mornes, des plantations et de l’ « En-ville », la Martinique apparaît comme un vaisseau fantôme qui garde jalousement ses secrets afin de pouvoir continuer à voguer… This thesis tries to comprehend the space in the work of Edouard Glissant. For the bard of the “all-world”, the space is not limited to his native island, Martinique. Indeed, contrary to the classical westerner view of the insularity, what underlies and feeds the work of Edouard Glissant is mainly the appeal of lands, which means not only the Caribbean archipelago, but also every place in the world. The Martinique which is supposed to be the tiny island, lost in the middle of the Atlantic and kept in American continent’s shadow, becomes the preface of this one. on top of that, in the wake of the ”all-world”, the west Indian island experience the same drifts and the same challenges. Because of that, the sea becomes the link which gathers lands at the same time as it stimulates the imagination. The new sea’s perception is not a counter-vertical, but it is a necessity. Owing to the slave trade and the amnesia which is associated with, the story of the “naked migrants” begins henceforth with the slave ship. Everything is based on this new matrix, whatever it is denied, and in which the eternal swaying between particular suffering and the other’s knowledge has its roots. Thus, through the vertigo of mountains, plantations and the “in-town”, Martinique seems like a ghost vessel which keeps jealously its secrets in order to continue its voyage.
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handle: 10261/324425 , 10508/16148
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handle: 10261/313989 , 10508/529
Accurate methods for assessing triploidy are important because treatments designed to induce poliploidy are not 100% and offspring from treated eggs are usually a mixture of triploids and diploids. High-quality histograms were obtained from turbot larvae and the very good reproductibility provided unambigous discrimination of diploids and triploids even in early stages development. This paper describes a rapid and simple method for triploidy determination from the larval stage of turbot (Scopthalmus maximus) by flow cytometry. Flow cytometry was more recently applied to triploidy determination and usually carried out using erythrocytes. No
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handle: 10261/314068 , 10508/4950
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Green |
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handle: 10508/16218 , 10261/323100
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handle: 10793/1604
This item has been digitised from The Marine Institute library archive. A localised translation of common Irish fishes names into Irish, compiled by G. P. Farran.
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doi: 10.47792/eieo.11548
handle: 10261/312546 , 10508/11548
Contiene ficheros pdf y seg. Estos últimos se pueden abrir con software de procesado de datos acústicos y sísmicos, como Kingdom suite, Petrel, Seisearth, SeiSee o Radexpro.
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handle: 10261/320192 , 10508/16265
The deep-water sedimentary processes and morphological features offshore Madeira Island, located in the Central-NE Atlantic have been scantly studied. The analysis of new multibeam bathymetry, echo-sounder profiles and few multichannel seismic reflection profiles allowed us to identify the main geomorphologies, geomorphic processes and their interplay. Several types of features were identified below 3800 m water depth, shaped mainly by i) the interplay between northward-flowing Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and turbidity currents and ii) interaction of the AABW with oceanic reliefs and the Madeira lower slope. Subordinate and localized geomorphic processes consist of tectono-magmatic, slope instability, turbidity currents and fluid migration. The distribution of the morphological features defines three regional geomorphological sectors. Sector 1 represents a deep seafloor with its abyssal hills, basement highs and seamounts inherited from Early Cretaceous seafloor spreading. Sector 2 is exclusively shaped by turbidity current flows that formed channels and associated levees. Sector 3 presents a more complex morphology dominated by widespread depositional and erosional features formed by AABW circulation, and localized mixed contourite system developed by the interplay between the AABW circulation and WNW-ESE-flowing turbidite currents. The interaction of the AABW with abyssal hills, seamounts and basement ridges leads to the formation of several types of contourites: patch drifts, double-crest mounded bodies, and elongated, mounded and separated drifts. The patch drifts formed downstream of abyssal hills defining an previously unknown field of relatively small contourites. We suggest they may be a result of localized vortexes that formed when the AABW’s flow impinges these oceanic reliefs producingthe erosional scours that bound these features. The bottom currents in the area are known to be too weak (1–2 cm s− 1) to produce the patch drifts and scours. Therefore, we suggest that these features could be relics at present, having developed when the AABW was stronger than today, as during glacial/end of glacial stages. SUBVENT
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doi: 10.47792/eieo.1584
handle: 10261/312543 , 10508/1584
Ecological data on the adult stages of marine organisms
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Cette thèse de Doctorat tente d’appréhender l’espace dans l’œuvre d’Edouard Glissant. Pour le chantre du « Tout-Monde », l’espace ne peut se limiter à son île natale, la Martinique. En effet, contrairement à la vision occidentale classique de l’insularité, synonyme d’isolement, ce qui sous-tend et nourrit l’œuvre glissantienne est principalement l’appel des autres terres : non seulement l’archipel caribéen, avec lequel la Martinique partage le même passé esclavagiste et la même géographie accidentée, mais aussi l’ensemble de chaque empan du monde. Loin d’être l’île minuscule, perdue au milieu de l’Atlantique, dans l’ombre du continent américain, la Martinique en devient la préface. Bien plus, dans le sillage du « Tout-Monde », l’île antillaise connaît les mêmes dérives et les mêmes défis. La mer devient, de ce fait, le pont qui relie les terres en même temps qu’il aiguillonne l’imagination. Cette nouvelle perception de la mer est loin d’être une contre-verticale, elle est une nécessité. En raison de la traite et de l’amnésie qui lui est associée, l’histoire des « migrants nus » commence désormais avec le bateau négrier. Tout s’articule autour de cette nouvelle matrice, quand bien même elle serait déniée, où s’origine le chavirement permanent entre souffrance particulière et connaissance de l’Autre. Ainsi, au travers du vertige des mornes, des plantations et de l’ « En-ville », la Martinique apparaît comme un vaisseau fantôme qui garde jalousement ses secrets afin de pouvoir continuer à voguer… This thesis tries to comprehend the space in the work of Edouard Glissant. For the bard of the “all-world”, the space is not limited to his native island, Martinique. Indeed, contrary to the classical westerner view of the insularity, what underlies and feeds the work of Edouard Glissant is mainly the appeal of lands, which means not only the Caribbean archipelago, but also every place in the world. The Martinique which is supposed to be the tiny island, lost in the middle of the Atlantic and kept in American continent’s shadow, becomes the preface of this one. on top of that, in the wake of the ”all-world”, the west Indian island experience the same drifts and the same challenges. Because of that, the sea becomes the link which gathers lands at the same time as it stimulates the imagination. The new sea’s perception is not a counter-vertical, but it is a necessity. Owing to the slave trade and the amnesia which is associated with, the story of the “naked migrants” begins henceforth with the slave ship. Everything is based on this new matrix, whatever it is denied, and in which the eternal swaying between particular suffering and the other’s knowledge has its roots. Thus, through the vertigo of mountains, plantations and the “in-town”, Martinique seems like a ghost vessel which keeps jealously its secrets in order to continue its voyage.
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handle: 10261/324425 , 10508/16148