Com o objetivo de frear o número de infecções por COVID-19, vários países adotaram regulamentações de distanciamento social, incluindo o fechamento de estabelecimentos não essenciais e restrições de mobilidade. Este artigo estima o impacto dessas regulamentações sobre os crimes contra a propriedade no estado de São Paulo. O impacto é estimado usando um modelo espaço-temporal Bayesiano e é desagregado por microrregiões. A variabilidade espacial do impacto é usada para inferir quais variáveis observadas caracterizam os locais com maior probabilidade de terem sido impactados. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das microrregiões sofreu uma redução nos crimes contra a propriedade e que esses locais são caracterizados por índices de isolamento mais altos e menos recebimento de transferências emergenciais de dinheiro. With the goal of stopping COVID-19 infections, several countries adopted social distancing regulations, including closure of non essential establishments and mobility restrictions. This paper estimates the impact of these regulations on property crime in the state of São Paulo. The impact is estimated using a Bayesian spatiotemporal model, and is disaggregated by microregions. The space variability of the impact is used to infer which observed variables characterize places with higher probability of impact. We found that most microregions experienced a decrease in property crime, and that these places are characterized by higher isolation indices and less receipt of emergency cash transfers.
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Database COVID
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In Brazil, the last country in the Americas to abolish slavery, the effects of colonization reverberate in the insurgence of a necropolitics that directly affects Black youth and children. According to the Brazilian Forum of Public Safety, between the years of 2016 and 2020, 35 thousand people from 0 to 17 years old were killed in violent ways. In 2021, around 7 children or teenagers were victims of lethal violence per day. For such, the text updated the condition of contemporary necropolitics considering its colonizing genealogy, having as central axis the comprehension of «the complex of Miguel Otávio», (Souza and Carvalho, 2022, p. 7) as the capacity whether rational or not, conscious or unconscious, of adultcentrism to banalize the risks to which children are submitted, to the point of dying in gratuitous, stupid, violent, irresponsible and negligent forms. Considering examples such as Miguel Otávio Santana, who was 4 years old and was killed due to infant abandonment, and João Pedro Mattos, who was 14 years old and was shot by the police with a rifle, both cases taking place in the most rigid period of the COVID-19 quarantine, it is possible to understand that such processes educate the Brazilian society to treat differences as a synonym to inequalities and that adultcentrism is key in the composition of the Brazilian racism that sustains the death of Black children. Educazione interculturale, Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023): Education in a world of conflict and division
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Abstract COVID-19 pandemic has required social isolation to prevent the virus from spreading. Initially, the elderly were the most affected by the novel coronavirus. However, the virus spread out worldwide, affecting all age groups. The elderly are commonly affected by several chronic diseases, and as a consequence of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the community-based exercise programs, which usually provide health and well-being to the elderly, have stopped their activities to avoid the virus to spread out; so, the elderly kept taking medicines but stopped exercising, which must impair their health and increase demand from the public health system. In this sense, the physical education professional is essential to providing safe approaches to the elderly who are not able to enroll in community-based exercise programs but need to exercise to improve their health. This article aims to discuss the consequences of not exercising in older adults’ health during the social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; still, we intend to present adjunct strategies to allow the elderly to exercise even socially isolated.
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EXCLI Journal; 20:Doc276; ISSN 1611-2156
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Estamos atravessando uma crise humanitária multidimensional sobre a qual temos mais questionamentos que certezas, e neste cenário, as questões relacionadas à saúde mental geram grande preocupação. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo compreender de que forma o pensamento crítico tem abordado as questões relacionadas à saúde mental em tempos de pandemia de Covid-19. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, através do estudo de publicações científicas em periódicos e livros, configurando-se uma investigação analítica e crítico-argumentativa. Como resultado, compreendeu-se que para os diferentes autores do pensamento crítico, em especial no contexto latino-americano, é necessário a construção de um outro mundo para além da exploração, um exemplo é a utopia do bem viver, que, desde o mundo andino, ameríndio, feminista tem coproduzido ações coletivas que apontam para novas formas de viver.
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handle: 20.500.11850/577320
SARS-CoV-2 (SCoV2) and its variants of concern pose serious challenges to the public health. The variants increased challenges to vaccines, thus necessitating for development of new intervention strategies including anti-virals. Within the international Covid19-NMR consortium, we have identified binders targeting the RNA genome of SCoV2. We established protocols for the production and NMR characterization of more than 80 % of all SCoV2 proteins. Here, we performed an NMR screening using a fragment library for binding to 25 SCoV2 proteins and identified hits also against previously unexplored SCoV2 proteins. Computational mapping was used to predict binding sites and identify functional moieties (chemotypes) of the ligands occupying these pockets. Striking consensus was observed between NMR-detected binding sites of the main protease and the computational procedure. Our investigation provides novel structural and chemical space for structure-based drug design against the SCoV2 proteome. Angewandte Chemie. International Edition, 61 (46) ISSN:0570-0833 ISSN:1433-7851 ISSN:1521-3773
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Pandemics are here since the dawn of mankind. History records the most diverse diseases, epidemics and pandemics which in certain historical particularities and situations have afflicted tribes, communities, towns, cities and entire nations. Pandemics are a striking remind of the irrepressible bond between the human being and nature, which is naturally human and humanly natural. The diseases, with great capacity for dissemination and contagion, have devastated even the most fortified cities, as was the case with the Anthonina plague that struck Rome in 165. The pandemic that occurred in the Roman Empire began with the troops that were installed in the Parthia, a Roman territory located in Mesopotamia. Through these troops, the disease arrived in Rome in 166 and was the cause of up to two thousand deaths a day {Citation}. Studies indicate it was probably an outbreak of smallpox. It is estimated that 5 million people died as a result of the Anthonina plague.
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{"references": ["Abolhasani, M., Oakes, S., & Oakes, H. (2017). Music in advertising and consumer identity: The search for Heideggerian authenticity. Marketing Theory 17 (4), 473-490. (Doi: 10.1177/1470593117692021.)", "Aliel, L., Keller, D., & Alvim, V. (2019). A Soundtrack for Atravessamentos : Expanding ecologically grounded methods for ubiquitous music collaborations. In 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research .", "Aliel, L., & Fornari, J. (2015). Creating an ecologically modeled performance through the remote manipulation of multiple soundscapes. NICS Reports , (12), 2.", "Brooks, R. A. (1991). Intelligence without representation. Artificial Intelligence 47 (1), 139-159.", "Brown, A. R., Stewart, D., Hansen, A., & Stewart, A. (2014). Making meaningful musical experiences accessible using the iPad. In Keller, D., Lazzarini, V., & Pimenta, M. S. (Eds.). Ubiquitous music (pp. 65-81). Cham, Springer.", "Carson, T. (2020). On Ecocomposition. Journal of Digital Media & Interaction , 3(5), 133-142.", "Keller, D. (2000). Compositional processes from an ecological perspective. Leonardo Music Journal , 55-60.", "Keller, D. (2001). Social and perceptual dynamics in ecologically-based composition. Electronic Musicological Review , 6.", "Keller, D., Gomes, C., & Aliel, L. (2019). The Handy Metaphor: Bimanual, touchless interaction for the internet of musical things. Journal of New Music Research, 48(4), 385-396.", "Keller, D., Messina, M., & Oliveira, F. Z. (2020). Second Wave Ubiquitous Music. Journal of Digital Media & Interaction , 3(5), 5-20.", "Messina, M., & Aliel, L. (2019). Ubiquitous Music, Gelassenheit and the Metaphysics of Presence: Hijacking the Live Score Piece Ntrallazzu 4. In 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research , 685-695.", "Messina, M., Svidzinski, J., de Menezes Bezerra, D., & da Costa, D. F. (2019). Live Patching and Remote Interaction: A Practice-Based, Intercontinental Approach to Kiwi. In 14th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research , 696-703.", "Mesz, B., Sigman, M., & Trevisan, M. (2012). A composition algorithm based on crossmodal taste-music correspondences. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience , 6, 71.", "Turchet, L., Fischione, C., Essl, G., Keller, D., & Barthet, M. (2018). Internet of musical things: Vision and challenges. IEEE Access , 6, 61994-62017."]} Picture a world with no mobility. Planes are landed. Urban transportation stopped. Large gatherings are non-existent and everybody is at home. That’s 2020, today. Most countries have reduced social interactions to a minimum. Food markets, drugstores and gas stations remain open. But shopping malls, cinemas, coffee shops and pubs have closed their doors for the foreseeable future. The Covid-19 pandemic is among us, ready to strike the most vulnerable and sometimes also the healthy, rich and posh. Covid-19 impacts every social strata. This is a key difference between this disease and the plagues that have been taking lives in the peripheral countries for decades. Pulmonary and respiratory diseases are among the leading causes of death worldwide. But according to the WHO 1 (2018), the so-called Group I conditions (communicable diseases, maternal conditions arising during pregnancy and childbirth, and nutritional deficiencies) are particularly devastating among the low-income populations. Until today, music making has predominantly been done through face-to-face, synchronous interactions. While it is true that some forms of music making ⎼ for instance, studio post-production or karaoké ⎼ rely on resources that are prepared offline, the implicit target of musical activity is to make sound together, if possible in person and at the same time. The current pandemic has turned the traditional forms of music making into high-risk and in some cases potentially deadly activities. So is music making becoming an activity for a select elite, secluded from the mundane buzz and divorced from community exchanges, again? The answer from the ubimus community is a strong no!
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This viewpoint note discusses the covid-19 pandemic from the lens of complexity thinking and resilience engineering (RE). It intends to raise questions and encourage critical thinking on the underlying theoretical foundations of the responses adopted so far to cope with the pandemic. Insights arising from this analysis can be useful for the refinement of complexity and RE theory and practice, as well as for the further development of non-medical practices to address the pandemic and its effects.
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Com o objetivo de frear o número de infecções por COVID-19, vários países adotaram regulamentações de distanciamento social, incluindo o fechamento de estabelecimentos não essenciais e restrições de mobilidade. Este artigo estima o impacto dessas regulamentações sobre os crimes contra a propriedade no estado de São Paulo. O impacto é estimado usando um modelo espaço-temporal Bayesiano e é desagregado por microrregiões. A variabilidade espacial do impacto é usada para inferir quais variáveis observadas caracterizam os locais com maior probabilidade de terem sido impactados. Os resultados indicam que a maioria das microrregiões sofreu uma redução nos crimes contra a propriedade e que esses locais são caracterizados por índices de isolamento mais altos e menos recebimento de transferências emergenciais de dinheiro. With the goal of stopping COVID-19 infections, several countries adopted social distancing regulations, including closure of non essential establishments and mobility restrictions. This paper estimates the impact of these regulations on property crime in the state of São Paulo. The impact is estimated using a Bayesian spatiotemporal model, and is disaggregated by microregions. The space variability of the impact is used to infer which observed variables characterize places with higher probability of impact. We found that most microregions experienced a decrease in property crime, and that these places are characterized by higher isolation indices and less receipt of emergency cash transfers.
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Database COVID
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In Brazil, the last country in the Americas to abolish slavery, the effects of colonization reverberate in the insurgence of a necropolitics that directly affects Black youth and children. According to the Brazilian Forum of Public Safety, between the years of 2016 and 2020, 35 thousand people from 0 to 17 years old were killed in violent ways. In 2021, around 7 children or teenagers were victims of lethal violence per day. For such, the text updated the condition of contemporary necropolitics considering its colonizing genealogy, having as central axis the comprehension of «the complex of Miguel Otávio», (Souza and Carvalho, 2022, p. 7) as the capacity whether rational or not, conscious or unconscious, of adultcentrism to banalize the risks to which children are submitted, to the point of dying in gratuitous, stupid, violent, irresponsible and negligent forms. Considering examples such as Miguel Otávio Santana, who was 4 years old and was killed due to infant abandonment, and João Pedro Mattos, who was 14 years old and was shot by the police with a rifle, both cases taking place in the most rigid period of the COVID-19 quarantine, it is possible to understand that such processes educate the Brazilian society to treat differences as a synonym to inequalities and that adultcentrism is key in the composition of the Brazilian racism that sustains the death of Black children. Educazione interculturale, Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023): Education in a world of conflict and division
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Abstract COVID-19 pandemic has required social isolation to prevent the virus from spreading. Initially, the elderly were the most affected by the novel coronavirus. However, the virus spread out worldwide, affecting all age groups. The elderly are commonly affected by several chronic diseases, and as a consequence of social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the community-based exercise programs, which usually provide health and well-being to the elderly, have stopped their activities to avoid the virus to spread out; so, the elderly kept taking medicines but stopped exercising, which must impair their health and increase demand from the public health system. In this sense, the physical education professional is essential to providing safe approaches to the elderly who are not able to enroll in community-based exercise programs but need to exercise to improve their health. This article aims to discuss the consequences of not exercising in older adults’ health during the social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic; still, we intend to present adjunct strategies to allow the elderly to exercise even socially isolated.
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EXCLI Journal; 20:Doc276; ISSN 1611-2156