doi: 10.34894/ciexr5
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project. The measurement series on which the results are based at present are unavailable.
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doi: 10.34894/8cvjje
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project by D.J. de Vries and H. Tisje. Digitization of the analog measurement series: Benno Ridderhof (VU, 2008); further additions and reformatting: Esther Jansma (2011).
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doi: 10.34894/ggihra
Dendrochronological research project
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doi: 10.34894/6mxoq3
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project.
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doi: 10.34894/jtnf1z
Bij werkzaamheden langs de voormalige Zuiderzeedijken (thans Markermeerdijken) zijn resten van beschoeiingen en een sluis aangetroffen. De beschoeiingen bestaat uit zware, naast elkaar geplaatste naaldhouten palen. Hierbij gaat het overwegend om grove den (Pinus sylvestris L.) sporadisch om fijnspar (Picea abies Karst.) en een enkele maal eik (Quercus sp.). Voor de sluis zijn de gebruikelijke bouwhoutsoorten gebruikt, namelijk eik en grove den. Ongebruikelijker is het gebruik van beuken (Fagus sylvatica L.) planken in de vloer van de sluis. De oudst delen van de dijkbeschoeiingen stammen uit het begin van de 17e eeuw, rond 1625. Tot 1635 wordt een groot aantal palen geplaatst. In de jaren ’40 van de 17e eeuw wordt op bescheiden schaal aan de dijken gewerkt. Dit is ook te zien tussen het eind van de 17e eeuw en het eerste kwart van de 18e eeuw. Tenslotte lijkt er in het interval tussen c. 1736 en 1742 weer intensiever aan de dijken gewerkt te zijn. De dateringen van de sluis vallen in de 16e en 17e eeuw, maar lijken allemaal bij de kapintervallen in de herfst of winter van 1666/67 te horen.
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The agricultural sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in Ethiopia, as it is the basis of the economy and the primary source of employment. This study investigated the implementation of mitigation and adaptation practices in smallholder farms in Ethiopia, estimated GHG emissions associated with mitigation practices, and identified potential mitigation options and barriers and enabling factors for implementation. Twenty-five smallholder farmers were selected by a local development agency and interviewed in the field about their land use and land management practices and the Mitigation Options Tool (MOT) was used to estimate GHG emissions, to identify mitigation options and co-benefits, and as a platform for promoting learning and knowledge exchange across different types of stakeholders. All farmers interviewed in the field acknowledged changes in the climate, but only some were implementing adaptation practices to cope with such changes, namely, crop rotations, planting new crop types, and the early sowing of crops. Fewer mitigation practices were implemented, namely reduced tillage and application of manure in cereal crops and potatoes. These practices were mainly implemented because of their benefits for soil conservation (e.g. fertility, soil water holding capacity, yield stabilization, erosion avoidance) rather than for mitigation (carbon sequestration) purposes. Greenhouse gas emissions from the application of synthetic fertilizer to crops, and from livestock production varied widely across farmers depending on the amount of fertilizer applied and the number and type of livestock raised. Tenancy rights and extension services were identified as potential enablers of the adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia, and competing uses for straw was a potential barrier for the incorporation of residues in the soil. Barriers and enabling factors should be assessed thoroughly through further engagement with farmers as well as data on the amount of organic matter added to the soil, as these practices have co-benefits in terms of soil conservation, which are especially relevant for climate change adaptation in semi-dry climates. The MOT could be used in the future as a facilitator for knowledge exchange between researchers and practitioners in Ethiopia, and in other developing countries where data availability is low, to support the identification of effective climate change mitigation and adaptation actions. Key policy insightsClimate change mitigation practices in agriculture can provide co-benefits for adaptation and food security, including the stabilization of crop yields, especially in semi-dry climates; more evidence about these co-benefits is needed.The systematic collection of data on manure and crop residues should be supported as a priority as well as the identification of implementation barriers for mitigation and adaptation practices.Smallholder farmers need to be engaged throughout any assessment of climate change mitigation potential to raise awareness, identify co-benefits of possible actions, and to identify and address barriers for implementation.Tenancy rights and extension services are potential enabling factors for the adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia.In developing countries, user-friendly tools such as the MOT can promote learning and knowledge exchange across diverse stakeholder groups about the impact of land use and management options on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Climate change mitigation practices in agriculture can provide co-benefits for adaptation and food security, including the stabilization of crop yields, especially in semi-dry climates; more evidence about these co-benefits is needed. The systematic collection of data on manure and crop residues should be supported as a priority as well as the identification of implementation barriers for mitigation and adaptation practices. Smallholder farmers need to be engaged throughout any assessment of climate change mitigation potential to raise awareness, identify co-benefits of possible actions, and to identify and address barriers for implementation. Tenancy rights and extension services are potential enabling factors for the adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. In developing countries, user-friendly tools such as the MOT can promote learning and knowledge exchange across diverse stakeholder groups about the impact of land use and management options on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
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doi: 10.34894/okwu8r
Abstract of paper 0622 presented at the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht , the Netherlands 9-12 July, 2019.
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Final Probe Regions. Complete listing of all regions used in alignments to generate probes. (XLSX 1446Â kb)
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doi: 10.34894/l3wzqi
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project.
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doi: 10.34894/eij5w7
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project.
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doi: 10.34894/ciexr5
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project. The measurement series on which the results are based at present are unavailable.
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doi: 10.34894/8cvjje
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project by D.J. de Vries and H. Tisje. Digitization of the analog measurement series: Benno Ridderhof (VU, 2008); further additions and reformatting: Esther Jansma (2011).
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doi: 10.34894/ggihra
Dendrochronological research project
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doi: 10.34894/6mxoq3
The year in which the research stored in took place, from 1985 onwards can be found in the report number, with for example ‘P:1997001’ implying that this particular study took place in 1997. Interpretations of the most likely wood provenance and estimations of the number of missing sapwood rings, if included in the original research report, are based on the knowledge at the time and may be subject to later refinement. Dendrochronological research project.
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