handle: 11471/908.10.9335
Schlüssel aus Stahl
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handle: 11471/562.20.1966
Guglielmo, Herzog von Mantua, erteitl dem Kloster San Benedetto Polirone in San Beneddeto Po die Bestätigung seiner Privilegien, welche die Schenkung von Federico Gonzaga von 1479 Dezember 10 sowie die Bestätigungen von 1484 August 17, 1499 Februar 19, 1508 Mai 10 und 1520 Jänner 12 umfasst. Enrico Scaccabarozzi
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handle: 11471/507.10.208
Randfragment einer Schale/Schüssel mit Henkelknubbe (nicht gebohrt). Innen: Auf geglättetem Hintergrund unterhalb der Randlinie linear angelegtes Bandzonenornament. Außen: Auf geglättetem Hintergrund schraffierter Mäanderdekor und Netzmuster.
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This paper analyzes the key sociological, philosophical and historical underpinnings of environmental neuroscience. The paper first outlines the technological and conceptual developments that preceded environmental neuroscience, and grounds the field within a wider context of the ’post-genomic’ sciences. It then turns to earlier attempts to relate human psychology to experiences within specific natural and physical environments going back to the nineteenth century, before asking whether, in particular, recent concerns about urbanization and climate change might have motivated a recent to such research topics. Lastly the paper asks environmental neuroscientists to pay attention to the politics of their field, and especially to the politics of consistently advocating for more ‘natural’ or ‘traditional’ environments for human beings. The paper concludes, optimistically, with an argument that environmental neuroscience is a field ‘in the making,’ with some scope yet to intervene on what will become its core facts and assumptions.
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hybrid |
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popularity | Average | |
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Michael Balcon is generally recognised for his stewardship of the Ealing Studios from 1939 and the portfolio of highly esteemed films which emerged over the decade 1942-52. Perhaps as a consequence of the critical preoccupation with those films, less attention has been given to his activities as Director of Production of what was Britain's largest film organisation during the 1930s: Gaumont British (G-B). Based upon archive material held by the British Film Institute, The Michael Balcon Special Collection (MBSC) and the US box-office information contained in Variety, this article sets out to redress partly this state of affairs by concentrating on the organisation's efforts, 1934-36, to become a major player in the world film industry; a rival in scale and output of the principal Hollywood studios.
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bronze |
citations | 3 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Average |
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Una guerra intestina en la cual se enfrentan grupos armados ilegales y fuerzas del Estado, este es el cuento de Colombia. Una lucha campesina para crear un gobierno popular, este es el cuento de las FARC. Un armamento desproporcionado para brindar una (auto) defensa a los ciudadanos y luchar por la paz... ese es el cuento de los paramilitares y de las Fuerzas Armadas. La palabra « cuento » evoca una visión simplista, la verdad de uno y el descrédito de los demás. Un « cuento » se refiere a la...
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bronze |
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popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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Dans la lancée du mariage en 1722 d’une Phélypeaux de La Vrillière avec un Bréhan de Plélo, s’inscrivait à peu d’années d’intervalle, chez les Phélypeaux et leurs proches, une série de trois alliances bretonnes non moins caractéristiques. En 1725, Marie-Anne Phélypeaux d’Herbault, fille de l’intendant des armées navales Antoine-François d’Herbault mortellement blessé en 1704 à la bataille de Velez-Malaga, épousait Gabriel-Bertrand du Guesclin (1692-1750), descendant d’Olivier du Guesclin, frè...
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bronze |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Green | |
gold |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11375/10407
The first two chapters review the intellectualist interpretation of religion and ancestor worship and examine' the rise of the sociological approach. Chapter Three proposes definitions of key terms, differentiating cults of the dead from cults of collective clan ancestors and of immediate jural superiors. Chapter Four analyses the links proposed between unilineality and ancestor worship. Chapter Five discusses the functionalist approach to a belief in life after death. Chapters Six, Seven, Nine, Ten and Eleven. summarize important work done among some of the African peoples who worship ancestors. Chapter Eight looks at Fortes' theory of ancestor worship and authority. Chapters Twelve to Fourteen look at the relevant data from India, China, Japan and Melanesia. Chapter Fifteen sums up and evaluates the approaches adopted by anthropologists in the analysis of ancestor worship. Master of Arts (MA)
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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El ermitaño constituyó un tema tópico en los discursos visuales de la pintura de los literatos. Este nuevo género de arte surgido a partir del siglo XI destaca por ser un espacio artístico de expresión de sensaciones e ideas personales en el que dar libre curso a las emociones. El anacoreta se convirtió asimismo en un «símbolo» que transmite las virtudes y las aspiraciones del mismo artista. No obstante, existe cierta diferencia entre la imagen idealizada y la imagen real del artista. Este embellecimiento de la imagen no responde a una deliberada malicia del artista, sino que es el resultado del encuentro de varios factores. Este trabajo propone inquirir los motivos de la construcción de la identidad idealizada del artista en las pinturas del siglo XVII mediante el análisis de dos cuadros de Shi Tao con el tema de la contemplación de las flores amarillas.
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gold |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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handle: 11471/908.10.9335
Schlüssel aus Stahl
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handle: 11471/562.20.1966
Guglielmo, Herzog von Mantua, erteitl dem Kloster San Benedetto Polirone in San Beneddeto Po die Bestätigung seiner Privilegien, welche die Schenkung von Federico Gonzaga von 1479 Dezember 10 sowie die Bestätigungen von 1484 August 17, 1499 Februar 19, 1508 Mai 10 und 1520 Jänner 12 umfasst. Enrico Scaccabarozzi
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Green |
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handle: 11471/507.10.208
Randfragment einer Schale/Schüssel mit Henkelknubbe (nicht gebohrt). Innen: Auf geglättetem Hintergrund unterhalb der Randlinie linear angelegtes Bandzonenornament. Außen: Auf geglättetem Hintergrund schraffierter Mäanderdekor und Netzmuster.
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This paper analyzes the key sociological, philosophical and historical underpinnings of environmental neuroscience. The paper first outlines the technological and conceptual developments that preceded environmental neuroscience, and grounds the field within a wider context of the ’post-genomic’ sciences. It then turns to earlier attempts to relate human psychology to experiences within specific natural and physical environments going back to the nineteenth century, before asking whether, in particular, recent concerns about urbanization and climate change might have motivated a recent to such research topics. Lastly the paper asks environmental neuroscientists to pay attention to the politics of their field, and especially to the politics of consistently advocating for more ‘natural’ or ‘traditional’ environments for human beings. The paper concludes, optimistically, with an argument that environmental neuroscience is a field ‘in the making,’ with some scope yet to intervene on what will become its core facts and assumptions.
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hybrid |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Michael Balcon is generally recognised for his stewardship of the Ealing Studios from 1939 and the portfolio of highly esteemed films which emerged over the decade 1942-52. Perhaps as a consequence of the critical preoccupation with those films, less attention has been given to his activities as Director of Production of what was Britain's largest film organisation during the 1930s: Gaumont British (G-B). Based upon archive material held by the British Film Institute, The Michael Balcon Special Collection (MBSC) and the US box-office information contained in Variety, this article sets out to redress partly this state of affairs by concentrating on the organisation's efforts, 1934-36, to become a major player in the world film industry; a rival in scale and output of the principal Hollywood studios.
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bronze |
citations | 3 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Average |