The natural geographer Axel Hamberg (1863-1933) became the funder of the research in the mountain massif, Sarek, Sweden, the area known as Sweden’s last wild life area. He based his thesis on the research results from Sarek. He installed instruments for hydrographical and metrological measurements, as well as for sun hour registrations. However, he was only present in the summers/autumns, so to keep the measurements on an annual basis did he hire Sámi as research assistants. Lars Nilsson Tuorda (1858-1930) became the most hired one, and was employed as a regular for almost two decades. Tuorda made most of the annual registrations and measurements in the Sarek research, supervised logistics in the area, and became in charge of the financial aspect of the research organisation when Hamberg was not present. Tuorda’s responsibility was massive. In Hamberg’s published scientific works are the efforts made by Tuorda, and other extras and assistants, not mentioned. Tourda’s, and others’ jobs, were only revealed in Tuorda’s letters to Hamberg, and in Hamberg’s private field diaries. Hamberg made the efforts of his assistants invisible before the reading public, and the scientific community. This also means that Hamberg based his thesis on scientific works he did not all execute himself, leaving beside the knowledge his Sámi co-workers provided for him, knowledge that he was in great need of in his work in Sarek. My own research is to reveal the extent of the works and efforts made by Hamberg’s hired assistants, in particular Lars Nilsson Tuorda’s work in Hamberg’s Sarek research organisation. Naturgeografen Axel Hamberg (1863-1933) inledde forskningen i den svenska massiven Sarek. Hambergs forskning var beroende på hjälp från ett antal Sámiska forskningsassistenter, bland annat Lars Nilsson Tuorda (1858-1930), vars roll var avgörande för Hambergs forskning. Den här studien utforskar bredden och vikten av de Sámiska forskningsassistenternas bidrag till Hambergs forskning i Sarek.
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This dataset consists of a digital elevation model (DEM) and an orthomosaic of the ���Bear Trap��� (also called ���Bj��rnef��lden��� in Danish, and ���Putdlagssuaq��� or ���The Great Trap��� Greenlandic Kalaallisut), a Norse ruin at the western end of the Nuussuaq Peninsula in NW Greenland. Images comprise 1032 low-altitude aerial images acquired from an unoccupied aerial vehicle (DJI Phantom 3 Standard). These images were processed using Agisoft Metashape Pro (v1.7; Linux Ubuntu) following the USGS protocols for processing imagery in coastal areas. The locations of 8 ground control points (GCPs) were surveyed with a high accuracy global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver (Emlid Reach). The base station and rover data were processed using the Emlid distribution of the free RTKLib software ( Geoid height was computed using the online UNAVCO Geoid Height Calculator ( During the image alignment step in Metashape, the ���High��� accuracy setting and key point and tie point limits of 60000 and 0 were used. Generic and reference preselection were not used. Gradual selection was used to remove tie points that exceeded thresholds for the projection accuracy, reconstruction uncertainty, and reprojection error and the intrinsic camera parameters were computed for each camera calibration group. GCPs were then imported and placed in each image. The dense point cloud was then computed using the ���Ultra High��� quality setting, followed by the DEM and orthomosaic. The resolution of the orthomosaic is 1.83 cm/pixel. 5 cm resolution orthomosaic and DEM were also exported for use in QGIS. A complete file list is provided in the README file that accompanies this dataset. The image survey was conducted as part of the Vaigat Iceberg-Microbial Oil Degradation and Archaeological Heritage Investigation (VIMOA) project, which was funded by the Danish Centre for Marine Research and supported by the Arctic Research Centre at Aarhus University, in affiliation with the National Museum of Denmark, the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, and The Greenland National Museum and Archives in Nuuk. Proper archaeological permits for the survey were obtained in advance from the Greenland National Museum and Archives in Nuuk. Walsh et al. (2020) provide an overview of the archaeological surveys conducted during the VIMOA project and Walsh et al. (in prep) provide further details specific to The Bear Trap and surrounding archaeological contexts observed during the 2019 survey. Walsh et al. (2020) The VIMOA project and archaeological heritage in the Nuussuaq Peninsula of north-west Greenland. Antiquity 94:e6 doi:10.15184/aqy.2019.230 Walsh, Matthew J., Daniel F. Carlson, Pelle Tejsner, and Steffen Thomsen. The Bear Trap: Reinvestigating a unique stone structure on the northwest tip of the Nuussuaq Peninsula, Greenland. Submitted to Arctic Anthropology.
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Abstract Dark and clear silicate glasses formed during an iron age vitrification event ≈ 1500 years ago at the Broborg hillfort near Uppsala, Sweden have been analyzed using a scanning electron microscope equipped with a micro-X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) spectrometer. Correlated µXRF and electron beam-induced energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) X-ray maps were collected via stage-scanning at constant velocity. This coupled procedure represents a new approach for the cultural heritage community to conduct analytical studies of archaeometric specimens composed of metal, ceramic, or mixed inorganic/organic materials, where major and trace element compositions are registered in space for areas up to the centimeter-length scale at micrometer-scale resolution. Overview images were used to select areas for EDS beam scan maps correlated with multispectral cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging and co-located quantitative EDS and μXRF point analysis. Fe, Ca, Mg, Ti, P, Mn, Zr, Zn, and Y are enriched in the dark glass, while Si, Al, K, Na, Ba, Sr, Rb, and Ga are enriched in the clear glass. Unmelted material is comprised predominately of quartz (SiO2) along with trace apatite (Ca5(PO4)3[Cl,OH]) and zircon (ZrSiO4). Multivariate statistical analysis was used to measure the area fractions of high variance components while lower variance components represented phase mixtures. Differences between calculated melt viscosities for the glass compositions are consistent with field and laboratory observations. Coupled large area EDS and μXRF imaging shows significant promise for informed selection of higher spatial resolution and higher sensitivity follow-up studies, e.g., those performed using synchrotron analysis. Graphical Abstract
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citations | 0 | |
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Osteoarchaeological analysis of human remains from the Neolithic site Åloppe, Norrskog. The material has been analyzed during two occasions, partly in connection with the faunal analysis (see Gummesson 2008) and partly separately where also material that did not have context information was included. The material has been analyzed at the osteoarchaeological research laboratory at Stockholm University and its reference collections have been used. The database is in Swedish and Latin. Osteoarkeologisk analys av mänskliga lämningar från den neolitiska lokalen Åloppe, Norrskog. Materialet har analyserats i två omgångar, dels i samband med att fauna materialet analyserades (se Gummesson 2008) och dels separat där även material som inte haft kontextinformation ingått. Materialet har analyserats vid osteoarkeologiska forskningslaboratoriet vid Stockholms universitet och dess referenssamlingar har använts. Databasen är utformad på svenska och latin.
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Denna uppsats är en studie av Blåsmarks bönhusförenings nedläggning och överlåtelsen avbönhuset till Blåsmarks DUF år 1947. Studien är begränsad till tidsperioden 1945–1948 föratt undersöka föreningarna innan och efter den händelse som är i fokus i uppsatsen och ärbaserad på de mötesprotokoll bägge föreningar förde under tidsperioden 1945-1948. Iuppsatsen undersöks föreningarnas arbete innan bönhusföreningens nedläggning 1947 samtorsakerna bakom dess nedläggning och vilka följder det fick för Blåsmarks DUF. Skeendetundersöks ur ett processperspektiv och följer den analytiskt-rationella modellen. Studiensresultat visade att bönhusföreningens nedläggning och överlåtelse av bönhus till BlåsmarksDUF var ett beslut taget främst på grund av att båda föreningarna bestod av samma medlemmar och arbetet med bönhuset redan till stor del utfördes av Blåsmarks DUF. Vidarevisade även studien att arbetet för Blåsmarks DUF föreföll sig detsamma efter övertagandetav bönhuset men att det utökades till att omfatta frågor gällande skötseln av bönhuset. Detframkom även i studien hur Blåsmarks DUF glädjes av att få ett eget bönhus och att beslutetfrån båda föreningar varit enhälligt och utan opposition. This thesis offers a study of the closure of the Blåsmarks bönhusförenings and the transfer ofthe prayer house to Blåsmarks DUF in 1947. The study is limited to the period 1945-1948 toexamine the associations before and after the events in question and is based on the protocolswritten during both associations’ meetings between 1945-1948. The essay examines theassociations’ work before Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure in 1947, the reasons behind itsclosure and what consequences it had for Blåsmarks DUF. The event is examined from a process perspective and follows the analytical-rational model. The results of the study showedthat Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure and the transfer of the prayer house was a decisionmade mainly because both associations consisted of the same members and the work with theprayer house was already largely carried out by Blåsmarks DUF. Furthermore, the study alsoshowed that the work for Blåsmarks DUF is pleased to have its own prayer house and that thedecision to transfer it to them was unanimous and without opposition.
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Review: Axel Hörstedt. Latin Dissertations and Disputations in the Early Modern Swedish Gymnasium: A Study of a Latin School Tradition c. 1620–c. 1820. Göteborgs universitet (PhD diss.), 2018, 502 pp.
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Review: Martin Malmström. Synen på skrivande: Föreställningar om skrivande i mediadebatter och gymnasieskolans läroplaner. Lund Studies in Educational Science, Lund University (PhD diss.), 2017, 344 pp.
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This study shows that upper secondary students’ historical writing maybe influenced by their use of sources from traditional archives versus theiruse of digital sources in databases. A qualitative approach, theoreticalperspectives, and historical empathy seem to be stimulated primarily byusing traditional archives and print sources, while digital archives andsources, in contrast, stimulate the use of quantitative data and a moresocial scientific approach. The results indicate a historiographical shift instudents’ historical thinking, which researchers of history education needto consider in a digital era. The results of this study call for reflections inhistory teaching to make it possible for students to learn and experiencethe double nature of history as part of the humanities and social sciences. Media Places
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Denna Vetenskapliga bilaga till boken Sven Ljungberg, målare (Bonniers 1986) innehåller noter till alla bokens kapitel med de källor som åberopas samt en förteckning av de källor och den litteratur, som ligger till grund för Anne Lidéns forskning om Sven Ljungbergs konst. Dessutom innehåller bilagan även en bildförteckning med titel och årtal över de 200 konstverk som presenteras i bokens illustrationer. I denna version även en kronologi över åren 1913-1985 i Sven Ljungbergs liv (1913- 2010). Den Vetenskapliga bilagan har framlagts som doktorandrapport vid Konstvetenskaliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet, HT 1986, som ett vetenskaplig komplement till boken när den publicerades. Anne Lidén, Boken Sven Ljungberg målare, Bonniers 1986
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The natural geographer Axel Hamberg (1863-1933) became the funder of the research in the mountain massif, Sarek, Sweden, the area known as Sweden’s last wild life area. He based his thesis on the research results from Sarek. He installed instruments for hydrographical and metrological measurements, as well as for sun hour registrations. However, he was only present in the summers/autumns, so to keep the measurements on an annual basis did he hire Sámi as research assistants. Lars Nilsson Tuorda (1858-1930) became the most hired one, and was employed as a regular for almost two decades. Tuorda made most of the annual registrations and measurements in the Sarek research, supervised logistics in the area, and became in charge of the financial aspect of the research organisation when Hamberg was not present. Tuorda’s responsibility was massive. In Hamberg’s published scientific works are the efforts made by Tuorda, and other extras and assistants, not mentioned. Tourda’s, and others’ jobs, were only revealed in Tuorda’s letters to Hamberg, and in Hamberg’s private field diaries. Hamberg made the efforts of his assistants invisible before the reading public, and the scientific community. This also means that Hamberg based his thesis on scientific works he did not all execute himself, leaving beside the knowledge his Sámi co-workers provided for him, knowledge that he was in great need of in his work in Sarek. My own research is to reveal the extent of the works and efforts made by Hamberg’s hired assistants, in particular Lars Nilsson Tuorda’s work in Hamberg’s Sarek research organisation. Naturgeografen Axel Hamberg (1863-1933) inledde forskningen i den svenska massiven Sarek. Hambergs forskning var beroende på hjälp från ett antal Sámiska forskningsassistenter, bland annat Lars Nilsson Tuorda (1858-1930), vars roll var avgörande för Hambergs forskning. Den här studien utforskar bredden och vikten av de Sámiska forskningsassistenternas bidrag till Hambergs forskning i Sarek.
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This dataset consists of a digital elevation model (DEM) and an orthomosaic of the ���Bear Trap��� (also called ���Bj��rnef��lden��� in Danish, and ���Putdlagssuaq��� or ���The Great Trap��� Greenlandic Kalaallisut), a Norse ruin at the western end of the Nuussuaq Peninsula in NW Greenland. Images comprise 1032 low-altitude aerial images acquired from an unoccupied aerial vehicle (DJI Phantom 3 Standard). These images were processed using Agisoft Metashape Pro (v1.7; Linux Ubuntu) following the USGS protocols for processing imagery in coastal areas. The locations of 8 ground control points (GCPs) were surveyed with a high accuracy global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver (Emlid Reach). The base station and rover data were processed using the Emlid distribution of the free RTKLib software ( Geoid height was computed using the online UNAVCO Geoid Height Calculator ( During the image alignment step in Metashape, the ���High��� accuracy setting and key point and tie point limits of 60000 and 0 were used. Generic and reference preselection were not used. Gradual selection was used to remove tie points that exceeded thresholds for the projection accuracy, reconstruction uncertainty, and reprojection error and the intrinsic camera parameters were computed for each camera calibration group. GCPs were then imported and placed in each image. The dense point cloud was then computed using the ���Ultra High��� quality setting, followed by the DEM and orthomosaic. The resolution of the orthomosaic is 1.83 cm/pixel. 5 cm resolution orthomosaic and DEM were also exported for use in QGIS. A complete file list is provided in the README file that accompanies this dataset. The image survey was conducted as part of the Vaigat Iceberg-Microbial Oil Degradation and Archaeological Heritage Investigation (VIMOA) project, which was funded by the Danish Centre for Marine Research and supported by the Arctic Research Centre at Aarhus University, in affiliation with the National Museum of Denmark, the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, and The Greenland National Museum and Archives in Nuuk. Proper archaeological permits for the survey were obtained in advance from the Greenland National Museum and Archives in Nuuk. Walsh et al. (2020) provide an overview of the archaeological surveys conducted during the VIMOA project and Walsh et al. (in prep) provide further details specific to The Bear Trap and surrounding archaeological contexts observed during the 2019 survey. Walsh et al. (2020) The VIMOA project and archaeological heritage in the Nuussuaq Peninsula of north-west Greenland. Antiquity 94:e6 doi:10.15184/aqy.2019.230 Walsh, Matthew J., Daniel F. Carlson, Pelle Tejsner, and Steffen Thomsen. The Bear Trap: Reinvestigating a unique stone structure on the northwest tip of the Nuussuaq Peninsula, Greenland. Submitted to Arctic Anthropology.
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Abstract Dark and clear silicate glasses formed during an iron age vitrification event ≈ 1500 years ago at the Broborg hillfort near Uppsala, Sweden have been analyzed using a scanning electron microscope equipped with a micro-X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) spectrometer. Correlated µXRF and electron beam-induced energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) X-ray maps were collected via stage-scanning at constant velocity. This coupled procedure represents a new approach for the cultural heritage community to conduct analytical studies of archaeometric specimens composed of metal, ceramic, or mixed inorganic/organic materials, where major and trace element compositions are registered in space for areas up to the centimeter-length scale at micrometer-scale resolution. Overview images were used to select areas for EDS beam scan maps correlated with multispectral cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging and co-located quantitative EDS and μXRF point analysis. Fe, Ca, Mg, Ti, P, Mn, Zr, Zn, and Y are enriched in the dark glass, while Si, Al, K, Na, Ba, Sr, Rb, and Ga are enriched in the clear glass. Unmelted material is comprised predominately of quartz (SiO2) along with trace apatite (Ca5(PO4)3[Cl,OH]) and zircon (ZrSiO4). Multivariate statistical analysis was used to measure the area fractions of high variance components while lower variance components represented phase mixtures. Differences between calculated melt viscosities for the glass compositions are consistent with field and laboratory observations. Coupled large area EDS and μXRF imaging shows significant promise for informed selection of higher spatial resolution and higher sensitivity follow-up studies, e.g., those performed using synchrotron analysis. Graphical Abstract
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citations | 0 | |
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Osteoarchaeological analysis of human remains from the Neolithic site Åloppe, Norrskog. The material has been analyzed during two occasions, partly in connection with the faunal analysis (see Gummesson 2008) and partly separately where also material that did not have context information was included. The material has been analyzed at the osteoarchaeological research laboratory at Stockholm University and its reference collections have been used. The database is in Swedish and Latin. Osteoarkeologisk analys av mänskliga lämningar från den neolitiska lokalen Åloppe, Norrskog. Materialet har analyserats i två omgångar, dels i samband med att fauna materialet analyserades (se Gummesson 2008) och dels separat där även material som inte haft kontextinformation ingått. Materialet har analyserats vid osteoarkeologiska forskningslaboratoriet vid Stockholms universitet och dess referenssamlingar har använts. Databasen är utformad på svenska och latin.
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citations | 0 | |
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Denna uppsats är en studie av Blåsmarks bönhusförenings nedläggning och överlåtelsen avbönhuset till Blåsmarks DUF år 1947. Studien är begränsad till tidsperioden 1945–1948 föratt undersöka föreningarna innan och efter den händelse som är i fokus i uppsatsen och ärbaserad på de mötesprotokoll bägge föreningar förde under tidsperioden 1945-1948. Iuppsatsen undersöks föreningarnas arbete innan bönhusföreningens nedläggning 1947 samtorsakerna bakom dess nedläggning och vilka följder det fick för Blåsmarks DUF. Skeendetundersöks ur ett processperspektiv och följer den analytiskt-rationella modellen. Studiensresultat visade att bönhusföreningens nedläggning och överlåtelse av bönhus till BlåsmarksDUF var ett beslut taget främst på grund av att båda föreningarna bestod av samma medlemmar och arbetet med bönhuset redan till stor del utfördes av Blåsmarks DUF. Vidarevisade även studien att arbetet för Blåsmarks DUF föreföll sig detsamma efter övertagandetav bönhuset men att det utökades till att omfatta frågor gällande skötseln av bönhuset. Detframkom även i studien hur Blåsmarks DUF glädjes av att få ett eget bönhus och att beslutetfrån båda föreningar varit enhälligt och utan opposition. This thesis offers a study of the closure of the Blåsmarks bönhusförenings and the transfer ofthe prayer house to Blåsmarks DUF in 1947. The study is limited to the period 1945-1948 toexamine the associations before and after the events in question and is based on the protocolswritten during both associations’ meetings between 1945-1948. The essay examines theassociations’ work before Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure in 1947, the reasons behind itsclosure and what consequences it had for Blåsmarks DUF. The event is examined from a process perspective and follows the analytical-rational model. The results of the study showedthat Blåsmarks bönhusförenings closure and the transfer of the prayer house was a decisionmade mainly because both associations consisted of the same members and the work with theprayer house was already largely carried out by Blåsmarks DUF. Furthermore, the study alsoshowed that the work for Blåsmarks DUF is pleased to have its own prayer house and that thedecision to transfer it to them was unanimous and without opposition.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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