Certain holographic states of matter with a global U(1) symmetry support a sound mode at zero temperature, caused neither by spontaneous symmetry breaking of the global U(1) nor by the emergence of a Fermi surface in the infrared. In this work, we show that such a mode is also found in zero density holographic quantum critical states. We demonstrate that in these states, the appearance of a zero temperature sound mode is the consequence of a mixed `t Hooft anomaly between the global U(1) symmetry and an emergent higher-form symmetry. At non-zero temperatures, the presence of a black hole horizon weakly breaks the emergent symmetry and gaps the collective mode, giving rise to a sharp Drude-like peak in the electric conductivity. A similar gapped mode arises at low temperatures for non-zero densities when the state has an emergent Lorentz symmetry, also originating from an approximate anomalous higher-form symmetry. However, in this case the collective excitation does not survive at zero temperature where, instead, it dissolves into a branch cut. We comment on the relation between our results and the application of the Luttinger theorem to compressible holographic states of matter.
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We introduce Sleep, a new Python open-source graphical user interface (GUI) dedicated to visualization, scoring and analyses of sleep data. Among its most prominent features are: (1) Dynamic display of polysomnographic data, spectrogram, hypnogram and topographic maps with several customizable parameters, (2) Implementation of several automatic detection of sleep features such as spindles, K-complexes, slow waves, and rapid eye movements (REM), (3) Implementation of practical signal processing tools such as re-referencing or filtering, and (4) Display of main descriptive statistics including publication-ready tables and figures. The software package supports loading and reading raw EEG data from standard file formats such as European Data Format, in addition to a range of commercial data formats. Most importantly, Sleep is built on top of the VisPy library, which provides GPU-based fast and high-level visualization. As a result, it is capable of efficiently handling and displaying large sleep datasets. Sleep is freely available (http://visbrain.org/sleep) and comes with sample datasets and an extensive documentation. Novel functionalities will continue to be added and open-science community efforts are expected to enhance the capacities of this module.
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Example code for the analysis pipeline used to create the structural template and quantitative myelin water imaging atlases for An atlas for human brain myelin content throughout the adult life span https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-79540-3
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International audience
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handle: 2434/1036733
This document describes Offline Software and Computing for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) experiment, in particular, the conceptual design of the offline computing needed to accomplish its physics goals. Our emphasis in this document is the development of the computing infrastructure needed to acquire, catalog, reconstruct, simulate and analyze the data from the DUNE experiment and its prototypes. In this effort, we concentrate on developing the tools and systems thatfacilitate the development and deployment of advanced algorithms. Rather than prescribing particular algorithms, our goal is to provide resources that are flexible and accessible enough to support creative software solutions as HEP computing evolves and to provide computing that achieves the physics goals of the DUNE experiment.
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{"references": ["Harel et al., (2023). Open design and validation of a reproducible videogame controller for MRI and MEG."]} Full documentation and files required to build the CNeuromod controller.
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Repository containing the python code used to analyse the validation data and produce the figures of the CNeuromod controller paper.
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Next-generation surveys like the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) on the Vera C. Rubin Observatory will generate orders of magnitude more discoveries of transients and variable stars than previous surveys. To prepare for this data deluge, we developed the Photometric LSST Astronomical Time-series Classification Challenge (PLAsTiCC), a competition which aimed to catalyze the development of robust classifiers under LSST-like conditions of a non-representative training set for a large photometric test set of imbalanced classes. Over 1,000 teams participated in PLAsTiCC, which was hosted in the Kaggle data science competition platform between Sep 28, 2018 and Dec 17, 2018, ultimately identifying three winners in February 2019. Participants produced classifiers employing a diverse set of machine learning techniques including hybrid combinations and ensemble averages of a range of approaches, among them boosted decision trees, neural networks, and multi-layer perceptrons. The strong performance of the top three classifiers on Type Ia supernovae and kilonovae represent a major improvement over the current state-of-the-art within astronomy. This paper summarizes the most promising methods and evaluates their results in detail, highlighting future directions both for classifier development and simulation needs for a next generation PLAsTiCC data set.
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Certain holographic states of matter with a global U(1) symmetry support a sound mode at zero temperature, caused neither by spontaneous symmetry breaking of the global U(1) nor by the emergence of a Fermi surface in the infrared. In this work, we show that such a mode is also found in zero density holographic quantum critical states. We demonstrate that in these states, the appearance of a zero temperature sound mode is the consequence of a mixed `t Hooft anomaly between the global U(1) symmetry and an emergent higher-form symmetry. At non-zero temperatures, the presence of a black hole horizon weakly breaks the emergent symmetry and gaps the collective mode, giving rise to a sharp Drude-like peak in the electric conductivity. A similar gapped mode arises at low temperatures for non-zero densities when the state has an emergent Lorentz symmetry, also originating from an approximate anomalous higher-form symmetry. However, in this case the collective excitation does not survive at zero temperature where, instead, it dissolves into a branch cut. We comment on the relation between our results and the application of the Luttinger theorem to compressible holographic states of matter.
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We introduce Sleep, a new Python open-source graphical user interface (GUI) dedicated to visualization, scoring and analyses of sleep data. Among its most prominent features are: (1) Dynamic display of polysomnographic data, spectrogram, hypnogram and topographic maps with several customizable parameters, (2) Implementation of several automatic detection of sleep features such as spindles, K-complexes, slow waves, and rapid eye movements (REM), (3) Implementation of practical signal processing tools such as re-referencing or filtering, and (4) Display of main descriptive statistics including publication-ready tables and figures. The software package supports loading and reading raw EEG data from standard file formats such as European Data Format, in addition to a range of commercial data formats. Most importantly, Sleep is built on top of the VisPy library, which provides GPU-based fast and high-level visualization. As a result, it is capable of efficiently handling and displaying large sleep datasets. Sleep is freely available (http://visbrain.org/sleep) and comes with sample datasets and an extensive documentation. Novel functionalities will continue to be added and open-science community efforts are expected to enhance the capacities of this module.
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Example code for the analysis pipeline used to create the structural template and quantitative myelin water imaging atlases for An atlas for human brain myelin content throughout the adult life span https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-79540-3
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International audience
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