This thesis is a research study in International Development Studies and Global Studies at Roskilde University. Its focus is the global discourse of human trafficking and sex work. It examines how prominent global NGO’s within the area, the CATW, NSWP, the GAATW and the UN as an important global legislative unit working with issues relating to sex work and human trafficking, portray their arguments for or against sex work, particularly in the links between sex work, migration, and human trafficking. Human trafficking is a multifarious area, full of contestations over many issues. Some of these disputes are due to different understandings, ideologies and concepts within the field. This thesis studies, how three of the leading international NGO’s have influenced the global debate in relation to human trafficking and prostitution. It looks at how the debate within the UN has responded to the arguments on prostitution, migration, and trafficking set forth in the discourses of the CATW, the NSWP and the GAATW. I examine how the UN places itself in the ideological struggle on human trafficking in the current shifting discourse on the global stage. It looks at to what extent a neo-abolitionist or pro-rights approach exists within the UN.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The thesis analyzes how Denmark as a donor government can best contribute to promote and protect human rights in "fragile states" which are characterized by their lack of capacity and willingness to undertake such duties. This is done by comparing central debates and analytical frameworks with two case studies, Afghanistan and Nepal.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Cryptocurrencies have been the subject of constant debates since the inception of the first cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) in 2009. The volatility of cryptocurrencies has recently attracted the attention of the public and researchers. The selection of these digital assets is based on an inclusion criterion of USD ($) 4 billion regarding market capitalisation during the period of the study. This thesis investigates investors’ exposures to cryptocurrency market risks by examining the risk properties of six of the major cryptocurrencies in current circulation; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, and Stellar. Filtered Historical Simulation with the help of GARCH modelling is used as the approach examining the risk properties. The results show that Litecoin and Bitcoin are least volatile cryptocurrencies relative to the other investigated assets. Stellar represents the riskiest cryptocurrency during the period reviewed.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Specialet tager udgangspunkt i den amerikanske udenrigspolitiske diskurs, der er autoriseret af den amerikanske lov International Religious Freedom Act af 1998 (IRFA). IRFA diskursen problematiseres som en oppositionspolitisk menneskerettighedsdiskurs ved at fremhæve dens sammenhæng med vold, suverænitet og dominans. Problematiseringen foretages primært gennem to analytiske greb: 1) en derridiansk dekonstruktion af lovens autoritet og 2) en destabilisering af den binære logik, der strukturerer IRFA diskursens konstruktion af USA og det internationale samfund.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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(English) The research presented in this MSc thesis concerns the progress of sustainable development in the European Union (EU) during the period 2014-2019. By using data on the development of resource productivity, this thesis outlines the connection between sustainable development goal 8 (SDG8, Decent work and Economic Growth) and sustainable development goal 12 (SDG12, Responsible consumption and Production), at the EU level. The theory of ecological economics and green economy allows for the analysis to reveal the EU approach to sustainable development based on EU policies and reports. By using ‘the ladder of sustainability', this thesis aims to distinguish between weak and strong sustainability to reveal which scale is applied at the EU level. I have carried out an in-dept qualitative analysis of official reports and communications from the European Commission, the European Parliament and Eurostat, with complementary descriptive statistics. The results of my analysis have shown that the EU is weighting economic growth over sustainable consumption and production. Although the data and results show progress regarding SDG8 and SDG12, the trends might not be entirely due to the success of environmental policies. It is very likely that economic or social factors have influenced this performance. (Dansk) Analysen præsenteret i denne MSc afhandling omhandler fremdriften indenfor bæredygtig udvikling i den Europæiske Union i perioden 2014-2019. Ved at anvende data relateret til udvikling af ressource produktivitet, giver denne afhandling et overblik over forbindelsen imellem to af FNs verdenmål for bæredygtig udvikling, nemlig mål 8 (Anstændige jobs og Økonomisk vækst og mål 12 (Ansvarligt Forbrug og Produktion) indenfor EU. Teorien om økologisk økonomi og grøn økonomi muliggør en analyse der afslører EUs tilgang til bæredygtig udvikling, ud far EU politikker og rapporter. Ved at anvende 'the ladder of sustainability' er afhandlingens mål at differentiere imellem svag og stærk der anvendes indenfor EU. Jeg har udført en dybdegående kvalitativ analyse med afsæt i officielle rapporter og kommunikation fra den Europæiske Kommission, Europaparlamentet og Eurostat, med komplementerende deskriptiv statestik. Resultatet af min analyse har vist at EU vejer økonomisk vækst højere end forbrug og produktion. Data og resultater viser fremskridt i relation til mål 8 og mål 12, men tendensen er ikke nødvendigvis begrundet i succes med miljørelaterede politikker. Det er meget tænkeligt at økonomiske eller sociale faktorer har påvirket udviklingen
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Poor communities in the Global South are reportedly the most vulnerable to consequences of climate change, such as natural disasters, droughts and floods, and loss of biodiversity. Vietnam is reported to be amongst the most vulnerable areas to climate change impacts. Thus, it is paramount to look into the government’s strategies for sustainable development. This project instrumentalizes post-development theory to critically analyze Vietnam’s discourse on sustainable development in order to gain a better understanding of the country’s development dynamics, as well as to investigate the assumptions and power relations underpinning discourse. Fattige samfund i det globale syd er angiveligt de mest sårbare over for konsekvenserne af klimaændringer, såsom naturkatastrofer, tørke og oversvømmelser og tab af biodiversitet. Vietnam er rapporteret at være blandt de mest sårbare områder over for klimaforandringer. Derfor er det altafgørende at se nærmere på regeringens strategier for bæredygtig udvikling. Dette projekt instrumentaliserer post-udviklingsteori til kritisk at analysere Vietnams diskurs om bæredygtig udvikling med henblik på at opnå en bedre forståelse af landets udviklingsdynamik, samt at undersøge de antagelser og magtforhold, der ligger til grund for diskursen.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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I denne kandidatafhandling undersøges det, hvordan den internationale NGO Street Child har været i stand til at sikre aktiv deltagelse i deres uddannelsesprogram for marginaliserede Musahar piger i Nepal. De mulige implikationer for den nepalesiske stats legitimitet, når denne ikke er den primære uddannelsesudbyder, belyses. Afhandlingen tager udgangspunkt i primær interview data indsamlet via feltarbejde, herunder 27 interviews med unge Musahar piger, deres forældre og lærere samt to eksperter. Social Kapital teori samt Performance Legitimitetsteori udgør den teoretiske ramme, og anvendes i opgavens analyse. Studiet konkluderer at: 1) Street Child lykkes med at sikre deltagelse i deres program gennem strategier, der tilgodeser den lokale kontekst og involverer målgruppen i programimplementeringen. Eksisterende normer ændres herved til fordel for Musahar pigernes uddannelse. 2) Uddannelsesprogrammets succes står i kontrast til statens fejlslagne offentlige skoletilbud, som Musaharerne opfatter negativt eller som irrelevant. Selvom den nepalesiske stat har adresseret Musahar pigernes behov for uddannelse gennem politiske tiltag, er disse ikke blevet gennemført. Selvom statens økonomiske kapacitet kan være påvirket af tidligere konflikter i landet, modtager Nepal en stor andel bilateral finansiering til udvikling. Således konkluderes det, at staten synes at nedprioritere Musaharernes inklusion i uddannelse, hvilket resulterer i, at Musaharerne anser den ikke-statslige organisation Street Child, som en mere legitim uddannelsesudbyder end den nepalesiske stat. Nærværende studie bidrager til den akademiske litteratur, der beskæftiger sig med ulige adgang til uddannelse i udviklingslande. Således kan dets resultater anvendes til sammenligninger og videre studier af denne tematik i andre geografiske kontekster for større indblik i hvordan marginaliserede grupper sikres inklusion i uddannelse. In this study we investigate how the INGO Street Child in Nepal has succeeded in ensuring participation in its educational programme. In addition, the implications of this for state legitimacy are explored. The study is based on primary data gathered through fieldwork, including 27 interviews with young Musahar girls, their parents, teachers and additional experts. The data is approached through a theoretical framework consisting of Social Capital Theory and Performance Legitimacy Theory. The study concludes that 1) Street Child succeeds in ensuring participation in their programme through strategies that consider the local context and involve community members. As SC adapts to existing social norms, they manage to facilitate norms that are in favour of girls’ education. 2) The success of the INGO programme contrasts that of state-provided education, which generally is perceived negatively or as irrelevant by the Musahars. Although the state has identified the educational needs of the Musahars it has failed to meet them. The capacity of the Nepalese state might suffer from economic deficiencies. However, the fact that the state receives a heavy amount of donor funding, suggests that including the Musahars in education is not a priority. The legitimacy of the state is, accordingly, low, whereas Street Child is considered as a legitimate education provider. This study contributes to the academic literature of education governance, specifically within unequal access to education in developing countries. Thus, this study’s findings can be used for comparisons and further studies in other geographical regions, to foster a greater insight in marginalised population groups’ inclusion in education.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This report attempts to analyze ethically problematic cases in two technolo- gies that use Neural Networks as a part of it’s decision making process, specif- ically Facial Recognition and Automated Vehicles. The report covers technical background of both technologies as well as a theoretical background of nor- mative and applied ethics. It goes on to analyze cases of the trolley problem, mundane problems, Bias and Prejudice, and Privacy issues through each the- ories’ perspective. The report goes on to analyze the case studies as a whole through applied ethical principles, and by contrasting the different normative ethical perspectives on specific cases of this technology. This report concludes that the theories imply a need to limit the use of the technology until its further developed, or the ethics for neural networks has been consolidated.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This paper examines the impact of the Estonian initiative and push for the implementation of the Once-Only Principle on a European Union level by engaging in an analysis framed within the theoretical frameworks of Michel Foucault, Daniel R. McCarthy and Hartmund Rosa, and will attempt to do so by synthesizing these theories’ notions of power and social acceleration. The paper concludes that the OOP can be seen as a mechanism that reproduce and maintain cultural hegemony, and that this furthermore is both a result of, and a catalyst for social acceleration.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This thesis is a research study in International Development Studies and Global Studies at Roskilde University. Its focus is the global discourse of human trafficking and sex work. It examines how prominent global NGO’s within the area, the CATW, NSWP, the GAATW and the UN as an important global legislative unit working with issues relating to sex work and human trafficking, portray their arguments for or against sex work, particularly in the links between sex work, migration, and human trafficking. Human trafficking is a multifarious area, full of contestations over many issues. Some of these disputes are due to different understandings, ideologies and concepts within the field. This thesis studies, how three of the leading international NGO’s have influenced the global debate in relation to human trafficking and prostitution. It looks at how the debate within the UN has responded to the arguments on prostitution, migration, and trafficking set forth in the discourses of the CATW, the NSWP and the GAATW. I examine how the UN places itself in the ideological struggle on human trafficking in the current shifting discourse on the global stage. It looks at to what extent a neo-abolitionist or pro-rights approach exists within the UN.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The thesis analyzes how Denmark as a donor government can best contribute to promote and protect human rights in "fragile states" which are characterized by their lack of capacity and willingness to undertake such duties. This is done by comparing central debates and analytical frameworks with two case studies, Afghanistan and Nepal.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Cryptocurrencies have been the subject of constant debates since the inception of the first cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) in 2009. The volatility of cryptocurrencies has recently attracted the attention of the public and researchers. The selection of these digital assets is based on an inclusion criterion of USD ($) 4 billion regarding market capitalisation during the period of the study. This thesis investigates investors’ exposures to cryptocurrency market risks by examining the risk properties of six of the major cryptocurrencies in current circulation; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, and Stellar. Filtered Historical Simulation with the help of GARCH modelling is used as the approach examining the risk properties. The results show that Litecoin and Bitcoin are least volatile cryptocurrencies relative to the other investigated assets. Stellar represents the riskiest cryptocurrency during the period reviewed.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Specialet tager udgangspunkt i den amerikanske udenrigspolitiske diskurs, der er autoriseret af den amerikanske lov International Religious Freedom Act af 1998 (IRFA). IRFA diskursen problematiseres som en oppositionspolitisk menneskerettighedsdiskurs ved at fremhæve dens sammenhæng med vold, suverænitet og dominans. Problematiseringen foretages primært gennem to analytiske greb: 1) en derridiansk dekonstruktion af lovens autoritet og 2) en destabilisering af den binære logik, der strukturerer IRFA diskursens konstruktion af USA og det internationale samfund.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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(English) The research presented in this MSc thesis concerns the progress of sustainable development in the European Union (EU) during the period 2014-2019. By using data on the development of resource productivity, this thesis outlines the connection between sustainable development goal 8 (SDG8, Decent work and Economic Growth) and sustainable development goal 12 (SDG12, Responsible consumption and Production), at the EU level. The theory of ecological economics and green economy allows for the analysis to reveal the EU approach to sustainable development based on EU policies and reports. By using ‘the ladder of sustainability', this thesis aims to distinguish between weak and strong sustainability to reveal which scale is applied at the EU level. I have carried out an in-dept qualitative analysis of official reports and communications from the European Commission, the European Parliament and Eurostat, with complementary descriptive statistics. The results of my analysis have shown that the EU is weighting economic growth over sustainable consumption and production. Although the data and results show progress regarding SDG8 and SDG12, the trends might not be entirely due to the success of environmental policies. It is very likely that economic or social factors have influenced this performance. (Dansk) Analysen præsenteret i denne MSc afhandling omhandler fremdriften indenfor bæredygtig udvikling i den Europæiske Union i perioden 2014-2019. Ved at anvende data relateret til udvikling af ressource produktivitet, giver denne afhandling et overblik over forbindelsen imellem to af FNs verdenmål for bæredygtig udvikling, nemlig mål 8 (Anstændige jobs og Økonomisk vækst og mål 12 (Ansvarligt Forbrug og Produktion) indenfor EU. Teorien om økologisk økonomi og grøn økonomi muliggør en analyse der afslører EUs tilgang til bæredygtig udvikling, ud far EU politikker og rapporter. Ved at anvende 'the ladder of sustainability' er afhandlingens mål at differentiere imellem svag og stærk der anvendes indenfor EU. Jeg har udført en dybdegående kvalitativ analyse med afsæt i officielle rapporter og kommunikation fra den Europæiske Kommission, Europaparlamentet og Eurostat, med komplementerende deskriptiv statestik. Resultatet af min analyse har vist at EU vejer økonomisk vækst højere end forbrug og produktion. Data og resultater viser fremskridt i relation til mål 8 og mål 12, men tendensen er ikke nødvendigvis begrundet i succes med miljørelaterede politikker. Det er meget tænkeligt at økonomiske eller sociale faktorer har påvirket udviklingen
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Poor communities in the Global South are reportedly the most vulnerable to consequences of climate change, such as natural disasters, droughts and floods, and loss of biodiversity. Vietnam is reported to be amongst the most vulnerable areas to climate change impacts. Thus, it is paramount to look into the government’s strategies for sustainable development. This project instrumentalizes post-development theory to critically analyze Vietnam’s discourse on sustainable development in order to gain a better understanding of the country’s development dynamics, as well as to investigate the assumptions and power relations underpinning discourse. Fattige samfund i det globale syd er angiveligt de mest sårbare over for konsekvenserne af klimaændringer, såsom naturkatastrofer, tørke og oversvømmelser og tab af biodiversitet. Vietnam er rapporteret at være blandt de mest sårbare områder over for klimaforandringer. Derfor er det altafgørende at se nærmere på regeringens strategier for bæredygtig udvikling. Dette projekt instrumentaliserer post-udviklingsteori til kritisk at analysere Vietnams diskurs om bæredygtig udvikling med henblik på at opnå en bedre forståelse af landets udviklingsdynamik, samt at undersøge de antagelser og magtforhold, der ligger til grund for diskursen.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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I denne kandidatafhandling undersøges det, hvordan den internationale NGO Street Child har været i stand til at sikre aktiv deltagelse i deres uddannelsesprogram for marginaliserede Musahar piger i Nepal. De mulige implikationer for den nepalesiske stats legitimitet, når denne ikke er den primære uddannelsesudbyder, belyses. Afhandlingen tager udgangspunkt i primær interview data indsamlet via feltarbejde, herunder 27 interviews med unge Musahar piger, deres forældre og lærere samt to eksperter. Social Kapital teori samt Performance Legitimitetsteori udgør den teoretiske ramme, og anvendes i opgavens analyse. Studiet konkluderer at: 1) Street Child lykkes med at sikre deltagelse i deres program gennem strategier, der tilgodeser den lokale kontekst og involverer målgruppen i programimplementeringen. Eksisterende normer ændres herved til fordel for Musahar pigernes uddannelse. 2) Uddannelsesprogrammets succes står i kontrast til statens fejlslagne offentlige skoletilbud, som Musaharerne opfatter negativt eller som irrelevant. Selvom den nepalesiske stat har adresseret Musahar pigernes behov for uddannelse gennem politiske tiltag, er disse ikke blevet gennemført. Selvom statens økonomiske kapacitet kan være påvirket af tidligere konflikter i landet, modtager Nepal en stor andel bilateral finansiering til udvikling. Således konkluderes det, at staten synes at nedprioritere Musaharernes inklusion i uddannelse, hvilket resulterer i, at Musaharerne anser den ikke-statslige organisation Street Child, som en mere legitim uddannelsesudbyder end den nepalesiske stat. Nærværende studie bidrager til den akademiske litteratur, der beskæftiger sig med ulige adgang til uddannelse i udviklingslande. Således kan dets resultater anvendes til sammenligninger og videre studier af denne tematik i andre geografiske kontekster for større indblik i hvordan marginaliserede grupper sikres inklusion i uddannelse. In this study we investigate how the INGO Street Child in Nepal has succeeded in ensuring participation in its educational programme. In addition, the implications of this for state legitimacy are explored. The study is based on primary data gathered through fieldwork, including 27 interviews with young Musahar girls, their parents, teachers and additional experts. The data is approached through a theoretical framework consisting of Social Capital Theory and Performance Legitimacy Theory. The study concludes that 1) Street Child succeeds in ensuring participation in their programme through strategies that consider the local context and involve community members. As SC adapts to existing social norms, they manage to facilitate norms that are in favour of girls’ education. 2) The success of the INGO programme contrasts that of state-provided education, which generally is perceived negatively or as irrelevant by the Musahars. Although the state has identified the educational needs of the Musahars it has failed to meet them. The capacity of the Nepalese state might suffer from economic deficiencies. However, the fact that the state receives a heavy amount of donor funding, suggests that including the Musahars in education is not a priority. The legitimacy of the state is, accordingly, low, whereas Street Child is considered as a legitimate education provider. This study contributes to the academic literature of education governance, specifically within unequal access to education in developing countries. Thus, this study’s findings can be used for comparisons and further studies in other geographical regions, to foster a greater insight in marginalised population groups’ inclusion in education.
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Green |
citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This report attempts to analyze ethically problematic cases in two technolo- gies that use Neural Networks as a part of it’s decision making process, specif- ically Facial Recognition and Automated Vehicles. The report covers technical background of both technologies as well as a theoretical background of nor- mative and applied ethics. It goes on to analyze cases of the trolley problem, mundane problems, Bias and Prejudice, and Privacy issues through each the- ories’ perspective. The report goes on to analyze the case studies as a whole through applied ethical principles, and by contrasting the different normative ethical perspectives on specific cases of this technology. This report concludes that the theories imply a need to limit the use of the technology until its further developed, or the ethics for neural networks has been consolidated.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This paper examines the impact of the Estonian initiative and push for the implementation of the Once-Only Principle on a European Union level by engaging in an analysis framed within the theoretical frameworks of Michel Foucault, Daniel R. McCarthy and Hartmund Rosa, and will attempt to do so by synthesizing these theories’ notions of power and social acceleration. The paper concludes that the OOP can be seen as a mechanism that reproduce and maintain cultural hegemony, and that this furthermore is both a result of, and a catalyst for social acceleration.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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