{"references": ["Kulkarni, A. P., Sawant, M. K., Battul, V. V., Shindepatil, M. S., & Aavani, P. (2016). Black cotton soil stabilization using bagasse ash and lime. Int. J. Civ. Eng. Technol, 7(6), 460-471.", "Barasa, P. K., Too, D., Jonah, K., & Mulei, S. M. (2015). Stabilization of expansive clay using lime and sugarcane bagasse ash. Mathematical Theory and Modeling, 5(4), 124-134.", "Bilba, K., Ars\u00e8ne, M. A., & Ouensanga, A. (2003). Sugar cane bagasse fibre reinforced cement composites. Part I. Influence of the botanical components of bagasse on the setting of bagasse/cement composite. Cement and concrete composites, 25(1), 91-96.", "Onyelowe, K. C. (2012). Cement stabilized akwuete lateritic soil and the use of bagasse ash as admixture. International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, 1(2), 16-20.", "Shrivastava, D., Singhai, A. K., & Yadav, R. K. (2014). Effect of lime and rice husk ash on engineering properties of black cotton soil. Int. J. Eng. Res. & Sci. & Technology, 3(2), 292-296.", "Kiran, R. G., & Kiran, L. (2013). Analysis of strength characteristics of black cotton soil using bagasse ash and additives as stabilizer. International Journal of engineering research& technology, (7).", "Chusilp, N., Likhitsripaiboon, N., & Jaturapitakkul, C. (2009). Development of bagasse ash as a pozzolanic material in concrete. Asian Journal on Energy and Environment, 10(3), 149-159.", "IS Code (IS: 2027 (Part 5) 1985).", "IS Code (IS: 2027 (Part 7) 1980).", "IS Code (IS: 2027 (Part 16) 1987)."]} The term soil stabilisation refers to a way of strengthening the solidity or bearing capabilities of any type of soil by using managed proportioning, compaction, and the addition of a stabilising agent to improve the engineering properties of the soil using a synthetic method. Soil stabilisation involves using one-of-a-kind technologies to modify and improve the properties of a soil so that it can be stabilised. When low-cost domestically available chemicals are employed in the construction of sub base, sub grade, and other materials, the cost of constructing a pavement is significantly reduced. The minimum stipulated structural strength and bearing quality of the soil that will be reached for each and every layer of material are used to design the pavement. The stabilisation of black cotton soil with bagasse ash, lime, and a mixture of different grain sizes of bagasse ash, lime, and quarry dust was examined in this study. Various laboratory tests, such as atterberg limits, proctor test, and CBR (California bearing ratio test), are used in this study. California The soil's Bearing Ratio rises as the grain size of Bagasse ash grows larger.
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handle: 11250/2678151
Context: During the past two decades, we have witnessed a wave of digitalization that has affected every part of society, and digital solutions have become a part of peoples’everyday life. Digitalization implies changing traditional processes by introducing some form of digital technology. Implementing new technology can be a difficult task for an organization, not just because of the many risks associated with new technology, but also because it is a process that often includes organizational changes.Purpose: In our society thereis a demand for digitalization,especiallyinthe higher education sector.There has not been a lot of research focused on the area of implementation strategies in higher education. The purpose of thisstudy is toinvestigate how higher education institutionshave implemented MOSO, a technology used in practicumsupervision, and what challenges they have faced.Methods: This study has followed a qualitative approach, withsemi-structured interviews asthe primary source of data collection. The interviews were conducted in Norway with respondents that had a central role with the implementation of MOSO within their university or university college. A total of 9 interviews were conducted, with respondents from 5 different higher education institutionsand the CEO of MOSO AS. The interviews lasted from 35 to 55 minutes. Master's thesis in Information systems (IS501)
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This paper presents the validation protocol of a mixed-signal board ATPG method. First results confirm the method fitting well with maintenance test, board modeling stage adequacy and test data generation reliability. The essential need for user-defined dedicated test strategies is highlighted in order to ensure meaningful test process and full blackbox test. International audience
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handle: 10773/12839
La presente tesi di laurea magistrale si propone di contribuire allo sviluppo dello studio sulla valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica degli aggregati di edi ci in muratura di pietra. È stata fatta una ricerca e una revisione sui più recenti metodi e strumenti utilizzati per la valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica di edi ci in muratura, con particolare attenzione per la ricerca sviluppata in Italia e in Portogallo. È stato presentato il modello equivalente di un caso di studio che ha coinvolto un edi cio aggregato situato a San Pio delle Camere (Abruzzo, Italia) paese colpito dal terremoto de l'Aquila nell'aprile del 2009. Per la redazione del modello è stato utilizzato il software di STA DATA 3muri®, dove sono stati discussi l'in uenza di alcuni parametri sulla costruzione del comportamento globale e delle corrispondenti pushover curve. Sono stati anche discussi i risultati ottenuti per le curve di fragilità e le distribuzioni di danni dovuti all' azione sismica considerata. In una seconda fase sono stati applicati e discusse metodologie sempli cate basate nella valutazione dell'indice di vulnerabilità. In ne è stato fatto il confronto tra metodologie per ulteriori sviluppi della ricerca. A presente dissertação insere-se no estudo da avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica de agregados de edifícios antigos de alvenaria de pedra. É feita uma revisão geral da literatura sobre os mais recentes estudos e ferramentas para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica de agregados de edifícios de alvenaria de pedra, enfatizando o trabalho de investigação desenvolvido em Itália e em Portugal nesta temática. É avaliada a vulnerabilidade sísmica de um caso de estudo de um agregado de edifícios, localizado em San Pio delle Camere (na região de Abruzzo, em Itália), afectado pelo sismo de L'Aquila e modelado com o recurso ao programa da STA DATA 3muri®. Numa primeira fase, a avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica do agregado foi conseguida através de uma metodologia híbrida, que estima as curvas de fragilidade com base nos deslocamentos espectrais resultantes de análises estáticas não-lineares. Posteriormente foram aplicados métodos indirectos, baseados na estimativa de um índice de vulnerabilidade, para diferentes formulações correntes. The present dissertation approaches the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of old stone masonry building aggregates. With this topic it is presented a review on the most recent methods and tools used for the seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry buildings, focusing the research developed both in Italy and Portugal. Moreover, a case study of an old stone masonry building aggregate was assessed, which is located in San Pio delle Camere (Abruzzo, Italy), slightly a ected by the 6th April 2009 L'Aquila earthquake. This building aggregate was modelled using the STA DATA software 3muri®. On one hand, static non-linear numerical analysis was performed to obtain capacity curves and a prediction of the damage distribution in the structure, caused by the input seismic action (hybrid method), on the other hand indirect methods were used, based on di erent vulnerability index formulations. Mestrado em Engenharia Civil
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Objective(s):Serratia marcescens is one of the nosocomial pathogen. The ability to form biofilm is an important feature in the pathogenesis of S. marcescens. The aim of this study was to determine the anti-adhesive properties of a biosurfactant isolated from Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356, on S. marcescens strains. Materials and Methods: Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356, was selected as a probiotic strain to produce biosurfactant. Anti-adhesive activities was determined by pre-coating and co- incubating methods in 96-well culture plates. Results: The FTIR analysis of derived biosurfactant revealed the composition as protein component. Because of the release of such biosurfactants, L. acidophilus was able to interfere with the adhesion and biofilm formation of the S. marcescens strains. In co- incubation method this biosurfactant in 2.5 mg/ml concentration showed anti-adhesive activity against all tested strains of S. marcescens (P
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The advances in neuroimaging have improved clinicoanatomic correlations in patients with stroke. Junctional infarct is a distinct term, used to describe border zone infarcts of the posterior fossa. We presented computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in a rare case of bilateral symmetrical junctional infarcts between the superior cerebellar artery (SCA) and posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) territories. In addition to precise knowledge of arterial territories required to achieve accurate localization of ischemic lesions on CT and MRI, the radiologist must also be aware of radiologic features and geographic territories of cerebellar arteries and their junctional infarctions.
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Tabla de Contenidos. CorSalud. 2016;8(4)
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Mode of access: Internet.
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handle: 10852/28795
In breath-hold diving as in ordinary scuba diving, there are reported incidents of serious neurological symptoms, mimicking cerebral insults. The etiology for the symptoms in breath-hold diving is uncertain. It has been speculated that it may be due to decompression sickness, provided that there is enough nitrogen in tissue to cause supersaturation. However, as far as we are aware of, such venous gas bubbles have not been demonstrated. Neurological symptoms during breath-hold diving may also be consistent with arterial gas embolism (AGE) caused by gas entering the arterial circulation due to pulmonary barotrauma. The divers often use a special respiratory maneuver to hyperinflate the lungs before diving, termed glossopharyngeal insufflation (GI). After a maximal inspiration the diver opens the glottis and uses the glossopharyngeal musculature to force air into the lungs repeatedly. We hypothesized that this maneuver may increase pulmonary pressure to a degree which overdistends the lungs and causes rupture of the alveoli, thereby being a substrate for AGE. Six competitive breath-hold divers were examined for pneumomediastinum and AGE, by performing computer tomography thorax and transthoracic echocardiography during ongoing GI. Massive amounts of pneumomediastinum were present in four out of six divers. The CVP increased from 0 to a maximum of 28 mmHg, with a mean of 21 at 120seconds apneatime. We conclude that the GI maneuver itself may elevate pulmonary pressures to an extent that may cause pulmonary barotraumas and alveolar rupture. This is a plausible substrate for AGE and subsequent development of neurological symptoms in breath-hold diving.
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In Switzerland, even if the average daily temperature rarely exceeds 25 °C during the three summer months, more and more cooling plants are being installed in administrative buildings. The CUEPE participated as experts in some realisations that showed (simulations and monitoring) that it is possible in most of the cases to stay within the comfort limit and to avoid air conditioning by using efficient solar protection, efficient envelopes and natural cooling systems
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{"references": ["Kulkarni, A. P., Sawant, M. K., Battul, V. V., Shindepatil, M. S., & Aavani, P. (2016). Black cotton soil stabilization using bagasse ash and lime. Int. J. Civ. Eng. Technol, 7(6), 460-471.", "Barasa, P. K., Too, D., Jonah, K., & Mulei, S. M. (2015). Stabilization of expansive clay using lime and sugarcane bagasse ash. Mathematical Theory and Modeling, 5(4), 124-134.", "Bilba, K., Ars\u00e8ne, M. A., & Ouensanga, A. (2003). Sugar cane bagasse fibre reinforced cement composites. Part I. Influence of the botanical components of bagasse on the setting of bagasse/cement composite. Cement and concrete composites, 25(1), 91-96.", "Onyelowe, K. C. (2012). Cement stabilized akwuete lateritic soil and the use of bagasse ash as admixture. International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, 1(2), 16-20.", "Shrivastava, D., Singhai, A. K., & Yadav, R. K. (2014). Effect of lime and rice husk ash on engineering properties of black cotton soil. Int. J. Eng. Res. & Sci. & Technology, 3(2), 292-296.", "Kiran, R. G., & Kiran, L. (2013). Analysis of strength characteristics of black cotton soil using bagasse ash and additives as stabilizer. International Journal of engineering research& technology, (7).", "Chusilp, N., Likhitsripaiboon, N., & Jaturapitakkul, C. (2009). Development of bagasse ash as a pozzolanic material in concrete. Asian Journal on Energy and Environment, 10(3), 149-159.", "IS Code (IS: 2027 (Part 5) 1985).", "IS Code (IS: 2027 (Part 7) 1980).", "IS Code (IS: 2027 (Part 16) 1987)."]} The term soil stabilisation refers to a way of strengthening the solidity or bearing capabilities of any type of soil by using managed proportioning, compaction, and the addition of a stabilising agent to improve the engineering properties of the soil using a synthetic method. Soil stabilisation involves using one-of-a-kind technologies to modify and improve the properties of a soil so that it can be stabilised. When low-cost domestically available chemicals are employed in the construction of sub base, sub grade, and other materials, the cost of constructing a pavement is significantly reduced. The minimum stipulated structural strength and bearing quality of the soil that will be reached for each and every layer of material are used to design the pavement. The stabilisation of black cotton soil with bagasse ash, lime, and a mixture of different grain sizes of bagasse ash, lime, and quarry dust was examined in this study. Various laboratory tests, such as atterberg limits, proctor test, and CBR (California bearing ratio test), are used in this study. California The soil's Bearing Ratio rises as the grain size of Bagasse ash grows larger.
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handle: 11250/2678151
Context: During the past two decades, we have witnessed a wave of digitalization that has affected every part of society, and digital solutions have become a part of peoples’everyday life. Digitalization implies changing traditional processes by introducing some form of digital technology. Implementing new technology can be a difficult task for an organization, not just because of the many risks associated with new technology, but also because it is a process that often includes organizational changes.Purpose: In our society thereis a demand for digitalization,especiallyinthe higher education sector.There has not been a lot of research focused on the area of implementation strategies in higher education. The purpose of thisstudy is toinvestigate how higher education institutionshave implemented MOSO, a technology used in practicumsupervision, and what challenges they have faced.Methods: This study has followed a qualitative approach, withsemi-structured interviews asthe primary source of data collection. The interviews were conducted in Norway with respondents that had a central role with the implementation of MOSO within their university or university college. A total of 9 interviews were conducted, with respondents from 5 different higher education institutionsand the CEO of MOSO AS. The interviews lasted from 35 to 55 minutes. Master's thesis in Information systems (IS501)
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This paper presents the validation protocol of a mixed-signal board ATPG method. First results confirm the method fitting well with maintenance test, board modeling stage adequacy and test data generation reliability. The essential need for user-defined dedicated test strategies is highlighted in order to ensure meaningful test process and full blackbox test. International audience
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handle: 10773/12839
La presente tesi di laurea magistrale si propone di contribuire allo sviluppo dello studio sulla valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica degli aggregati di edi ci in muratura di pietra. È stata fatta una ricerca e una revisione sui più recenti metodi e strumenti utilizzati per la valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica di edi ci in muratura, con particolare attenzione per la ricerca sviluppata in Italia e in Portogallo. È stato presentato il modello equivalente di un caso di studio che ha coinvolto un edi cio aggregato situato a San Pio delle Camere (Abruzzo, Italia) paese colpito dal terremoto de l'Aquila nell'aprile del 2009. Per la redazione del modello è stato utilizzato il software di STA DATA 3muri®, dove sono stati discussi l'in uenza di alcuni parametri sulla costruzione del comportamento globale e delle corrispondenti pushover curve. Sono stati anche discussi i risultati ottenuti per le curve di fragilità e le distribuzioni di danni dovuti all' azione sismica considerata. In una seconda fase sono stati applicati e discusse metodologie sempli cate basate nella valutazione dell'indice di vulnerabilità. In ne è stato fatto il confronto tra metodologie per ulteriori sviluppi della ricerca. A presente dissertação insere-se no estudo da avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica de agregados de edifícios antigos de alvenaria de pedra. É feita uma revisão geral da literatura sobre os mais recentes estudos e ferramentas para a avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica de agregados de edifícios de alvenaria de pedra, enfatizando o trabalho de investigação desenvolvido em Itália e em Portugal nesta temática. É avaliada a vulnerabilidade sísmica de um caso de estudo de um agregado de edifícios, localizado em San Pio delle Camere (na região de Abruzzo, em Itália), afectado pelo sismo de L'Aquila e modelado com o recurso ao programa da STA DATA 3muri®. Numa primeira fase, a avaliação da vulnerabilidade sísmica do agregado foi conseguida através de uma metodologia híbrida, que estima as curvas de fragilidade com base nos deslocamentos espectrais resultantes de análises estáticas não-lineares. Posteriormente foram aplicados métodos indirectos, baseados na estimativa de um índice de vulnerabilidade, para diferentes formulações correntes. The present dissertation approaches the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of old stone masonry building aggregates. With this topic it is presented a review on the most recent methods and tools used for the seismic vulnerability assessment of masonry buildings, focusing the research developed both in Italy and Portugal. Moreover, a case study of an old stone masonry building aggregate was assessed, which is located in San Pio delle Camere (Abruzzo, Italy), slightly a ected by the 6th April 2009 L'Aquila earthquake. This building aggregate was modelled using the STA DATA software 3muri®. On one hand, static non-linear numerical analysis was performed to obtain capacity curves and a prediction of the damage distribution in the structure, caused by the input seismic action (hybrid method), on the other hand indirect methods were used, based on di erent vulnerability index formulations. Mestrado em Engenharia Civil
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Objective(s):Serratia marcescens is one of the nosocomial pathogen. The ability to form biofilm is an important feature in the pathogenesis of S. marcescens. The aim of this study was to determine the anti-adhesive properties of a biosurfactant isolated from Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356, on S. marcescens strains. Materials and Methods: Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356, was selected as a probiotic strain to produce biosurfactant. Anti-adhesive activities was determined by pre-coating and co- incubating methods in 96-well culture plates. Results: The FTIR analysis of derived biosurfactant revealed the composition as protein component. Because of the release of such biosurfactants, L. acidophilus was able to interfere with the adhesion and biofilm formation of the S. marcescens strains. In co- incubation method this biosurfactant in 2.5 mg/ml concentration showed anti-adhesive activity against all tested strains of S. marcescens (P
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The advances in neuroimaging have improved clinicoanatomic correlations in patients with stroke. Junctional infarct is a distinct term, used to describe border zone infarcts of the posterior fossa. We presented computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in a rare case of bilateral symmetrical junctional infarcts between the superior cerebellar artery (SCA) and posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) territories. In addition to precise knowledge of arterial territories required to achieve accurate localization of ischemic lesions on CT and MRI, the radiologist must also be aware of radiologic features and geographic territories of cerebellar arteries and their junctional infarctions.