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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Jeffreys, E; Sigley, G;
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos UTS Institutional Re...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos UTS Institutional Re...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

    聚合的分布式能源可作为虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)在电力市场中提供辅助调频服务,来应对低碳经济下大规模可再生能源并网给电力系统稳定性带来的挑战。为了引导VPP参与调频辅助服务市场,对VPP所有者的经济激励尤为重要。研究了澳大利亚国家电力市场中调频辅助服务市场机制,针对配网侧聚合的住宅屋顶光伏和电池储能系统的VPP,以利润最大化为目标,提出了嵌入电池循环寿命模型的调频市场优化竞标策略和与风电合作的联合优化竞标策略。同时,根据讨价还价博弈理论,基于Nash-Harsanyi 讨价还价解提出了一种反映VPP真实价值的合作剩余分配策略。算例结果验证了所提模型和方法的有效性,研究成果为激发VPP潜在价值提供了一条途径。

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos 全球能源互联网arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Article . 2020
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    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Article . 2020
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos 全球能源互联网arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Article . 2020
      Data sources: DOAJ-Articles
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Article . 2020
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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Liu, Songping;

    University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for International Studies. NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. The hardcopy may be available for consultation at the UTS Library. NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- 21世纪,如何加快城市的现代化、国际化发展,已成为当今中国社会具有深远意义的重大课题。会展业作为城市产业体系中的一个分支,对城市经济发展和产业结构调整都将起到积极的拉动作用,被不少城市作为经营城市的切入点。目前中国会展业正以每年20%左右的高速度增长,基本上形成以北京、上海、广州、大连、成都、西安、昆明等为会展中心城市的环渤海、长三角、珠三角、东北以及中西部五大会展经济产业带框架。这些经济产业带通过准确的功能定位,逐步形成相互协调、各具特色、梯级发展的互动式会展经济发展格局。然而作为经济与文化发展的产物,会展业这个属于现代服务业范畴的新型产业因其较高的区域社会经济效益而备受关注、成为国民经济一个新的增长点的同时,也暴露出一个不成熟产业存在的一些问题,特别是在管理体制、功能研究、专业化、产业布局、会展人才等方面的问题较为严重。本博士论文针对这些问题展开研究,有着重要的理论与现实贡献: 【选题上的突破】会展研究是一个新领域,而且本文所选择的视角是中国第一展——中国出口商品交易会,它是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大的综合性国际贸易盛会。从2007年春交会的101届开始,这一品牌改为“中国进出口商品交易会”。在这个新的发展阶段,以博士论文的方式对广交会进行系统的研究,具有重要的意义。通过对广交会的综合研究,在全面了解广交会形成的背景与发展模式的基础上,探讨会展与产业经济、城市发展的关系,对国民经济发展和城市经营有促进作用;对广交会在新的变革时期的具体运作有现实指导性。 【多维视野】以前对广交会的研究都是从一个侧面尤其是注重广交会对中国外贸发展和中外经贸交流与合作的意义研究,本文从立体的角度以多维的视野进行系统探讨,全视角从四个方面内容重点展开:一是研究广交会形成的背景与发展的模式,探讨政府在会展中的功能定位;二是广交会对中国外贸出口的贡献,探讨展会方式对进出口的影响;三是全方位了解广交会对广州城市的影响,从而探讨城市与会展的互动发展关系;四是广交会对中国产业结构的影响,尤其是作为世界第二大展、中国第一展对中国会展产业的影响,探讨其在产业发展中的地位。 【多学科交叉研究】本论文进行跨学科研究,包含经济学、管理学、社会学、历史学等学科。方法上一是文献运用,对国家图书馆中文图书库和学位论文库、中国学术期刊网等文献数据源资料进行收集,并对这些中文会展论著中围绕研究课题进行深入文献计量分析,量化分析;二是案例分析,本文所有内容与资料围绕广交会进行研究,根据本人研究论文的需要,对广交会会刊和广交会通讯尤其是中国出口商品交易会出版的《百届辉煌》和《亲历广交会》进行重点的收集。通过参与对这些资料的整理工作,从而掌握了大量的一手资料,为论文的研究打下了基础;三是实证研究,多次到广交会现场,实地观察广交会的整个过程,去广交会的具体运作机构中国对外贸易中心集团公司搜集广交会实证资料,了解广交会对中国外贸出口和广州城市促进功能的主要内容、方法、障碍及对策等。同时直接与参加广交会的人员进行访谈。2006年10月15日在广交会100届生日这个特殊的日子里,在中央电视台直播室做嘉宾主持中央电视台新闻频道进行现场直播,讨论的内容与博士研究论文直接相关。 【富有启迪的结论】一是会展业与外贸的发展是一种互动关系,广交会对进出口贸易额的巨幅增长和成交区域和范围的扩展等方面起到的推动和促进作用;二是广交会对广州的城市经营的影响,被誉为城市经济发展“引擎”的会展由于其本身巨大的产业带动作用,在中国加速城市群建设时期,将对城市的经营起到了巨大的推动作用;三是从中国产业经济结构调整的角度来看广交会对中国产业经济的影响,广交会直接把中国工厂推向了国际第一线,实现从内销到出口的蜕变,催生中国产品的品牌意识和产业升级;四是政府在历史条件下政府重新定位,在会展活动中充分发挥规范功能和服务功能,并巧妙运用会展进行城市产业经营;五是广交会迎接新的挑战,借更名契机实现出口、进口的同步发展,数量与质量扩张并举,符合国际潮流,建设世界一流的展会。这些研究结论对城市政府如何摆好自己在会展活动中的位置,广交会如何进行改革,扩大影响力,实现可持续发展有理论与现实的指导意义。 As an industry which leads to the restructuring of industries and gives impetus to the development of other parts of urban economy, the exhibition industry has been taken by many cities in China as an entry point for urban development. Currently the exhibition industry in China grows 20% annually, forming five exhibition industrial belts: the Bohai belt centered around Beijing, the Yangtzi River Triangle belt centered around Shanghai, the Pearl River Triangle belt centered around Guangzhou, the North-East China belt centered around Dalian, and the Central-West China belt cantered around Chengdu, Xian and Kunming. However, reflecting the immaturity of the exhibition industry in China, many problems have emerged in the key areas such as management system, functions of exhibitions, specialization in exhibitions, national industrial distribution, and exhibition expertise. This study is an attempt to tackle these problems, making contributions to the research on exhibitions in China both theoretically and empirically: A break-through in the choice of the research topic. Research on the exhibition industry is a new research field in China, and this is the first comprehensive study on the China Export Fair in Guangzhou, which is the exhibition of longest history, highest standard, and largest scale in China. A comprehensive perspective. There have been studies looking at a particular aspect of the Guangzhou Fair. This study is comprehensive in nature and explores the Guangzhou Fair in a systematic way from four angles: the development model of the Guangzhou Fair, with special attention to the role of the government; the pattern of the Guangzhou Fair and its contribution to the foreign trade; the impacts of the Guangzhou Fair on the development of Guangzhou and the interaction between exhibitions and cities in general; and the impacts the Guangzhou Fair on the industrial structure in China. Multi-disciplinary approach. This is a multi-disciplinary research covering economics, management, sociology and history. In terms of methodology, this study makes an intensive use of documentary research, quantification analysis, case study, in-depth interviews and direct observation. Inspiring arguments. It is convincingly argued in this study that the Guangzhou Fair has contributed to the phenomenon growth in China's foreign trade, especially in expanding the trading areas and the trading zone; that the Guangzhou Fair functions as an "engine" of urban economy, bringing along other industries; that exhibitions such as the Guangzhou Fair promote upgrading of industries by bringing them to the forefront of the international market; that the government is changing its functions to focus on the roles of providing regulations and service; and that the Guangzhou Fair itself is making adjustments to meet the new challenges and catch up with the international trends.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos UTS Institutional Re...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos UTS Institutional Re...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: William CS CHO;

    Complementary and alternative medicine has been increasingly utilized by cancer patients in developed countries. Among the various forms of complementary and alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the few that has a well constructed theoretical framework and established treatment approaches for diseases including cancer. Recent research has revealed growing evidence suggesting that Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective in the supportive care of cancer patients during and after major conventional cancer treatments. This paper succinctly summarizes some published clinical evidence and meta-analyses which support the usage of various Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment strategies including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and Qigong in supportive cancer care.

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos DOAJarrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Article . 2010
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    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos DOAJarrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
      Article . 2010
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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Hu, Zejia;

    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 中国施洞苗的刺绣图案文化历史深厚独特,相当长历史时期里处于悄然蓬勃自生状态,其文化来历底蕴被外部世界关注极短且浅。 受近年来中国经济环境巨大改变带来的影响冲击,施洞苗刺绣文化迅速走向衰落。 按共产党中国政府的民族认定,施洞苗不过是中国苗服装色彩斑澜的一分子,其独特的文化价值未得到足够重视,且已到了分崩离散境地。 本论文是对施洞苗刺绣图案的文化底蕴的系统研究。 研究论文以难得的施洞苗传统刺绣精品私人收藏为研究基础,试图系统分析探讨中国苗在中国历史上的说法来历及现状,解析“生苗”、“熟苗”在中历史上的地理环境成因,并从黔东南历史上的陆路、水路交通、人文环境等方面,分析施洞苗刺绣文化的特殊缘由文化地位,并由之深入探讨施洞苗刺绣图案所蕴含的特殊族群文化表现,同时在不同层面接触到的他文化影响。 此研究的特别价值在于,利用综合多角度视野及各种历史资料,独辟其径地深入研究施洞苗刺绣艺术图案文化的来历,还其此族群被“大一统族称”下掩盖的独一无二的自身特质及文化价值。施洞苗的刺绣图案语言,其研究价值意义已远远超出一般刺绣工艺图案范畴。本文系统梳理探讨施洞传统原始刺绣艺术图案,以挖掘其背后的丰富文化信息。

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos UTS Institutional Re...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos UTS Institutional Re...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos

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    Authors: Pu, T;

    University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for International Studies. 改革开放以来,中国本土企业在自身管理方面做了大量变革,其产生的管理创新成果为本企业和社会实现了双赢。据统计,目前企业取得的丰富管理创新成果绝大数来源于管理者驱动型。那管理者驱动型管理创新成果到底是如何创造的呢?经文献梳理,相关研究在国内外文献中虽有涉及,但从中国企业实际背景出发,具有针对性和系统性的管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段研究还未形成理论体系。鉴于管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段研究对实践和理论两层面有着重要的意义,论文以典型的管理者驱动型管理创新事件为研究对象,基于理性视角,借助相关理论,运用案例研究法,系统地研究了管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段。论文的主要研究工作包括三方面内容:其一,先就管理者驱动型管理创新过程的阶段进行探析,后在单案例探索性研究的基础上构建了管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段二维度模型,并基于多案例分析对模型中的新问题、问题驱动式探索和管理者的创新背景做了进一步总结和归纳;其二,运用垃圾桶和企业行为理论,构建了管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段影响因素的理论研究框架,并据此提出了相关假设;其三,运用案例的实证研究方法,就管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段影响因素的理论研究框架和相关假设进行了实证检验。研究表明:管理者驱动型管理创新是由管理者驱动的新管理流程、管理模式、组织结构或管理方式方法等的创造、选择和实施;管理者的核心行为是问题驱动式探索;企业遇到的新问题可划分为企业成长过程中的组织变化和遇到的各种障碍因素;问题驱动式探索的来源可划为企业经营的市场范围和各类知识源;管理者具有的外部经验、接受的训练以及接触的外部网络是提高管理创新方案创造几率的重要促进因素。 Since the open and reform, lots of reform have been carried out to the management of the local enterprises of China by themselves, the achievements on management innovation reached from which has brought mutual benefits to both the enterprises themselves as well as the society. It is shown from the statistics that overwhelming majority of the rich management innovation achievements reached by the enterprises root in the manager-driven field. Then how is the manager-driven management innovation achievements created on earth? Reviewing the literature, it is found that though relevant studies have been referred to in the domestic and foreign literature, specific and systemic theoretical systems from the actual background of Chinese enterprises have not been formed from the studies on the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation. As the studies on the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation is very significant in both layers of practice and theories, in the thesis, the typical events of manager-driven management innovation are set as the research object, and the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation are studied systematically from rational respective with the aid of relevant theories and case study. The main research of the thesis includes three aspects: first, the periods of the process of manager-driven management innovation are explored firstly and then two-dimensionality model of the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation is constructed on the basis of exploratory study on single case, and further conclusion and summing up of the new problems in the model, question-driven explore and the innovational background of the manager are made based on study on cases; second, the theoretical research frame of the effect factors in the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation is structured with the garbage can theory and the behavioral theory of the enterprises, and accordingly, relevant hypothesis is raised; third, empirical tests are given to the theoretical research frame of the effect factors in the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation and the relevant hypothesis. The study shows that: manager-driven management innovation is the creation, choice and implement of the process, model, organization structure, or managing methods of new management driven by the managers; the core behavior of the managers is the question-driven explore; the new questions the enterprises confront with can be divided into the change of structure and effect factors faced during the growth of the enterprise; the source of question-driven explore can be divided into the market area of the enterprises and all kinds of knowledge resources; the external experience, training accepted and external network in contact held by the manager are important factors to boost the chances to create new managing plans.

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    Authors: Yang, J;

    University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for International Studies. 互联网虽然出现只有十几年,却已经成为我们生活中最重要的东西之一。由于互联网是没有控制中心的媒体,它的诞生曾经给信仰自由民主的人们带来一片欢呼,以为真正的民主的时代到来了。但是,互联网对于专制政治的堡垒远非攻无不克。中共政权在与互联网的对垒中频频得手,就是一个典型例子。那么,互联网进入中国也已经有十几年了,它对中国的政治有怎样的影响?特别是它在推进中国的政治民主化方面到底有哪些贡献? 本文根据能够掌握的资讯以及亲身体验,以案例研究为主要方法,深入探讨中国专制政府与互联网之间的博弈。本文力图客观地展现中国互联网发展的真实图景。这个图景由几乎势均力敌的两个方面组成。一方面是中国党国政府当局在有效地控制平面纸质媒体的同时,也将魔掌伸向互联网,使中国互联网受到商业逻辑和权力逻辑的双重宰制。而且,他们操控互联网的技术与手段越来越周密精致,比起对纸质媒体的操控有过之而无不及。但是,在另一方面,随着互联网技术日新月异,中国网民这个新的社会群体日益壯大和成熟。由于在利益和价值理念上和党国当局的差别与冲突,中国网民中的相当部分与党国当局疏离日深,而且通过互联网相互呼应此起彼伏,使得治国理念陈旧过时的党国当局对网民的操控陷入捉襟见肘、黔驴技穷的态势。中国专制政府与互联网两者在相互博弈中不断地改变着对方,中国互联网被改造成被阉割和绑架的互联网,中国专制政府也因回应互联网的挑战而被改造成相对增加了透明度和弹性的政府。 本文更突出的贡献是利用第一手材料对中国公民记者和博客这两个在互联网最新出现的现象和最新崛起的力量进行系统的实证研究。研究结果显示,当中共党国当局以记者证为手段严格管制所有记者、将新闻信息的采集和发布严格纳入党国的宣传口径,一些无证、无薪而又冒着政治风险的“公民记者”则活跃于中国的各个角落,通过互联网即时发布不经党国当局审批的“敏感”信息,在党国宣传系统之外开辟了另一个新闻信息渠道。当中共党国当局对互联网的网络新闻、论坛、BBS 等板块都实行了相当严密的管制,具有自主性、灵活性、宽松性等优势的个人博客犹如雨后春笋遍布各大网站,不但承担发布新闻(特别是维权新闻)的功能,而且以时评、随笔、杂感、论文等文体承担政治讨论、观念传播思想沟通和理论探索的功能。 本文所揭示的另一个现象是,在民主国家中“网络社会”与现实社会同构,在专制国家中“网络社会”与现实社会差异甚大。中共党国政府在竭力延缓现实社会中的政治民主化,但“网络社会”中的民主化已先行一步。互联网已成为中国公民社会和公共领域的前沿阵地。从本文的研究可以看到,每一次互联网技术的发展,都改变着中国人的生活方式和交往方式,都给中国公民带来更大的发言权,都带来信息民主化的结果。中国核心网民是一批彻底摆脱了臣民心态的现代成熟公民,具有成熟的现代权利意识和民主理念。他们怀着強烈的使命感在网上进行公共沟通、以言论方式参与社会政治事件,並在这种沟通的参与中成熟起来。一些民主机制已经先在中国“网络社会”中形成,诸如平等参与、信息公开、资源共享、自由结社、民主协商、投票海选等等。不可置疑的是,“网络社会”的发展,也为现实社会提供了新的互动环境与空间,并充当现实社会变革的先导。在“网络社会”发展起来的自主意识、自由意识、权利意识、平等意识,不断冲击着现实社会的等级专制体制。“网络社会”的发展,拓宽着中国公民的信息渠道与言论空间,迅速有效地传播着自由民主思想,以公民权利意识的广泛提高为基础的维权运动正在中国社会波谰壯阔地展开,甚至人权、法治、宪政等自由民主理念都冠冕堂皇地逼进了中国官方话语系统。 本文的总体结论是,互联网迄今未能颠覆中国党国专制政府,但它成功地护持着中国政治民主化的一线生机,不断地积累中国政治民主化的思想、知识、组织和人力资源,对中国政治民主化的作用潜能均下可估量。 Relied primarily on the first hand materials and based mainly on the methodologies of case studies and participatory observation, this thesis is an in-depth analysis of interactions between the Internet and the Chinese communist regime. It demonstrates the real picture of the ongoing information warfare between the Internet and the Chinese communist government. On the one hand, the Chinese communist party-state has extended its skilful control over the printing media to the Internet with increasingly sophisticated mechanisms such as manipulating, blocking, filtering, policing and ensuring self-censorship through a combination of rewards and harsh punishments. On the other hand, the introduction of the new communication technology in China has engendered the growth of a new social stratum of netizens who have managed with some success to circumvent the obstacles created by the party-state and access multiple sources of information. Due to profound differences in beliefs and values, the party-state finds itself in constant conflicts with a great proportion of netizens. As a consequence the Internet and the Chinese government have transformed each other, making the former less open while making the latter more open and flexible. More remarkable contribution of the thesis lies in its timely assessment on the impacts of "citizen reporters" and bloggers. It illuminates that whereas the Chinese communist party-state resorts to licensing and other mechanisms to keep official journalists in line, thousands of "citizen reporters" volunteer to open an alternative source of news for the Internet; and that whereas the party-state has brought BBS (bulletin board system), web forums, and chat rooms under strict control, blogs has emerged as a new effective site for news, political debates and ideological exploration. This research shows that every step in the development of communication technology has helped to improve the power structure in favour of the people, empowering the Chinese netizens in the public sphere. Furthermore, in contrast with the political reality in China, democratic ideas and democratic practice have developed well in advance in the virtual networks or "virtual society", pounding at the despotic order. The overall conclusion drown from this research is that the Internet has played a key role in sustaining the endeavour of democratisation in China, contributed to the growth of democratic consciousness and networks, and demonstrated a great potential in facilitating China's transition to democracy.

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    Authors: Liang, J;

    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 应用比较优势理论、国家竞争优势理论、产业集群理论和技术创新经济学理论等相关理论,依据大量政府文件和统计数据等丰富资料,本学位论文以中国改革开放的先行区广东省广州市为个案,深入、系统地研究近三十年来中国高技术产业发展进程,以及中国高技术产业发展与产业组织、科技建制和政府管理体制之间的复杂关系。 本研究特别关注广州的科技资源优势未能有效地转化为高技术产业优势的现象,着重探讨政府产业政策失灵、政府管理体制及运行机制对高技术产业发展形成阻力等以往重视不够的核心问题。在系统考察和深入论证的基础上,本研究修正以钻石模型为代表的竞争力理论缺陷,建立了更符合中国实际特色、更能够有效地提高中国高技术产业竞争力的"双核心钻石模型",将竞争力进一步细分为核心影响因素、关键性影响因素和辅助性影响因素三类,为中国竞争力理论做出重大贡献。 基于深入研究制度创新、技术创新、产业创新以及创新战略管理的心得,本研究还从增强企业自主创新能力、改善高技术产业竞争环境、扩大高技术产业有效市场需求、健全高技术产业风险投资机制等方面为提升中国高技术产业竞争力提出了一系列政策建议。 Applying useful theories such as comparative advantage, national competitive advantage industrial clusters, and economics of technological innovation and based on rich data of statistics and government documents, this thesis is a systematic research on the development of high-tech industries in China and its complicated relations with the industrial structure, the government administration, and the institutional arrangements for the development of science and technology in the last 30 years, with a case study on the development of high-tech industries in Guangzhou, the provincial capital of Guangdong Province. This study pays a special attention to the phenomenon that the apparent advantage in the resources of science and technology in Guangzhou has not been translated into the advantage in high-tech industries and explores some of the essential but somehow neglected issues such as failure of government industrial policies and the systems and mechanisms that hinder the development of high-tech industries. This study makes a major contribution to developing a theory of competitive power theory more relevant to China, establishing a “double diamonds model” of competitive power to replace the “diamond model” of competitive power, with a father division of the factors of competitive power into the core factors, key factors and supplementary factors. Based on the findings in the solid study on the institutional innovation, technological innovation, industrial innovation and strategic management of innovations, this thesis also makes a range of policy recommendations, including the recommendations to strengthen the innovation capacity of enterprises, to improve the environment of completion within the high-tech industries, strengthen the effective market demands for the high-tech industries and improve the mechanisms of risk investment in the high-tech industries.

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    Authors: Jiang, Wei;

    University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for International Studies. NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted indefinitely. The hardcopy may be available for consultation at the UTS Library. NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted indefinitely. ----- 在中国,非公有制性质的中型和小型企业,一般人们通称之为"中小型企业",其数量正在日益增长,为之服务的员工人数也已经超过了总在岗人数的60%,这类企业的不断增长和多样性不仅对区域经济的发展起到了积极推动的作用,同时也引发了众多的关于其生存发展以及壮大的各种决定性因素的探讨。 本研究以中国的非公有制中小型企业为调研主体,以 Fred R. David 在 1991 年提出的,之后在 2001 年进行了补充和更新的"管理问题和战略实施"模型(Management Issues and Strategy Implementation)作为理论对比框架,通过对五十家非公有制中小型企业的高层管理者的面访与一家日化私营企业的内部运作的实地考察,力求找出影响这类企业的战略管理贯彻和实施的各种关键因素。带着把现存的管理学理论观点和模式放入实际企业中进行考察和对比结果的思想,在深入了解了中国的非公有制中小型企业的日常管理和运作的过程之后,总结出中国的非公有制中小型企业在战略管理的实施过程中,应该摒弃那种完完全全地照搬照抄西方既有的理论框架和顺序的思想,而是要紧紧围绕着企业管理者对企业战略的思考的法论,如何确保既定的战略得以执行,完善人力资源方面团队构建、薪酬激励、绩效管理模式和体系的搭建,以及企业文化的塑造等四个方面的关键因素进行探讨和把握,才能真正把符合自身需求的战略管理过程进行到底,才能真正让企业的战略管理实践达成企业目标。 Nowadays, the number of non-state owned small and medium size enterprises, which are called "SME Enterprises", is increasing quickly. There are over 60% on-the-job persons working in these enterprises. The growing numbers and diversities of emerging SME enterprises are not only a driving force of regional economic development, but also a subject of scholarly research aiming at the explanation of key factors of their survival and healthy development. This research explores 50 non-state owned SME enterprises operating in China within the theoretical framework of the Management Issues and Strategy Implementation Model advanced by Fred R. David in 1991 and supplemented and revised in 2001. Through face-to-face interviews of higher level managers in those enterprises and fieldwork in a typical private SME enterprise, the research aims to find out all key issues influencing strategic management implementation in the development process of Chinese SME enterprises. With the research and comparisons between existing managerial theories, models and enterprises in reality, on the basis of the researcher's observations and. and data generated from daily management and processes of these enterprises, this research looks at the problems occurring in four key areas in the process of the implementation of management strategies. Following the discussion of these implementing problems, the research continues to provide advice on how to tackle these problems. These areas include strategy development, the implementing process of set strategy, human resource team build-up and incentive mechanism, and corporate culture.

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    Authors: Zhu, J;

    University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for International Studies. 中国近代民族主义往往被自然地理解为对帝国主义、殖民主义的反抗,但民族主义不仅包括对外维护民族独立的维度,还包括对内进行民族建构的维度,另外殖民者与受殖者之间的关系也并非是概念化的泾渭分明的简单二元对立,而是现实生活中互相作用、相互纠结的一种复杂状态,受殖者的民族主义无法摆脱这种复杂状态的制约。在近代中国这样一个并没有从整体上沦为殖民地但各种制度化的、完全的殖民统治存在于境内的半殖民地国家,民族主义与殖民主义之间的关系就更为复杂,有待探查。本论文以德占青岛(1897-1914)作为个案,对中国近代民族主义与殖民地经历之间的关系进行实例研究,以期梳理出殖民地经历在清末民初中国民族想象和民族认同政治中产生了何种影响。 民族主义并非一种整体一致的力量,民族主义的叙述和话语具有多样性和冲突性,因此论文主要按照不同社会群体来进行考察,对关涉德占青岛的维新派知识分子、清政府官员、华商、知识分子、革命党人、逊清遗老等社会群体各自对民族的想象、民族主义的话语、行动及其相互之间的竞争和协商进行了探查。尽管德占青岛是德国的一个殖民地,但是它并非孤立存在于近代中国社会之外,而是同中国内地之间存在着广泛的联系和不断的相互作用,并且德占青岛的发展对于殖民地之外某些重要的观念制造者的民族主义思想不无影响。 通过考察可以看到,在当时中国本土的能动性、选择能力、抵抗能力尚存的情况下,德占青岛作为展示德意志文明与技术的橱窗,对于中国近代民族国家和民族主义观念的形成有确切影响,刺激了本文所考察的各社会群体中观念生产者们对于民族的想象。德国人和中国人在青岛的相互作用不仅对中国人如何想象自己提出了挑战,而且使得中国人重新评价自己对于中国的理解及对近代民族主义的需要。一方面,在所考察的各社会群体的民族想像中对被殖民危机的恐惧和对一种不同〝文明〞的渴望特别突出,他们对于青岛德国殖民当局的心理可以普遍概括为〝畏羡交织〞,区别于通常所说的完全殖民地的民族主义者对殖民者〝爱恨交织〞的态度。另一方面,这种〝畏羡交织〞的心理使得许多官员和观念制造者质疑王朝统治与一个近代民族国家之间的关系,并且在民族主义话语的不同表述和竞争中,引出了中国人的忠诚与社会行动等更宽的问题。 Modern Chinese nationalism is usually understood as resistance to imperialism and colonialism. But nationalism also has a largely domestic dimension that is more concerned with the construction of social and political systems. While this process may be related to external affairs it is not solely dictated by it. Moreover, the nationalism of the colonized is inevitably conditioned by the complicated relationship between colonizer and the colonized. In China's case the picture was further complicated by the variety of colonial experiences and institutions to be found within its boundaries. These ranged from examples of institutionalised imperial colonialism through a range of forms of extra-territoriality to spheres of influence, all of which interacted with different parts of China in different ways. This thesis is a study of the German occupied colony of Qingdao (1897-1914) which explores the complexities of the relationship between nationalism and colonialism. Its aim is to highlight the impact of the colonial experience on the imagination of nation and the politics of national identity at the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of Republican China. Nationalism is not a single, uncomplicated force, but inevitably consists of diverse and conflicting narratives and discourses of nation. To understand this complexity, the thesis approaches the topic through an examination of various social groups, looking at their conceptualisation of the nation, and their nationalistic discourses. In particular it considers the actions of and interactions amongst the Chinese reformists, Qing officials, businessmen, intellectuals, revolutionists and former Qing officials, all of whom had experience of living and working in Qingdao under German occupation. Although German-occupied Qingdao was an imperial colony, it was nonetheless in constant interaction with its surrounding hinterland and the rest of China. Moreover, it is clear that the development of the colony played a not insignificant role in the minds of key opinion formers outside the colony in the shaping of modern Chinese nationalism. The study argues that as a showcase for German civilisation and technology, Qingdao had a very positive impact on the formation of ideas of nationhood and nationalism in China. For the various social groups under examination here as opinion formers Qingdao stimulated their imagination of nation. The interaction between Germans and Chinese in Qingdao not only challenged the ways in which Chinese thought of themselves it also led the Chinese to reevaluate their understandings of China and its needs for a modern nationalism. The Chinese in Qingdao came to appreciate the need for a modern Chinese state and saw colonisation less as a 'crisis' and more as an opportunity to aspire to a different, and differently imagined 'civilisation' not least through awe and admiration for the German occupying power. At the same time, this awe and admiration caused many officials and opinion formers to question the relationship between dynastic rule and a modern state, and led to wider questions of Chinese loyalty and social action.

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    Authors: Jeffreys, E; Sigley, G;
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    聚合的分布式能源可作为虚拟电厂(virtual power plant,VPP)在电力市场中提供辅助调频服务,来应对低碳经济下大规模可再生能源并网给电力系统稳定性带来的挑战。为了引导VPP参与调频辅助服务市场,对VPP所有者的经济激励尤为重要。研究了澳大利亚国家电力市场中调频辅助服务市场机制,针对配网侧聚合的住宅屋顶光伏和电池储能系统的VPP,以利润最大化为目标,提出了嵌入电池循环寿命模型的调频市场优化竞标策略和与风电合作的联合优化竞标策略。同时,根据讨价还价博弈理论,基于Nash-Harsanyi 讨价还价解提出了一种反映VPP真实价值的合作剩余分配策略。算例结果验证了所提模型和方法的有效性,研究成果为激发VPP潜在价值提供了一条途径。

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    Article . 2020
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    Authors: Liu, Songping;

    University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for International Studies. NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. The hardcopy may be available for consultation at the UTS Library. NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. This thesis contains 3rd party copyright material. ----- 21世纪,如何加快城市的现代化、国际化发展,已成为当今中国社会具有深远意义的重大课题。会展业作为城市产业体系中的一个分支,对城市经济发展和产业结构调整都将起到积极的拉动作用,被不少城市作为经营城市的切入点。目前中国会展业正以每年20%左右的高速度增长,基本上形成以北京、上海、广州、大连、成都、西安、昆明等为会展中心城市的环渤海、长三角、珠三角、东北以及中西部五大会展经济产业带框架。这些经济产业带通过准确的功能定位,逐步形成相互协调、各具特色、梯级发展的互动式会展经济发展格局。然而作为经济与文化发展的产物,会展业这个属于现代服务业范畴的新型产业因其较高的区域社会经济效益而备受关注、成为国民经济一个新的增长点的同时,也暴露出一个不成熟产业存在的一些问题,特别是在管理体制、功能研究、专业化、产业布局、会展人才等方面的问题较为严重。本博士论文针对这些问题展开研究,有着重要的理论与现实贡献: 【选题上的突破】会展研究是一个新领域,而且本文所选择的视角是中国第一展——中国出口商品交易会,它是中国目前历史最长、层次最高、规模最大的综合性国际贸易盛会。从2007年春交会的101届开始,这一品牌改为“中国进出口商品交易会”。在这个新的发展阶段,以博士论文的方式对广交会进行系统的研究,具有重要的意义。通过对广交会的综合研究,在全面了解广交会形成的背景与发展模式的基础上,探讨会展与产业经济、城市发展的关系,对国民经济发展和城市经营有促进作用;对广交会在新的变革时期的具体运作有现实指导性。 【多维视野】以前对广交会的研究都是从一个侧面尤其是注重广交会对中国外贸发展和中外经贸交流与合作的意义研究,本文从立体的角度以多维的视野进行系统探讨,全视角从四个方面内容重点展开:一是研究广交会形成的背景与发展的模式,探讨政府在会展中的功能定位;二是广交会对中国外贸出口的贡献,探讨展会方式对进出口的影响;三是全方位了解广交会对广州城市的影响,从而探讨城市与会展的互动发展关系;四是广交会对中国产业结构的影响,尤其是作为世界第二大展、中国第一展对中国会展产业的影响,探讨其在产业发展中的地位。 【多学科交叉研究】本论文进行跨学科研究,包含经济学、管理学、社会学、历史学等学科。方法上一是文献运用,对国家图书馆中文图书库和学位论文库、中国学术期刊网等文献数据源资料进行收集,并对这些中文会展论著中围绕研究课题进行深入文献计量分析,量化分析;二是案例分析,本文所有内容与资料围绕广交会进行研究,根据本人研究论文的需要,对广交会会刊和广交会通讯尤其是中国出口商品交易会出版的《百届辉煌》和《亲历广交会》进行重点的收集。通过参与对这些资料的整理工作,从而掌握了大量的一手资料,为论文的研究打下了基础;三是实证研究,多次到广交会现场,实地观察广交会的整个过程,去广交会的具体运作机构中国对外贸易中心集团公司搜集广交会实证资料,了解广交会对中国外贸出口和广州城市促进功能的主要内容、方法、障碍及对策等。同时直接与参加广交会的人员进行访谈。2006年10月15日在广交会100届生日这个特殊的日子里,在中央电视台直播室做嘉宾主持中央电视台新闻频道进行现场直播,讨论的内容与博士研究论文直接相关。 【富有启迪的结论】一是会展业与外贸的发展是一种互动关系,广交会对进出口贸易额的巨幅增长和成交区域和范围的扩展等方面起到的推动和促进作用;二是广交会对广州的城市经营的影响,被誉为城市经济发展“引擎”的会展由于其本身巨大的产业带动作用,在中国加速城市群建设时期,将对城市的经营起到了巨大的推动作用;三是从中国产业经济结构调整的角度来看广交会对中国产业经济的影响,广交会直接把中国工厂推向了国际第一线,实现从内销到出口的蜕变,催生中国产品的品牌意识和产业升级;四是政府在历史条件下政府重新定位,在会展活动中充分发挥规范功能和服务功能,并巧妙运用会展进行城市产业经营;五是广交会迎接新的挑战,借更名契机实现出口、进口的同步发展,数量与质量扩张并举,符合国际潮流,建设世界一流的展会。这些研究结论对城市政府如何摆好自己在会展活动中的位置,广交会如何进行改革,扩大影响力,实现可持续发展有理论与现实的指导意义。 As an industry which leads to the restructuring of industries and gives impetus to the development of other parts of urban economy, the exhibition industry has been taken by many cities in China as an entry point for urban development. Currently the exhibition industry in China grows 20% annually, forming five exhibition industrial belts: the Bohai belt centered around Beijing, the Yangtzi River Triangle belt centered around Shanghai, the Pearl River Triangle belt centered around Guangzhou, the North-East China belt centered around Dalian, and the Central-West China belt cantered around Chengdu, Xian and Kunming. However, reflecting the immaturity of the exhibition industry in China, many problems have emerged in the key areas such as management system, functions of exhibitions, specialization in exhibitions, national industrial distribution, and exhibition expertise. This study is an attempt to tackle these problems, making contributions to the research on exhibitions in China both theoretically and empirically: A break-through in the choice of the research topic. Research on the exhibition industry is a new research field in China, and this is the first comprehensive study on the China Export Fair in Guangzhou, which is the exhibition of longest history, highest standard, and largest scale in China. A comprehensive perspective. There have been studies looking at a particular aspect of the Guangzhou Fair. This study is comprehensive in nature and explores the Guangzhou Fair in a systematic way from four angles: the development model of the Guangzhou Fair, with special attention to the role of the government; the pattern of the Guangzhou Fair and its contribution to the foreign trade; the impacts of the Guangzhou Fair on the development of Guangzhou and the interaction between exhibitions and cities in general; and the impacts the Guangzhou Fair on the industrial structure in China. Multi-disciplinary approach. This is a multi-disciplinary research covering economics, management, sociology and history. In terms of methodology, this study makes an intensive use of documentary research, quantification analysis, case study, in-depth interviews and direct observation. Inspiring arguments. It is convincingly argued in this study that the Guangzhou Fair has contributed to the phenomenon growth in China's foreign trade, especially in expanding the trading areas and the trading zone; that the Guangzhou Fair functions as an "engine" of urban economy, bringing along other industries; that exhibitions such as the Guangzhou Fair promote upgrading of industries by bringing them to the forefront of the international market; that the government is changing its functions to focus on the roles of providing regulations and service; and that the Guangzhou Fair itself is making adjustments to meet the new challenges and catch up with the international trends.

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    Authors: William CS CHO;

    Complementary and alternative medicine has been increasingly utilized by cancer patients in developed countries. Among the various forms of complementary and alternative medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the few that has a well constructed theoretical framework and established treatment approaches for diseases including cancer. Recent research has revealed growing evidence suggesting that Traditional Chinese Medicine is effective in the supportive care of cancer patients during and after major conventional cancer treatments. This paper succinctly summarizes some published clinical evidence and meta-analyses which support the usage of various Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment strategies including Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and Qigong in supportive cancer care.

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    Article . 2010
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      Article . 2010
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    Authors: Hu, Zejia;

    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. 中国施洞苗的刺绣图案文化历史深厚独特,相当长历史时期里处于悄然蓬勃自生状态,其文化来历底蕴被外部世界关注极短且浅。 受近年来中国经济环境巨大改变带来的影响冲击,施洞苗刺绣文化迅速走向衰落。 按共产党中国政府的民族认定,施洞苗不过是中国苗服装色彩斑澜的一分子,其独特的文化价值未得到足够重视,且已到了分崩离散境地。 本论文是对施洞苗刺绣图案的文化底蕴的系统研究。 研究论文以难得的施洞苗传统刺绣精品私人收藏为研究基础,试图系统分析探讨中国苗在中国历史上的说法来历及现状,解析“生苗”、“熟苗”在中历史上的地理环境成因,并从黔东南历史上的陆路、水路交通、人文环境等方面,分析施洞苗刺绣文化的特殊缘由文化地位,并由之深入探讨施洞苗刺绣图案所蕴含的特殊族群文化表现,同时在不同层面接触到的他文化影响。 此研究的特别价值在于,利用综合多角度视野及各种历史资料,独辟其径地深入研究施洞苗刺绣艺术图案文化的来历,还其此族群被“大一统族称”下掩盖的独一无二的自身特质及文化价值。施洞苗的刺绣图案语言,其研究价值意义已远远超出一般刺绣工艺图案范畴。本文系统梳理探讨施洞传统原始刺绣艺术图案,以挖掘其背后的丰富文化信息。

    image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos UTS Institutional Re...arrow_drop_down
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  • image/svg+xml art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos Open Access logo, converted into svg, designed by PLoS. This version with transparent background. art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina, Beao, JakobVoss, and AnonMoos
    Authors: Pu, T;

    University of Technology, Sydney. Institute for International Studies. 改革开放以来,中国本土企业在自身管理方面做了大量变革,其产生的管理创新成果为本企业和社会实现了双赢。据统计,目前企业取得的丰富管理创新成果绝大数来源于管理者驱动型。那管理者驱动型管理创新成果到底是如何创造的呢?经文献梳理,相关研究在国内外文献中虽有涉及,但从中国企业实际背景出发,具有针对性和系统性的管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段研究还未形成理论体系。鉴于管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段研究对实践和理论两层面有着重要的意义,论文以典型的管理者驱动型管理创新事件为研究对象,基于理性视角,借助相关理论,运用案例研究法,系统地研究了管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段。论文的主要研究工作包括三方面内容:其一,先就管理者驱动型管理创新过程的阶段进行探析,后在单案例探索性研究的基础上构建了管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段二维度模型,并基于多案例分析对模型中的新问题、问题驱动式探索和管理者的创新背景做了进一步总结和归纳;其二,运用垃圾桶和企业行为理论,构建了管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段影响因素的理论研究框架,并据此提出了相关假设;其三,运用案例的实证研究方法,就管理者驱动型管理创新创造阶段影响因素的理论研究框架和相关假设进行了实证检验。研究表明:管理者驱动型管理创新是由管理者驱动的新管理流程、管理模式、组织结构或管理方式方法等的创造、选择和实施;管理者的核心行为是问题驱动式探索;企业遇到的新问题可划分为企业成长过程中的组织变化和遇到的各种障碍因素;问题驱动式探索的来源可划为企业经营的市场范围和各类知识源;管理者具有的外部经验、接受的训练以及接触的外部网络是提高管理创新方案创造几率的重要促进因素。 Since the open and reform, lots of reform have been carried out to the management of the local enterprises of China by themselves, the achievements on management innovation reached from which has brought mutual benefits to both the enterprises themselves as well as the society. It is shown from the statistics that overwhelming majority of the rich management innovation achievements reached by the enterprises root in the manager-driven field. Then how is the manager-driven management innovation achievements created on earth? Reviewing the literature, it is found that though relevant studies have been referred to in the domestic and foreign literature, specific and systemic theoretical systems from the actual background of Chinese enterprises have not been formed from the studies on the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation. As the studies on the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation is very significant in both layers of practice and theories, in the thesis, the typical events of manager-driven management innovation are set as the research object, and the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation are studied systematically from rational respective with the aid of relevant theories and case study. The main research of the thesis includes three aspects: first, the periods of the process of manager-driven management innovation are explored firstly and then two-dimensionality model of the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation is constructed on the basis of exploratory study on single case, and further conclusion and summing up of the new problems in the model, question-driven explore and the innovational background of the manager are made based on study on cases; second, the theoretical research frame of the effect factors in the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation is structured with the garbage can theory and the behavioral theory of the enterprises, and accordingly, relevant hypothesis is raised; third, empirical tests are given to the theoretical research frame of the effect factors in the creative periods of manager-driven management innovation and the relevant hypothesis. The study shows that: manager-driven management innovation is the creation, choice and implement of the process, model, organization structure, or managing methods of new management driven by the managers; the core behavior of the managers is the question-driven explore; the new questions the enterprises confront with can be divided into the change of structure and effect factors faced during the growth of the enterprise; the source of question-driven explore can be divided into the market area of the enterprises and all kinds of knowledge resources; the external experience, training accepted and external network in contact held by the manager are important factors to boost the chances to create new managing plans.

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