doi: 10.5281/zenodo.18682
In 2014-2015, Caddo vessels from the Tuck Carpenter (41CP5) collection were scanned at the Center for Regional Heritage Research. These scans were generated for use in a study of 3D geometric morphometrics and for public outreach. Many thanks to the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma and the Anthropology and Archaeology Laboratory for the requisite permissions and access.
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Nálezy z archeologického výzkumu v Březnici (okr. Tábor) v letech 2005-2009 a 2019. Výzkum provedl O. Chvojka (Archeologický ústav FF JU v Českých Budějovicích). Data zahrnují údaje o keramice a dalších nálezech použitých k depoziční analýze sídlištních objektů mladší doby bronzové, zejména tzv. žlabů. Výsledky analýzy jsou publikovány v Chvojka et al. 2021. Popis databáze je obsažen v přiloženém PDF souboru. Podpořeno Grantovou agenturou ČR (18-10747S). Finds from the archaeological excavations in Březnice (Tábor district, South Bohemia, Czech Republic) in 2005-2009 and 2019. The fieldwork was directed by O. Chvojka (Institute of Archaeology, South Bohemian University in České Budějovice). Data concern the pottery fragments and other finds (daub, loom weights) used for the analysis of deposition processes in the Late Bronze Age settlement features. Based on this material, a model of house biography and the concept of closing rituals were formulated (see Chvojka et al. 2021). These models suggest an interpretation for the so-called trenches, specific sunken features filled with an unusually rich content of secondary-burnt pottery and other finds. Details of the database are given in the attached PDF file. Supported by the Czech Sceince Foundation (18-10747S). Chvojka, O. – Kuna, M. – Menšík, P. et al. 2021: Rituály ukončení a obnovy. Sídliště mladší doby bronzové v Březnici u Bechyně – Rituals of termination and renewal. The Late Bronze Age settlement in Březnice near Bechyně. České Budějovice – Praha – Plzeň. ISBN 978-80-7394-899-3; ISBN 978-80-7581-039-7; ISBN 978-80-261-1083-5.
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.g9f5r
We analyse new genomic data (0.05–2.95x) from 14 ancient individuals from Portugal distributed from the Middle Neolithic (4200–3500 BC) to the Middle Bronze Age (1740–1430 BC) and impute genomewide diploid genotypes in these together with published ancient Eurasians. While discontinuity is evident in the transition to agriculture across the region, sensitive haplotype-based analyses suggest a significant degree of local hunter-gatherer contribution to later Iberian Neolithic populations. A more subtle genetic influx is also apparent in the Bronze Age, detectable from analyses including haplotype sharing with both ancient and modern genomes, D-statistics and Y-chromosome lineages. However, the limited nature of this introgression contrasts with the major Steppe migration turnovers within third Millennium northern Europe and echoes the survival of non-Indo-European language in Iberia. Changes in genomic estimates of individual height across Europe are also associated with these major cultural transitions, and ancestral components continue to correlate with modern differences in stature. Index for VCF fileIndex for VCF filepost_imputation_Martiniano_et_al_2017_public.vcf.gz.tbiVCF file containing imputed genotype data belonging to 67 newly sequenced and publicly available ancient samples.VCF file containing imputed genotype data belonging to 67 newly sequenced and publicly available ancient samples which we analysed in Martiniano et al. (2017).post_imputation_Martiniano_et_al_2017_public.vcf.gzREADME_Martiniano_et_al_2017Description of the methods used for genotype imputation.
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Titel: Hollandts placcaet-boeck: begrijpende meest alle de voornaemste placcaten, ordonnantien ende octroyen, uytgegeeven by de edd. groot-mogende heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt. Sedert den jaer 1580. tot in den loopende jare 1645, Volume 1 Publisher: Jan Jansen Place: ‘s-Gravenhage Year: 1645 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at the University Library of Amsterdam, digitised by KB National Library of the Netherlands. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language: Dutch. Province: Holland. Font: Roman. Model used: Dutch_Romantype_Print. Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein; Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc; Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.
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Parsed AMR files of the FIN10K dataset used in FLAG experiments.
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Titel: Ordonnantie ende lyste van den grooten Brabandtschen zwygenden land-tol, geleyde- en peerd-gelt, over de steden, vryheden, dorpen, heerlijckheden en plaatsen, gelegen in Brabandt ressort van desen Staat. Gemaeckt en gedresseert na de oude voorgaende ordonnantien en lijsten, daer op de selve tot nogh toe is ontfangen en gerevideert den 20. Augusti 1716., waer na een yeder des aengaende hem sal hebben te reguleren Publisher: Paulus Scheltus Place: ‘s-Gravenhage/ Den Haag Year: 1716 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at the KB National Library of the Netherlands. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language: Nederlands. Province: Brabant Font: Roman. Model used: Dutch_Romantype_Print Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein; Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc; Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.
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This table contains the quantities of each pottery class at each site identified during archaeological surveys in Vidarbha, Maharashtra, India. The data is arranged according to the archaeological sites. For each site, the number of sherds and the MNI count are presented.
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doi: 10.5281/zenodo.17688
In February of 2015, this Caddo NAGPRA vessel from 41WD60 was documented at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s Archeology Laboratory, accompanied by photographs and 3D models of each vessel. Additional metadata from a previous documentation effort was subsequently joined with the 3D scan data and digital photograph, and the synthesized collection can be viewed here ( Many thanks to the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Archaeology Laboratory for permissions and access.
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This is a small hand-annotated partial treebank of Modern Tibetan, primarily in CoNLL-U format. Some texts were POS-tagged by machine, and then dependency relations between verbs and their arguments were added by hand. Other texts include only dependency relations and relevant POS-tags. A number of the texts have English translations which have been manually aligned to the Tibetan text. This work was created as part of the AHRC-funded project Lexicography in Motion (PI Ulrich Pagel, 2017-2021). Funded by the UK's Arts and Humanities Research Council (grant code: AH/P004644/1)
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Anonymised version of the survey results on alternative aggregation mechanisms. The online survey was conducted through Google Forms and was available from April 20 to May 8, 2020 as part of a master’s thesis in Information Science. The main objective of this survey was to gauge the awareness, interest, and use of technologies other than OAI-PMH for (meta)data aggregation. The main target audiences of the survey were the data providers and the aggregators of the Europeana network, albeit it should be noted that it was also open to other organisations and individuals working in the cultural heritage field. Another goal of the survey was to identify possible pilot experiments that Europeana could conduct with interested organisations.
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doi: 10.5281/zenodo.18682
In 2014-2015, Caddo vessels from the Tuck Carpenter (41CP5) collection were scanned at the Center for Regional Heritage Research. These scans were generated for use in a study of 3D geometric morphometrics and for public outreach. Many thanks to the Caddo Nation of Oklahoma and the Anthropology and Archaeology Laboratory for the requisite permissions and access.
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Nálezy z archeologického výzkumu v Březnici (okr. Tábor) v letech 2005-2009 a 2019. Výzkum provedl O. Chvojka (Archeologický ústav FF JU v Českých Budějovicích). Data zahrnují údaje o keramice a dalších nálezech použitých k depoziční analýze sídlištních objektů mladší doby bronzové, zejména tzv. žlabů. Výsledky analýzy jsou publikovány v Chvojka et al. 2021. Popis databáze je obsažen v přiloženém PDF souboru. Podpořeno Grantovou agenturou ČR (18-10747S). Finds from the archaeological excavations in Březnice (Tábor district, South Bohemia, Czech Republic) in 2005-2009 and 2019. The fieldwork was directed by O. Chvojka (Institute of Archaeology, South Bohemian University in České Budějovice). Data concern the pottery fragments and other finds (daub, loom weights) used for the analysis of deposition processes in the Late Bronze Age settlement features. Based on this material, a model of house biography and the concept of closing rituals were formulated (see Chvojka et al. 2021). These models suggest an interpretation for the so-called trenches, specific sunken features filled with an unusually rich content of secondary-burnt pottery and other finds. Details of the database are given in the attached PDF file. Supported by the Czech Sceince Foundation (18-10747S). Chvojka, O. – Kuna, M. – Menšík, P. et al. 2021: Rituály ukončení a obnovy. Sídliště mladší doby bronzové v Březnici u Bechyně – Rituals of termination and renewal. The Late Bronze Age settlement in Březnice near Bechyně. České Budějovice – Praha – Plzeň. ISBN 978-80-7394-899-3; ISBN 978-80-7581-039-7; ISBN 978-80-261-1083-5.
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doi: 10.5061/dryad.g9f5r
We analyse new genomic data (0.05–2.95x) from 14 ancient individuals from Portugal distributed from the Middle Neolithic (4200–3500 BC) to the Middle Bronze Age (1740–1430 BC) and impute genomewide diploid genotypes in these together with published ancient Eurasians. While discontinuity is evident in the transition to agriculture across the region, sensitive haplotype-based analyses suggest a significant degree of local hunter-gatherer contribution to later Iberian Neolithic populations. A more subtle genetic influx is also apparent in the Bronze Age, detectable from analyses including haplotype sharing with both ancient and modern genomes, D-statistics and Y-chromosome lineages. However, the limited nature of this introgression contrasts with the major Steppe migration turnovers within third Millennium northern Europe and echoes the survival of non-Indo-European language in Iberia. Changes in genomic estimates of individual height across Europe are also associated with these major cultural transitions, and ancestral components continue to correlate with modern differences in stature. Index for VCF fileIndex for VCF filepost_imputation_Martiniano_et_al_2017_public.vcf.gz.tbiVCF file containing imputed genotype data belonging to 67 newly sequenced and publicly available ancient samples.VCF file containing imputed genotype data belonging to 67 newly sequenced and publicly available ancient samples which we analysed in Martiniano et al. (2017).post_imputation_Martiniano_et_al_2017_public.vcf.gzREADME_Martiniano_et_al_2017Description of the methods used for genotype imputation.
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Titel: Hollandts placcaet-boeck: begrijpende meest alle de voornaemste placcaten, ordonnantien ende octroyen, uytgegeeven by de edd. groot-mogende heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt. Sedert den jaer 1580. tot in den loopende jare 1645, Volume 1 Publisher: Jan Jansen Place: ‘s-Gravenhage Year: 1645 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at the University Library of Amsterdam, digitised by KB National Library of the Netherlands. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language: Dutch. Province: Holland. Font: Roman. Model used: Dutch_Romantype_Print. Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein; Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc; Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.
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Parsed AMR files of the FIN10K dataset used in FLAG experiments.
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Titel: Ordonnantie ende lyste van den grooten Brabandtschen zwygenden land-tol, geleyde- en peerd-gelt, over de steden, vryheden, dorpen, heerlijckheden en plaatsen, gelegen in Brabandt ressort van desen Staat. Gemaeckt en gedresseert na de oude voorgaende ordonnantien en lijsten, daer op de selve tot nogh toe is ontfangen en gerevideert den 20. Augusti 1716., waer na een yeder des aengaende hem sal hebben te reguleren Publisher: Paulus Scheltus Place: ‘s-Gravenhage/ Den Haag Year: 1716 Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at the KB National Library of the Netherlands. Link digitised version of the book: (Main) Language: Nederlands. Province: Brabant Font: Roman. Model used: Dutch_Romantype_Print Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1. Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used. Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit: Transcription conventions: The abbreviations have been written out into full words. The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there). If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project. PI: dr. C.A. Romein; Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc; Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.
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This table contains the quantities of each pottery class at each site identified during archaeological surveys in Vidarbha, Maharashtra, India. The data is arranged according to the archaeological sites. For each site, the number of sherds and the MNI count are presented.