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doi: 10.1017/nps.2021.4
AbstractThousands of Roma were killed in Ukraine by the Nazis and auxiliary police on the spot. There are more than 50,000 Roma in today’s Ukraine, represented by second and third generation decendants of the genocide survivors. The discussion on Roma identity cannot be isolated from the memory of the genocide, which makes the struggle over the past a reflexive landmark that mobilizes the Roma movement. About twenty Roma genocide memorials have been erected in Ukraine during last decade, and in 2016 the national memorial of the Roma genocide was opened in Babi Yar. However, scholars do not have a clear picture of memory narratives and memory practices of the Roma genocide in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the contemporary situation is not possible without an examination of the history and memory of the Roma genocide before 1991.
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citations | 2 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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Nederländsk titel: Hanno Brand en Joop W. Koopmans (reds.), Willem Lodewijk: stadhouder en strateeg (1560-1620-2020); Guido von Büren, Ralf-Peter Fuchs en Georg Mölich (reds.), Herrschaft, Hof und Humanismus. Wilhelm V. von Jülich-Kleve-Berg und seine Zeit
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The role of public art after the turn of the millennium is a result of a research project commissioned by the Public Art Agency Sweden by the Art History department at Södertörn University. The book departs from the complex situation that governs public art, permanent and temporary, whether commissioned and sanctioned by private or public funds or through on individual initiative. Art is discussed here as ongoing projects or discrete works of art, its function as value-creating, security-creating, commemorative as well as being part of short participation processes and/or acting over a long period of time. Forskningsfinansiär: Statens konstråd
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citations | 0 | |
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In 1920s Sweden the concept of Folkhemmet was born and described as a concept and an idea of the modern Swedish well-fare state where the nation was considered a family. Through governmental founding, a new modern Sweden was planned. The first suburbs was introduced in 1930 and the 1950s the next project was finished, the so-called ABC-staden (ABC-town in English). One of the suburbs belonging to the ABC-town project was Rågsved, a place which is associated with the Swedish punk movement and the cultural association of Oasen. In 1965 the next building project was introduced, now called Miljonprogrammet. Miljonprogrammet became criticized for being a constant working place and isolating citizens in the suburbs, leading to segregation. A furthermore consequence of the segregation was when working-class families got a better economy and left the traditional apartment housing for newly produced town halls it opened for low-income families to move in. Meanwhile, the media framing of the suburb also began to change. The narrative of the suburb had previously been a hope for a bright better future for families to live in, but it later changed to be a place for criminality, under-employment, alcoholism, and substance abuse. Teenagers and young adults stuck at the bottom of the economic chain were affected worst by this change. This also occurred with the oil crisis in the late 1970s, making the end of the Swedish record years. The Swedish punk movement was introduced in 1976 inspired by the British and American punk scene. The movement established itself in the suburbs among young adults who did not feel like they were heard. The movement was, in difference to previous youth cultures, political which affected the message of the movement. In the capital of Stockholm, punk rockers found themselves wanting something more, a place outside the centre of the city where they all could have a place to be. This project later resulted in the cultural association of Oasen in Rågsved. In 1979 after the city council of Vantör decided to throw out the association they answered by occupying the locale. They demanded a place to feel at home in the suburb they lived in. This thesis is discussing the modern Swedish suburb using the Swedish punk movement as a historic example. The thesis’s theoretical framework focuses on intersectionality, place, space, and journalistic framing.
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citations | 0 | |
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citations | 0 | |
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influence | Average | |
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Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka samarbetet mellan museipedagoger som arbetar på historiskt inriktade muséer och historielärare samt det webbaserade material som muséerna tillhandahåller för skolor och hur detta samarbete kan utvecklas och förbättras. Studien har också ett mer teoretiskt syfte, nämligen att undersöka hur elevernas lärande och historiemedvetande kan utvecklas med hjälp av museibesöken. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter består av begreppen lärande och historiemedvetande, centrala aspekter inom både skolan och muséet. Studien är kvalitativ och är baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare och museipedagoger samt muséernas webbaserade material. Empirin tolkas med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. När det gäller samarbetet mellan museipedagoger och historielärare visar resultaten i denna uppsats att sex av sju intervjuade lärare upplever att det inte finns något samarbete med museipedagoger, medan majoriteten av museipedagogerna och det webbaserade materialet visar det motsatta. Undersökningen visar också att museipedagoger följer läroplanen och att lärarna är överens om att museibesök utgör ett bra komplement till klassrumsundervisning. Upplevda nackdelar från lärarna är bland annat att eleverna har svårt att se muséer som en historisk källa och att de ser museibesöket som ett informellt jippo. Slutsatsen är att det finns flera sätt att utveckla och förbättra samarbetet mellan museipedagoger och lärare. Efter museibesöket kan museipedagoger till exempel samarbeta med lärarna över en längre period för att kunna utvärdera hur besöket påverkat elevernas lärande och historiemedvetande. En ytterligare möjlighet är förbättrad kommunikation, både med avseende på vad historiemedvetande egentligen innebär och att muséerna kan kontakta skolorna snarare än tvärtom. Samtidigt finns det också saker som förhindrar samarbetet mellan museipedagoger och lärarna, exempelvis ekonomiska faktorer och svårigheten att planera och organisera museibesök. En grund för bättre samarbete är alltså utökad flexibilitet, ekonomiska förutsättningar och god vilja från skolans sida.
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doi: 10.1017/nps.2021.4
AbstractThousands of Roma were killed in Ukraine by the Nazis and auxiliary police on the spot. There are more than 50,000 Roma in today’s Ukraine, represented by second and third generation decendants of the genocide survivors. The discussion on Roma identity cannot be isolated from the memory of the genocide, which makes the struggle over the past a reflexive landmark that mobilizes the Roma movement. About twenty Roma genocide memorials have been erected in Ukraine during last decade, and in 2016 the national memorial of the Roma genocide was opened in Babi Yar. However, scholars do not have a clear picture of memory narratives and memory practices of the Roma genocide in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the contemporary situation is not possible without an examination of the history and memory of the Roma genocide before 1991.
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citations | 2 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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citations | 0 | |
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citations | 0 | |
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Nederländsk titel: Hanno Brand en Joop W. Koopmans (reds.), Willem Lodewijk: stadhouder en strateeg (1560-1620-2020); Guido von Büren, Ralf-Peter Fuchs en Georg Mölich (reds.), Herrschaft, Hof und Humanismus. Wilhelm V. von Jülich-Kleve-Berg und seine Zeit
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citations | 0 | |
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The role of public art after the turn of the millennium is a result of a research project commissioned by the Public Art Agency Sweden by the Art History department at Södertörn University. The book departs from the complex situation that governs public art, permanent and temporary, whether commissioned and sanctioned by private or public funds or through on individual initiative. Art is discussed here as ongoing projects or discrete works of art, its function as value-creating, security-creating, commemorative as well as being part of short participation processes and/or acting over a long period of time. Forskningsfinansiär: Statens konstråd
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citations | 0 | |
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influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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