doi: 10.1093/ahr/rhad131
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Most scholarship on the moral dimensions of Tocqueville's analysis of democracy focuses on the doctrine of enlightened self-interest. Surprisingly little has been written about his account of the underlying moral shift that makes this doctrine necessary. Drawing principally on Volume II of DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, but also on Tocqueville's letters and notes, I unearth his fascinating and compelling account of why modern democratic man loses his admiration for devotion and embraces self-interest. That account begins from individualism, but also includes democratic man's intellectual and aesthetic tastes, his low estimation of his moral capacities, and weakening religious belief. After examining what Tocqueville saw as the causes of the new moral outlook, I consider what he saw as its most profound implications. Departing from recent trends in Tocqueville scholarship, I argue that is in Tocqueville's account of the modern democratic condition as such that he has the most to offer us today.
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bronze |
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In many academic settings, undergraduate economics majors are asked to do an independent project or thesis in their final year. Because doing research is very different from learning economics in a classroom, students are frequently unprepared for this endeavor. This article describes a seminar course intended to ease this transition by preparing students to embark on such a project. The first goal of the course is to assist students in developing a sound economic research project. The second goal is to help them develop the research skills to execute their project. In essence, the course is an abbreviated and accelerated version of some of the learning that takes place alongside the standard curriculum in graduate school. The article describes a course that has been designed for a liberal arts setting, and also discusses other possible variations.
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bronze |
citations | 11 | |
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Abstract The electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance technique was used to examine the ion exchange behaviour and charge compensation mechanism of polypyrrole (PPy) doped with polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) immersed in electrolytes containing singly, doubly and triply charged metal ions. New insights were obtained concerning the mechanism of charge compensation and ion exchange behaviour of PPy/PSS films in electrolytes with triply and doubly charged transition metal ions. Understanding the ion exchange behaviour of conducting polymers immersed in these types of aqueous media could play a pivotal part in the development of methods for removing toxic metals from water supplies. Charge compensation occurred predominantly by means of cation movement for PPy/PSS films when the electrolyte was KNO 3 , Ca(NO 3 ) 2 , Mn(NO 3 ) 2 or Co(NO 3 ) 2 . After prolonged redox cycling the electroactivity of the polymer decreases slightly, and the charge compensation mechanism becomes complex owing to movement of ions and neutral species in opposite directions. The charge compensation mechanism for PPy/PSS films immersed in aqueous Cr(NO 3 ) 3 and Al(NO 3 ) 3 solutions was also complex, with the ion exchange behaviour shifting towards anion movement to and from the polymer.
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bronze |
citations | 31 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
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bronze |
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Luedtke, Luther, ed. Making America: The Society and Culture of the United States.Lucy Rollin. Cradle and All: A Cultural and Psychoanalytic Reading of Nursery Rhymes.Fred W. Peterson. Homes in the Heartland: Balloon Frame Farmhouses of the Upper Midwest 1850‐1920.James M.O'Toole. Militant and Triumphant: William Henry O'ConnelZ and the Catholic Church in Boston, 1859‐1944.R. Douglas Hunt. Agriculture and Slavery in Missouri's Lirtle Dixie. Columbia and London:Marilyn Irvin Holt. The Orphan Trains: Placing Out in America.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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bronze |
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doi: 10.2307/1949677
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bronze |
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doi: 10.1093/ahr/rhad530
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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doi: 10.2307/1950268
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
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doi: 10.1093/ahr/rhad131
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citations | 0 | |
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Most scholarship on the moral dimensions of Tocqueville's analysis of democracy focuses on the doctrine of enlightened self-interest. Surprisingly little has been written about his account of the underlying moral shift that makes this doctrine necessary. Drawing principally on Volume II of DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, but also on Tocqueville's letters and notes, I unearth his fascinating and compelling account of why modern democratic man loses his admiration for devotion and embraces self-interest. That account begins from individualism, but also includes democratic man's intellectual and aesthetic tastes, his low estimation of his moral capacities, and weakening religious belief. After examining what Tocqueville saw as the causes of the new moral outlook, I consider what he saw as its most profound implications. Departing from recent trends in Tocqueville scholarship, I argue that is in Tocqueville's account of the modern democratic condition as such that he has the most to offer us today.
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bronze |
citations | 4 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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In many academic settings, undergraduate economics majors are asked to do an independent project or thesis in their final year. Because doing research is very different from learning economics in a classroom, students are frequently unprepared for this endeavor. This article describes a seminar course intended to ease this transition by preparing students to embark on such a project. The first goal of the course is to assist students in developing a sound economic research project. The second goal is to help them develop the research skills to execute their project. In essence, the course is an abbreviated and accelerated version of some of the learning that takes place alongside the standard curriculum in graduate school. The article describes a course that has been designed for a liberal arts setting, and also discusses other possible variations.
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bronze |
citations | 11 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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Abstract The electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance technique was used to examine the ion exchange behaviour and charge compensation mechanism of polypyrrole (PPy) doped with polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) immersed in electrolytes containing singly, doubly and triply charged metal ions. New insights were obtained concerning the mechanism of charge compensation and ion exchange behaviour of PPy/PSS films in electrolytes with triply and doubly charged transition metal ions. Understanding the ion exchange behaviour of conducting polymers immersed in these types of aqueous media could play a pivotal part in the development of methods for removing toxic metals from water supplies. Charge compensation occurred predominantly by means of cation movement for PPy/PSS films when the electrolyte was KNO 3 , Ca(NO 3 ) 2 , Mn(NO 3 ) 2 or Co(NO 3 ) 2 . After prolonged redox cycling the electroactivity of the polymer decreases slightly, and the charge compensation mechanism becomes complex owing to movement of ions and neutral species in opposite directions. The charge compensation mechanism for PPy/PSS films immersed in aqueous Cr(NO 3 ) 3 and Al(NO 3 ) 3 solutions was also complex, with the ion exchange behaviour shifting towards anion movement to and from the polymer.
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bronze |
citations | 31 | |
popularity | Top 10% | |
influence | Top 10% | |
impulse | Top 10% |