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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Král Jakub;
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Hrubá Marika;

    Webinář představuje zákadní dílčí oblasti konceptu library advocacy a možnosti jeho využití ve vysokoškolských knihovnách. Věnuje se představení principů celého konceptu a dále jeho rozdělení na praxi library advocacy od knihovny samotné a od jejich stakeholderů. Dále je prostor věnován hodnotám, které vysokoškolská knihovna vytváří. Následují ukázky kampaní ze zahraničních knihoven v souladu s dobrou praxí library advocacy.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Balík Stanislav;

    This paper is a case study on the development of the political representation in the first decades of the communist regime in the Bludov municipality in North Moravia. It wants to analyze the personal aspect of the lowest level of governance on a particular case. The main question here is to what extent the local political representation after 1948 stood on new people, and to what extent it was based on the first-republican cadres of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia or whether it was drawn from politicians who had pre-communist political experience. We will also be interested in the social profile of the ruling class. Tento příspěvek je případovou studií vývoje politické reprezentace v prvních desetiletích komunistického režimu v severomoravské obci Bludov. Nečiní si generalizující ambice – chce na konkrétním případu analyzovat personální aspekt nejnižší úrovně vládnutí. Hlavní otázkou přitom je, do jaké míry stála místní politická reprezentace po roce 1948 na nových lidech, do jaké míry vycházela z prvorepublikových kádrových základů Komunistické strany Československa či zda čerpala z politiků, kteří měli předkomunistickou politickou zkušenost. Zajímat nás bude i sociální profil vládnoucích.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Kvizda Martin;

    The lecture analyzes the significance of rolling stock as an element of competitiveness of rail passenger transport. First, from the perspective of the carrier identifies business strategies, which constitute a supply of transport services. Then identifies consumer strategy of passengers, which drives a demand for transport. The result is a decision matrix, where the preferences of passengers meet or do not meet with offered services of carriers. Lecture further explains the importance of different categories of vehicles to achieve equilibrium between supply and demand on the market for transport services. Přednáška analyzuje význam vozidla jako prvku konkurenceschopnosti osobní železniční dopravy. Nejprve z pohledu dopravce identifikuje obchodní strategie, jež tvoří nabídku dopravních služeb. Potom identifikuje spotřební strategie cestujících, jež tvoří poptávku po přepravě. Výsledkem je rozhodovací matice, kde se preference cestujících setkávají, či nesetkávají s nabídkou dopravců. Přednáška dále vysvětluje význam různých kategorií vozidel pro dosažení rovnováhy mezi nabídkou a poptávkou na trhu dopravních služeb.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Kalouda František;

    The paper is devoted to the topic of economic crises. It confronts various theoretical opinions on the possibility / necessity of the onset of the economic crisis. It also presents the opinions of business practice on the possibilities of crisis management in the economy. It also touches on the potential for economic cybernetics to tackle or avert economic crises. Popularizační příspěvek je věnovám tématu ekonomických krizí. Konfrontuje různá teoretická stanoviska k možnosti/nutnosti nástupu ekonomické krize. Uvádí též stanoviska podnikové praxe k možnostem krizového řízení v ekonomice. Dotýká se i potenciálních možností ekonomické kybernetiky řešit a nebo odvracet ekonomické krize.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Nehyba Jan;

    Lecture Presented basic method for researching of human consciousness from second person position. Author focused on introduction to psycho-phenomenology (Varela, Petitmengin), followed by Expositional Interview within Descriptive Experience Sampling Method (Hurlburt) and finally we discussed Clean Language Interviewing. Přednáška představovala vybrané metody v oblasti zkoumání lidského vědomí z pozice druhé osoby v kognitivních vědách. Předně se soustředila na představení psycho-fenomenologie (Varela, Petitmengin), dále na expoziční rozhovory v rámci popisné metody vzorkování zkušenosti (Hurlburt) a nakonec na čisté dotazování.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Malíšková Johana; Tóth Peter;

    Presented publication is a collection of 40 abstracts of papers, which are conferred at the 39th annual meeting "Problems of the Neolithic and Eneolithic". The contributions are divided into four thematic blocks, which build on a long research tradition in Central Europe and reflect the new needs and directions of archaeology. Student session as a suitable platform for meeting with the next generation of archaeologists with professionals represents a separate block. The collection also includes invited lectures, which present new paradigmatic approaches to the interpretation of the archaeological record in the Neolithic and Eneolithic. The discussion session is devoted to currently intensively debated questions of settlement waste. This session concludes with memories of the most experienced researchers and their legacy for future generations of archaeologists. Publikace představuje soubor 40 abstraktů příspěvků, které jsou prezentovány na 39. ročníku konference Otázky neolitu a eneolitu. Příspěvky jsou rozděleny do čtyř tematických okruhů, které navazují na dlouhou badatelskou tradici ve středoevropském prostoru a reflektují nové potřeby a směřování archeologie. Samostatným tematickým blokem je studentská sekce, která představuje vhodnou platformu pro setkání nastupující generace s profesionály v oboru. Součástí sborníku jsou i zvané přednášky, které představují nové paradigmatické přístupy k interpretaci archeologických nálezů z období neolitu a eneolitu, a také diskusní příspěvky věnované v současnosti intenzivně diskutované problematice sídlištního odpadu. Diskusní sekce je ukončená postřehy nejzkušenějších badatelů a jejich vzkazem pro budoucí generaci archeologů.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Bednaříková Jarmila;

    Přednáška hledá odpovědi na otázky, odkud Hunové přišli, jaký dojem v Evropě vyvolali, jak byla organizována jejich říše a čím přispěli k historickému vývoji Evropy. Odmítá starší názory, že Hunové byli pouze ničiteli stávajících evropských struktur a poukazuje na jejich význam v urychlení vývoje tzv. barbarských germánských států. The focus of this lecture is to find the possible origins of the Huns, to describe the organization of their so called empire, their place in the history of Europe and so on.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Vlčková Kateřina; Mareš Jan; Lojdová Kateřina;

    The presentation focused on mixed methods design in educational research with an example of a project GA CR "Power in the Classes of Student Teachers". It focused on the concept of power, its adaptation for the school conditions, research design and its qualitative and quantitative parts with preliminary outcomes, and discussion of methodological approaches. Prezentace se zabývala smíšeným designem v pedagogickém výzkumu na konkrétním příkladu projektu GA ČR „Moc ve školních třídách studentů učitelství“. Zaměřili jsme se na koncept moci, jeho adaptaci na prostředí školní třídy, design výzkumu – jeho kvalitativní a kvantitativní část s nastíněním výsledků a diskusi k metodologickému postupu.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Jackson, Ladislav;

    Phoebe Apperson Hearst měla velmi úspěšného vlastního syna Williama, který byl ale více jako jeho otec: tvrdý obchodník. Našla však jemnou, uměleckou duši v malíři Orrinu Peckovi (1860–1921), který byl údajně gay a který ji, ještě za života své vlastní matky, začal oslovovat „má druhá mámo.“ Na základě podrobného výzkumu jejich vzájemné korespondence v Peckově pozůstalosti se můžeme ptát, jak moc si byla progresivní, bohatá žena 19. století, jakou byla Phoebe Hearst, vědoma Peckovy sexuality a pokud ano, jestli s tím neměla problém, nebo šlo o nevyřčené tajemství mezi nimi? Jejich příběh představí historik umění Ladislav Zikmund-Lender. Phoebe Apperson Hearst had a very successful son of William, but he was more like his father: a tough businessman. However, she found a delicate, artistic soul in the painter Orrin Peck (1860–1921), who was allegedly gay and who, while still his own mother's life, began to address her as “my second mother.” Based on a detailed study of their correspondence in Peck's estate, we may ask how much a progressive, rich 19th-century woman like Phoebe Hearst was aware of Peck's sexuality, and if so, if she had no problem with it, or was it an unspoken secret between them? Their story will be presented by art historian Ladislav Zikmund-Lender.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Digitální knihovna V...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Digitální knihovna V...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Král Jakub;
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Hrubá Marika;

    Webinář představuje zákadní dílčí oblasti konceptu library advocacy a možnosti jeho využití ve vysokoškolských knihovnách. Věnuje se představení principů celého konceptu a dále jeho rozdělení na praxi library advocacy od knihovny samotné a od jejich stakeholderů. Dále je prostor věnován hodnotám, které vysokoškolská knihovna vytváří. Následují ukázky kampaní ze zahraničních knihoven v souladu s dobrou praxí library advocacy.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Balík Stanislav;

    This paper is a case study on the development of the political representation in the first decades of the communist regime in the Bludov municipality in North Moravia. It wants to analyze the personal aspect of the lowest level of governance on a particular case. The main question here is to what extent the local political representation after 1948 stood on new people, and to what extent it was based on the first-republican cadres of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia or whether it was drawn from politicians who had pre-communist political experience. We will also be interested in the social profile of the ruling class. Tento příspěvek je případovou studií vývoje politické reprezentace v prvních desetiletích komunistického režimu v severomoravské obci Bludov. Nečiní si generalizující ambice – chce na konkrétním případu analyzovat personální aspekt nejnižší úrovně vládnutí. Hlavní otázkou přitom je, do jaké míry stála místní politická reprezentace po roce 1948 na nových lidech, do jaké míry vycházela z prvorepublikových kádrových základů Komunistické strany Československa či zda čerpala z politiků, kteří měli předkomunistickou politickou zkušenost. Zajímat nás bude i sociální profil vládnoucích.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Kvizda Martin;

    The lecture analyzes the significance of rolling stock as an element of competitiveness of rail passenger transport. First, from the perspective of the carrier identifies business strategies, which constitute a supply of transport services. Then identifies consumer strategy of passengers, which drives a demand for transport. The result is a decision matrix, where the preferences of passengers meet or do not meet with offered services of carriers. Lecture further explains the importance of different categories of vehicles to achieve equilibrium between supply and demand on the market for transport services. Přednáška analyzuje význam vozidla jako prvku konkurenceschopnosti osobní železniční dopravy. Nejprve z pohledu dopravce identifikuje obchodní strategie, jež tvoří nabídku dopravních služeb. Potom identifikuje spotřební strategie cestujících, jež tvoří poptávku po přepravě. Výsledkem je rozhodovací matice, kde se preference cestujících setkávají, či nesetkávají s nabídkou dopravců. Přednáška dále vysvětluje význam různých kategorií vozidel pro dosažení rovnováhy mezi nabídkou a poptávkou na trhu dopravních služeb.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Kalouda František;

    The paper is devoted to the topic of economic crises. It confronts various theoretical opinions on the possibility / necessity of the onset of the economic crisis. It also presents the opinions of business practice on the possibilities of crisis management in the economy. It also touches on the potential for economic cybernetics to tackle or avert economic crises. Popularizační příspěvek je věnovám tématu ekonomických krizí. Konfrontuje různá teoretická stanoviska k možnosti/nutnosti nástupu ekonomické krize. Uvádí též stanoviska podnikové praxe k možnostem krizového řízení v ekonomice. Dotýká se i potenciálních možností ekonomické kybernetiky řešit a nebo odvracet ekonomické krize.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
      image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao

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  • image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao
    Authors: Nehyba Jan;

    Lecture Presented basic method for researching of human consciousness from second person position. Author focused on introduction to psycho-phenomenology (Varela, Petitmengin), followed by Expositional Interview within Descriptive Experience Sampling Method (Hurlburt) and finally we discussed Clean Language Interviewing. Přednáška představovala vybrané metody v oblasti zkoumání lidského vědomí z pozice druhé osoby v kognitivních vědách. Předně se soustředila na představení psycho-fenomenologie (Varela, Petitmengin), dále na expoziční rozhovory v rámci popisné metody vzorkování zkušenosti (Hurlburt) a nakonec na čisté dotazování.

    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Univerzitní repozitá...arrow_drop_down
    image/svg+xml Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao Closed Access logo, derived from PLoS Open Access logo. This version with transparent background. Jakob Voss, based on art designer at PLoS, modified by Wikipedia users Nina and Beao