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Introduction. The relevance of the article is due to the current tendencies of rapid development of business processes and the search for universal and effective strategic mechanisms for more effective functioning of social-cultural sphere. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to carry out a thorough theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific provisions on strategic management problems in order to find universal strategic solutions for enterprises in the context of tourism. Scientific analysis is carried out by methods of analysis and synthesis, situational, analytical, comparative and statistical. Results. The multifaceted views of scientists on the concept of “strategic alternatives” are considered. The statistical analysis of the dynamics of the development of the tourist services market in Ukraine is carried out. The role of strategic indicators in the activity of enterprises of the social-cultural sphere through the lens of tourism enterprise is investigated. The interdependence of strategic alternatives and strategic goals of enterprises is proved. Conclusions and discussion. Strategic indicators are one of the most important indicators of the activity of enterprises, the results of which most effectively demonstrate the effectiveness of implementing the current strategy or strategic alternatives. The criteria for selecting strategic indicators, which are universal and can be used by enterprises of different types in the social-cultural sphere, have been systematized. The scientific novelty lies in the argumentation of the interdependence of strategic alternatives and strategic goals on the example of the tourism industry enterprise and the modification of the multi criteria approach to the choice of strategic indicators of organizational and economic development of enterprises. The practical importance of the study in bringing in the level of specific methods and recommendations of a flexible, adaptive mechanism for the formation of strategic alternatives and their optimization.
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Introduction. The relevance of management in the sociocultural field keeps growing nowadays. There’s a need to explore the professional profile of the manager involved in this process, whose activity is to control the storing and distributing of the cultural assets. Purpose and methods. The purpose is a theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of the scientific research on the professional profile of the sociocultural activity manager, which allows to meet the professional demands more effectively and survive at the extremely competitive market. General scientific analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization of the theoretical knowledge have been applied during the research, as well as the experimental terminological analysis, situational, structural, functional and comparative methods. Results. The key duties and functions of the nowadays sociocultural activity manager have been explained. The following components of their professional competence have been defined: sociocultural, technological, managing, marketing, cultural, humanitarian, psychological and politic knowledge; general and special skills, general scientific and professional experience. The personal traits (leadership, will, moral) and communication capabilities (informative, interactive, perceptive) have been revealed. Conclusions and discussion. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in clarification of the notion of the “manager of sociocultural activity” and revealing manager’s professional profile from the perspective of his duties, functions, professional competence, personality traits, communication capabilities and roles, while practical application lies in the direct use of the professional profile by the managers, operating in the sociocultural field, taking into account their individual practice.
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Introduction. In the modern world, the university acquires new characteristics and functions, where traditional values are complemented by new ones which are connected with development of the regional community and entry to the international level. That is why the postmodern university should reorient its managerial and organizational levers. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to consider the university as a driver of regional development through the analysis of its modern management. The study of postmodern university requires the use of multidisciplinary socio-cultural, structural and functional approaches and historical, analytical, comparative methods. Results. Universities that have always strived not only for knowledge for the sake of knowledge, but also for reproduction of knowledge for the sake of growth and strengthening of society well-being, must change the managerial paradigm. And such postmodern education institutions can be drivers of socio-economic development and scientific-educational potential. Conclusions and discussion. Modern universities have to become the growth points of the regions and take an active part in solving educational, socio-economic and cultural issues. Management of higher school should be aimed at ensuring its competitiveness both in the internal and external markets of educational services. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is to determine the factors of development of the postmodern university as a driver of growth of economy and socio-cultural sphere of the region. The practical significance of the obtained results is reflected in the possibility of using the idea of the university as a point of growth of the region and the country.
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Актуальність. Ринок праці ставить серйозні вимоги до менеджерів соціокультурної сфери. Рівень їхньої компетентності, особистісні якості – чинники, які нерідко є визначальними в досягненні професійного успіху, а значить – повинні глибоко вивчатися. Мета і методи. Мета статті полягає у виявленні сучасних тенденцій формування професіограм менеджерів як системи вимог до компетенцій фахівця і до його особистісних якостей з урахуванням специфіки діяльності у соціокультурній сфері. Нами використано емпіричний і системний підходи, методи аналізу та синтезу, згідно з якими розробку професіограм проаналізовано у взаємозв’язку їх основних елементів і виокремленні специфічних чинників, що використовуються в соціокультурній сфері. Результати. Основні результати дослідження полягають у виявленні передумов і доведенні необхідності застосування професіограм у процесі підготовки фахівців вишів для забезпечення їхньої максимальної адаптивності до професійної діяльності та зростання професійного капіталу. Висновки та обговорення. Сучасний ринок робочої сили демонструє значимість високої вартості професійного капіталу фахівця. Досягнути цього можна і завдяки правильно сформованій професіограмі фахівця, де мають чітко враховуватися визначальні професійні й особистісні якості. Надалі розглядатимуться питання використання програмних засобів аналізу можливостей професійної реалізації фахівця. Наукова новизна результатів у тому, що вперше висунуто структуру професіограми менеджера соціокультурної сфери; одержали подальший розвиток рішення щодо застосування професіограм у кадровій роботі та у вишах. Практичне значення полягає в можливостях застосування наших пропозицій у діяльності суб’єктів соціокультурної діяльності та вишах.
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Актуальність. Сьогодні вся інфраструктура галузі культури та мистецтва залежна від органів влади й перебуває у перманентному стані очікування щодо подальших структурних зрушень. Така система управління базується лише на пошуках можливості, уникаючи при цьому організації імпульсу знизу, своєрідного тиску на владні органи, з метою формування аргументованих і дійових пропозицій, що обумовлює актуальність дослідження. Мета і методи. Мета статті – дослідження процесів трансформації системи стратегічного управління в галузі культури впродовж становлення незалежності України. У дослідженні використано емпіричний і системний підходи, згідно з якими процеси управління у галузі культури, що застосовуються нині, проаналізовано у взаємозв’язку та розвитку. Також використано методи аналізу та синтезу. Результати. У ході аналізу еволюції, зокрема головних чинників розвитку, системи стратегічного управління в галузі культури було виокремлено ключові періоди, яким характерні ті чи інші фактори розвитку й гальмування. Відмічено наявність трансформаційних процесів упродовж становлення незалежності України до сьогодні. Висновки та обговорення. Наукова новизна одержаних результатів полягає у виокремленні та систематизації характерних факторів розвитку й гальмування створення системи стратегічного управління в галузі культури. Виділено чотири класифікаційні групи регіонів, що дає змогу ухвалювати рішення про доцільність подальших інвестицій у розвиток культури. Використання запропонованих підходів та практичних рекомендацій дозволить підвищити ефективність стратегічного управління в галузі культури.
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Introduction. Nowadays Ukraine, along with other countries of the world, defines education as a strategic and one of the most important goals of the state. Thus, a young person who has graduated is considered more competitive in the labor market, since he has the complex of skills and knowledge that shape his potential. Such a potential, first of all, should be the basis for a significant improvement in the economic and social situation both individually and society as a whole. In the framework of providing quantitative and qualitative characteristics of human potential, the relevance of the study of modern problems in the management of the educational system is increasing. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the main steps and actions of the state in shaping the policy of managing the educational process in Ukraine. In this study we used empirical and systematic approaches, according to which the processes of formation of the policy of management of educational process, which are being used today, are analyzed in the interconnection and development. Economic and statistical methods are also used. Results. The modern system of educational process management is investigated, the level of efficiency of the state reform of decentralization is determined in the educational sector. The problem of the catastrophic isolation of the education system from the labor market is revealed. The expediency of the use of tools for the implementation of the dual education system for the solution of this problem is substantiated. Conclusions and discussion. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is to distinguish the main directions of the formation of the policy of public administration in the educational process. The use of the proposed approaches and practical recommendations will improve the quality of education and reduce the level of youth unemployment.
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Introduction. The urgency of the humanism problem is conditioned by its great influence on the evolution of cultural and historical reality, a significant place in the society’s management, and the urgent need to create favorable conditions for self-preservation of human essence, a stable balance between man and nature, man and society. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of humanism as a philosophical category and socio-cultural phenomenon in the society’s management, which will provide an opportunity to create a reliable methodological base for the construction of a humane society. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical principle of cognition, systemic, historical, cultural approaches to the study of socio-cultural phenomena and processes in society. Results. The essence of humanism as a philosophical category, ideological paradigm and the management phenomenon has been revealed; the anthropological and sociocultural conditions of the humanistic ideas evolution have been investigated and the mental features of the cultural epochs that determine the originality of humanism forms and humanistic management have been revealed; the cultural-historical types of humanism, humanistic management and the potential of their synthesis in the modern world have been determined. Conclusions and discussions. Scientific novelty of the research results is to deepen the understanding of the humanism essence as a philosophical category and sociocultural phenomenon in the management of society’s life, as contradictory unity and mutual struggle of various humanistic opposites in the context of changing civilizational cycles, cultural and civilized differences. The practical significance of the obtained results is manifested in the possibility of their use in the management activity of society, as well as in the addition of scientific theory and philosophy of humanistic management with new provisions on humanism as the basis of modern management system.
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Актуальність. Сьогодні навчальні інституції активно впроваджують засоби дистанційного навчання. Ці рішення забезпечують доступність навчальної інформації та зручність її отримання. Не використовувати дані засоби – означає залишатися на узбіччі прогресу. Мета і методи. Мета статті полягає у виявленні можливостей використання засобів дистанційного навчання майбутніх менеджерів з урахуванням специфіки соціокультурної сфери. Нами використано емпіричний і системний підходи, методи аналізу та синтезу, згідно з якими запропоновано структуру навчально-методичного комплексу для дистанційного навчання у взаємозв’язку його основних елементів і виокремленні специфічних чинників, важливих для підготовки менеджерів соціокультурної сфери. Результати. Основні результати дослідження полягають у виявленні передумов і доведенні необхідності застосування елементів дистанційного навчання у процесі підготовки фахівців-управлінців для забезпечення їхньої максимальної адаптивності до умов навчання та подальшої реалізації набутих компетентностей. Висновки та обговорення. Використання засобів дистанційного навчання забезпечує доступність знань, комфортність їх одержання і нічим не поступається іншим формам навчання. Надалі розглядатимуться питання методики розробки навчальних матеріалів для дистанційного навчання. Наукова новизна результатів у тому, що вперше висунуто структуру навчально-методичного комплексу з урахуванням специфіки діяльності менеджера соціокультурної сфери; одержано подальший розвиток рішення щодо застосування модульної системи у професійній підготовці фахівців. Практичне значення полягає в можливостях застосування наших пропозицій у підготовці менеджерів сфери послуг.
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Introduction. Transformational processes in Ukraine lead to increased public demand for the spread of innovative technologies of social and cultural activity. The measuring of the effects of social and cultural activity is a necessary element of many social and cultural technologies. Formation of the competence to measure social and cultural effects of managers of social and cultural activities requires careful theoretical, methodological and methodical substantiation. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological components of the educational technology of formation the competence to measure of social and cultural effects in system of abilities of future managers of social and cultural activity. In the course of the research a set of fundamental ideas of the activity approach, general systems theory, structural analysis, social, economic and psychological determinism, as well as methods of pedagogical observation, student testing, interviewing and interrogatory, text analysis of student projects were applied. Results. The expediency of profound formation of competence to measure of social and cultural effects in the professional training of managers of social and cultural activity is revealed. The content of social and cultural influence that makes a shift in the life activity of the individual and the society is shown. The concept of social and cultural effects, which exists as a scientific term and is accessible for scientific measurement, has been clarified. Conclusions and discussion. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is the confirmed expediency of pre-emptive mastery of theoretical approaches to measuring social and cultural effects and supplementing the theory of social and cultural activity with new theoretical definitions of the concepts of “social and cultural influence”, “social and cultural effect” and “measurement of social and cultural effects”. The practical significance of the obtained results is reflected in their direct use in the process of training of managers of social and cultural activities.
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No Abstracts
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Introduction. The relevance of the article is due to the current tendencies of rapid development of business processes and the search for universal and effective strategic mechanisms for more effective functioning of social-cultural sphere. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to carry out a thorough theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific provisions on strategic management problems in order to find universal strategic solutions for enterprises in the context of tourism. Scientific analysis is carried out by methods of analysis and synthesis, situational, analytical, comparative and statistical. Results. The multifaceted views of scientists on the concept of “strategic alternatives” are considered. The statistical analysis of the dynamics of the development of the tourist services market in Ukraine is carried out. The role of strategic indicators in the activity of enterprises of the social-cultural sphere through the lens of tourism enterprise is investigated. The interdependence of strategic alternatives and strategic goals of enterprises is proved. Conclusions and discussion. Strategic indicators are one of the most important indicators of the activity of enterprises, the results of which most effectively demonstrate the effectiveness of implementing the current strategy or strategic alternatives. The criteria for selecting strategic indicators, which are universal and can be used by enterprises of different types in the social-cultural sphere, have been systematized. The scientific novelty lies in the argumentation of the interdependence of strategic alternatives and strategic goals on the example of the tourism industry enterprise and the modification of the multi criteria approach to the choice of strategic indicators of organizational and economic development of enterprises. The practical importance of the study in bringing in the level of specific methods and recommendations of a flexible, adaptive mechanism for the formation of strategic alternatives and their optimization.
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Introduction. The relevance of management in the sociocultural field keeps growing nowadays. There’s a need to explore the professional profile of the manager involved in this process, whose activity is to control the storing and distributing of the cultural assets. Purpose and methods. The purpose is a theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of the scientific research on the professional profile of the sociocultural activity manager, which allows to meet the professional demands more effectively and survive at the extremely competitive market. General scientific analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization of the theoretical knowledge have been applied during the research, as well as the experimental terminological analysis, situational, structural, functional and comparative methods. Results. The key duties and functions of the nowadays sociocultural activity manager have been explained. The following components of their professional competence have been defined: sociocultural, technological, managing, marketing, cultural, humanitarian, psychological and politic knowledge; general and special skills, general scientific and professional experience. The personal traits (leadership, will, moral) and communication capabilities (informative, interactive, perceptive) have been revealed. Conclusions and discussion. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in clarification of the notion of the “manager of sociocultural activity” and revealing manager’s professional profile from the perspective of his duties, functions, professional competence, personality traits, communication capabilities and roles, while practical application lies in the direct use of the professional profile by the managers, operating in the sociocultural field, taking into account their individual practice.