In this bachelor thesis, the public transport accessibility in the inner peripheries of Česko in the Ledeč and Zruč regions is analyzed. The regions are located on the boundary of the Vysočina Region and the Central Bohemian Region. The main aim is to thoroughly map the transport linkage in the given are and to explain the role of the regional administrative border and it is border effect. In the first part of the work, a traffic geographical regionalization of the area of interest has been performed based on the frequency accessibility of public transport. The reginalization is subsequently followed by a comparison of supply and demand in the field of public transport. An evaluation of the regional border influence and i tis permeability has also been included in the work. The final part evaluates the public transport accessibility of municipalities. Keywords: transport accessibility, Ledeč region, Zruč region, public transport, inner peripheries
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handle: 11025/31726
This master thesis deals with the topic of protection and promotion of foreign investments and the settlement of investment disputes. With regards to the constant intensification and acceleration of globalization and digitalization of international commerce, this topic remains very current. The thesis intends to present to its reader the general insight into the topic and introduce them into the issue. At the beginning of the thesis, the basic terminology related to the topic is introduced and the thesis presents the relevant legal sources and their development. In the following chapter, it describes the standards of protection typically present in bilateral treaties. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the state´s liability in case of a breach of such standards and the settlement of investment disputes, including the competent bodies. At the end of the thesis, some of the bilateral treaties binding for the Czech Republic are presented and the thesis resumes the selected cases of investment disputes in which the Czech Republic figured. Last of all, the thesis resumes the recent developments in the field of protection of foreign investments not long ago destabilized by the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the challenges for the future, and evaluates the current legal environment with respect to the safety of foreign investments. Diplomová práce pojednává o tématu ochrany a podpory zahraničních investic a řešení investičních sporů. S ohledem na neustálé prohlubování a zrychlování procesu globalizace a digitalizace mezinárodního obchodu je toto téma stále aktuální. Práce má za cíl představit jejímu čtenáři všestranný hled do tématu a jeho problematiky. V úvodu je představena základní terminologie tématu a prameny a vývoj související právní úpravy. V následující kapitole jsou popsány standardy zacházení s investicemi tradičně se vyskytující v bilaterálních smlouvách. Dále práce pojednává o odpovědnosti státu za porušení těchto standardů a způsobu řešení investičních sporů, včetně kompetentních orgánů. Na závěr práce jsou představeny některé z mezinárodních dohod o ochraně a podpoře investic, kterými je Česká republika vázána, a současně práce shrnuje i vybrané investiční spory, v nichž Česká republika figurovala. Závěrem práce shrnuje aktuální vývoj v oblasti ochrany zahraničních investic, destabilizovaný nedávnou judikaturou Soudního dvora Evropské unie, výzvy do budoucna a zhodnocuje současné právní prostředí z hlediska bezpečnosti zahraničních investic. Obhájeno
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The name of this bachelor thesis : Analysis of the mass concentration of airborne dust in the road transport depending on traffic environment deals with measurement of mass concentration of airborne dust i places, which differed both in the amount of traffic and resources in the size of dust particles. Measurement were obtained objective information about influence of different categories of moving vehicles in road transport on air pollution by emissions from non-combustion processes.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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impulse | Average |
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The main objective of this paper was to investigate runoff changes in the catchment Ala-Arca, Alamaedin and Kara-Balta in Kyrgyzstan, as well as change in climate conditions from available stations in the area. The runoff, precipitation, and temperature series were subjected to monthly, seasonal and annual analyses based on available data. Both absolute and relative data homogeneity were verified using statistical tests such as the Mann-Whitney-Pettit test, the SNHT test, and the WiIlcoxon's two- sample test for absolute homogeneity, and the Alexandersson's test for relative homogeneity. The Mann-Kendall test was used to determine the trend in each serie. There were inhomogeneities found in a number of runoff data. In most cases, the changes of rivers Ala-Arca and Kara-Balta were recorded in 1987. Compare to Ala-Arca and Kara-Balta, the changes of river Alamedin were recorded 3 years later, in 1990. There was a positive trend development by the rivers with the glacial-snow regime. However, there was no statistically significant trend for the entire time series. Key words: runoff change, precipitation, temperature, glacial-snow regime, snow-glacial regime, homogenization, Mann-Whitney-Pettit test, trend, Mann-Kendall test, glaciation, Kyrgyzstan, Tien- Shan
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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The aim of the work was to collect information about a manufacturing company as a base for analysis of all the activities performed in relation to marketing concept application. A part of the thesis was dedicated to a survey of competitors operating on the market with light fittings. In my opinion the company has a quality product and is striving for its regular innovation to meet the current requirements of the developing market. The company produces a wide range of light fittings with various functions. The range of products is intended both for domestic use and for industrial applications. A part of the demand on the industrial market is influenced by the demand of end users. The price is set to a low level, which is satisfactory at the moment. The aim is to ensure a market segment for the company. The price as a part of the marketing mix is affected by high competition. As the brand has not developed a strong reputation yet the company is only competitive on the price basis. First it wants to create a segment and a position on the market and then to increase the price. The pricing method is cost-oriented (the price minimum limit). The company should plan the product promotion and should not underestimate the strength of communication. Communication should cover consumers, retailers as well as organizations. The company particularly applies personal communication. It should promote both, its products and the company itself. The company should get into customers? awareness as a supplier of quality light fittings. The distribution system is well designed; however the company should try to penetrate further market spheres, to evaluate distributors and to offer the products through a quality distributor. The distribution strategy corresponds with that of a small production company with big customers. The company tries sending large consignments to save transport costs. It particularly motivates customers to buy in bulk by means of quantity discounts.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
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This thesis deals with the possibility of the inscription of the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Vinohrady to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The church is a piece of work of the well-known Slovenian architect Josip Plečnik. The church's nomination is being prepared in cooperation with Slovenia where Plečnik's churches are also aimed to be nominated to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The work is focused on evaluation of outstanding universal value based on which the church meets some established criteria that are essential for the nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Moreover, it also warns about the possible impacts which are closely connected with the inscription to this prestigious list. Thus, it suggests some recommendations which could eliminate those negative consequences. The final part of the work concentrates on proposing some thematic projects that strive to connect this church to the religion tourism in the Czech Republic and in Europe. The goal of these projects is to increase the awareness of this church among the public.
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citations | 0 | |
popularity | Average | |
influence | Average | |
impulse | Average |
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This thesis applies the runoff process in ostrovská Bystřice river catchment in Ore Mountains. For this purpose we used runoff precipitation model HEC-HMS. Our specific goal is to model the soil runoff, which is observed on eleven runoff precipitation events in the period 2009 - 2013. We analyzed basic physical characteristics of soils, which occur in observed river basin. The results were afterwards used to set up parameters of studied methods. We found out, that the moisture from antecedent precipitation influences modeling of soil runoff. The antecedent precipitation conditions the change of basic physical characteristic. We disregarded the influence of evapotranspiration and effect of vegetation on soil runoff. For the parameterization we have chosen two methods, which describe soil runoff. It was SCS CN and Green Ampt methods. These two methods have been compared on sample of resulting events. The methods were manually and automatically calibrating. The results showed on the insignificant difference between both observed methods. No better significant predicative capacity was manifested for one or other methods. Key worlds: soil runoff modeling, SCS CN, Green Ampt, HEC-HMS, infiltration
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citations | 0 | |
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Diploma thesis deals with competencies of local municipalities in social inclusion policy. Social exclusion is a key phenomenon of contemporary policy, and municipalities play an important role in such policy. Though, municipalities often tend to fail in their role. The thesis describes and analyse the competencies of local governments and tries to set up and ideal local inclusion policy: a complete set of possible measures that a municipality can use in dealing with social inclusion. This ideal is further on used in two case studies: formative evaluation of local policies in two small towns in South Bohemia. The result is interpreted in perspective of social construction of target groups theory, explaining why do or do not municipalities use concrete inclusive measures. Powered by TCPDF (
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Soil contamination by risk elements is a serious problem. There are available remediation methods, using plants to remove these elements from soil. Plants for our experiments were grown on contaminated soil of Příbram area. Biomass of these plants was used to prepare biochar, which could be used then as a soil additive and due to its characteristics, can be able to immobilize risk elements in soil. The experiment was focused on the biochar preparation. There was observed the effect of the type of biomass and the final temperature on specific surface area and yield of biochar: properties limit its application as a soil additive. While the final temperature increased, the specific surface area increased and the yield of biochar decrease. The highest surface area was found at biochar from wood mixture.
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Green |
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Ecological footprint (EF) is a concept to measure anthropogenic influence of individuals, regions, states and society on environment, which is expressed by units of global hectares (gha). Global hectares are calculated from the equivalent number of hectares of biologically productive area, which ensure the needs of person, cities, regions or states. The calculation includes all the anthropogenic activities using renewable natural resources. EF also examines and quantifies the area needed for carbon sequestration. EF is calculated from six land use types - cropland, grazing land, forest for timber and fuelwood, fishing grounds, built-up land and forest for carbon dioxide uptake. Plants, as participants in a number of important processes on the Earth and the base of the food pyramid, can significantly modify the final EF through the value of their net primary production (NPP). Yield factors and equivalence factors are used to transfer different areas productivity (forest, cropland, grazing land, etc.) to get land use types in global hectares. The aim of the present thesis is to make a review of the concept of ecological footprint and its calculation methodology especially the effect of variability in NPP of plants in ecosystems. The influence of ongoing global climate change can affect NPP of plants and this...
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In this bachelor thesis, the public transport accessibility in the inner peripheries of Česko in the Ledeč and Zruč regions is analyzed. The regions are located on the boundary of the Vysočina Region and the Central Bohemian Region. The main aim is to thoroughly map the transport linkage in the given are and to explain the role of the regional administrative border and it is border effect. In the first part of the work, a traffic geographical regionalization of the area of interest has been performed based on the frequency accessibility of public transport. The reginalization is subsequently followed by a comparison of supply and demand in the field of public transport. An evaluation of the regional border influence and i tis permeability has also been included in the work. The final part evaluates the public transport accessibility of municipalities. Keywords: transport accessibility, Ledeč region, Zruč region, public transport, inner peripheries
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handle: 11025/31726
This master thesis deals with the topic of protection and promotion of foreign investments and the settlement of investment disputes. With regards to the constant intensification and acceleration of globalization and digitalization of international commerce, this topic remains very current. The thesis intends to present to its reader the general insight into the topic and introduce them into the issue. At the beginning of the thesis, the basic terminology related to the topic is introduced and the thesis presents the relevant legal sources and their development. In the following chapter, it describes the standards of protection typically present in bilateral treaties. Furthermore, the thesis deals with the state´s liability in case of a breach of such standards and the settlement of investment disputes, including the competent bodies. At the end of the thesis, some of the bilateral treaties binding for the Czech Republic are presented and the thesis resumes the selected cases of investment disputes in which the Czech Republic figured. Last of all, the thesis resumes the recent developments in the field of protection of foreign investments not long ago destabilized by the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the challenges for the future, and evaluates the current legal environment with respect to the safety of foreign investments. Diplomová práce pojednává o tématu ochrany a podpory zahraničních investic a řešení investičních sporů. S ohledem na neustálé prohlubování a zrychlování procesu globalizace a digitalizace mezinárodního obchodu je toto téma stále aktuální. Práce má za cíl představit jejímu čtenáři všestranný hled do tématu a jeho problematiky. V úvodu je představena základní terminologie tématu a prameny a vývoj související právní úpravy. V následující kapitole jsou popsány standardy zacházení s investicemi tradičně se vyskytující v bilaterálních smlouvách. Dále práce pojednává o odpovědnosti státu za porušení těchto standardů a způsobu řešení investičních sporů, včetně kompetentních orgánů. Na závěr práce jsou představeny některé z mezinárodních dohod o ochraně a podpoře investic, kterými je Česká republika vázána, a současně práce shrnuje i vybrané investiční spory, v nichž Česká republika figurovala. Závěrem práce shrnuje aktuální vývoj v oblasti ochrany zahraničních investic, destabilizovaný nedávnou judikaturou Soudního dvora Evropské unie, výzvy do budoucna a zhodnocuje současné právní prostředí z hlediska bezpečnosti zahraničních investic. Obhájeno
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citations | 0 | |
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The name of this bachelor thesis : Analysis of the mass concentration of airborne dust in the road transport depending on traffic environment deals with measurement of mass concentration of airborne dust i places, which differed both in the amount of traffic and resources in the size of dust particles. Measurement were obtained objective information about influence of different categories of moving vehicles in road transport on air pollution by emissions from non-combustion processes.
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citations | 0 | |
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The main objective of this paper was to investigate runoff changes in the catchment Ala-Arca, Alamaedin and Kara-Balta in Kyrgyzstan, as well as change in climate conditions from available stations in the area. The runoff, precipitation, and temperature series were subjected to monthly, seasonal and annual analyses based on available data. Both absolute and relative data homogeneity were verified using statistical tests such as the Mann-Whitney-Pettit test, the SNHT test, and the WiIlcoxon's two- sample test for absolute homogeneity, and the Alexandersson's test for relative homogeneity. The Mann-Kendall test was used to determine the trend in each serie. There were inhomogeneities found in a number of runoff data. In most cases, the changes of rivers Ala-Arca and Kara-Balta were recorded in 1987. Compare to Ala-Arca and Kara-Balta, the changes of river Alamedin were recorded 3 years later, in 1990. There was a positive trend development by the rivers with the glacial-snow regime. However, there was no statistically significant trend for the entire time series. Key words: runoff change, precipitation, temperature, glacial-snow regime, snow-glacial regime, homogenization, Mann-Whitney-Pettit test, trend, Mann-Kendall test, glaciation, Kyrgyzstan, Tien- Shan
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citations | 0 | |
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The aim of the work was to collect information about a manufacturing company as a base for analysis of all the activities performed in relation to marketing concept application. A part of the thesis was dedicated to a survey of competitors operating on the market with light fittings. In my opinion the company has a quality product and is striving for its regular innovation to meet the current requirements of the developing market. The company produces a wide range of light fittings with various functions. The range of products is intended both for domestic use and for industrial applications. A part of the demand on the industrial market is influenced by the demand of end users. The price is set to a low level, which is satisfactory at the moment. The aim is to ensure a market segment for the company. The price as a part of the marketing mix is affected by high competition. As the brand has not developed a strong reputation yet the company is only competitive on the price basis. First it wants to create a segment and a position on the market and then to increase the price. The pricing method is cost-oriented (the price minimum limit). The company should plan the product promotion and should not underestimate the strength of communication. Communication should cover consumers, retailers as well as organizations. The company particularly applies personal communication. It should promote both, its products and the company itself. The company should get into customers? awareness as a supplier of quality light fittings. The distribution system is well designed; however the company should try to penetrate further market spheres, to evaluate distributors and to offer the products through a quality distributor. The distribution strategy corresponds with that of a small production company with big customers. The company tries sending large consignments to save transport costs. It particularly motivates customers to buy in bulk by means of quantity discounts.
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citations | 0 | |
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This thesis deals with the possibility of the inscription of the Church of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord in Vinohrady to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The church is a piece of work of the well-known Slovenian architect Josip Plečnik. The church's nomination is being prepared in cooperation with Slovenia where Plečnik's churches are also aimed to be nominated to the UNESCO World Heritage List. The work is focused on evaluation of outstanding universal value based on which the church meets some established criteria that are essential for the nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Moreover, it also warns about the possible impacts which are closely connected with the inscription to this prestigious list. Thus, it suggests some recommendations which could eliminate those negative consequences. The final part of the work concentrates on proposing some thematic projects that strive to connect this church to the religion tourism in the Czech Republic and in Europe. The goal of these projects is to increase the awareness of this church among the public.